in mind, it will appear that we have ample the God of their fathers. And for their sakes, as well as for the rest of the congregation, we re-echo their appeal, and will be happy to receive any sums that may be devoted to this good cause.-[Ed.] MISSIONARY AFFAIRS IN THE 66 their case, in the hope that you will be induced | state of depression,-when all this is borne | shippers, with a temple in which to worship to render them some assistance under the difficulties in which they are at present placed. "The Presbyterian chapel in Tweedmouth having lately passed into connexion with the Established Church of Scotland, a number of the members, believing that Church to be now thoroughly Frastianized, felt compelled in conscience to withdraw from the chapel, and to form themselves into a separate congregation. Accordingly, having been recognised by the English Presbyterian Church, they have been meeting for the last few weeks in a building which has been fitted up as a temporary place of worship. This place is, however, found to be too small, and otherwise inconvenient for the purpose, insomuch that the congregation (at present about 200 in number) cannot be expected to increase much until a suitable chapel shall be provided. Consisting, for the most part, of farm servants and fishermen, the congregation, although willing to exert themselves to the utmost of their ability, feel that, without the aid of kind friends, they are altogether inadequate to this task. "The importance of the field may be estimated, when it is stated that the district contains a population of nearly 15,000, mostly Presbyterians, and that there is in it only one other chapel in connexion with the English Presbyterian Church, while many, very many, are living in the entire neglect of ordinances, and having no one to care for their souls. It is believed, by those best acquainted with the state of public feeling, that, with a little fostering care, a large and important congregation may be collected. Remembering the munificence of your benefactions to the Free Church, we are un willing to urge our case too strongly upon you; yet, driven as we are, for conscience' sake, from the sanctuary in which we and our fathers worshipped, and being quite unable of our selves to rear another, to whom can we look for aid, but to those who have given their sympathy and support to cases similar to our own? Being on the English side of the Tweed makes our case more urgent, as we have neither a Building nor a Sustentation Fund open to us. "For confirmation of the preceding statement, the Committee would refer to the members of the Presbytery of Berwick, the Rev. Mr. Turnbull, Eyemouth, the Rev. Mr. Ketchen, Mordington, and the Rev. Mr. Fairbairn, Allanton, who have all manifested the liveliest interest in their cause. "Archd. Bonar, Esq., Edinburgh and Glasgow Bank, Edinburgh, and Mr. Wm. Ainslie, Union Bank, Berwick, have kindly consented to take charge of any donation which you may feel inclined to present. "Have the goodness to address any communication on the subject to William Pearson, Kiln Hill, Tweedmouth, or to Owen Owens, Bridge-end, Berwick. "We are, in behalf of the congregation, your most obedient humble servants, "WILLIAM TENNANT, Elder, DUDLEY.-We have been much gratified to learn, that after a sermon by the Reverend Josias Wilson, of London, in the church at Dudley, a collection, amounting to £40, was made in aid of the funds of the congregation. When it is remembered that this church was vacant for upwards of a twelvemonth, that the present minister, the Rev Mr. Lewis, was appointed to the charge only about six months ago, and that the former minister left the congregation in the lowest possible But we have ground for something besides and beyond gratification. The state of matters at Dudley affords encouragement, and supplies instruction to other congregations. Of Mr. Lewis himself we will say only, but we say it confidently, that he has performed his various pastoral duties as, we believe, they are performed by the rest of our ministers,-zealously, laboriously, perseveringly. But we must state, concerning the congregation, that they, or some amongst them, have acted in a manner which we are anxious to see imitated everywhere else. During the vacancy they formed associations for advancing the various interests of the church; and it proves either that during the incumbency of the former minister matters were in a sadly neglected condition, or, that when the congregation were thrown on their own resources a new energy was suddenly infused throughout the body, or, it proves how much a few active, resolute, devoted men will accomplish when we state, that during the vacancy the congregation actually increased, both in numbers and in energy. Mr. Lewis found them in this condition, with all the needed machinery constructed and in full operation, and how well he has plied the means placed in his hands, the fact we have stated at the outset abundantly attests. GREENWICH. On the evening of Tuesday, and seconded by the Revds. Josias Wilson, of THE following extracts are given from