صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

who had also refreshed and encouraged them | by his private counsels and private friendship. (Hear.) He scarcely required to mention the name of Rev. Josias Wilson, of London, who could not now accommodate the congregation that flocked to hear him, and who was just preparing to provide sitting-room for several hundreds additional, for he was in the habit of counting his people by hundreds. (Hear.) And he must also bear testimony to the good work which Mr. Blackwood had done at Newcastle-on-Tyne. For all these labourers he now, in the name of the Presbyterian Church in England, expressed his gratitude. He required, however, now, to proceed from the agreeable duty of returning thanks to his fathers and brethren, to the less pleasant but necessary duty of referring to the state of the congregation to which his friend, Mr. White, ministered, and which, the house would allow him to say, had some claims upon the Assembly. The church which Mr White's congregation was now building, though large enough for the strength of any minister, would not, he felt certain, contain the numbers who were gathering round him. But the people, with few exceptions, were far from wealthy; and although the managers had studied economy, and the people had given willingly and liberally, still there would remain a heavy debt, grievously discouraging to minister and people. He would not have had the confidence to ask this house for any assistance to his brother's congregation, were it not for the circumstances of peculiar trial in which they now stood in Liverpool. There were five Presbyterian congregations in all in that town, and he might say that every one of them had a house of worship to build. His own congregation were in the act of building; his friend Mr. Welsh's people were in like circumstances; Mr. White's were also similarly employed; the congregation of St. Peter's had had to leave their place of worship, and were now meeting in a temporary sanctuary; and if the church could be recovered, it could only be at the expense of some £4,000. The only other congregation in the town had had, within a few weeks bygone, notice to quit-so that the Presbyterian population of Liverpool was likely to be required to expend £24,000 in building churches before two or three years were over. In these circumstances, he trusted they would not think him blameable in looking for some assistance to Mr. White's congregation from their Irish brethren. He would ask no grant from their Home mission; but if the congregations of the Irish Church would individually give a small but practical token of brotherly affection, then his brother and people would be able to prosecute their work with renewed energy. England, and especially Liverpool and Manchester, had not been slow to reciprocate kindnesses of this description; and any gift, he did not doubt, which they might bestow on his friend's congregation, would be soon repaid, and with interest. (Cheers.) Mr. Fergusson proceeded to state some reasons why the two Churches should labour together. The Irish and English Presbyterian Churches were one in principle, polity, and objects. It was true that the English Presbyterian Church was an independent body, with its separate courts and independent organization; but why was this so? Was it because the English Church was not a FREE CHURCH like its Scottish sister? Nay, verily, for then would he never have been a minister within its pale; or was it because the English Church disowned the principles of Irish Presbyterianism? No; for then would Mr. White never have crossed the channel. Mr. F. shewed that the reason why the English

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Church had assumed the independent attitude |
which she now occupied, was this-that she
had learned experience from the history of the
past; that the Presbyterian congregations in
England were destitute of all indications of
life and vigour while they desired to continue
mere appendages to the Scottish Church, and
that it was now seen, that only by occupying
an independent position, the English Church
could organize its own schemes, carry out its
own objects, and conduct its own discipline.
(Hear.) He then proceeded to shew what
they had already done. They had established
a theological seminary; and last season it was
attended by twenty-three students, all pro-
mising a fair degree of theological attainment.
(Hear.) They had organized a Home Mis-
sion scheme. This Mission had several newly-
organized stations, had prevented several places
of worship from falling into the hands of other
bodies, and had been the means of filling
churches to the door which before were empty.
(Hear.) They had also attempted to establish
a machinery for foreign missions. Last year,
they had sent about 1,300l. to the Foreign
Mission schemes of the Free Church; but, this
year, they were to attempt to establish missions
of their own. (Cheers.) Already the ladies
connected with their Church had provided a
missionary to go forth for the education of
Jewish females in Corfu; and there was an
overture on the table of their Synod in
regard to the openings which the Lord was
now presenting to them in China; and he
trusted that their Church would take up
this matter at the meeting of its commis-
sion in the course of the present month.
Mr. F. proceeded to state, as another reason
for combined effort, that the two Churches had
at the present time similar encouragements.
They lived in a period when the Presbyterian
Church had special facilities inviting its exer-
tions. The Established Churches in England
and Ireland occupied a position of no extra-
ordinary stability. (Hear.) Dissenting bodies,
although yet disowning the name, were ready
to act upon the principles of Presbyterianism.
What was the Wesleyan Conference? Was it
not a General Assembly? (Hear.) And
what are the County Unions of the Congrega-
tionalists but Presbyteries and Synods? To
be sure, they say that they do not exercise
authority; but if they were to judge of the
practical exercise of their authority by recent
doings in Hamilton and Glasgow, there was
something of the authority, as well as the de-
liberation, of Presbyterian Church Courts.
(Cheers.) There were peculiar encourage
ments to the Presbyterian Church in its
English operations at present. The name of
Presbyterian had fallen into disrepute, owing to
the character of those who for a time usurped the
name; but the Lord had sent on the Presby-
terian Churches a spirit of reformation, which
had gloriously vindicated the purity of Pres-
byterian polity and principle. Gloriously had
it been vindicated in Ireland, that Socinianism
and Presbyterianism had no alliance, when
the Synod of Ulster cast forth the leaven of
Arianism. (Hear, hear.) And the parent
Church had, little more than two years ago,
lifted up before the nations a testimony for the
truth, which had laid all the Churches of Eu-
rope under obligations. (Hear, hear.) All
these circumstances had had the effect of in-
creasing the interest felt in the Presbyterian
Church, and preparing men's minds to respect
and study principles that had led to such re-
sults. (Hear, hear.) Mr. F., as a last reason
for co-operation, reminded the House that
both Churches were exposed to common perils.
John Bunyan has described "Giant Pope
as old, decrepid, and biting his nails, because


