صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

forthwith. We quote the following from | If the Mediator interpose not betwixt him | in my time, that wouldn't have been very "The Fourfold State: "__


O SINNER, knowest thou where thou art? Dost thou not see thy danger? The curse has entered into thy soul; wrath is thy covering; the heavens are growing blacker and blacker above thy head; the earth is weary of thee; the pit is opening her mouth for thee; and should the thread of thy life be cut this moment, thou art thenceforth past all hope for ever. Sirs, if we saw you putting a cup of poison to your mouth, we would fly to you, and snatch it out of your hands. If we saw the house on fire about you, while ye were fast asleep in it, we would run to you, and drag you out of it. But, alas! ye are in ten thousand times greater hazard; yet we can do no more, but tell you your danger; invite, exhort, beseech, and obtest you, to look to yourselves, and lament your stupidity and obstinacy, when we cannot prevail with you to take warning. If there were no hope of your recovery, we should be silent, and would not torment you before the time. But though ye be lost and undone, there is hope in Israel concerning this thing. Wherefore I cry unto you in the name of the Lord, and in the words of the Prophet, "Turn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope." (Zech. ix. 12.) Flee to Jesus Christ out of this your natural state. Be awakened then, O young sinner, be awakened, O old sinner, who art yet in the state thou wast born in! Your


security is none of God's allowance, 'tis the sleep of death, rise out ere the pit closes its mouth on you. 'Tis true, you may put on a breastplate of iron, make your brow brass, and your heart as an adamant; Who can help it? But God will break that brazen brow, and make that adamantine heart, at last, to fly into a thousand pieces. Ye may, if ye will, labour to put these things out of your heads, that ye may yet sleep in a sound skin, though in a state of wrath. Ye may

run away with the arrows sticking in your consciences, to your work, to work them away, or to your beds, to sleep them out, or

to company, to sport and laugh them away; but convictions, so stifled, have a fearful resurrection, and the day is coming, when the arrows of wrath shall so stick in thy soul, as thou shalt never be able to pluck them out, through the ages of eternity, unless thou take warning in time. But, if any desire to flee from the wrath to come, and for that end, to know what course to take; I offer them these few advices, and obtest and beseech them, as they love their own souls, to fall in with them. (1.) Retire yourselves into some secret place, and there meditate on this your misery. Believe it, and fix your thoughts on it. Let each put the question to himself, How can I live in this state? How can I die in it? How shall I rise again, and stand before the tribunal of God in it? (2.) Consider seriously, the sin of your nature, heart, and life. A kindly sight of wrath flows from a deep sense of sin. They who see themselves exceeding sinful, will find no great difficulty to perceive themselves to be heirs of wrath. (3.) Labour to justify God in this matter. To quarrel with God about it, and to rage like a wild bull in a net, will but fix you the more in it. Humiliation of soul, before the Lord, is necessary for an escape. God will not sell deliverance, but freely gives it to those who see themselves altogether unworthy of his favour. Lastly, turn your eyes, O prisoners of hope, towards the Lord Jesus Chirst, and embrace him as he

and you, ye are undone for ever. If ye would be safe, come under his shadow; one drop of that wrath cannot fall there, "for he delivereth us from the wrath to come." (1 Thess. i. 10.) Accept of him in his covenant, wherein he offereth himself to thee, and so thou shalt, as the captive woman, redeem thy life by marrying the conqueror. His blood will quench that fire of wrath which burns against thee; in the white raiment of his righteousness thou shalt be safe, for no storm of wrath can pierce it.


THE glorified saints shall see Jesus Christ

with their bodily eyes, since he will never lay aside the human nature. They'll always behold that glorious blessed body, which is personally united to the divine nature, and exalted far above principalities and powers, and every name that is named. There we'll see with our eyes that very body which was born of Mary at Bethlehem, and crucified at Jerusalem betwixt two thieves; the blessed head that was crowned with thorns; the face that was spit upon; the hands and feet that were nailed to the cross, all shining with inconceivable glory. The glory of the Man Christ will attract the eyes of all the saints, and he will be for ever admired in all them that believe. (2 Thess. i. 10.) Were each star in the heavens shining as the sun in its

meridian brightness, and the light of the sun so increased, as the stars in that case should

bear the same proportion to the sun in point of light that they do now, it might possibly some faint resemblance of the glory of the Man Christ in comparison of that of the

saints: for though the saints shall shine forth as the sun, yet not they, but the Lamb shall be the light of the city. The wise men fell down, and worshipped him when they saw him a young child with Mary his mother in the house. But oh! what a ravishing sight it will be to see him in his kingdom, on his


throne, at his Father's right hand! Word was made flesh, and the glory of God

shall shine through that flesh, and the joys of

heaven spring out from it unto the saints, who shall see and enjoy God in Christ.

