Mr. Matthew Davison was examined (with a view to being recommended as a student in this Church), in Latin, Greek, Mathematics, and on the doctrines of the standards of the Church: with his knowledge of these subjects the Presbytery was amply satisfied, and a certificate to that effect was granted him. Mr. Nicholson laid before the Presbytery his appointment by the Colonial Committee of the Free Church of Scotland, to be minister at Nelson, New Zealand; whereupon the Presbytery appointed Mr. Watson to preach at Lowick on the 12th August, and summon the congregation to be present for their interests at an adjourned meeting of Presbytery at Lowick, on the 14th September. The Kirk Sessions were enjoined to present each a Report of the state of religion in their respective congregations, to the Presbytery at its next ordinary meeting, to be held at North Sunderland, on the last Tuesday of November, at twelve o'clock, on which occasion Mr. Murdoch to preach. Agreed to meet at Lowick, on the 14th September, at twelve, noon. SEPTEMBER 14.-The Presbytery met accordingly, and being duly constituted, a letter from the Secretary of the Home Mission Committee, to the Moderator, in regard to some financial affairs, was produced, which the Clerk was instructed gratefully to acknowledge. It was reported that the appointments had been fulfilled at Norham, and a call was laid on the table from the congregation there, to Mr. Alexander Bannatyne, preacher of the Gospel, Newhaven, which call the Presbytery ordered to be duly forwarded to Mr. B., for his consideration. The appointment of Mr. Nicholson, to Nelson, New Zealand, was then put into his hands. Mr. Nicholson declared that he accepted of it, and being urged, gave one or two reasons for so doing. No parties appeared. The members of Presbytery then severally addressed the Court, when it was agreed, without a division, to loose Mr. Nicholson from his charge at Lowick. Reports of the state of Associations within the bounds, preparatory to a Presbyterial Report to the Commission of Synod, were ordered to be given in at an adjourned meeting of Presbytery, to be held at Hide Hill, Berwick, on Wednesday, the 22d Sept., at twelve o'clock, noon. SEPT. 22.-The Presbytery met accordingly at Berwick. The Rev. Mr. Hall, of Crookham, being present, was associated. The Moderator reported that he had received that morning a letter from Mr. Bannatyne, declining the call from Norham which had been duly forwarded to him. The Presbytery appointed supplies for that congregation, with whose disappointment they cordially and deeply sympathized. Appointed Mr. James Watson, preacher of the gospel, to supply that charge during the month of October. Mr. Nicholson to preach and baptize there on Sabbath next. The Committee of Supply for Norham to make arrangements for the month of November. Mr. Munro, of North Sunderland, to preach at Lowick on the second Sabbath of November, and declare the Church vacant. Report of Associations from an Abstract of the returns made. Agreed upon a Presbyterial certificate to Mr. Nicholson, and authorized the Moderator to sign it in name of the Presbytery. The Presbytery agreed that a day of special thanksgiving to Almighty God for his manifold and marked goodness in this bountiful harvest, notwithstanding the many crying sins of the nation, be observed throughout the bounds; they farther deemed it desirable that the day to be observed be the same day which Her Majesty, as is expected, shall order to be observed as a day of national thanksgiving, and enjoin accordingly. The case of Dr. Kalley, and other Protestants who have lately suffered hardships in, and been driven from the island of Madeira, having been brought under notice, it was agreed to present a memorial in their behalf to the Foreign Secretary, and to urge upon his Lordship the duty of the British Government to afford protection to British subjects in the exercise of their religion in foreign parts. A Committee was named to watch over this matter, and to prepare and lay before his Lordship a suitable memorial. Adjourned. The Commission called for the Report of the College Committee, which was given in verbally by Mr. WM. HAMILTON, one of the Conveners, to the effect, that the Committee had done all in their power to procure the translation of Mr. Arnot to the Chair of Doctrinal Theology, but that the Commissioners had failed in inducing the Glasgow Presbytery to consent to his removal; that thereafter overtures were made to a most eminent theologian on the Continent, who, however, saw it his duty to remain at his present post; and that then the interim services of Mr. P. Fairbairn, of Salton, and of Mr. W. Wilson, of Carmylie, Scotland, had been obtained for the ensuing session. Mr. HAMILTON, also, as one of the Treasurers, gave in a verbal report of the College finances, and pressed upon the Church the necessity of increased liberality. It was then moved by Mr. THOMAS GREIG, of Manchester, seconded by Rev. J. R. M'KENZIE, of Birmingham, and agreed to, "That the Reports be received, and the diligence of the Committee approved of." HOME MISSION COMMITTEE. The Home Mission Committee's interim Report was given in by the Rev. D. FERGUSSON, the Secretary, as follows: "Your Committee have little to report