pilgrims passed by without his being able to
assail them. But he (Mr. F.) feared that Po-
pery was growing young again, and again
preparing to return to his old work of assailing
the faithful. Upon the Presbyterian Church
of Ireland rested the duty of testifying and
witnessing against the Man of Sin; nay, he
believed that the battle against the apostacy
was very much to be fought on Irish ground.
(Hear.) And he might be permitted to ex-
press the hope that, when a severer trial of their
faith than had yet arrived should come, the Pres-
byterians of Ireland would be found faithful.
He further would hope to be excused for ex-
pressing his delight that when he returned to
England, he would now be able, from what
he had heard in the Assembly that day, to
repel insinuations heard so often by him
recently, and to say that the Presbyterians
of Ireland were now alive to the duty of lifting
up a loud testimony against the present mea-
sures of the Goverment in favour of Popery.
(Hear, hear.) Mr. F. closed by urging a
greater unitedness of Presbyterian effort.
said, that above the door of the church which
his congregation was building, there had been
placed the figure of the great Scottish Re-
former, encompassed by the emblems of the
three kingdoms, an emblem of the unity of
feeling and of exertion which should charac-
terize the present movements of the three
Presbyterian Churches. (Hear.) Let us (he
said) have unity of aim and object, knowing
each other's minds-let us have unity of
counsel profiting by each other's advice,--and
let us have unity of labour and effort holding
up each other's hands; but above all, let us
have unitedness in our pleadings with the Lord,
in our appeals to the throne of grace, that the
dews of heaven may descend on us all more
plentifully,-then shall our ministers be more
honoured in their work, and our sanctuaries
the scenes of more conversions, and the whole
Church more prepared for the day of cloud
and of storm that seems rapidly approaching
to the Evangelical Churches in this land.

The Rev. Mr. WHITE (of Liverpool) then briefly addressed the Assembly. He expressed a confident hope, though they lived in perilous times, when the Man of Sin was endeavouring to exalt himself, that the Irish Presbyterian Church would continue its testimony against the flood of error that threatened the nation. (Hear, hear.) That Church had prospered in the face of opposition, though none of the nobles, and few of the great men, had given it their support. Their past trials would prepare them for present contendings, and he trusted the result would prove that their strength proceeded from God and not from man. Romanism was Ireland's curse, and the cure for her numerous evils was to be found in the preaching of the truth as it is in Jesus. (Hear.) They (the Presbyterians) possessed the leaven of Gospel truth, and on them rested the responsibility of diffusing it among their countrymen. His parting prayer was that God might bless them as a Church, and crown their efforts to promote His glory with abundant success.

WM. STEVENSON, Esq., (of London,) briefly expressed his concurrence in the sentiments of the other members of the Deputation, especially in their gratitude for the valuable supply of ministers that had been afforded in their time of need. It would have ill become him, a member of River-terrace Church, London, to have lost this opportunity of thanking them most cordially for that devoted and efficient pastor who was now labouring with so much success among them-the Rev. Josias Wilson-who (as Mr. Fergusson had said)

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I can tell of his increase by hundreds," and was not satisfied with numbers only, or with the prosperity of his own congregation, but proved by his unwearied zeal at home, and his generous assistance to his brethren, that it was souls he was seeking, and the extension of his Master's kingdom. Much had yet to be done for Presbyterianism in England; some of the largest and most important cities were still without a Presbyterian pastor. Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Brighton, Southampton, and Portsmouth, were as yet entirely unoccupied. He trusted, then, that the success that had attended the labours of those they had already sent would encourage them to further sacrifices, until the whole land was occupied. (Hear, hear.)

The Rev. Dr. BROWN, in moving a vote of thanks to the Deputation, expressed his conviction, from what he had witnessed in England, that the present was a season of great promise to the English Presbyterian Church, and his full belief that, if the present efforts were persisted in, she would soon be the largest Presbyterian body in the empire. The Moderator then conveyed the thanks of the House to the Deputation.