[blocks in formation]

(POPULAR IGNORANCE loquitur.) "I don't know what they'd have, now-adays, I don't indeed. What with book-clubs, and ragged-schools, and education societies, and lecture rooms, and classes, and cheap books, and all that sort of thing, I don't see where we're to stop, or what things are coming to.

"When I came of age, as you know, I came into a great property from my parents, SUPERSTITION and SELFISHNESS. I had lands everywhere in England. I couldn't walk a mile in any direction, but I came on my estate at some point or other. How did I treat the poor people on it? Educate 'em? Not such a fool: I knew they were born to work, so it would be folly to set them to school. They might be better employed in earning something for their parents, when they were children, and after they were grown up, there was no chance of their having any time for books or such-like. What's the use

offereth himself in the Gospel. There is no of teaching a child to read, when you might salvation in any other. (Acts iv. 12.) God be making money of it-crow-keeping, or is a consuming fire; ye are children of wrath. I stone-picking? I never saw a labouring man,

sorry to be roused out of the warm alehouse settle to go to a lecture, or that wouldn't have grumbled if you'd asked him to give up his pipe and his pot and buy a book with the money. I never saw, in fact, that poor people wanted any education, as they call it. What were they on my estate for? To work, and not to think. Why should they work better for education? Besides, I was always a religious man. I respect my Church, and my King, and the Constitution, and I hate the French. What's to become of these glorious institutions, I should like to know, if you have poor men that ought to go peaceably to church on Sundays, and lay their legs up, and think of nothing-arguing with the parson, and doubting, and explaining, or perhaps ending by turning Dissenters and going to chapel?

"And then, as for education making people virtuous and so on, I should like to know what the law's for? If they misbehave themselves, isn't there the police, and prisons, and hulks? When I was young, law was law; then there was something like justice, and respect for property. I've seen ten strung up at once before the Old Bailey, and nothing worse than shop-lifting among the lot. I would ask you when your education will supply a warning like that? But people will soon be getting too educated to hang each other at all. A pretty state of things the country will have come to then.

the impudent tomfooleries, there was never anything like that! The notion of taking up the dirty little rascals out of the streetsthat ought to be flogged at a cart's tail and

"Then there's the ragged-schools. Of all

shipped off to Botany Bay, if they had their deserts, most of them and teaching them to read and write! Much they care for reading and writing! They'd a deal sooner be

blacking each other's eyes, or picking your pockets, than doing anything of the learning

kind, I can tell you. I know the little blackguards.

"And there's the cry about the universities, the studies at

Cambridggingnuchus informand

young fellow had some chance of coming back from college a fine high-spirited dog, with something like accomplishments. Talk of education strengthening the brain. Will it teach a man to carry three bottles of port steadily? What's a gentleman good for that is always moping and milksopping over his book? Who's to play, and to drink, and to hunt, and shoot, if our gentlemen are tied to their mothers' apron-strings at home, and made book-worms of at college in this way? And what is it has set your Oxford parsons to leave their own Catholic and Apostolic Church, to go over to the Papist, but your book-learning? Who ever heard of a jolly, true-blue, out-and-out, fox-hunting, portloving, orthodox parson, of the good old time perverted to the Romish Church? Tell

me that.

"Then what's to become of wholesome and natural distinctions of rank, if everybody's to be educated, and JACK made as good as his master? It's a nasty, levelling, Jacobinical state of things we're coming to, and the country will find that out to its cost. It all comes of reading and writing."

THE late Lady Stormont, mother of Lord Chief Justice Mansfield, upon being complimented by another lady that "she had the three finest sons in Scotland to be proud of," made answer, "No, Madam. I have much to be thankful for, but nothing to be proud of.'



Books received for notice in January number:Dr. Chalmers' Daily Scripture Readings; Passages in the Life of an English Heiress, a Tale of Disruption Times; Henderson's Astronomy; Dick's Philosophy of Religion.

An article on the state of religion at the Cape
of Good Hope, and various communications,
are retained for future insertion.

Advertisements, business Letters or Parcels,
and Money-orders (payable at Charing-cross
Post-office), to be addressed to Mr. JAMES
PENNYCOOK BROWN, Agent for the Presbyterian
Church in England, 16, Exeter Hall.

Presbyterian Church in England.


In accordance with the frequently and urgently expressed wish of many of our readers, and the readiness of others to forego their own opinion for the satisfaction of their brethren, we have resolved to alter the shape and appearance of the "Messenger." The January number, commencing the new series, will be an octavo of thirty-two pages, with a cover; the style and getting up of the paper being at least as good as any of the monthly religious periodicals.

on the subject of a Central Sustentation Fund, | soon after the 31st as possible, in order to
in introducing an overture to the Synod being inserted in the accounts of 1847.
before the Presbytery of Birmingham. We
delay the consideration of the matter until be made payable to James Nisbet.

our January number, because we hope then to
address a larger circle of readers, and to
present our remarks in a more permanent
form. We meanwhile advise all who are
interested in the welfare of our Church, to
read Mr. Bryson's excellent speech. They will
find facts and figures there, and a way how
the thing can be readily enough effected.