beyond the routine of their ordinary business. "Applications have been made and considered, which have been disposed of according to the best of the Committee's judgment. A unanimous tender of the thanks of the Presbytery was made, through the Moderator, "Upon the whole, your Committee are to the Rev. Mr. Hall, for the obliging and inclined to think that the aid-receiving conChristian manner in which he had come for- gregations generally are advancing, by a slow ward to assist them, by ministering at Tweed-progress, towards a less measure of dependmouth, at the desire of the congregation, during Mr. M'Clelland's affliction. The same Mr. Hall duly acknowledged. The Clerk was instructed to prepare and forward to the Commission a Presbyterial ence, in spite of the distress of the bygone season; although, in a few instances, congregational revenues have been found not increased, but diminished. "Your Committee cannot too earnestly press upon the Commission of Synod the necessity of urging upon Presbyteries the duty of circulating through the congregations within their bounds, proper views as to the objects of the Home Mission and Supplemental Funds, as well as of examining minutely into the whole circumstances of every individual congregation, whose application is commended to the favourable notice of the Committee. Applying congregations ought to be told, that to prove a mere deficiency in their revenue is not sufficient to establish a claim, but that the alleged deficiency must be shown to arise, not from the apathy of the congregation, or the indolence of its managers; and Presbyteries should see to it, not merely that the accounts submitted for attestation be accurate, but that the several congregations should, if no satisfactory reason be shown to the contrary, exhibit in their accounts the evidences of increasing exertions and growing liberality. "If Presbyteries were to pay due attention to these duties, your Committee are of opinion, that the time is come for extending the Church by opening and supporting new stations in localities that give promise of early success. "Due attention should be paid to the recommendations issued by the last meeting of Synod. Stations should neither be rashly attempted, nor sought to be established to the detriment of existing interests; but your Committee feel that there is much land in viting the Presbyterian Church to go up and possess it, and that ground, newly broken up, if judiciously selected and well worked, would, in many instances, attain to speedier independence than some of the old stations at present barely saved from dissolution. "This your Committee regard as the field of operations specially their own; and they would rejoice in having their attention from time to time directed to new localities, judiciously chosen, as a field for Presbyterian ordinances, cherishing the hope that thus our Church may be at once extended and strengthened, and the Lord's work advanced amid the masses of unconverted souls who are perishing for lack of knowledge in the land. "And in order that it may be ascertained what is the measure of resources which the Church has it in her power to employ for such enterprises, it be commended to the Commission of Synod, to issue an order to all the Presbyteries of the Church to obtain a statistical and financial return from all the congregations within their bounds as to the present circumstances and future prospects of the existing congregations. "In name and by authority of the Home Mission Committee, "D. FERGUSSON, Secretary. "Liverpool, October 5, 1847." Mr. FERGUSSON, in the absence of the Treasurer, gave in also the Financial Report; from which it appeared, that, although the collections of this year exceed those of last year, there is yet a falling off in all the other sources of revenue, issuing principally from the falling off in donations, in a total diminution of about 1507. in 1847, as compared with 1846. It was then moved by Professor CAMPBELL, seconded by Dr. BROWN, and agreed to:"Receive the Report, approve of the diligence of the Committee, and, in order to obtain the statistics required, appoint Messrs. Chalmers, Mackenzie, and D. Fergusson, a Committee, with instructions to draw up a set of queries on statistics and finance to be transmitted to the various congregations, after being approved of by the Commission, and to report.' SCHOOLS. The Report on Schools was called for, but the Committee had failed to send a Report. Mr. Anderson having for the purpose left the chair (which was taken, p.t., by Mr. D. Fergusson), urged upon the Commission to take steps with the view of securing a grant from Government to such schools as cannot at present procure the school accommodation required by the Minutes of Council. On the Motion of Mr. WM. HAMILTON, seconded by Rev. J. HAMILTON, it was agreed to appoint the Presbytery of London (Mr. Chalmers, Moderator thereof, Convener, and Mr. Anderson, of Morpeth, added thereto) a Committee, with instructions to put themselves in communication with the Committee of Council on Education, with the view of obtaining the desired grant, and with power to add to their numbers." MISSION TO THE JEWS AND HEATHEN. The Rev. J. HAMILTON, Convener, gave in the Report of the Committee on Foreign