to China, and we shall make it our duty, This "FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. "Since the departure of the last steamer there have been many most important circumstances in connexion with this mission, which require attention. "We mentioned in our last, the baptism, by Dr. Duff, of a student of the Free Church Institution, named Womesh Chunder Sarkar, who, with his wife, had witnessed a good confession. Womesh is connected with several wealthy native families in Calcutta; and the conversion of his wife, and her departure from the zenana of the family house, were circumstances wholly unprecedented, we believe, among that class of natives. An attempt was made to recover them by a Habeas Corpus, which was applied for on a false affidavit that Womesh was only fourteen (whereas he is upwards of eighteen), and that his parents had been deceived in sending him to Dr. Duff, inasmuch as Dr. Duff had pledged himself not to teach Christianity (!)-this attempt failed. "It is an ascertained fact, that in some parts of India, mothers, from a depraved sense of duty, constantly sacrifice their female children. "So little has Christian England yet fulfilled her obligations to the people of India, that her Government has only within a few years ceased to support idolatrous temples, to compel her troops to pay homage to idols passing in procession, to administer idolatrous oaths in her Courts of Justice, and actually to teach in her Colleges, together with the fallacious sciences of the Hindoos, some of the very religious errors which the missionaries have to combat. Soon afterwards another native who had been very encouraging. Seven were baptized last | tions, that myriads annually leave their fami a student, by name Bycantnath Dey, who also year, two died, one excluded, and one, by dis- lies and homes to undertake pilgrimages to was connected with several influential Hindoo mission, to join the Church in China. There distant temples, where, for the most part, the families, applied for baptism, but was carried are at present seven or eight inquirers, and Brahmins, whom they reverence, live in idleoff by his Heathen relatives, by force, from most of them give much promise of being ness and sin; and of these pilgrims many the house of Mr. Smith. Very great excite- sincere, and we hope will ere long evince thousands die of cold, starvation, and diseases, ment followed, and the native community of their attachment to Christ by uniting with his on the roads. all sections, from Raja Radhakant Deb and people. A new station has recently been the bigoted Hindus, to Babu Mutty Lall Sil, established at Bingchong, a populous Chinese who represents the men who are chiefly ab-district south-west of Bongkok. Brother sorbed in money-making; and from ultra- Goddard has confined himself principally, Brahminical Hindus to Vedantists, like the during the past year, to translations and resons of Dwarkanath Tagore, and the late visions, and we hope ere long to have a Rammohun Roy-have banded together to version of the Scriptures worthy of circularaise a new school or college, in which educa- tion. The Chinese assistants have been very tion is to be gratuitous, and which is to be faithful. Brother Goddard is so confined to called the Native Charitable Institution. They his study that he could go about but little, propose to raise the sum of £30,000 as a and they have done most of the village capital fund, and have applied to the Rajah preaching and tract distributing. We had a of Burdwan for help. Our readers will see in pleasant and interesting tour of five days last the extract we present from the Bhaskar, week among the Pegaun villages about this native newspaper, that this confederacy is not city. We took a large number of books unanimously admired; while in our transla- in their language for distribution, which tion from the Patrika, the organ of the Ve- were gladly received. It is supposed that dantists, they will see the view taken by that there are a hundred or more of this people party. It is said that all natives who send in Siam. They live generally in villages by their children to the Free Church Institution, themselves, and but very few are able to read or any other Missionary School, are to be ex- Siamese. Our mission in Burmah has one communicated by their relatives. By means man who labours among this people.' of this system of terrorism, the new native college may, for a time, affect the attendance at the Missionary Institution; but the whole movement will, we trust and believe, tend rather to the furtherance of the Gospel. It is a great thing to see Satan's kingdom thus shaken, and to witness an end of the stagnation of the Hindoo mind. "We are happy to add that Bycantnath has, through the Lord's mercy, been recovered, and is now with his missionary friends. He had been in confinement nearly three weeks, and cruelly tempted. Two more of the students of the Free Church Institution have also come forward and been baptized since our last-Banko Behari Basu by the Rev. D. Ewart, and Horrishchunder Mitter by the Rev. J. Macdonald. Our