* Bankers' or Post-office orders should





21, Berners-street, Nov. 20, 1847,


Amount already advertised.....
Association, Birkenhead, per Mr. John Barbour
Sabbath-school Association, Woolwich, per
Mr. James Lindsay......
Sabbath-school, St. Peter's Church, Liver-
pool, per Mr. Wilson

£704 3 0 873

010 0


£714 0 8

AT the beginning of this year we called
attention to the state of the singing
in our Presbyterian churches, which
we stated to be for the most part very
discreditable. We believe that these re-
marks have not been without good effect.
In most of the London churches at
least, there are now regular meetings for prac-
tising, and the singing in some places is per- WOOLWICH SABBATH-SCHOOL ASSOCIATION, per

ERRATUM.-Page 521, column 1, for year read quarier;
the whole to run thus-
"Brampton Association, quarter ending Sept. 30,
per Rev. Dr. Brown....

ceptibly improved.

In our January number we intend to resume the subject, and to give a select list of classified tunes, that seem to us most suitable for congregational use. To assist us in drawing up this, we shall be glad to receive lists from various parties, comprising about twelve common measure, four long, and four short tunes. By the number being limited, we shall the more readily judge what selection to make, out of the different lists sent by those capable of advising. We do not mean precentors only to send these; we invite the aid of the refined and practical judgment of female taste to assist in this reformation. By confining our

We hope that our friends will aid us in our efforts to promote the cause of our Presbyterian Church, and the extension of the Gospel through its instrumentality, by the increased support given to the "Messenger." We have pointed out a very simple way by which this can be done. Let those who can afford threepence a-month ad- tion to reformation smaller number of

ditional order two copies instead of one, and let them send or lend the additional copy to others. In this way our principles will be spread, and our influence enlarged; and by so trifling a sacrifice spread over a large number the same good will be done to our cause that would otherwise require great sacrifices on the part of a few. We hope also that those brethren at whose suggestion chiefly the proposed alteration of shape is made, will strive to fulfil the promises and anticipations held out to induce us to make the change. In these congregations and localities, at least, we expect our circulation to be

[blocks in formation]

We have received the report of a speech by the Rev. Mr. Bryson, of Wolverhampton,*

first-rate tunes, the practisings will be made
more effective, and progress be more attain
able. We shall endeavour also to point out

words suitable for the tunes selected.


In reference to the advertisement in another
part of the paper, as to the subscription for
the widow and family of this devoted mis-
sionary and minister of Christ, we need not
say anything to recommend so good an object.
Taken away by a rapid fever, he could only
commit the widow and the fatherless to God.
It is through the kind offices and aid of
Christian friends, that God answers a con-
fiding trust like that. They who knew and
loved John Macdonald during his sojourn in
London, may now testify their affection in a

practical manner.

[blocks in formation]

£0 10 0



£5 35



[blocks in formation]

THIS Reverend Court met at 16, Exeter Hall, on the 26th October. The Rev. P. Lorimer, Moderator, pro tem., in the chair. Mr. Fisher gave in the Report of the Westminster Committee, from which it appeared that, while there were difficulties in the way of appointing a day for moderating in a call from the Presbyterian congregation at Lewisham Chapel, there were also encouragements to take this step. After a lengthened conversation, the Presbytery agreed to delay the farther consideration of the matter till next meeting of Presbytery.

of the

Mr. Weir gave in a verbal Report from the Hampstead Committee to the effect that the Presbyterian congregation there were ripe for calling a minister, and that the Committee recommended the appointment of an early day for this purpose. Whereupon the following Resolution was unanimously agreed to, viz. :-" Receive the Report, approve diligence of the Committee, and, in accordance with their recommendation, agree to meet at 16, Exeter Hall, on Thursday, the 11th Nov., at three o'clock, p.m., to transact ordinary business, and thereafter at the Presbyterian Church, Hampstead, at seven o'clock p.m., for the purpose of moderating in a call from the Hampstead congregation accordingly. Professor Lorimer to preach and preside." Mr. Lorimer was also instructed to serve the edict from the pulpit at Hampstead on the forenoon of Sabbath next, after Divine service.

Mr. William Hamilton, student of divinity, being called, appeared, and delivered the last discourse prescribed for him. And the Pres bytery having taken a conjunct view of all his probationary trials, and being satisfied therewith, agreed to license, and did license him to preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ accordingly.

The case of discipline from the Kirk Session of John Knox Church was remitted back to the session with instructions.

The Presbytery adjourned to meet at 16, Exeter Hall, on Thursday, the 11th Nov., at three o'clock, p.m., and thereafter to meet at the Presbyterian Church, Hampstead, at seven o'clock, p.m.-The sederunt was closed with prayer. This Reverend Court held its ordinary it is desirable that all remittances be made as Monthly Meeting at 16, Exeter Hall, on th


* Published by Mr. Turner, Birmingham; Messrs. Nisbet and Co., London; Turner and Rose, Liverpool; Galt, Manchester; Finlay and Charlton, Newcastle.