THIS reverend court met at Manchester on the 16th and 17th of last month; the moderator of last meeting of Synod, the Reverend Professor Campbell, in the chair. There was a respectable attendance of members from all parts of the Church, and various matters of great interest were transacted, of which we now proceed to chronicle some of the most important:

The first business taken up was an overture from the Presbytery of Lancashire, transmitted to last meeting of Synod, and referred by that court to the commission. The overture related to the institution of a mission to China, which, after full consideration, was on the motion of the moderator, (who left the chair for the purpose,) unanimously and cordially agreed to. The Synod's committee on Foreign Missions were authorized to select the missionary or missionaries, the locality where the mission should be established, the time for commencing operations, and to take charge of all matters of detail. They were further empowered to add to their numbers, and instructed to report to next meeting of Synod.

In the evening a public meeting, numerously attended, was held in connexion with the mission, of which the following is a short report extracted from a local paper :

"A meeting was held on Wednesday evening, at the Scotch Church, St. Peter's Square, to consider the propriety of sending out a missionary to China. The body of the church was tolerably well filled with the friends to the movement, and the chair was taken by the Rev. Alexander Munro, who, in introducing the business, said he had no doubt they should have had a more numerous assemblage had the meeting not been called at too short a notice to make use of the usual means for calling their friends around them.---The Rev. Professor Campbell, of London, moved the first resolution, to the effect that the meeting recognised the paramount obligation of Christians to obey the important command-Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every crea


ture,' and prayed that a missionary spirit | Mr. M'Donald's advocacy of the kindred plan
might more and more largely prevail among for the Free Church. Not only was the sum
the English Presbyterians and other denomi- originally contemplated, 50,000l., raised, and
nations. He stated that the Presbyterian within one-half the time originally antici-
ladies of London had been before them in the pated, but there was obtained such a surplus
missionary work, having got up a subscrip- as enabled him to hand over 20,000l. to the
tion to send out a missionary to the Jews at College Building Committee.
And why
Corfu, and they had now resolved to follow should not we raise 10,000l. in five years?
the example set of sending out missionaries, Let us not be met by the old objection, Oh,
and had with that view selected, as a field the Free Church may accomplish anything,
for their labours, China. (Applause.)-The but that is no ground of hope to us.
Reverend Mr. Osborn, Wesleyan minister, why not? The ministers of the Free Church
seconded the resolution, which was carried have, it is true, made a most glorious sacrifice,
unanimously. The Rev. Dr. Vaughan, prin- but not more glorious, and we say it advisedly,
cipal of the Lancashire Independent College, than was made by the ministers of our
moved the second resolution, recognising the Church. The former, it is true, left manses,
obligation of Christians to seize every open- and parishes, and stipends, for conscience'
ing that might present itself for spreading the sake; but it is just as true, that the latter
gospel among the heathen. The reverend refused, and for conscience' sake, to accept of
and learned gentleman advocated the views the livings that were thus left vacant. Yes,
of the resolution in a long and able speech, ministers who were starving, in England, re-
and it was seconded by the Rev. Professor fused to return to their native land, and enjoy
Lorimer, of the Presbyterian College, London, the rich benefices which there were pressed
and carried without opposition.-The Rev. upon them. The sacrifices made by our
W. Chalmers, of Marylebone, moved the Scottish brethren have procured them the
third and last resolution, to the effect that admiration of their people. This is just as it
the meeting learnt with satisfaction that it ought to be, and we only wish that admira-
was intended to send out the Word of Life to tion, and its consequent support of the Free
the people of China, and pledged itself to use Church, were increased an hundred-fold. But
the most strenuous efforts for the success of why then is not the same admiration felt
the work. He stated that very considerable towards our ministers, and the same support
sums were now subscribed by the Presby- given to our Church? Is it that remote
been handed over to the Church in Scotland physics, magnify in the ratio of their dis-
terians in England, but hitherto they had objects, reversing in morals the principles of
in support of their missions. One gentleman tances? Or, that it sounds better to con-
alone, in Liverpool, had promised to give one tribute to a cause already celebrated before
hundred guineas towards the mission.-The the world? Or, that our ministers have not
Rev. Mr. Ferguson, of St. George's Presby- put in a claim for a due meed of regard for
terian Chapel, Liverpool, seconded the motion, the sacrifices they have made? We should
which was declared to be carried unanimously,
and the meeting, after a collection in aid of two first questions should be answered in the
be sorry indeed to believe that either of the
the mission, separated."
affirmative. And, as to the last, if the
modesty of our ministers has stood in the
way of the success of our institutions, we
hereby put in their claim, and will advocate
their cause.

Thus then our church has entered the mis-
sionary field as a distinct communion. Our
contributions have hitherto been transmitted
to other churches. Henceforth we must sup-
port our own mission. We feel as warmly as
ever towards other churches of Christ, and
will not be slow to testify our affection. But
our first duty is evidently to maintain our
own institutions. We hope our friends will
bear this in mind. Our church now pos-
sesses all the institutions essential to a church

of Christ. May God speed and prosper them!
Let this be our prayer, and let us manifest
the sincerity of our prayers by our contribu-
tions and exertions.