Missions, to the effect that the Rev. J. C. Burns, after having visited several parts of the Church, had been commended to God by the Presbytery of London, and had sailed for China on the 9th of June last; and that Miss Greig, having been obliged to leave Corfu, in consequence of bad health, the Ladies' Committee had appointed as her successor Miss Mackenzie, who had been long resident in the island, and is highly qualified for the office of female teacher. On the motion of Mr. D. FERGUSSON, seconded by Mr. CHALMERS, the Report was received, and the diligence of the Committee approved of. BURSARY COMMITTEE. Mr. GREIG, the Treasurer, gave in verbally the Report from the Bursary Committee, to the effect that from three individuals in Manchester 50%. had been obtained, and that the Committee were circulating appeals for funds among the wealthier members of the Church. The Report, on the motion of Professor CAMPBELL, seconded by Mr. WM. HAMILTON, was received, and the diligence of the Committee approved of. LANCASHIRE PRESBYTERY. of Lancashire are not present, neither were It was also moved by Mr. D. FERGUSSON, The Roll having been then called, and votes marked, the first motion carried by a majority of thirteen to three, several declining to vote. From which deliverance Mr. Fergusson dissented, for reasons to be given in due time, to which dissent Messrs. Gardner and Cowe adhered. FINANCIAL AND STATISTICAL QUERIES. Ecclesiastical Notices. ISLINGTON NEW CONGREGATION. WE have received various communications relative to the new congregation at Islington, which we do not deem it expedient or necessary to notice in the "Messenger." The unfounded and absurd statement that appeared in a paragraph in the Edinburgh "Witness," viz., that the new charge was sanctioned by the London Presbytery in consequence of irregularity in Mr. Weir's induction at River Terrace, has been contradicted in that paper, and was severely censured at the last meeting of Presbytery by all the members of the Court. The memorialists by whom application was made for the new station, being sanctioned, disclaimed every factious motive, made no reference to any alleged irregularity, and professed to be actuated solely by desire for the glory of God and the good of souls, there being ample field for a second congregation at Islington. We hope therefore that our friends at Riverterrace, and at the new station, will not suffer their Churches to be troubled by any injudicious or injurious reports, raised by parties seeking to sow discord among them. Mr. Chalmers read the queries on the financial and statistical condition of the Church drawn up by the Committee appointed thereanent at last diet. Upon which it was remitted to the same Committee, with the The Rev. Mr. M'Naughten, of Paisley, addition of Messrs. Anderson, Murdoch, preached on Sabbaths the 10th and 17th ult., Miller, and Dr. Brown, with instructions to in the Hall in Upper-street, to crowded and perfect such queries, transmit them to all the delighted audiences. We have elsewhere congregations, obtain answers certified by the directed attention to the admirable discourse several Presbyteries, and from such answers delivered at the opening of this place of to prepare a tabular statement to be sub-worship by the Rev. Mr. Alexander, of Dunmitted to next meeting of Synod. WIGAN. The Commission took up the reference from the Presbytery of Lancashire anent allowing the congregation at Wigan to lapse, and Mr. Gardner was heard in support of the same. Professor Campbell, after reading as part of his speech a memorial from the congregation, signed by forty-seven members, praying the Commission to continue ordinances amongst them, moved that ordinances be maintained at Wigan till next meeting of Synod, in the hope that the congregation will, during that time, by increased energy and liberality, hold out reasons sufficient to induce the Synod to maintain ordinances permanently at Wigan, which, having been seconded by Dr. Brown, was agreed to. Mr. Fergusson gave in, signed by himself and Messrs. Gardner and Cowe, reasons for the dissent he took at last diet; which reasons were received, and ordered to be engrossed. DAY OF THANKSGIVING. The Committee appointed by last Synod to confer with the Presbytery of Lancashire, with the view of promoting peace and harmony among the members of that Presbytery, gave in their Report, through Mr. J. Hamilton, their Convener, to the effect, that, although, after intimation given, they had visited the bounds, and held a meeting with said Presbytery, at which the members present had expressed sentiments full of brotherly On the motion of Mr. J. HAMILTON, kindness; yet, as all the members of Presby-seconded by Mr. J. R. MACKENZIE, it was tery were not present, they had not succeeded agreed that Sabbath, the 17th October, or in accomplishing the end of their appoint- some other more convenient day, should be held as a day of thanksgiving for the late bountiful harvest; ministers being enjoined on that or some other convenient day also to improve the present commercial and monetary crisis of the country. ment. The hour fixed for adjournment being now arrived, the Commission agreed to postpone consideration of the Report till the Commission resumed at five p.m.