As the accounts of the schemes of our Church are now closed on the 31st December,


11th Nov., and was constituted with praise, | Mr. Wm. Hamilton, and unanimously agreed

reading of the Scriptures, and prayer by the Rev. Wm. Nicolson, Moderator, pro tem.

The Rev. Mr. Fairbairn (Salton), minister of the Free Church of Scotland, and interim Professor of Divinity in the English Presbyterian College, being present, was associated with the Presbytery during his residence within the bounds. Mr. Chalmers, Moderator,

took the chair.

The Presbytery called for the Westminster case, and the deliverance of last meeting was read. After a good deal of discussion, it was moved by Mr. Nicolson, and seconded by Professor Lorimer, that an early day be appointed for the moderation of a call from the Westminster congregation in favour of a minister. It was also moved by Professor Campbell, and seconded by Mr. James Hamilton, "That the Presbytery, deeply sympathizing with the congregation at Westminster, and most anxious to promote the interests of Presbyterianism, so historically and symbolically identified with that city, but fully convinced that to grant the petition to moderate in a call would not tend either to advance the cause of this Church or consolidate the interests of the congregation there, do therefore refuse in present circumstances to proceed to moderate in such call. But, in order that the Presbytery may be in a condition to decide as to what it were most judicious to do, appoint a Committee to aid the Congregation, first, in obtaining present supplies, and, quoad ultra, to report from time to time, when circcumstances may arise to warrant our taking any ulterior steps." It was agreed that the state of the vote should be first or second Motion; the first being Mr. Nicolson's, and the second, Professor Campbell's; and, the roll having been called, and the votes marked, it was carried second Motion, by a majority of nine to three, several members declining to vote. Whereupon the Presbytery did and hereby do resolve and decide in terms of the second Motion. And the following Committee were appointed accordingly, viz., the Moderator, Professor Campbell, and Messrs. James Hamilton, Ferguson, William Hamilton, Nisbet, and Forsyth. The Moderator to be Convener.

The Presbytery then adjourned to meet at the Presbyterian Church, Hampstead, at seven o'clock this evening, and the sederunt was closed with prayer.

The Presbytery met again accordingly at the vestry of the Presbyterian Church, Hampstead, at seven o'clock, p.m., and was duly constituted by the Rev. Professor Lorimer, Moderator, pro tem.

The edict for the moderation of a call from

to, that said call be sustained. Mr. Berry was then called in, and, after the call had been put into his hands, he declared his acceptance of the same. Whereupon, the Court resolved to proceed with the induction of Mr. Berry, and agreed to meet for that purpose in this place, on Thursday, the 25th Nov. current, at six o'clock, p.m. Mr. James Hamilton to preach, Mr. Chalmers to expound the principles of Presbytery, and Mr. Weir to put the questions, induct, and give the charges to the pastor and people respectively.

The Presbytery agreed that the officiating minister should be requested to serve the edict next Lord's-day, and that an opportunity should be given to those members and adherents who may not yet have subscribed the call, to do so in the course of next week, in the presence of the foresaid officiating minister, who is hereby authorized to attest the additional signatures.

The Presbytery adjourned to meet in this place on the 25th November current, at six o'clock, p.m.-The sederunt was closed with prayer.


THIS Presbytery met at Stafford on Tuesday, Nov. 2, at one o'clock. Present, Rev. Messrs. Lewis (Moderator), Mackenzie, Speers, Bryson, and Martyn, ministers; Messrs. M'Cutcheon, Henderson, and Bate, elders.

The minutes of former meeting having been read and sustained, the Presbytery called for the educational and statistical reports moved for at former meetings. Educational reports were then handed in from Birmingham, gham. Dudley, Du Wolverhampton, and Stafford (the congregation at Shelton having reported at last meeting), and statistical reports from all the congregations within the bounds of the Presbytery. Whereupon it was moved, seconded, and unanimously agreed to, "That a Committee be appointed to draw up from said reports, a conjunct and tabular view of the state of the different congregations; and that they be empowered to obtain any additional information from ministers or sessions which may exhibit more clearly the state of their affairs."

After a short conversation respecting the Moderator's correspondence with the convener of the School Committee, the Presbytery called for Mr. Bryson's overture anent a General Sustentation Fund.