Mr. Stevenson, Convener of the SchoolCommittee, submitted to the commission a plan for raising 10,000l. to aid in the erection of 100 day-schools. The principles of this plan are nearly identical with those of Mr. M'Donald, of Blairgowrie's, which have carried conviction to the hearts of so many of our brethren in all parts of the empire. That an effort must be made to build schools in connexion with all our churches, must be evident to all who well consider the statements contained in the Committee's Address, which is given in another part of this Number, and much more convincing proof might be afforded, and will be presented to the world, if parties, who at present attempt to proselytize our children through the medium of weekday and Sabbath-schools, and persecute the parents who would preserve their children in their own communion, do not cease their Antichristian efforts. That the plan is certain of success if only vigorously and perseveringly prosecuted, and by the proper men, does not and cannot admit of one moment's doubt. Look at the success which attended

Or will it be said that our people have not been taught habitually and systematically to contribute for our Church? If so, it is not yet too late to make a beginning. But to revert to what we said at the outset, the School-building Scheme must succeed. The Synod have sanctioned it, and the Commission have added the only part of the machinery that was required to ensure the success of the scheme, viz., to appoint an agent to take charge of it, and when we mention who that agent is, our friends will acknowledge our confidence of success was sufficiently well founded. The agent is the Rev. James Hamilton. When Mr. Hamilton commences his labours in January next, let him find that the subject has been maturely considered in all our congregations, and that all that is needed is, that he give the moving impulse to the machinery everywhere prepared to his hands.

MODEL TRUST DEED. The Commission thereafter took up the consideration of the Model Trust Deed, which, for the last five years, has been submitted to Synod, and then remitted back to the Committee for further revision. The Deed was first read through, and then taken up and discussed seriatim, clause by clause. After a lengthened, mature, and prayerful consideration, and after several verbal alterations were made upon it, the Deed was adopted; and all parties who may hereafter build places of worship in connexion with this Church, were recommended to frame their deeds in conformity with the provisions contained in the Model Trust Deed of the Synod. We cannot pass from this subject without stating, that Mr.



John W. Lamb, of South Shields, by whom
the Deed was originally framed, and who has
since devoted to its improvement the energies
of many years, has laid the Church under a
deep and lasting obligation, which we should
be glad to see the Church testify in some sub-dent of the response of our London brethren,
stantial form. The Deed, as it now stands, is, and friends of other denominations. The
we believe, as perfect an instrument as any cause is most urgent. The one half of our
Church in the empire possesses; and we trust Church is not yet at all aware of the condition
all parties having churches to build will con- of the other half; nor have we, at present,
form to its very letter, except, of course, in time or space to state a tithe of what we know
those local matters which may necessitate an of the necessity-the instant, urgent necessity
alteration in its more secular provisions. -of attending to the claims of our poorer
congregations and mission stations. In the
North of England, particularly, matters can-
not be left as they are. Immediate attention
must be paid to the claims of our congrega-
tions there. But let it not be supposed that
such claims will come up annually, or even
periodically. We are intimately acquainted
with the condition of Northumberland, as far
north as Berwick, and this we will venture to
predict, that if the Church does her duty by
our friends there, before many years have
elapsed Northumberland will become an
English Ulster of Presbyterianism. Let the
deputation, then, be welcomed with open
arms and with large and cheerful contribu-
tions. Only the necessity of immediately
going to press prevents our dwelling at
greater length on this subject, and on the
mission assigned to Professor Lorimer by the
Commission, to visit the Churches throughout
the West, East, and North of England in aid
of our various schemes.

The Home Mission Committee laid on the table of the Commission a Report, detailing its proceedings and the state of its funds, and craving aid and counsel in obtaining the contributions necessary to conduct its operations. It may be necessary, in order to enable our readers to understand the position of the Committee, to mention the circumstances in which it is placed. The Committee was appointed at the Synod of 1844; but only provisionally and experimentally for that year. The necessity for using every effort to meet the demands of our people throughout the country, in supplying them with the ordinances of the Gospel, in supplementing the funds of poorer congregations, and in providing a retiring allowance to ministers disabled, by age or otherwise, from the discharge of their pastoral duties-the three grand objects of the Home Mission were too self-evident and too imperative to be longer overlooked. Accordingly, the Synod of 1845 placed the Home Mission on a permanent basis, as one of the institutions of the Church, appointed a Committee to superintend its operations, provided a body of regulations,

Scotland and Ireland will respond to the | of trouble, was a wall of fire round about her,
appeal which is now, for the first time, made and a glory in the midst of her.
to them in aid of the funds of the English "In 1670, the Parliament of Scotland
Presbyterian Church.
enacted a number of cruel and arbitrary
Need we add, that we are still more confi- | laws against conventicles and field-preachings,
which compelled many pious and godly men
to seek an asylum in England and foreign
countries. In 1672, Mr. William Bird, a
native of Scotland, to avoid the persecutions
and cruelties carried on in that kingdom,
came into the county of Northumberland, and
preached the Gospel wherever he could do it
with safety. The little flock at Lowick, de-
lighted with his piety and principles, his un-
remitted efforts to promote and extend the
knowledge of Divine truth, gave him an invi-
tation to become their pastor. This he cheer-
fully accepted. He was blessed with much
tranquillity and joy in discharging the functions
of his office; and from the time he became
their pastor, till liberty of conscience was
granted by the Toleration Act passed in the
beginning of King William's reign, so skilfully
united the wisdom of the serpent with the
innocency of the dove, that he escaped the
fines, imprisonments, and many of the hard-
ships to which multitudes of his brethren in
the ministry were exposed. Mr. Bird, not-
withstanding the troublesome times in which
he lived, had the pleasure of seeing the work
of the Lord prospering in his hand. His small
congregation increased by his attention and
fidelity in the ministry, and many were made
wise unto salvation. He was blessed with a
native modesty and mildness of temper, which
were improved by care, and heightened by
his understanding deep and comprehensive,
religion. His imagination was clear and lively,
and his memory retentive. He was mild and
manner of his death exactly corresponded to
the account Scripture gives of the departure
of true Christians-falling asleep in Jesus."