belief is, that there are many new and encouraging signs that God's set time to favour this land is near at hand. We entreat the prayers of our readers, that He would hasten it." "AMERICAN BAPTIST. "Dr. Judson of the American Baptist Mission at Moulmain has been necessitated, in consequence of the protracted illness of Mrs. Judson, to take his departure for the United States. "With reference to Siam, where the missionaries in connexion with the American Baptist Board have been long labouring, the 'Evangelist' has received the following from the pen of the Rev. J. H. Chandler: "It pains us that none of the Siamese have been added to the Church of Christ during the past year. Greater efforts were made last year than ever, still the blessing tarries. But we are not without hope that God will water the seed sown, and that in due time it will spring up and bear fruit. It is truly a great privilege to be permitted to labour unmolested in this Heathen land, but I do not expect when the Spirit of God is poured out on this people, and many converted to Christ, that the great adversary will be idle. May the Lord prepare us for whatever may befall us! Brother Davenport of our mission is on the eve of sailing for America, and it is not probable will ever return. When he leaves, Brother Jones will be left alone in the Siamese department. We are expecting additional labourers, but how soon we know not. The Chinese department still continues "A FEW FACTS ABOUT INDIAN "The expense of the Burmese war was twelve millions sterling, and the expense of the Affghan war was six millions, but not a single rupee does the Government spend on Chris tian Missions. "The present state of the public mind in India, notwithstanding the comparative smallness of the Christian means that have been employed to elevate the condition of the people, shows that the labours of the mission"THE harvest truly is plenteous, but theries have not been in vain in the Lord, and labourers are few; pray ye therefore, the Lord bids us thank God and take courage. of the harvest, that He will send labourers into His harvest.-Matt. ix. 37, 38. "The population of British India is now considered by the best statists to be upwards of 140 millions. "For this population it is doubtful if there are so many as two hundred European and American missionaries; that is, only one missionary to every 750,000 people. "If ministers of the Gospel were supplied to Great Britain and Ireland in the same proportion, there would be only eighteen in all England, four in Scotland, and eleven in Ireland, only thirty-three in the whole United Kingdom. "The population of the small district in which Calcutta is situated, called the twentyfour Pergunnahs, exceeds the population of the whole of the West India islands, and there are several districts in Bengal which are still more populous. "There are several districts in Bengal, like Pubna, Rajshye, Bogora, and Mymunsing, in each of which the population exceeds a million; several large districts and populous towns in other parts of India; several extensive dependent countries like Oude, and Gwalior; and several important neighbouring countries like Cashmere and Nepal, which have no missionary at all. "There are several extremely populous districts, like Jessore, Midnapore, Dinagepore, Bheerboom, and Burdwan, which at present have only a single missionary each. "The state of the people who are thus lected is such, that there exist among them religious bands of systematic murderers called Thugs, and other bands of men who live by the fruits of violent burglaries, and perform religious ceremonies to Kali in celebration of their successes. "The Bible is translated into Bengali, Hindustani, Hindee, Tamul, Marathi, Ürya, and nearly all the dialects of India; scriptural tracts and school books in all these languages are now prepared, and are annually circulated in great numbers; there is a thirst for education; the English language is spreading, old prejudices are giving way, the Missionary Schools are well attended, and the word of God is listened to attentively by crowds at fairs and festivals. "The fields are white unto the harvest. 666 Who, then, is ready to consecrate his service this day unto the Lord ?'"— Calcutta Christian Herald. REVIEWS. An Exposition of the Confession of Faith of the Westminster Assembly of Divines. By the Rev. R. SHAW, Whitburn. With an Introductory Essay, by the Rev. W. HETHERINGTON, LL.D., St. Andrew's. 12mo.-Johnstone, Edinburgh; Groombridge, London. 