COBBIN'S BIBLE ALMANAC FOR 1848, LATELY PUBLISHED, BY JAMES NISBET AT THEIR SELECT THEOLOGICAL CIRCULATING LIBRARY, 21, BERNERS-STREET, Second Edition, post 8vo., cloth, with Illustrations, price 8s. 6d., important features. price Sixpence, will be ready with the November Magazines, and will contain several new and A COMMENTARY on the BOOK of Amongst the pictorial embellishments will be several interesting Biblical THE TEXT-BOOK AND SANCTUARY REMEMBRANCER, intended to assist in the retention COBBIN'S BEAUTIFUL QUARTO EDITION OF BARNES' NEW TESTAMENT. MATTHEW to CORINTHIANS. With Headings, Improved Readings, and a Biographical Sketch of the Author. Three Maps and Engravings, 816 pp., 15s. cloth. Eight vols. of Cobbin's Complete Edition, 12mo., at 2s. and 2s. 6d. each. The Public are reminded that these Editions have the Author's Cordial Approval; and the sole Copyright of the remaining Volumes being purchased for Cobbin's Editions, no other English Publisher can possibly reprint them. THE SANCTIFICATION OF THE SABBATH BY MINISTERS OF VARIOUS DENOMINATIONS. Price 8s. per hundred for distribution; or single copies, Twopence each. Now ready, Numbers I., II., and III., No. I. The DIVINE AUTHORITY and PERMANENT OBLIGATION of the SABBATH. By Rev. RALPH WARDLAW, D.D., Glasgow. No. II. TRACES and INDICATIONS of the PRIMITIVE SABBATH in MANY of the INSTITUTIONS and OBSERVANCES of the ANCIENT WORLD. By Rev. JOHN JORDAN, Vicar of Enstone, Oxon. No. III. The SABBATH not a mere JUDAICAL APPOINTMENT, with examination of the more prevalent fallacies by which it has been attempted to show that the Sabbath Law has been abolished The remainder of the Series will appear at short intervals. DR. CHALMERS' POSTHUMOUS WORKS. On the First of November, in demy 8vo., Vol. I., price 10s. 6d., bound in cloth, OR, DAILY SCRIPTURE READINGS. BY THE LATE THOMAS CHALMERS, D.D., LL.D. BEING THE COMMENCEMENT OF DR. CHALMERS' POSTHUMOUS WORKS. EDITED BY THE REV. W. HANNA. THE Works of Dr. CHALMERS now proposed to be presented to the public, have been left by their lamented Author in a state of much greater preparedness for the press than is usual with posthumous publications. They differ also for the most part both in substance and in style from any of his previous productions. The greater portion of them are of a practical and devotional character, couched in the most familiar forms of expression, and divested of all formality of arrangement. In detail, they will consist of the following Compositions : : I. HORAE BIBLICAE QUOTIDIANAE.-DAILY SCRIPTURE READINGS. Commenced by the Author in October, 1841, and continued till the time of his decease. The Books embraced are from Genesis to Jeremiah, inclusive. II. HORAE BIBLICAE SABBATICAE.-SABBATH MEDITATIONS on the Holy Scriptures. These begin with Genesis, and are continued down to the 2d Book of Kings. They embrace also the whole of the New Testament. III. THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTES.-The DIVINITY LECTURES of Dr. Chalmers, prepared for the press by himself. IV. LECTURES ON BUTLER'S ANALOGY. V. DISCOURSES-Hitherto unpublished, and selected from the beginning to the end of his ministry. Prospectuses, with Specimen pages, may be obtain ed of all Booksellers in the United Kingdom; and LEVITICUS; By the Rev. ANDREW A. BONAR, Author of "Memoirs of Rev. Robert M'Cheyne," Also, by the same Author, In foolscap 8vo., price 5s. cloth boards, CHRIST'S PRE-MILLENNIAL ADVENT. By the Rev. HORATIUS BONAR, Kelso. Eighteenth Thousand, 18mo., price 2s. cloth bds., Just published, Second Edition, 18mo., price 1s. 6d. cloth; ls. sewed, MEMORIALS of the Rev. JOSIAS WILSON, late Pastor of the English Presbyterian Church, River-terrace, Islington. Consisting of the Funeral Sermons and Addresses by the Rev. JAMES HAMILTON, of Regent-square; Rev. JAMES MORGAN, D.D., of Belfast; Rev. WILLIAM NICOLSON, of London Wall; Rev. WILLIAM CHALMERS, of George-street, Marylebone. Also, just published, Third Edition, 12mo., cloth, price 4s., A TREATISE on ASTRONOMY; displaying the Arithmetical Architecture of the Solar System, the Change of the Seasons, Eclipses, the Tides, the Sideral Heavens, and a Plurality of Worlds with an Appendix, embracing an account of the Discovery of the Planets Neptune, Astrea, and Iris, with a Description of Lord Rosse's Large Reflecting Telescope, and its Sideral Revelations. By E. HENDERSON, LL.D., &c. Embellished with numerous Engravings. Also, A Large Assortment of the PSALMS and THE great thing in the Church is Christ, the eternal deity of Christ, the blood of Christ, the Spirit of Christ, the presence of Christ among us. The great thing is Christ, but there is also advantage in a certain government of the Church. I am a Presbyterian, not only of situation, but of conviction and choice. Our Presbyterian way is the good middle way between Episcopacy on the one side, and Congregationalism on the other. We combine the two great principles that must be maintained in the Church-Order and Liberty: the order of government, and the liberty of the people.