Mr. Bird was very intimate with Thomas Boston, author of the Fourfold State, and other other on sacramental occasions.-See Boston's valuable productions. They assisted one anMemoirs.


and ordered an annual collection to be made WE purpose, occasionally, to give anti- temperate to a degree seldom attained. The in aid of its funds. But in allotting to each scheme the time for its collection, it was found quarian and biographical notices relating necessary to appoint that the collection for to our churches and the ministers who the Home Mission should be made in Febru-have served in them; and we here present ary next. That month is as good as any a specimen of such communications as month in the year for obtaining a collection. we desiderate from our correspondents. But then it must be manifest, that as demands The following paper was kindly commuare every day made upon the Committee, some nicated by the Rev. T. P. Nicholson, of means must be used to place funds at their disposal. At present, they have no funds. Lowick, and is extracted from records The Synod appointed them to seek out and belonging to the church there. - Ep. supply localities needing missionaries, to aid E. P. M. weak congregations, and provide a retiring allowance to disabled ministers, and the Committee have proceeded to fulfil the appointBut how? Why by the treasurer advancing the funds out of his own pocket. The Synod required them to perform certain duties, but supplied them with no means to meet the services required. The Committee have zealously and succesfully performed their duty. They have aided weak congregations. They have assisted in placing missionaries in destitute localities. They have made provision for ministers disabled by age, and have aided in providing assistants and successors. But all this has been done, not through funds provided by the Synod, but advanced by the



This the Commission felt was not a proper state of matters. It was therefore appointed that deputations should be sent out to make

collections and obtain contributions in aid of the funds of the Home Mission; and accordingly Messrs. Murdoch (of Berwick) and Anderson (of Morpeth) were appointed a deputation to London; Messrs. Fergusson and Welsh (of Liverpool) a deputation to Scotland; and Messrs. Gardner (of Woodside) and White (of Liverpool) a deputation to Ireland. These deputations are immediately to proceed on their mission, and we have no doubt whatever, that our brethren in

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We understand that an attempt is about "In 1661, an Act of Uniformity was passed, to be made to deprive the respected by which it was required that every clergy- minister of Woodside Church, and his man should be ordained, if he had not received attached flock, of their place of worship. Episcopal ordination; that he should declare This is certainly "too bad;" but still his assent to everything contained in the Book of Common Prayer, and should take the oath quite in keeping with the rest of the of Canonical Obedience. All the ministers of proceedings of the party who institute the different parishes in the northern parts of the present suit. The world has heard Northumberland conformed, except the Rev. much, by no means too much, of the Luke Ogle, of Berwick-upon-Tweed, who re- | attempt, unhappily in most instances but signed his charge for conscience' sake. Being too successfully, made in Scotland, to a strict Presbyterian, a man addicted to seriousness and piety from his youth, he retired deprive Free Church congregations of to the parish of Lowick, in order to discharge the churches they had built for themselves. the functions of his pastoral office in the most But the public are not aware that several obscure places, to avoid persecution. He instances have occurred in England in secluded places near to it, to a handful of per- been deprived of their places of worship preached frequently at Lowick, and at the which congregations of our Church have secuted saints attached to his person, doctrine, and to the Presbyterian mode of Church by as flagrant violations of equity and The good seed was sown by justice as ever were presented to the his unwearied application and diligence, notworld. This attempt upon Woodside, withstanding the cruelty of opposition and the however, cannot, and will not succeed; difficulty of the times; indeed, he spared no and our only surprise, if, indeed, anything pains in preaching or praying, while the times ought now to surprise us, is, that such allowed the exercise of his ministry, or in dis- attempt could be made. Here is a church course that tended to edification." built for certain specific objects, not one of which, it can be proved, is violated, and yet it is attempted to alienate the property. Here is a minister who


The Presbyterian Church of Lowick was thus

founded, in troublous times, by Mr. Ogle's
piety and prudence; and He who is the hope
of Israel, and the Saviour thereof in the time

maintains every single principle he ever held, and professes every single tenet he ever advocated, and yet it is attempted to deprive him of that cure which he obtained upon conditions he faithfully implements. Here is a congregation, all of whom are attached to their pastor, coincide in his views, and, were he deprived of his church, would, to a man, go out with him, and yet it is essayed to drive them from a sanctuary hallowed in their hearts as the scene of manifold spiritual blessings. And here are men who never sat in that church, and do not mean to sit in it-who never contributed a farthing of the funds by which it was built-who know perfectly that if the present minister and congregation were driven from it, not one minister could be got to occupy its pulpit, nor one single half-dozen individuals to occupy its pews, and yet they, these men, come before a judge in equity, and ask him to shut up a church, to prevent the possibility of fulfilling the ends for which it was reared -disperse a congregation, or send them to worship God upon the mountain-side, or by the sea-shore-and all this is done from a conscientious sense of justice, a sincere regard for the glory of God, and the good of souls!