-Closed with prayer. The Commission having thereafter resolved (and the minutes of this diet having been tocher. At present the pulpit is supplied by the Rev. Mr. Sutherland, of Dumfermline, who is to be followed by the Rev. David Brown, of Glasgow, author of the well-known work on the "Second Advent." LONDON-WALL CHURCH JUVENILE MIS SIONARY ASSOCIATION. THE monthly meeting of this Association, was held in their new school-room, No. 5, Blomfield Street, Finsbury, on the evening of Tuesday, October 12, when an interesting address was delivered to the children of the Sabbath-school, by Mr. Fraser, one of the teachers. It is encouraging to notice the growing interest evinced by the children of this Sabbath-school in the subject of Missions, and the attentive manner in which they listen to the addresses delivered to them on these occasions. Although only a few months in existence, and the children, generally, of the poorer classes, the collecting cards of this Association exhibit a laudable desire to increase the monthly gatherings. It is also particularly pleasing at such meetings, to see the parents accompanying their children, which we cannot regard other wise than a token for good, and that the Lord is owning in some measure these labours of love. "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few," &c. (Matt. ix. 37, 38; Eccles. xi. 6.) WOOLWICH SCHOOLS. WE were present at a very interesting and agreeable Meeting of the Sabbath-schools connected with our Presbyterian Church at THE sealing of the Spirit is, His giving a Woolwich, on Wednesday, October 20. sure and certain testimony to the reality of At that time Charlton Fair is held near that work of grace He hath wrought in our the town, a scene often of much folly and souls, and to our interest in Christ and the wickedness, from which it is as well that promises, thereby satisfying our fears and young people should be kept. The Anta doubts about our estate and condition. Meeting of the schools is therefore held at the time, and in the evening a treat was provided granted by the authorities for the occasi for them in the Town Hall, which was kindly The room was filled, as a large number of the The Commission resumed consideration of the Report of the Committee appointed to confer with the Presbytery of Lancashire, when, after full discussion, it was moved by Professor CAMPBELL, seconded by Mr. J. Flavel. HAMILTON,-"Receive the Report, approve of the diligence of the Committee, but in O Chris tian hinders and troubles thee, o Chris asmuch as all the members of the Presbytery thine own heart? parents and friends of the children were present. The much-respected minister of the church, the Rev. W. M. Thompson, presided, and conducted the devotional exercises. After tea, the business of the evening commenced by Mr. Lindsay, the missionary and superintendent, reading the Report of the present state of the Sunday-schools. There are two schools, one at the church in Woolwich with about 125 children, and the other at New Charlton with from fifty to sixty; in all, about 180 children. The number has doubled during the last six months: the Charlton District School was opened about five months ago. Besides scriptural instruction, the Assembly's Catechism with proofs, and Watts' Catechism are used. The library now contains 200 volumes; and about fifty of the more advanced scholars are in the habit of taking books. One hundred copies of the "Free Church of Scotland Missionary Record for Children" are circulated monthly. The teachers meet once a-week for united prayer and consultation. During the past ten months, the children have collected 37. 178., for missionary objects; of which 17. 5s., has been given to the Home Mission of the English Presbyterian Synod. Three pounds was also collected for the Relief Fund of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. A sum of 37. collected at an evening service at the church, and the balance of the collection for the present Meeting, amounting altogether to about 77., is to be devoted to the purchase of library books for Woolwich and New Charltons chools, and also of prizes for the most deserving scholars. Such is a brief outline of the Report read by Mr. Lindsay. The Rev. Messrs. Macaulay and Cousin, having addressed the Meeting, and expressed their great gratification at the prosperity of the schools, of which so interesting a Report had been given, the remaining funds of the school chest were allotted by the scholars as follows,-to the College Fund, to the Home Mission, to the Chinese Mission, and to Corfu, each 10s. ; to the School Fund of the Synod, 12s., assent to the allocation being signified by all holding up their hands. During the evening, parts of psalms and paraphrases were sung. The children were remarkably tidy and well behaved, and seemed to enjoy the proceedings much. The Woolwich Sunday-schools are fortunate in having very active, efficient, and devoted teachers, whose labours of love we earnestly pray may be abundantly blessed. So far as the outward prosperity of the schools are concerned, the present condition is most encouraging. A more important field for Sabbath-school work there is not anywhere, as a large number of the children belong to the garrison, and are therefore liable to be removed to