--MERLE D'AUBIGNE. EXTRAORDINARY SALE AT LIVERPOOL. WE were somewhat startled by reading on the 9th of November, the following announcement: Rodney-street Scotch Church, Liverpool, was yesterday sold to the Wesleyan body for 4,2007." We deem it our duty to put our readers in possession of the facts of this case, and to direct their attention to other matters connected therewith. At the time of what is called the Disruption in the Scottish Church, in consequence of the interference of the Civil Courts of Law with the appointment of ministers, and other spiritual functions of the Ecclesiastical Courts, the faithful clergy preferred to give up their State endowments, and the people the advantages of State connexion, rather than surrender those constitutional rights and Christian privileges that were sought to be wrested from them. The noble spectacle then was witnessed, of more than a third of the ministers giving up their earthly all for conscience sake, and the great body of the people, with generous devotion, coming forward with the means of maintaining the venerated Church of Scotland on its own constitutional and historical ground, although the pecuniary support of the Government should be withdrawn. The result of this movement is now matter of history. The Free Church has already, within four years, become, in point of fact, as well of principle, "the Church of Scotland: " it numbers everywhere the majority, and in some parts (perhaps in the whole of the Highlands) ninetenths, if not nineteen-twentieths of the population; its income greatly exceeds that of the entire Church before the Disrup tion; The influence of an event like this could sacrifice for conscience to be great folly, and the preference of principle to worldly interest to be great weakness. We are thankful to God that out of all the Presbyterian Congregations in England, only four or five ministers, with the majority of their people, do take the side of the Established Church against the Free Church of Scotland! Those who are best acquainted with the few exceptions are not surprised at their occurrence. But while the majority in most of our Churches are right-minded in this matter, it is naturally to be expected that a minority in others than these four or five congregations see differently. The Scotch Churches in England had never any actual connexion with the Kirk of Scotland; the ministers had no seat in the Ecclesiastical Courts, and the State never recognised any interest in the Establishment privileges enjoyed by Presbyterian Congregations in Scotland. The Scotch Churches in England were on the same footing as any other Dissenting chapels, although they professed to be connected with the Established Church of Scotland. In cases where any such allusion exists in the lease or title-deeds, a handle there is for lawyers to lay hold of, and for Scotchmen, such as those to whom we have alluded, taking advantage of. This is the point at which the proceedings, resulting in the sale of Rodney-street Church, took rise. A large and respectable Presbyterian Congregation worshipped in that Church (the cost of which was about 14,000) at the time of the Disruption; when the minister, along with the majority of his people, sympathized with the Free Church of Scotland. Some of the members, however, whether from vulgar ideas of its being more respectable, or from what motives we know not, said that they wished to be connected with the Established Church of Scotland,” and 66 threatened law proceedings against the majority. The majority (whether wisely or not it is too late to consider), rather than go to law, ceded the Church to the minority, who got a minister from the Established Church of Scotland to come to them; and the upshot now appears in the sale of Rodney-street Church to the Wesleyans! If this were a solitary instance we should not have mentioned it. But we are told that a similar course was pursued by a miserable minority in the Scotch Church in the North End, Liverpool, in consequence of which it has been sold to a railway company for an Episcopal place of worship. It is said that similar proceedings have been instituted in Chancery concerning other churches, such as Birkenhead Church, St. Peter-square Church, Manchester, and Berwick-on-Tweed Church; which, if carried out, may result in their being brought also to the hammer. In England we have no more concern with the divisions in the Scottish Church than what naturally must be felt by our Scotch members as Christian and patriotic men. The Scotch churches in England, under the jurisdiction of our Presbyterian Synod, have no connexion with Scotland, except that of brotherly sympathy and kindly feeling. And we little envy the spirit of those who would rather see Presbyterian churches in England sold to any bidder, Socialists or Socinians, it might be, than be retained by those who conscientiously consider that the Free Church of Scotland is more in accordance with the history and standards of the Presbyterian