But the attempt will fail. It cannot succeed. It is perfectly known now that the success that attended the first attempts of the party arose not from the justice of the cause, nor even from the prejudice of the judge, but simply, and solely, because the attempts were not properly resisted. We say, this is known. We know it, and others know it, on authority which cannot be gainsayed. But if we failed through remissness in times past, we shall do so no more. We are now fully awake, alive, and determined to maintain our rights. Woodside will not be disturbed. Let our friends there keep their minds in perfect peace. Their faithful minister will remain amongst them, and their beautiful church will be theirs, and their children's after them. If men prefer to spend their money in attempting to deprive others of their churches, rather than in building churches for themselves, we must just gratify their propensity, so far as spending the money is concerned, but we shall take special care that the churches we have built we shall retain. Those who aided the people of Woodside to build their church will now aid them to preserve it. Let our friends, therefore, look in tranquil security on the vain attempt now made to harass them. We assure them it will signally fail.


THE congregation of Ancoat's Church, Manchester, at a Soiree held for the purpose, presented their minister, the Rev. Hugh Campbell, on his removal to London, with a massive, elegant, and costly gold watch guard-chain, and a handsome and valuable gold patent pencil. The Rev. Gentleman had previously

received from his congregation a valuable gold watch. The Rev. Messrs. Munro and Dickson, of Manchester, and Fergusson, of Liverpool, spoke in feeling terms of their regret at the departure from among them of a brother, with whom they had so often taken sweet counsel, but at the same time expressed their satisfaction that he was removed to a station in which he could be of still greater service to the Church. The gift of the congregation was

presented by Mr. Archibald Bell in a neat and in suitable terms. The meeting was afterfeeling speech, to which Mr. Campbell replied wards addressed by Messrs. R. Barbour (the founder and the best friend of the church), C. Stewart, J. Gilmour, and P. Smith. The meeting separated with mingled feelings of sorrow and submission, in which it were hard to tell whether the congregation or their departing minister most largely participated.


THIS Presbytery held its ordinary meeting on Tuesday the 8th July. The Rev. W. Nicholson, Moderator, in the chair.

The Report of the Committee appointed to confer with Mr. Wallace, of Birmingham, in reference to his change of views on the subject of Infant Baptism, was given in by Mr. Chalmers and read. Mr. Wallace was himself afterwards heard at length.

It appeared both from the Report and from Mr. Wallace's own statements before the Presbytery, that he still adhered to the views contained in the document which he had laid on the table of the Presbytery on the 10th of June, that his present convictions were the result of protracted consideration, and that these convictions were so confirmed, that he still felt it his duty to resign his charge.

In these circumstances the Presbytery tion. They declared Mr. Wallace to be no unanimously resolved to accept the resignalonger minister of the congregation at Birmingham, and no longer a minister of this Church. They further declared the Church at Birmingham to be vacant from and after this date.

Commissioners appeared from the Church at Southwark, craving that the Presbytery would be pleased to appoint an early day for the moderation of a call from them in favour of the Rev. J. Fisher. The Presbytery agreed to comply with this request, and, from the success that has already attended the labours of Mr. Fisher, there is every reason to hope tion in that important locality. that he will soon have a flourishing congrega

Mr. Chalmers reported the steps that had been taken with a view to provide a supply for Ranelagh Chapel, Chelsea, and the Committee were empowered to make arrangements for opening that place of worship, in connexion with this Presbytery, as soon as they may find themselves in circumstances to do so. There are few stations more interesting, or more likely soon to be an important one than this.

Mr. Charteris, a licentiate of the Free Church of Scotland, who has lately been appointed, by the Ladies' Society in Aid of the Missions of the English Presbyterian Church, as its missionary to Corfu, underwent all his trials with credit to himself and satisfaction to the Presbytery, and his ordination to the office of the holy ministry was appointed to take place at Regent-square Church on the 29th July, at half-past six o'clock, p.m. Mr. Chalmers to preach, the Moderator to ordain, and Mr. Hamilton to give the charge.

The Presbytery met, according to appointment, at Regent-square Church, on the 29th of July, and after an eloquent scrmon, ad

dressed to a large and attentive audience, by Mr. Chalmers, Mr. Nicholson, in an impressive prayer, accompanied by the laying on of the hands of the Presbytery, ordained Mr. Charteris to the office of the ministry. Mr. Hamilton, in his own affectionate and striking manner, delivered the charge to the young missionary.