places less favourable for instruction. The New Charlton School must prove a great benefit to children whose parents are employed in the dock-yard or other Government works in that district. We are very anxious to see a first-rate Presbyterian day-school established at Woolwich, and we hope before long to be able to report progress concerning this most desirable object. Funds have already been subscribed, and arrangements for commencing may be soon contemplated. TRINITY CHURCH, NEWCASTLE. Ir is only three years ago since Mr. Blackwood left the beautiful village of Holywood, and the fellowship of his Belfast brethren, one of the most pleasant charges in the most influential Presbytery of Ireland, and threw himself heart and soul into the service of English Presbyterianism. At its outset his career in Newcastle was encountered by obsta- | The new church is built in Bridge-street, On Friday, the 8th of October, the Rev. James Hamilton, of London, preached in the morning from Rom. xiv. 17, and the Rev. J. A. Wallace, of Hawick, in the evening, from Heb. xii. 22-24. And on Sabbath following, the Rev. Dr. Cooke, of Belfast, preached in the morning and evening from Isaiah xl. 31, and Mr. Hamilton in the afternoon from 1 Tim. i. 15. On the week-day the church was full: on the Sabbath, stormy as it was, hundreds failed to obtain admission. At one or other of the services, most of the Dissenting ministers of the town were present, besides the brethren of Newcastle Presbytery, and many ruling elders and others from Shields and Sunderland, and more distant places. Amongst others we observed the Revs. J. L. Porter, G. J. Duncan, T. K. Anderson, John Fisher, John Storie, J. A. Huie, P. L. Miller, ministers; and among the elders, Dr. Toshach and Mr. Glover, of Shields, Mr. Hay, and Mr. Wake, of Sunderland, Mr. Tait, of Morpeth, Mr. Nisbet, of London, besides many influential members of other communions. And whilst the order and comfort secured during crowded services reflected the utmost credit on the judicious arrangements made beforehand, the concourse showed that a new era has occurred in the Presbyterian history of Newcastle. We understand that the collections amounted to about 1807., and at a sale of ladies' work during the subsequent week a large additional sum was realized. Perhaps there is no town in England where the Gospel is more needed than in Newcastle. Our Church has now four congregations there; and from the able and excellent ministers who preside over them we hope the very best for the interests of Evangelical religion and vital godliness. And now that our esteemed brother, Mr. Blackwood, has entered the beautiful sanctuary, which is alike a monument of his own energy and his people's affection and liberality, we pray that his next happiness may be to see rapidly built up within it a Church of living stones. To the Editor of the English Presbyterian Messenger. DEAR SIR,-No doubt some of our friends will have furnished you with an account of the opening of this beautiful church, yet, as having had the privilege of being present, allow me a few lines to state that my impressions of the whole are most pleasing. I have seldom, if ever, witnessed such a chaste and comfortable building. We have more costly edifices connected with us, but certainly not one in all parts so well adapted to our purposes, with its minister's and session-rooms, reading-room, schools, and beadle's apartments, &c., &c.; and all this at a moderate rate. Certainly the whole reflects much credit on the architect, builders, and the worthy minister and other managers; and I am quite sure that those at a distance who have aided in this work, will, on visiting the place, be more than satisfied, and I think will add a little, and thus help our friends to liquidate the debt still remaining. The discourses at the opening, and the following Sabbath, were all that the best friends of the cause could desire, and the attendance and attention of the people was most gratifying. offerings of the people, too, were liberal, as I am told, for Newcastle (1807.); and having been one of those appointed to receive these offerings, I can vouch for the kindliness with which the people presented them. O, may the presence of Him whose blessing alone can enrich dwell in that beautiful house, and make it the birth-place of many souls, and a place of refreshing for many of the weary and heavy laden. I remain, yours, &c., The JAMES NISBET. 21, Berners-street, October 20, 1847. Missionary Entelligence. BAPTISM OF THREE CHINESE YOUTHS. IN the spring of last year, the Rev. Dr. Legge, one of the London Missionary Society's agents in China, brought to Huntly, his native town, three young strangers, dressed in the costume of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, whose names were Lee Kimlin, Song Hootkiam, and Ung Munsow. They came to this country as catechumens, not having publicly professed their faith in the Christian religion, and, on their arrival at Huntly, were placed under the care of the Rev. Mr. Hill, pastor of the Independent Church and of Mr. Legge, the father of the devoted missionary, with the latter of whom they resided. They attended the parish school, and have made considerable progress in their studies. A short time ago, the Rev. Doctor