Church than is the Established Church in that country. We hope we may have been misinformed as to the institution of Chancery proceedings concerning these other Churches-if it be 80, we must take more public means of having such paltry and discreditable conduct exposed. THE EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE. WE have taken the liberty on several occasions of criticising the proceedings of the Alliance; but never from the time when we first introduced the subject, have we had other than the greatest sympathy with the principles of the movement, and respect for the spirit and feelings of the members. This is surely compatible with differences of opinion as to the course of action pursued as to certain points of the practical working of the design. We have great pleasure in introducing to our readers, and commending to their earnest and affectionate consideration, the following address, which has just been issued by the Committee of Council of the British Organization, on the subject of "United Prayer at the commencement of the year." We append to it a paper on the Alliance, written by an elder of our Church several months since, and which now, at the close of the year, and along with this official appeal, may be inserted more suitably than at a former period. ADDRESS OF THE BRITISH ORGANIZATION. "London, Nov. 5, 1847. "DEAR BRETHREN,-God has instituted an inseparable connexion between the duties and the privileges of his people-between the means and the enjoyments of grace. This is especially true of the duty of prayer. He has been pleased to convert the prompting of necessity and desire into the occasion of commanded fellowship with himself, the Father of Mercies; and with His Son, the | Mediator through whom his benefits are bestowed. "He has attached special promises to special supplications. And there is a peculiar emphasis in the assurance of audience and answer to the united entreaties of his saints. The Lord Jesus has said, 'If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father, which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my there am I in the midst of them.' (Matt. xviii. 19, 20.) name, ، The Brethren who met in London in 1846 to form the Evangelical Alliance, recorded their sentiments on this matter in the following Resolution: That as the Christian union which this Alliance desires to promote can only be obtained through the blessed energy of the Holy Spirit, it be recommended to the members present, and absent brethren, to make this matter the subject of simultaneous weekly petition at the throne of grace in their closets and families, and the forenoon of Monday is suggested as the time for that purpose:-And that it be further recommended that the week beginning with the first Lord's-day in January in each year be observed by the members and friends of the Alliance throughout the world as a season for concert in prayer on behalf of the grand objects contemplated by the Alliance.' At the Conference by which the British Organization was constituted, that resolution was introduced into the fundamental laws. The Executive Council of the Organization have instructed their Committee to call the particular attention of brethren throughout the world, and especially in the British Empire, to the latter suggestion. "If at any time special intercession be demanded, it is at the present. The year which it closes leaves on its records events of strange and momentous character. The emissaries of irreligion, superstition, and infidelity have been busily at work among the people of this land. On the Continent the heralds of the truth have stood in the midst of convulsions requiring firm principles and strong faith. "A long and trying conflict appears to lie before the faithful. Concerning its end no believer doubts that it will advance His glory who ruleth over all, and maketh even the wrath of man to praise Him. But while the battle rages-to abide stedfast in his post, to endure hardness, to overcome the world, to resist the devil-must be the concern of the sincere servant of God. "Such is not the time for fellow-pilgrims to wander in scattered companies over the plain. For their very salvation they must consolidate their ranks, and keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. Cardinal principles, precious hopes, are at stake; and they must not be sacrificed for mutual jealousies and strifes. "No member of Christ's body can be guiltlessly inactive while formalism, superstition, infidelity, latitudinarianism, and profaneness are setting in with renewed and menacing activity, under every form of covert and avowed operation, upon a thoughtless world and a trembling Church. And if the people of the Lord yield not to the impulse of love, they may have to feel the constraint of necessity, urging them into closer and more manifest unity for the defence of the Gospel. heritance. Does the enemy come in like a flood? The Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.' (Isa. lix. 19.) Is the progress of pure and undefiled religion impeded or endangered ?Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me. (Isa. xlv. 11.) To reassure those who are humbled because of their insufficiency, all-sufficiency for all things is guaranteed through the power of the Holy Ghost. For this God will be inquired of; and when inquired of, their Advocate will not fail thoroughly to plead their cause.' Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.' (John xvi. 23, 24.) It was when the infant Church all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, and while ‘they were all with one accord in one place,' that they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, (Acts i. 14; ii. 1, 4,)-and thus were prepared to extend the word of life among the nations. ، "Permit us, therefore, affectionately to remind you of the annual engagement contemplated by the resolution to which we have referred. We trust that you will be able in every place to gather around the throne of grace many of the Lord's people, not excluding those who, though they hesitate to join the Alliance, may be inclined to embrace this opportunity of showing their love to the saints. We desire that the thousands of Israel should put him in remembrance who is the only resource in the cloudy and dark day. 66 May we have grace in all these exercises to subordinate the minor arrangements which distinguish the sections of the Christian confederation to the greater principles in which we are agreed! It is because of these that the enemies of our God and of his Christ make common cause against us. Important though our methods of administration be, in their proper relations-what are they in comparison of the ark of God and the cross of Christ? ،، of Beloved, pray without ceasing, with united importunity, with expecting faith; that the overflowings of error, and delusion, and wickedness may be restrained; that the adversaries may be subdued by the power grace; that the perturbations of kingdoms, and the strivings of the people, may be made subservient to the triumph of the King of kings and Lord of lords; and that the whole Church may receive those abundant measures of grace by which it will be prepared for earnest co-operation in every work of faith. So love shall abound and truth prevail. shall soever "The posture of humble dependence, of earnest entreaty, is the best preparation for duty and trial. For all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer believing, ye receive.' (Matt. xxi. 22.) What things ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.' (Mark xi. 24.) Therefore, this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us: and if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.' (1 John v. 14, 15.) "In this confidence come before God. Consecrate the beginning of the year to your Lord, and to you it shall be a happy year. “But--a united Church will be powerless Plead that it may be to the whole Israel of against these adversaries unless animated and God a year of enlarged prosperity. May sustained by the Holy Spirit of promise.the eyes of the Lord be always' upon you We are invited to urge our claim to his and upon all the saints, from the beginning benediction as part of our covenanted in- of the year unto the end of the year." (Deut. WHAT GOOD HAS THE EVANGELICAL THIS question has been often asked. The But the good which has been done by the meetings of the Alliance is not to be measured by the skeleton of its transactions and resolves which has been exhibited and that only in fragments-through the medium of the public press. Had these Reports been much more copious than they are, they must yet have failed to convey any idea of the spirit that pervaded its assemblies. No one who attended them from the first gathering at Liverpool, in October, 1845, can doubt that, in various ways, great good has already been done, and that nobler fruits will yet be produced through light being poured from on high on the path of the Alliance in its future progress. We would here simply adduce one mode in which the discussions at the meetings of the Alliance were calculated to work a mighty good, and which, just because it is not apparent, is in a great measure lost sight of. We allude to the opportunity there given of eliciting the opinions of men of varied and high acquirements on important subjects of Divine truth, and to the result which these exhibitions of Divine truth are likely to produce, and have, we believe, already effected. When and where have there ever been such assemblies convened? Could any one who enjoyed the privilege of being there, doubt that the devotional exercises-those fervent and continued pleadings for the presence of the Spirit of Truth and Love, which in so special a manner distinguished these meetings-remarkably prepared the minds of the members for giving an unprejudiced attention to the subjects afterwards considered? Views of Divine truth were then brought out which were new to many who were present, and which will form subject of after-thought, and