This was altogether an affecting and interesting service. It was the consecration to

his hallowed office of the proto-missionary of from the heart the prayer of many was that the Presbyterian Church in England; and the God of missions might go with him, that an abundant door of utterance and of usefulness might be opened to him, and that he might be the first-fruits of an ample harvest of future missionaries in connexion with our Church. To the Ladies' Society the Church is under the very deepest obligations. While others were deliberating they were acting. The Church, through her constituted courts, had too long delayed to send forth missionaries of our own. The Ladies' Society, however, has now wiped from us the stain of having no proper representatives of our Church in the missionary field. Our funds have hitherto been amply sufficient to support several missionaries, but they were handed over to other Churches. But now that we have obtained a missionary family of our own, we trust the interest of our friends and members in the cause of missions will be doubly stimulated. We press this point upon our readers the more urgently, that the funds of our mission are not yet adequate to meet the demands that must be made upon them. We hope auxiliary societies will be formed throughout the Church— one is already in operation in Liverpool. Manchester, we are certain, will also maintain its wellearned character. We shall be glad to receive

any donations in aid of the mission fund.

Mr. and Mrs. Charteris are about to sail for Corfu, the scene of their future labours, and, we trust, abundant success.-[Ed. E. P. M.]


ON Thursday, June 19th, the Reverend the Presbytery of Northumberland met to ordain the Rev. John Gillespie, licentiate of the Ballybay Presbytery, to the pastoral oversight of the congregation of Framlington, Northum berland, which is the oldest Dissenting Church in the North of England, its annals reaching back as far as the year 1640. The following gentlemen took part in the solemn services of the day-Rev. Mr. Edwards, Widrington, preached an admirable and appropriate sermon; Rev. Mr. Hoy, of Felton, offered up the ordination prayer; Rev. Mr. Huie, of Wooler, charged the newly-ordained minister; and Rev. James Anderson, of Morpeth, the people. After the conclusion of the services, the Presbytery repaired to the manse, and partook of a substantial and excellent dinner, prepared for them by the congregation. We augur much good from the settlement of so devoted a minister among the people of Framlington, and are sure, from what we know of Mr. Gillespie's character, that the light of the Gospel will beam as brilliant through his ministrations as it has done there in days of yore.

On the following day, Friday, the 20th, the Presbytery proceeded to Seaton Delaval to ordain the Rev. John M'Murray, licentiate of the Monaghan Presbytery, to the charge of the newly-formed congregation there. The services were conducted in the Primitive Wesleyan Chapel, which was kindly lent for the occasion. Rev. J. Gillespie preached an

impressive and eloquent discourse from Psalm lxxxvii. 3; Rev. Mr. M'Clyment, Birdhope Craig, offered up the ordination prayer; Rev. Mr. Anderson charged the minister, and Rev.

Mr. Huie, the people; after which the Presbytery were entertained at a sumptuous dinner, provided at the expense of the congregation. They then proceeded to the site of the new church, for the purpose of laying the first stone, which was done by Davison, Esq., Monk-Seaton, when the assembled multitudes dispersed, highly gratified by the novelty, and deeply impressed with the solemnity of the affecting services in which they had been engaged. We congratulate Mr. M'Murray on the flourishing condition of his infant charge,

and assure his friends on the other side the channel, that it is fit to compare with any congregation of its standing-which is a few months-in the United Kingdom.




THE foundation stone of this new place of worship was laid on the 26th ult. by the Most Noble the Marquis of Breadal- | bane, in the presence of the Presbytery of London, and a large concourse of the members and friends of the Presbyterian Church in England.

After singing the last three verses of Psalm cxxii., the assembly engaged in prayer, which was offered up by the Rev. Dr. P. M'Farlan, of Greenock, Moderator of the General Assembly of

with much feeling and eloquence the
claims of the Edward-street congre-
gation, and its minister, on the sympathy
and aid of the friends of Presbyterianism.
The Rev. Mr. Nicholson, pronounced the |
blessing, and the meeting separated,
much gratified by the proceedings of the
evening, and the interesting addresses
which had been delivered.

festation of truth to their consciences, be reclaimed to the principles and observances of Christian men.

They also contemplate, it will be observed, the establishment of Week-day and Sabbathschools for upwards of 400 children, on whom it will be their endeavour to confer a sound Scriptural and useful education, conducted on the most approved principles, such as are exemplified in the best Parochial schools in Scotland.

The Committee sincerely trust that their en

We subjoin the circular which has been issued by the Committee of the Edward- terprise, having nothing in it of a spirit of secstreet congregation :



Westminster Confession of Faith, as held by
the English Presbyterian Synod and the
Free Church of Scotland.