1845. WE have been often surprised, that while other Churches possess expositions of their Confessions of Faith, the Churches adhering to the Westminster standards should still lack so very useful an accompaniment to their incomparable neg-confession. But the very excellency of our confession has been, we are persuaded, one principal reason why no exposition of it has ever been written. As Dr. Hetherington in his admirable Introduction has remarked, there is not a clause of a sentence in our Confession of Faith which is not a refutation of some heresy, or an affirmation of some controverted truth,-nay, with such erudition and caution was the work composed, that even single words often contain the principle and the germ of many "In the whole of the vast provinces of Bengal and Behar, it has been ascertained that the proportion of individuals who can even read, is as five and a half to a hundred; and the lack of knowledge in some other parts of India is still greater. "A large body of the people of India are under the influence of such fearful supersti a bulky folio. Writers accordingly feel, | that to write an exposition of our Confession of Faith required such extent of reading, such discrimination and erudition, as very few men indeed can ever possess, and thus they were deterred from entering upon an enterprise in which they anticipated a failure. He deserves their patronage. ADDRESS TO OUR FRIENDS AND CORRESPONDENTS. We should deceive our clerical readers were we to say, that the present volume is at all of the same class with Pearson on the Creed, or even Burnet on the Thirty-nine Articles. It does not aspire We are gratified by the circulation to the vast erudition of the former, nor which the "Messenger" has already atdoes it lay claim to the historical research tained, but cannot be satisfied till it has of the latter. It would be indeed im- at least doubled its present number of proper to compare it with either. It is subscribers. And this can easily be evidently intended for a different class of done-our friends can do it for us. readers. It is a popular manual designed Let each minister recommend it from for our well-educated heads of families the pulpit, and intimate where suband Sabbath-school teachers. But our scribers' names can be received; or, students of divinity, and even ministers, still better, let parties intending to subwill derive no small benefit from a peru- scribe, at once send us their address for sal of it, if not in the way of receiving the stamped edition, which then they any new information, yet in the way of will receive with all the regularity of a having old useful truths recalled to newspaper. Where the unstamped edimemory. The author's name is a suffi-tion is preferred, let one elder, or cient guarantee for its orthodoxy, and the deacon, or other party in the congregaintroduction is worthy of Dr. Hethering- tion, be announced as willing to receive ton, and we could not give it higher orders, then let the number required, praise. The printer and publisher have with the best mode of conveyance, be acquitted themselves well in their depart-intimated to us, and regularity will be ment. We very cordially recommend ensured. the work to our readers. Our readers are all familiar with M'Crie's Life of Knox, and if so, they must be aware of the extreme historical importance of the "Brief Discourse of the troubles begun at Frankford in the year 1554." This book is our only authority for many facts of the last importance to a full conception of the history of the period. But the work has been out of print for nearly three centuries. It has indeed been reprinted, but the reprints are almost as rare as the original. We were for upwards of half a dozen years in search of a copy before we could procure it, and that too at a time when such works were much more easily accessible than they are now, after the demand for them has gone on increasing for the last ten years. It is therefore with great pleasure that we notice, from an advertisement which will be found in another column, that Mr. Petheram, of 71, Chancery-lane, is about to reprint the work. To Scotchmen it cannot but be interesting from its historical account of Knox; to English Presbyterians, from its account of Whittingham, Foxe, and Gilby, and other early Presbyterian confessors and martyrs; and to every student of history, from the light it throws upon one of the darkest periods of our history, and upon questions that now agitate the Church as they did in the days of the Reformation. We trust our readers will patronise Mr. Petheram's undertaking. but little space for comments. Facts are what we desiderate. There are various subjects to which we wish to direct the attention of our correspondents. We wish to receive extracts from old minutes of Sessions and Presbyteries, which throw light upon the history of our Church. We have examined many of these old minutes, and are aware they contain much that is interesting. Let our good friend Dr. Brown, of Brampton, for example, send us some extracts from the old records of his church. Let others give us the history of their churches, with biographical sketches of their ministers. Let our aged fathers, such as Mr. Newton Blythe, of Branton, and Mr. Hall, of Crookham, give us their early reminiscences of Presbyterianism in their borders. In short, let our columns be made the medium not only of communicating the intelligence of the day, but of reviving an interest in the past history of our Church. We do trust that our correspondents will be punctual, brief, yet frequent in their communications, and that our friends will aid us in giving the widest possible circulation to the important intelligence which, from