Mr. Bryson then submitted his overture, which he supported at great length, and in a very conclusive manner, as regarded the practicability of raising such a fund. He proposed to secure to every minister in the Church a stipend of 160l. per annum, and to allow

main in their present position. That is to say, that no minister should receive less than 160%., while individual congregations might supplement their minister's income to any amount they thought proper. The great difficulty appeared to be, the mode of distribution. On that point the members of Presbytery had a good deal of conversation, and, in the hope that some plan of meeting the difficulty might be proposed before the meeting of Synod, the matter was allowed to drop for the present.

the Hampstead congregation was then pro- | those now in receipt of a larger sum to reduced by the clerk and found to be properly attested. Whereupon the Presbytery proceeded to the Church. Professor Lorimer preached from Luke v. 39; and, after having intimated that all the preliminary steps had been duly and regularly taken, he stated that the Presbytery were now ready to receive the name of any one whom the members of the congregation might desire for their minister. It was then moved by Mr. Bradshaw, and seconded by Mr. Shingleton, "That the Rev. Henry Lea Berry be now called to take the pastoral charge of this congregation." And, no other person having been nominated, Mr. Bradshaw's Motion was put from the chair, and carried unanimously.

Thereupon the form of a call in favour of Mr. Berry was produced, read, and subscribed by forty-two members and adherents. It was moved by Mr. Macaulay, seconded by

The Presbytery then adjourned to meet at Dudley on the first Tuesday of December, at

three o'clock in the afternoon.


THIS Presbytery held its ordinary monthly meeting at Liverpool on the 3d November, the Rev. J. Cross, Moderator, in the chair.

Mr. King gave in a commission granted to him as Ruling Elder representing St. George's Session, Liverpool, which being sustained, Mr. King's name was added to the roll.

The clerk produced and read an extract minute of the Free Presbytery of Lockerby, which bore, that the said Presbytery found it inexpedient to take any further steps towards carrying out the translation of Mr. Matheson. This Presbytery accordingly agreed to sist procedure in the matter, and report the present state of the case to St. Peter's congre gation, and express their sympathy with them in their disappointment. A Committee consisting of Rev. Messrs. Welsh (Convener), and White, ministers, and Messrs. Baird and and Wilson, elders, was appointed to cooperate with St. Peter's Session in providing supplies for the pulpit.

Mr. Fergusson, Convener of the Committee appointed to examine the students residing in the Liverpool district, reported, that Messrs. M'Naghten and Walker, both of Birkenhead, had appeared before them, and been examined in the ordinary branches prescribed to students of philosophy, before entering upon a Theological Curriculum; and that the Committee were fully satisfied with their proficiency. The Presbytery sustained the report, and instructed the clerk to give Messrs. M'Naughten and Walker a certificate in their name.

Mr. Fergusson having previously given notice of the following motion, viz. "To take such steps as will ensure accuracy in the records of the court," now moved as follows:- "1. That the clerk should at the close of each meeting read a statement of the day's proceedings from the scroll in the hearing of the court. 2. That at the Presbytery's meeting in March, a Committee be annually appointed to revise the minutebook, and to report thereon at the April meeting preparatory to the record being submitted to the Synod for revision." After lengthened discussion, this motion not being seconded, fell to the ground. Whereupon it was moved by Mr. Munro, and seconded by Mr. Robinson, "That the thanks of the Presbytery be given to Mr. Forster for the great care, general accuracy, and perfect fidelity he has shown in acting as clerk, and especially in keeping the records and minutes of this Presbytery, since the time of his appointment." It was also moved by Mr. Gardner, and seconded by Mr. Fergusson, "That it is inexpedient to adopt the motion before the House." The roll being called and votes marked, Mr. Munro's motion was carried by a considerable majority (seven to three). From which finding Messrs. Fergusson and Gardner dissented for reasons to be given in, in due time. Thereafter, the thanks of the Presbytery were given to Mr. Forster from the chair.

Messrs. Mitchell and Moore appeared as a deputation n from Chalmers' Presbyterian Church, Ancoats, Manchester, and laid upon the table a memorial from said Church, praying the Presbytery to appoint an early day to moderate in a call. The Presbytery granted the prayer of the memorial, and agreed to meet within Chalmers' Church on the evening of the 18th inst. at half-past six for ordinary business, and, especially, to moderate in a call-Mr. Magill of Bolton to preach and preside. The Presbytery further appointed Mr. Robinson of Salford to serve

the edict there on Sabbath next.

Agreeably to notice, Mr. White moved, "That the Presbytery meet henceforward once every two months for ordinary business; " which motion having been seconded by Mr.

Welsh, was unanimously agreed to, and the Presbytery resolved accordingly to hold its next ordinary meeting on the first Wednesday of January next.

The Presbytery then took into consideration whether the preaching station at Chester should be continued or not. From statements made by Mr. Shaw, the late missionary, the Presbytery, after due deliberation, came to the resolution of continuing the station, and transmitting a strong recommendation to the Home Mission Committee to grant a liberal sum out of their funds towards the efficient support of Gospel ordinances there.