work like leaven in the minds of those who heard them. And is not this just the way in which the various sections of the Church of Christ may hope to attain to greater unity of faith? And were not many who were present on these occasions made to feel that surely they were fitting seasons for the promise of the Lord to be realized, that " He would send the Spirit of Truth to guide into all truth?" We believe that no inconsiderable benefit has already been done by the meetings of the Alliance in awakening a spirit of inquiry in the minds of many. All who attended them can testify to the remarkable freedom with which discussions on subjects the most important were carried on, and to the excellent spirit which pervaded these discussions as a whole. No better opportunities have ever been afforded for men of clear and accurate views of Scripture truth stamping the im- Our friends in Scotland have got that THE MASKED POPE. THE present Pope we consider the greatest deception now going. Madame Tussaud, in her wax-work exhibition, tickets him "the benevolent Pope Pius IX;" the newspapers seldom mention him without the prefix of "liberal;" and young Italy hails him as a glorious "Reformer," the "Pater patriæ" as well as the "Papa Ecclesiæ." Even statesmen in the British Parliament, or rather political leaders of parties, (for we have no statesmen in England at present,) have vied in their praises of the distinguished Pontiff who now occupies the chair of St. Peter! And what, after all, is this noise about? What has the liberal and benevolent and reforming Pope done? He thinks railways not bad things, especially if they may increase the revenue of the Pontifical states. He allows the Roman youth to form a National Guard, as it is as well to let them play at soldiers as get into mischief. He has given to the city of Rome a municipal constitution, laymen being admitted to hold office, though the powers of this municipal corporation are less than any petty police board or town council in our country. In secular and political matters he has shown some greater intelligence and wisdom than the dotard who preceded him. But behind this painted mask, with its smile of benevolence and liberality, what features has the religious Head of the Church got? Is Rome changed? Has the infallible Church foregone the practice of all deceivableness of unrighteousness? People who judge the mind from the mask have thought so; but the voice and natural expressions of identity are betraying the cheat to closer observers. The renewed anathema against Bible Societies, and against the circulation of the Scriptures; the encouragement given to the Jesuits in some of their worst enterprises; the denial of toleration to Protestant worship in the Romish states; and now the Papal rescript condemning the Government Scheme of Education in Ireland-these things show the true spirit and temper of the Romish Church as represented by the present Pope. Even the "Times," which has taken the Pope hitherto under its protectorate, now declares— We hope that this deception of Romish liberalism may soon be apparent, and the eyes of men be opened to the true character of the present Pope. He is liberal, merely because, as a man of the world, he sees liberalism to be the order of the day, and the best means therefore of maintaining the power and carrying out the designs of the Papacy. Meantime, however lightly its enemies may think of it, and however jeeringly they may talk of it, the Alliance was most effectively employed when engaged in united and continued prayer, and in "We do not hesitate to say that the declapromoting the spirit of love amongst the ration by which the Pope of Rome and a members of the Church of Christ. Would board of Italian priests have presumed to that there were more meetings of Christians condemn so laudable a design, and endeaof different denominations for such exercises!voured to frustrate its purpose, is the boldest They would be tokens for good, and the stretch of Papal power which has been forerunners of an approximation to oneness in attempted in these islands since the Reformamind and judgment. In the present day of tion." restless activity we are too apt to measure things by the external machinery that is put in operation. But the omnipotence of prayer is unchanged. It is still true, as Foster says, "that the noblest of all human means is that which obtains the exertion of Divine power; so that, if the greater number of the disciples of Christianity were, with an earnest unalterable resolution of each, to combine that heaven should not withhold one single influence, which the very utmost of conspiring and persevering supplication would obtain, it would be a sign that a revolution of the world was at hand." Let all our people combine to hasten on this end by remembering that the Alliance appointed Monday morning as a time for special supplication that the Spirit of Wisdom may be largely given to those who are engaged in this enterprise, and that it may be blest of God for promoting