The Committee of the Presbyterian Church,
now assembling in the Marylebone Literary
Institution, 17, Edwards-street, Portman-
square, feel grateful to Almighty God, that
they are at length in circumstances which en-
courage them to make immediate efforts for
the erection of a permanent place of worship.
After being for many months destitute of a
settled ministry, the Kirk session and congre-
zation have recently obtained the services of
the Rev. William Chalmers, A.M., formerly of
the Free Church of Scotland (in Dailly, Ayr-
shire,) under whose pastoral care their num-
bers are steadily increasing, and a demand
has been created for greatly enlarged accom-




tarianism, or of hostility towards any Christian denomination, but being of the nature of a welfare of those who are ignorant and out of Home mission, and aiming at the spiritual the way, may commend itself not only to their Presbyterian brethren, but to all who love the Lord Jesus Christ, and take a grateful interest in the spread of his cause. And they are not without the confident hope that many of other may be disposed to aid them in the Christian work of extending the influence of Evangelical truth over a portion of the community, especially at a time like the present, when the growing power and reanimated zeal of Rome endanger the common interests of all true Protestants, and threaten, in the absence of their combined and prayerful efforts, to re


cover an ascendancy over the mass of an ignorant and irreligious population.

The probable amount required for the Church and Schools is about £6,000. Committee.

Rev. WM. CHALMERS, 28, Dorset-place, Dorset


FRANCIS BAISLER, 124, Oxford-st.,
JOHN LAW, South-street,

JAMES MORRIS, 79, Park-street,
LAURENCE GIBSON, 176, Piccadilly, Session.
JAMES PATISON, 27, Carlton Villas,

JOHN SLOAN, 198, Sloane-street.
JAMES HUTTON, 98, Park-street,

WILLIAM SHAND, 77, George-street, Portman-
WILLIAM MANUEL, 1, Boston-street, Regent's-



DAVID MCLEAN, 29, Connaught-terrace, Edg


[blocks in formation]

Many fruitless attempts were made by the Committee to procure an eligible site for a church in the neighbourhood of their present temporary place of worship; but they rejoice to say that they have at last succeeded in their the Free Church of Scotland. A bottle object. Ground (though without available enclosing a variety of documents illus- frontage) has been secured for a building to trating the history and progress of the day and Sabbath-schools attached, to accomcontain about a thousand sitters, and for WeekFree Church, and of English Presbyte-modate upwards of four hundred children; rianism, was then deposited in the stone, and they trust that, with the aid and counteand the ceremony completed in the or- nance of their countrymen, and the friends of dinary style by the Noble Marquis, who religion in the metropolis, their infant congrethereafter addressed the meeting in a neat gation may be enabled ere long to set in and effective speech, in which his Lord-operation an efficient agency, for promoting ship congratulated the congregation asthe spiritual welfare of the necessitous district in which their church is to be placed. It is sembling at present in Edward-street, on in a quarter of London, where, according to the auspicious commencement of their the best authority, several thousand Scotchenterprise, and expressed the deep interest | men reside, vast numbers of whom are living | he took in its success. The Rev. Mr. in utter neglect of religious ordinances, with Chalmers, Minister of the Church, renone to care for their souls. The promotion | P. MAXWELL STEWART, Esq., M. P., 11, Chapel of their spiritual welfare is one great object street, Grosvenor-square. plied at some length, followed by Dr. contemplated by this effort. And the wellAlder, of the Wesleyan connexion. And known predilection of their countrymen for the blessing having been pronounced by the simple form of worship which obtains in the Rev. Dr. Buchanan of Glasgow, the their native land, and their marked indifmeeting dispersed to re-assemble in the ference to every other, justify the conviction, evening, in the London Coffee House, that nothing is so fitted, under God, to restore Ludgate-hill. them to the habits and feelings which they have abandoned, as the erection in the midst of them of a Church with the forms to which A very large party assembled on this in- from early custom and association they are teresting occasion. The Hon. Fox Maule, attached, and the visits and labours in conM.P., having been prevented by indis-nexion with it, of a Presbyterian minister and position from taking the chair, his place was most kindly supplied by P. Maxwell Stewart, Esq., M.P., who opened the men, the Committee submit that there are multitudes in the same locality, whose spiritual proceedings of the evening, and presided destitution, and consequent irreligion, render with his usual ability, until summoned them the fitting objects of Christian exertion. to his Parliamentary duties, when Wm. To these the promoters of this new place of Brownley, Esq., was voted by acclama- | worship propose, God willing, to direct their tion into the chair. Addresses were de- best attention. They are anxious that such of livered by Drs. Buchanan, M'Farlan, them as are disposed may have it in their and Alder (Wesleyan); Messrs. Red-power to become regular worshippers in the house of God; and that such as are lost to path (Secession), Hamilton, Chalmers, the sense of duty and privilege may, by the and Wilson (River-terrace); who pressed efficacy of Christian kindness and the mani

[blocks in formation]

Secretary.D. MCLEAN.


UNION BANK, Argyll-place, Regent-street.

Donations and subscriptions will be thankfully received by the Minister and members of the Committee, the Treasurers, and at the Union Bank, Argyll-place, Regent-street.

TWEEDMOUTH.-The following communica-

tion was forwarded to us not for insertion, but
as we hope that publicity may promote the
object of the Committee, we gladly give it all
We know the place
the circulation we can.
and the parties, and hereby attest the truth of
their statements, and cordially second their
We shall be happy to receive any
contributions in aid of the Church at Tweed-

"The Committee of the Presbyterian congregation in Tweedmouth take the liberty of submitting to you the following statement of

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