A letter was read from Mr. Radcliffe re

questing the Presbytery to take steps to have the Lord's Supper dispensed to the congregation at Wigan, there having been no communion there since Dec. 1845. Which request was granted, and Mr. White was appointed to conduct the services. An interim session was at the same time appointed for Wigan.

to the district, and to the Presbyterian cause

the Moderator, Messrs. Anderson, Lennie, Mr. Smith is a promising young minister, and Edwards, Mr. Lennie was appointed and one well suited for the locality. This clerk, pro tem. The Presbytery approved settlement will be productive of great good of the conduct of the Moderator in calling this Meeting. Mr. Edwards laid on the table in Liverpool. of the Presbytery a schedule containing answers to queries from the Home Mission Committee, which was sustained by the Presbytery, and ordered to be attested by the Moderator, and which was done accordingly. Closed with prayer.

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Magill of Bolton applied for assessors to aid him in forming a session in connexion | By the Presbyterian Congregation, River Terrace,

with his congregation. The Presbytery appointed the Rev. Messrs. M'Lean and Forster ministers, with Mr. Beard elder, for that pur


A recommendatory letter on behalf of St. Peter's congregation, Liverpool, was read by Mr. White for the Convener of the Com

mittee appointed at a previous meeting for that purpose, and approved of.

The Presbytery adjourned to meet within Chalmers' Church, Manchester, on the 18th inst. Closed with prayer.

MANCHESTER, Nov. 18. Met by appointment, and moderated in a call from the congregation of Chalmers' Church to the Rev. Wm. M'Hinch, Minister of Dungiven, Ireland, to to be their pastor. Which call was unanimously sustained, and Mr. White, of Liverpool, was appointed Commissioner to prosecute Mr. M'Hinch's translation before the Presbytery of Newtonlimady.

On application from St. Peter's congregation, Liverpool, the Presbytery appointed the 29th ult. to moderate in a call, the Rev. Robert Cowe, to preach and preside. Adjourned to meet on the 1st Wednesday of January next. Closed with prayer.


ALNWICK, Ocст. 12, 1847. -This day the

quarterly meeting of Presbytery was held here and duly constituted. Inter alia, in regard to the questions as to the state of religion in the different congregations, it was agreed that a Committee consisting of the Moderator, Messrs. Hay, Anderson, Thomson, and Edwards, Mr. Hay to be Convener, be appointed to revise said questions, and report at next meeting of Presbytery. Questions ordered by the Presbytery to be placed in the hands of the Convener.

After hearing the statement made by Mr. Thomson in regard to Alnmouth, and in the absence of other members of Committee, Messrs. Anderson and Lennie, it was agreed to delay the consideration of the same till next meeting of Presbytery.

Next quarterly meeting of Presbytery to be held at Felton, on the second Tuesday in January, at twelve o'clock. Closed with


MORPETH MANSE, OCT. 27, 1847.-A pro re nata meeting of Presbytery was held here this day, in consequence of a requisition addressed to the Moderator, signed by Messrs.

Anderson and Edwards.


Islington, in memory of their beloved pastor,


light they for season, and for

blessed result of whose labours many of them

shall praise God through eternity.

He was distinguished for ardent piety, fervent eloquence, abundant labours, and pastoral de


In a comparatively brief career he concentrated a vast amount usefulness, and was the instrument, in the hands of the Master whom he loved, of forming or enlarging four prosperous congregations,

At Tassagh, Drogheda, Belfast, and London. fearless in rebuking sin-an able advocate of He was a zealous witness for Evangelical truthChristian missions-eminently Catholic in his spirit-the friend of the young-the comforter of

the afflicted, and the father of the poor.

After having served his own generation, by the will of God, he fell asleep on the 13th of April, In the forty-eighth year of his age, and the twentysixth of his ministry, Breathing a desire to depart, and be with Christ."

""He was a good man, full of the Holy Ghost and faith, and much people was added to the Lord.' "- Acts xi. 24.


On the evening of Tuesday, the 2d ult., a missionary meeting was held in the Presby

terian Church, Stafford. The chair was occu

pied by the Rev. James Speers. The meeting was addressed by Rev. Geo. Lewis, Dudley; Rev. John Bryson, Wolverhampton; John Henderson, Esq., Birmingham, Rev. T. S.

Chalmers, Stafford; and Rev. J. M. Martyn, Hanley. During the evening a Ladies' Auxiliary Missionary Association was formed, " for the purpose," as expressed in the Reso

lution moved

by Mr. Henderson, "of diffusing

more extensively a missionary spirit, and raising funds to aid in carrying out the objects of the home and foreign missions of the Presbyterian Church in England." The proceedings were most interesting, and listened to throughout with great attention. During the following week, a meeting of the members of the congregation was held, at which four deacons and three elders were

chosen, to aid their minister in carrying on the good work more efficiently.


We have great pleasure in intimating to the
friends of the congregation, that the Rev.
Walter Smith, of the Free Church, Half-
Morton, has received a call, and that the

The meeting being constituted, sederunt | Rev. Gentleman has accepted the same.