love among the brethren, and for advancing the kingdom of the Redeemer. POST-OFFICE ROBBERIES, AND RAIL WAY ACCIDENTS. cause of the fre WE believe that one of God for the small remuneration connected with the office are not likely in every case to be over conscientious in other matters. Among the subordinate persons employed, such as letter carriers and sorters, whose living altogether depends on their situation, there may be many who deplore the necessity of Sabbath work; and to such it is a hard case to be deprived of their day of holy rest. The Post-offices all over the country may surely be closed on Sunday with as little inconvenience as in the metropolis. The same idea we have regarding railway accidents. There are some railways which do not run trains upon Sundays, and of course the more respectable engineers and sober stokers prefer to be employed on these lines; while those who care least for the laws of God will care least also for the lives or safety of men. If there were more Christian spirit, and even benevolent feeling, among the directors of the English railroads, we should have fewer accidents, because of the employment of superior men. But what can we expect from the directors of whom Mr. Hudson is a type? We lately travelled along with Mr. Hudson to York from Darlington, where he had been laying the foundation stone of a new church. He had the silver trowel in his hand, which, he said, "would make a capital fish knife; and we thought indeed, as he flourished it about, that he would look much more in his place dividing a turbot with it at the next Lord Mayor's dinner at York, than in laying the foundation-stone of a church that day at Darlington. For the place will no doubt be a most orthodox one, and over the altar these words will be emblazoned:-"REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY TO KEEP IT HOLY: SIX DAYS," BUNYAN AND BOSTON. masterly and commanding energy in his hands, and it proved itself mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. But perhaps his unflinching orthodoxy, his unyielding tenacity of certain doctrinal positions of transcendant importance, may have served to foster a prejudice against himself and his writings, the effects of which have not hitherto been conclusively done away. He appears to a multitude of superficial and miscellaneous readers as the very impersonation of gloomy Calvinism, in whom this much scandalized and repudiated creed is seen, invested, and embodied in all its gorgon terrors. But it will be found that the more any individual becomes spiritually acquainted with his Bible the more will he learn to set a high and yet not exaggerated value upon the magnificent moral beauties of Boston; an author who, notwithstanding the vituperation which his peculiar religious sentiments have evoked, exhibits a delightful union of much that is lofty in intellect and elevated and noble in a chaste and Christianized imagination. To the Editor of the English Presbyterian Messenger. DEAR SIR,-I have conjoined these two names because there is a remarkable affinity in point of talent and genius betwixt him who was the great glory of the Dissenting denominations in England in the olden times and our venerable Scottish theologian. Bunyan has recently obtained his full meed of praise, if that was denied him by his contemporaries, who might have been jaundiced by prejudice and incapable of appreciating his merits. The " Pilgrim's Progress," and the other immortal productions of this extraordinary man, have, however, of late received ample, if not superfluous, eulogy in the writings of Southey, and Philip, and Cheever, who have laboured to elucidate the latent beauties of his composition and to illustrate his personal history and profound piety. Perhaps, amid the profusion of compliments which have been heaped upon Bunyan, evenhanded literary justice has not been meted out to one of the greatest and most instructive Numerous passages might be cited from of Scottish divines,-I mean Thomas Boston. his writings in proof of what has now been Boston possessed genius of a very high order; asserted, but it is unnecessary to make such judgment, the depth and reach of which can- quotations. His praise is in all the Churches. not be questioned by any intelligent reader He has been highly valued throughout sucwho is conversant with his writings; an ima- cessive generations, as a scribe well-instructed gination that was brilliantly poetical and in the mysteries of the Gospel, by the poor of richly baptized in Christianity; a clearness this world, whom God hath chosen rich in and acuteness of understanding which ren- faith and heirs of his everlasting kingdom. dered him an admirable casuist in cases of But the learned and the scientific and the difficulty; and there is a vital spiritual literary have not accorded to him that place energy which pervades all his authorship, of pre-eminence which unquestionably belongs an unction of sublimest piety, which could to him as a master in Israel. They rhapsodize only