came again to Huntly, when two of the youths requested to be baptized, and admitted as members of Christ's visible Church. Being satisfied that their knowledge of the Gospel was such as warranted him to take this step, he consented. A few days after, the youngest made the same request, which was granted. Friday the 15th being set apart by the Deacons of the Independent Church as a day of thanksgiving for the late abundant harvest, the ceremony was fixed to take place on that day at the forenoon service. Early on the morning of Friday, the 15th October, people were observed wending their way in the direction of Huntly, and nearly half an hour before the appointed time for commencing worship, the chapel was crowded by a very respectable body of the inhabitants of the surrounding district. Among the clergymen present were the Rev. Messrs. Hill (pastor of the church), Murkart, Banff; Rennie, Culsalmond, and Spence, Oxford, of the Independents; Messrs. Mackay, Huntly, and Smith, preachers of the Free Church of Scotland; Mr. Hall, of the English Episcopal Church, Huntly; and Mr. Walker, of the Establishment. Dr. Legge preached from Acts xiii. 17, a discourse replete with solemn instruction, and peculiarly adapted to the exercises of the day in connexion with the goodness of God, as manifested in the late harvest. Thereafter he addressed the people upon the scene about to take place in their sight, and read answers of the youths to the three following questions which he had proposed to them : 1. Why do you believe Christianity to be the only true religion? 2. Why do you believe you are a Christian ? and 3. What are the principal truths of Christianity? Their answers to these questions were very simple but decided-those of the youngest, Ung Munsow, being more full than the others. Then, turning towards the young strangers, he addressed himself to them, speaking briefly to each, taking first a retrospective glance at what they were when he first knew them, and at the dealings of God with them since that period; and secondly, a prospective glance at the difficulties they would have to encounter when they returned to the land of their nativity. He bade them, however, not to be discouraged, for they were unable of themselves to overcome, yet, like the Apostle, they could do all things through Christ strengthening them. He then, together with Mr. Hill, proceeded to administer the ordinance, the former repeating in Chinese, and the latter in English, the words, "We baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, one God;" then, in the name of the congregation and the Church of Christ, gave them the right hand of fellowship. At this solemn scene, the audience were deeply moved, many shedding tears of gratitude and joy. Before them stood three strangers from the land of Sinim, dressed in the costume of their country, lately idolaters, now far from home, dedicating themselves unto the Lord Jesus, renouncing all their false gods, and in all probability severing the dearest ties of humanity, and entailing on themselves the obloquy of a nation when they returned. In the evening, a prayer meeting was held for the special purpose of commending to God Dr. Legge and his three young disciples, who are soon about to return to China, and imploring the rich and effectual blessing of the Lord on the Mission in that benighted land.-Edinburgh Witness. OLD CALABAR.-WEST AFRICA. Poetry. HYMN FOR THE THANKSGIVING DAY, "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands. Enter WHEN late we knelt before the Lord, Each humbled heart, each tearful eye! And made the fertile showers descend And God in grateful songs adore? And while to heav'n we grateful are, We'll humbly take the portion given; Notices of Books. Salvation by Grace. A Sermon preached at the We are greatly pleased with this sermon on Divine sovereignty in the soul's salvation, of regard to the doctrine, whether to receive or "Salvation, however we may be disposed in to reject it, salvation is of grace every way; all of grace; of grace throughout, from first to last; of grace, not only in its origin by God the Father, and in its execution by God the Son, but of grace also in its application by God the Spirit. When God does bestow faith, and all those saving blessings connected with faith upon any sinner, he bestows them sovereignly; not because of anything in or done by the sinner, but merely of his own free will; for like the potter with his clay, who of the same lump maketh one vessel unto honour and another vessel unto dishonour, so God maketh of sinners vessels of grace or vessels of wrath, as seemneth unto him good, laying hold of one sinner, and making him a monument to the glory of his grace, and passing by another sinner and leaving him as a monument to the glory of his justice."