A PUBLIC examination of this institution took place on Sabbath the 14th ult. The morning was particularly favourable at this season of the year, allowing the children to come forward at the appointed hour. We had also much pleasure in seeing so many of their parents and other members of the congregation present, to behold the first examination of the school, and give their countenance on the interesting occasion, to the superintendent and teachers, who have laboured so indefatigably through the season in their work of faith and labour of love. When praise and prayer were offered up, the minister ascended the desk. The business

for which they had assembled commenced by the children reading a portion of, and being questioned upon, the 19th chapter of the Gospel by Luke; their answers abundantly evinced the carefulness and diligence with which they had made themselves acquainted with this important portion of Holy Scripture, as well as coincident passages and Bible history. After this, the Shorter Catechism was introduced; and here it was equally creditable to themselves, and gratifying to their teachers, not only to hear them repeat the answers, but give full proof that they understood something of their meaning. Mr. Cathcart intimated that he had intended to address both teachers and scholars,

but that the time was fully exhausted. However, he spoke a word of encouragement to both, and then left the managers of the school to distribute among the children little tokens of their esteem and approval, which were supplied by the congregation from a collection for the purpose on a previous Sabbath. The countenances of the children sufficiently indicated that they were satisfied with the morning's procedure. May they be profited as well as pleased, and reap the benefit of a religious education, and grow in grace, whilst they increase in knowledge!

Besides the school, the minister conducts a large Bible class of interesting young people of both sexes. It is also gratifying to know, that the library in connexion with this Church is now opened, supplying useful knowledge to those who have availed themselves of its advantages; and though its volumes are not numerous, yet now that it is commenced, we shall look for an increase, and pray for its success, as an instrument to aid in helping on the kingdom of our Lord in the hearts of this people.

"Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it."


An unusual scene took place at the Convocation of the clergy of the Northern Province, held at York, at their customary meeting at the commencement of Parliament. In 1841, at the last election, the Convocation excited no interest, and few members were present. On this occasion, however, there was a full attendance, it being understood that some break would be attempted in the ordinary routine of business. By Royal Commission, one of the canons of the Cathedral presided in the place of the Archbishop. Archdeacon Wilberforce moved an Address to the Queen, on the state of the nation as to religion and

education, and was proceeding to speak, when he was interrupted by the President, as having no right to introduce such a matter. A discussion having commenced, the President desired the vergers and officers to attend him, and declared the meeting dissolved. Archdeacon Wilberforce and some of the clergy remaining behind after the others had retired, the President sent a messenger to say that the room was about to be locked, but that the library of the Cathedral was at their service. Having declined this offer, the lingerers dispersed. We have not much admiration for the Archdeacon of the East Riding, but we are glad to see in any quarter symptoms of reviving spirit in the English Church. For more than a century her synodical assemblies have been mere empty ceremonies; and though the Houses of Convocation at any time were poor kinds of representative courts compared with those of the Presbyterian Churches, yet their revival would afford some opportunity for public discussion and expression of opinion, which the English Church is at present wholly without. The meeting of Convocation of the Southern Province of Canterbury passed over in the usual quiet and uninteresting way. The Latin oration in St. Paul's was no doubt very edifying to all who understood it. The clergy afterwards assembled in the Jerusalem Chamber at Westminster for their routine forms. How different a scene from that which the same chamber witnessed exactly two centuries ago, when the celebrated Westminster Assembly was preparing the Confession of Faith and the Standards of our Presbyterian Church.


PRAYERS and gloomy ceremonies are still being offered in the Popish chapel here for the deliverance of the soul of O'Connell from purgatory. Did not Dr. Miley say long ago that his soul was "in heaven," and that he had sent his heart to Rome and his body to Ireland? Why, then, is his soul still said by Dr. Gillis, and by all the present proceedings of the Popish Church, to be "in purgatory?" Can any of our readers solve this problem? The fact is, Rome, true to her old instincts, wishes to make merchandize of O'Connell's soul, as she will by and by do of his heart; and bewildered Protestants, "wondering after the beast," look on the impious and absurd tomfoolery, and say, "It is very impressive." This successful imposture emboldens Rome in her present bold attempt to regain ascendancy in Britain. A gentleman in town who has a Popish servant, asked him why they kept O'Connell so long in purgatory? Said he, "I don't know, but it is a great shame, for he was a very decent man." The simple man was not acquainted with the depths of the "mystery of iniquity." - Edin. Witness.