have been derived from his frequent and expatiate on the excellencies of Bunyan, and habitual converse with the upper sanc--and whilst these excellencies are not distuary. He inhaled the atmosphere of heaven puted, may it not be asked, Why should they in the exercise of daily meditation on the not devote some share of their attention and truths of Scripture, and a sacred aroma is admiration to the congenial excellencies of a diffused over his doctrinal discussions and great kindred spirit? for the genius of Boston rich practical applications, which tells us was strikingly analogous to the genius of whence his treasure was supplied. The scrip- Bunyan. They were both imbued with similar tural simplicity of Bunyan's style, the genuine simplicity of heart and integrity of purpose Saxon in which he indites his thoughts, and in serving their heavenly Master. They were which imparts such a charm to his homely both singularly gifted for the duties of the compositions, has been often the subject of sanctuary, and they both shone as lights of praise. Now, in respect to this very quality, the world in the midst of a crooked and Boston will not suffer in comparison with perverse generation. And I repeat, that the him, for never did divine express himself in writings of the Scottish divine in every attrilanguage more consonant with the august bute, whether of piety or of taste, will bear simplicity of Scripture than Thomas Boston. to be advantageously compared with the His thoughts are, moreover, remarkably mas- writings of Bunyan. In this there is no sive and pregnant, replete with the essence of design to derogate from the merits of Bunyan, the odour of that better land to which the to which he is justly entitled as an author. Evangelical truth, and always savouring of or to detract from the praise and distinction Christian pilgrim is travelling, Boston's Boston has indeed written no allegory, but "Fourfold State," the much-loved companion he possessed poetical feelings and sentiments income of at least 10,000l. or 12,000l. per Thesaurus of theology, drawn directly and common equity to the works of a departed of many a Scottish patriarch, is in itself a of a very high order. And, as an act of annum would be used for vigorously prose-immediately from Scripture, and animated worthy, let us ask of the learned and refined of the Lord's-day by railroads and other and enlightened a candid perusal of his public works would be opposed. With the writings, that they may judge for themselves. prayers and Christian influence of the Alliance for while he was mighty in the Scriptures, he We can promise them an intellectual treat; he had little doubt of success. We shall give what aid we can to this good cause, was mighty likewise in his logic and rhetoric, -a workman that needed not to be ashamed, knowing that the battle for England as well as for Scotland is thus begun by our brethren rightly dividing the Word of God.-I am, in the north. By their success, opposition to dear Sir, yours faithfully, the greater host of aggression in England &c. How the directors and shareholders and other masters can respond to this solemn commandment, "Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law," and then force their servants on the railways to work on that day for their gain, is more than we can understand, not having studied at Louvain or Oxford. SABBATH ALLIANCE. OUR readers will be rejoiced to learn that an alliance for the protection of the Sabbath has been formed in Scotland. A public Meeting has been held at Edinburgh, where the sheriff of the county presided, and the leading men of all religious denominations were present. Dr. Candlish remarked that they were determined, with God's blessing, to persevere in this matter, until the sacred privileges of the Sabbath were secured to their land. will be rendered easier. BORROWED BOOKS. An ALL honest persons are requested, before the close of the year, to return to their owners books that have been lent during the past twelvemonths. DAVID'S pen never wrote more sweetly, than when dipped in the ink of affliction.Newton. with a life and an earnestness throughout its up Iand call him blessed. The literary merits of this man of God have not hitherto been adequately appreciated. There may be much that is repulsive to many in the stern and uncompromising, but withal most script did not hesitate to declare the most scriptural, Calvinism of this eloquent whole counsel of God, and that upon points which are most obnoxious and unpalatable to the carnal mind. The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, was wielded with DONALD MUNRO. North Sunderland, Northumberland, Sept., 1847. We wish that some extracts had been sent to illustrate the observations in the letter, without meeting with evidence of what has but no one can open any of Boston's works been stated. "The Fourfold State," and "The Crook in the Lot," we believe no Presbyterian family in our churches can be without the pos session of. If not, we advise them to be got |