-pp. 19, 20. The doctrines are illustrated by the cases of the conversion of the thief on the cross; of Zaccheus the publican; and of Saul of TarHE that loveth Christ is neither afraid of sus; the first, a notorious criminal, the second, death, nor judgment, nor hell. a notorious worldling, and the third, a notorious THE Rev. Mr. Waddell, with his fellowlabourers from Jamaica, reached Old Calabar in health and safety, on the 19th June, after a voyage of three months. Eyamba, the King of Duke Town, and the sovereign of the country, died on the 14th of May. Eyo Honesty, the king of Creek Town, has been chosen sovereign of the whole country of Old Calabar. It had not been determined who should be king of Duke Town. Society there has been thrown into a state of temporary confusion. Numerous human sacrifices were made for the deceased king, notwithstanding the efforts which Messsrs. Jameson and Edgerley made to stop them. "Are you not in a saved but a condemned state? then blame yourselves and not God for it, and charge home the whole on your sins, and your evil heart of unbelief. God hath no hand in your condemnation; God did not bring you into your present guilty and lost condition, God never made you a child of wrath and an heir of hell. It was your sins that did all this; it was your sins that brought you under the power of the curse, and condemned you; and it is your unbelief, nothing but your unbelief, that now prevents the curse of condemnation being removed. It is God, indeed, that justifieth; but it is unbelief that condemneth. Murmur not, therefore, O sinner, against the Lord Jehovah, for he is just in all his ways, and holy in all his works, and righteous in all his judgments."-pp. 33, 34. If any part of the sermon is defective, it is the concluding exhortation, where sinners are called to "come unto Christ." When sinners have been made plainly to understand and feel, as is done throughout this discourse, their own state of condemnation and helplessness; while they are taught that they of themselves cannot savingly believe or come to Christ, without the gracious drawing of God the Holy Ghost, the preacher ought at the same time to explain, (if it were only for the sake of one anxious inquirer,) what he means by exhorting such dead souls to come to Christ, and how there are appointed means of grace, wherein, like trysting-places, God hath promised to meet them that seek him. Though unable spiritually to come, yet intellectually and naturally they can come as diligent inquirers himself shewed in directing the Jews to come and anxious suppliants. This is what our Lord to him: "Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they which testify of me." To search the Scriptures is one of the things which the sinner can do, and to cry to God for light and grace he can also do; and in the doing of these means, and transforms the seeking and asking things it is that God blesses his own appointed of a child of Adam into the desire and prayer of a child of God. We do most heartily commend this sermon to our readers as an able and eloquent statement of the doctrine of the sovereign, free, and distinguishing grace of God, in the salvation of sinners through Jesus Christ. We only add concerning our new Presbyterian congregation at Islington, that we rejoice that such truth was declared at the opening of their services as a Church of Christ. It is creditable to those who heard it, that they desired its publication; and we trust that they and never suffer any preaching among them will ever hold fast the form of sound words, that does not faithfully set forth "salvation by grace." The Christian's Light Shining to God's Glory. "This discourse of Jesus with his disciples, (the Sermon on the Mount,) has been not improperly termed the Christian's moral code, since it was addressed to them by our Lord for the regulation of all their principles and conduct. I need not point out to you that He has not therein intructed us how a sinner may be justified, but how a saint may show himself to be justified, and may walk worthy of his high and holy calling. Throughout He speaks only to those who, having received the Spirit of adoption, can call upon and trust in God as their reconciled Father."-p. 7. Advertisements. NATIONAL SCOTCH CHURCH, AFTERNOON SERVICE. THERE will be Divine Service in this freshing for a change to hear a true blue There are papers on Popery in Ireland, the settlement of Otago in New Zealand, notes on Canada by Rev. Mr. Begg, and other valuable articles. THE IMPORTANCE OF CHRISTIANIZING THE "The Lord Jesus is like the sun, the great fountain of light. Every true Christian is like the moon, enlightened by Him, and reflecting His brightness. As, when the sun is hidden below the horizon, the moon, deriving her mild radiance from him, becomes in his stead the luminary of a dark and benighted world; so, while our blessed Lord is Himself no longer WHEN we think of the importance of the personally manifested, his believing people, the faithful members of his spiritual Church, re- moral and physical condition of the lower ceiving out of the fulness of his effulgent classes to the comfort and prosperity of the brightness, display in themselves the reflection other orders which enter into the composition of His glory. They are the light of the world. of the commonwealth, and of the chain of It is important for us to remember this. concatenation in virtue of which the interests It is important for us continually to bear in of the highest in the land are dependent mind that we all have, each according to the upon the character of their inferiors, it is grace given unto him, our light. If any man be without light, he must be still in darkness, surely an object of the most