In our last paper Dr. Cantwell, Popish Bishop of Meath, was said to be a subscriber of 10,000l. to a new Jesuit College about to be started in Dublin. This was said to be from "immense charitable funds, of which he has the sole right of appropriation." It would be interesting to know why more of these funds were not forthcoming whilst thousands of the Irish were lately, and are still, dying for want. A friend suggests that Dr. Cantwell, a most ominous name, should be urged to de-cant some of his stores for the really charitable purpose of feeding the starving people, instead of thus misapplying them by erecting nurseries of im

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IT will be in the knowledge of some of our readers, that Miss Greig, who went out in August, 1846, to take charge of the Jewish female school, was compelled by failing health to quit her charge and the island during last summer. Having reached Bergamo in Italy, her strength failed, and she was obliged to seek an asylum in the hospital there, and resumed her journey in great weakness and exhaustion. In the meanwhile, her father, hearing of her illness, hastened from Scotland to join her; but, when he reached Bergamo, he found that his daughter had already left it, and it was not till he got back to London that they met. But on her homeward journey the Lord raised up a friend to the sick and solitary traveller; and through the assistance generously afforded by this good Samaritan, she was enabled to reach this city, and was soon after removed to her father's residence in Scotland. There she lingered in all the debility and suffering of consumption in its latter stages till October, when she was taken home to the rest of God. Her labours in the cause of Israel have thus been very brief, and besides the severe trial occasioned by the temporary desertion of the scholars, these labours must have been conducted, as the result has shown, with the seeds of disease and death already developing in her constitution. But it was for Christ's name's sake, we doubt not, that she laboured; and though she was not privileged to see the school organized and flourishing according to her sanguine hope, she has had the honour to begin the work. Into that work others have entered, and we humbly trust that the Lord has a blessing yet in store.

absorbed in teaching his Jewish scholars, that it is very incumbent on the Committee to send a male teacher to Mr. Charteris's aid. Following the example so nobly set by the ladies of Liverpool, we hope that Manchester, Newcastle, Sunderland, Brighton, and other large towns, will soon render effective aid to the Association, and that this one desideratum may ere long be supplied.



Miss Mackenzie, who has been highly recommended to the Committee, and who with other advantages, combines knowledge of the languages spoken in Corfu, has entered on her labours as teacher of the Jewish female school.

We give the following extract from Mr. Charteris's letter of October 9:

"I am thankful to say that I have scarcely been once unable for public work since I came. Last Sabbath I was somewhat unwell, and might not have been able for both services, but our veteran friend, Mr. Lowndes, had come from Italy, and seemed anxious to take both my services, wishing to preach to the soldiers in the morning, and also to his former friends in the evening. He is on his way to Athens, whither he has sailed to-day, where he and some others are occupied with the revision of the Greek Scriptures. There accompanied him here from Italy a Romish priest, who was a parish priest at Rome, a pupil of Dr. A-, now at Malta, and for a long time desirous to make his escape. About twelve years ago, with two others, he had agreed to leave Rome on a certain day. He had taken the precaution to destroy all his papers, but the other two had not done so, and they were thrown into the prison of the Inquisition, from which they were not released till the accession of the present Pope. A year ago Mr. L- called upon our friend with a verbal message from Dr. A-. That was the first time he had dared to open his lips to any one, and to declare his sentiments. The interview was brief, but joyful and encouraging to Mr. L-, who called this year with another message. The priest, Dr. Di L-, was now resolved to give up all for Christ. He left Rome on leave of absence to go to the shrine of Loretto, thence he came to Ancona, where he joined Mr. and Mrs. L-, and came here without difficulty, thus escaping from a danger and tyranny, which it requires only a few sentences of a refugee to convince us are as pressing at Rome under the present Pontiff as at any former period. A number of political offenders have been pardoned, but the utterance of a few words are yet enough to bring down on the unwary the vengeance of the Inquisition. The present Pope he describes as a bigoted Papist, constantly speaking of the Protestants as his enemies, &c. We have been all much pleased with Dr. Di L-. He seems a man of no mean acquirements as a Latin and Greek scholar. He speaks Spanish and French very well. He has a fine expression of countenance, and, better than anything else, he seems to be a man of devoted piety. I have seen the manuscript of a letter which he intends to send to his late superiors at Rome as soon as he reaches Malta. There is a beautiful freshness about it, and his views appear to me well

Our friends at Corfu were gratified early in September by a visit from the Rev. Andrew Donald, Free Church minister of Blackford; and this being the first visit of a Presbyterian minister since our Mission was formed, advantage was taken of it to ordain a Ruling Elder. The choice of the congregation fell on Mr. Francis Campbell, and at an interesting service on the 8th of Sept., conducted by Mr. Charteris and Mr. Donald, Mr. C. was set apart to his office. The Presbyterian | matured-the result of a careful comparison of congregation now worship in a room granted for that purpose within the barracks, barracks, and though there is no Scotch regiment in the island, many soldiers attend Mr. Charteris's ministry. On the Sabbath before he last wrote, his military hearers amounted to 100. But so many are the labours of our excellent missionary, and so much of his time is

the word of God with the errors of Rome. It will probably be published in the 'Malta Indicator.' He sails (D.V.) to-morrow morning for Malta. His funds were ascertained to be scarcely adequate to carry him there, and Mr. L- having suggested to Mr. Aand me that we should all three make up a loan to him of twenty dollars, Mr. A-and

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