profound paand therefore under the dominion of the triotism, as well as of the purest philanthropy, Prince of the power of darkness. If we be wisely to consider their state. În devising a Christ's we must have the Spirit of Christ scheme for their amelioration we are consulting dwelling in us; and the Spirit giveth light- not merely for their good, but for the good of the light of truth, the light of love, the light society in general; we are strengthening the of holiness. Hence it is a false humility, which basement of the political edifice, and rearing inclines a believer to allege that he has no light. Thereby he dishonours his Divine Mas-surrectionary violence. We are making proa munition of rock against the surges of inter, and virtually contradicts his own profession vision for the peace of the community and Rather ought each thankfully to acknowledge for the undisturbed regularity of its complithe measure which he has already received, and earnestly seek for more. We ought humbly cated movements. We are urging on the and gratefully to praise God for the grace march of that progressive improvement in which he has bestowed upon us; and so we worth and in intelligence to which the poor may expect an increase of grace."-p. 9. are destined to advance, and carrying them forward to that consummation of economic prosperity in which they will find a loftier level. Above all it is cheering to think that by the process which we are endeavouring to recommend, their moral excellence may be enhanced, and while their interests for time are upholden, their preparation for eternity may be promoted. We read that the hand of the diligent maketh rich, whilst drowsiness will cover a man with rags. And contemporaneously with industry for time, industry for eternity may be practised and cultivated. The man who is exercised amid the trials of laborious workmanship may have all those moral energies most prosperously in training, in virtue of which the disciple of the Saviour, amid the temptations and the hardships of a present world, lives for the immortality which is beyond it, and amid the distresses and privations of his earthly pilgrimage may he look calmly onward to the land of everlasting blessedness, where the weary are at rest. The very maxims that teach him aright to labour | for the meat that perisheth, will teach him to labour for the meat that endureth for ever, for godliness is profitable unto all things having the promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.-The Rev. D. Munro, North Sunderland, Northumberland. "I need not tell you, my brethren, that to make a profession of Christianity boldly, yet meekly, oftentimes requires a large measure of divine grace. In the presence of profane and wicked persons, who make a scoff at godliness, how frequently would our deceitful hearts persuade us that we do well to be silent, when Christian faithfulness demands of us to stand forth as witnesses of the truth, and fearlessly Lowe's Magazine for October. Edinburgh: Lowe, THE first treatise in this number is on "the The Free Church Magazine for October. John THIS number contains some capital articles. THE BRUISED REED.-I would not put you off a sense of wretchedness. Hold on! Christ never yet slew a sighing, groaning child; more of that would make you won goods, and a meet prey for Christ.-Rutherford. * attend. THE On the First of November, HE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW. 1. Lord Lindsay's Christian Art. 4. The Abuses of Jury Trials. 5. Dr. Wilson's Lands of the Bible. Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy. London: Hamilton, NISBET'S SERIES OF TRACTS. JAM 16. The OLIVE. 14d., or 10s. 6d. per 100. 17. The TROPICS and the POLES. 1d., or 10s. 6d. per 100, clear type, and well adapted for general circula- 18. The ROCK. 1d., or 10s. 6d. per 100. 1. The MANIFOLD GRACE of GOD. 14d., or 10s. 6d. per 100. 2. GOD IS LOVE. 1d., or 10s. 6d. per 100. SINNER. Id., or 7s. per 100. 3. The MEETING-PLACE of GOD and the 4. HAVE YOU PEACE WITH GOD? Id., or 78. per 100. 5. CONVICTION NOT CONVERSION. ld., or 7s. per 100. 6. CHRIST OUR KING. 1d., or 7s. per 100. 7. The TRUE WITNESS. 1d., or 10s. 6d. per 100. 8. The GOOD and BAD PRAYER. 1d., or 10s. 6d. per 100, the CURE. 14d., or 10s. 6d. per 100. 9. ISRAEL'S WEARINESS-the CAUSE and or 10s. 6d. per 100. 11. LIVING WATER for the THIRSTY. 1d., or 7s. per 100. 12. A BELIEVED GOSPEL. 1d., or 7s.(per 100. J. N. and Co. have now on sale the Watton Tracts; several numbers having been reprinted, the whole may now be had. 78. WATTON TRACTS. 1. WHY ARE YOU SO ANXIOUS? ld., or 2. CONVERSATIONS on CONFIRMATION. 2d., or 14s. per 100. 3. The GLEANERS. 1d., or 78. per 100. 4. The LORD'S SUPPER. ld. 5. COTTAGER'S FAMILY PRAYERS. ld.* This is also printed in large type, price 2d., or 14s. per 100. 6. The RETURN of CHRIST. 1d. 7. WHAT DOES the BIBLE SAY of the POOR? 1d. 8. The RIGHT of the POOR. 1d. 9. CONVERSATIONS on BAPTISM. ld. 10. WHAT CAN I DO FOR OTHERS? 11. I PAY EVERY ONE THEIR DUES. 1d. 12. The BENEFITS of SICKNESS. 1d. 13. A WORD to CABMEN. 14. A QUIET NEIGHBOUR. 1d. 15. MAY and MUST. 1d. ld. 1d. 16. The EMPTY CHURCH and the FULL POWER OF HABIT.-He that goes on from 17. WALKS to the TURNIP FIELD. ld. 18. On the CREED. 1d. 19. PEACE at HOME. ld. |