time to time, we trust to be able to communicate. We are not very poetical ourselves the greater our misfortune-yet we shall be glad to be favoured occasionally with We do trust our friends will thus aid pieces of true poetry, provided, however, us. We plead for no personal advantage. they be very short, and suited to our Our only desire is to benefit the Church. columns. A piece sent us this month The influence of the press, so mighty from Liverpool, although not devoid of for good or evil, we have sinfully neg- merit, is too long. But what we want are lected. The position and prospects of good prosaic facts, statistics, memoirs, our Church, our listlessness and luke- suggestions and plans for the founding and warmness considered, are truly marvel- conducting of institutions to benefit our lous. What might she not have been, Church, or the result of such institutions had we but employed the talents God in any of our congregations or Presbyhas given us? But let a new era now teries. In short, as we desire to make the dawn upon us, and let us be found "Messenger" the organ of the whole worthy to occupy the position assigned Church, we wish to make it the vehicle us. The night, we trust, is now past- for conveying intelligence regarding the the night of dreamy drowsiness our actual state of matters amongst us, and for winter of torpor. In the spring-tide of communicating information for the imrenewed youth-in the refreshed vigour provement of our condition. of early dawn, let us labour. Our scriptural principles court inquiry. Our apostolic constitution dreads no comparison. Our pure tenets ought to shine in the light. Our history fears not investigation. God has committed a great cause to our advocacy. May He give us grace to be faithful, vigilant, and successful! To our correspondents we desire to address a word. We long for their favours. We depend upon them for local intelligence. Should any presbytery or institution be overlooked, the fault will be theirs who have charge of its management. For our part we are resolved to give due prominency to every part of our Church. Let our correspondents, then, be punctual-let their communications arrive early in the month, and let them be as short and condensed as possible. We can afford We have been very much disappointed this month, that no report should be sent us of the proceedings of Presbyteries, London only excepted. What the cause of this has been, we certainly cannot divine. We mention the subject at present only to apprise our readers, that if matters connected with any part of our Church do not appear in our columns the fault is not ours, but other parties', who fail to transmit the reports. DONATIONS TO THE COLLEGE LIBBARY. WE shall from time to time insert in our columns an account of the various donations of funds and books contributed to the library of the College. In due time the donation of Mr. Hall, of Crookham, will be acknowledged at length. We must not, however, omit to mention that Mr. Alex. Carson, of Travis-street, Manchester, has sent us a donation of five pounds. Would that others would follow his generous example! The following list is arranged according to the order in which the donations arrived :— From the Rev. JAMES HAMILTON. Mills' Greek New Testament Simeon's Works. Twenty-one vols. Syriac New Testament. Syriac Lexicon. Stewart's Mental Philosophy. Whitaker's Family Sermons. Three vols. Campbell's Ecclesiastical History. Two vols. Dr. Gregory's Philosophical Essays. Two vols. Des Cartes's Principles of Philosophy. Dales' Four Discourses on the Ministry. Gregory's Lecture on Literature and Composition. From Mr. JAMES ANDERSON, Billiter-street. Chalmers's Works. Twenty-five vols. From JAMES NISBET, Esq. The Woodrow Society's Publications. Thirteen vols. Murray's Display of the Trinity. From Miss CUMMING, Pentonville. Dr. Andrews on the Trinity. Two vols. Jay's Discourses. Three vols. Clarke's Homer's Iliad. Two vols. From Mr. GEO. YOUNG, Tweedmouth. Locke on the Understanding. Two vols. From the Rev. J. A. HUIE, Wooler. Welsh's Sermons. Huie's Sacred Lyrics. From Mr. C. J. STEWART, King William-st. Lactanti Opera. Two vols. From the Rev. JOSIAS WILSON. Travels of Anacharsis in Greece. Five vols. Cairnes on Moral Freedom. Taylor's Holy Dying. Gray on the Connexion between Sacred and Profine Literature. Two vols. M.Leod on the Revelations. From W. TAYLOR, Esq., New Ormond-street. Three vols. Two vols. One vol. Sherlock's Works. Five vols. Saint Augustine's Cities of God. From Mrs. Johnstone. Bagster's Polyglott Bible. Two vols., 4to. Memoir of the Rev. John Elias. From Mr. WM. LEIGHTON, Engineer, Deptford. Owen on the Holy Spirit. From Miss RITCHIE, Greenwich. Watson's Body of Divinity. From Rev. JAMES HAMILTON. The English Hexapla. From Mrs. SMITH. Abercrombie on the Moral Feelings. Snow's Harmony of the Gospels. From Mrs. GEORGE. Letters to the Rev. G. D'Oyly, B.D. Noble on the Plenary Inspiration of the Scriptures. Brown's Sacred Tropology. From the Rev. Prof. LoRimer. Lee's Hebrew Grammar. From Rev. A. A. BONAR, Collace. Remains of M'Cheyne. Narrative of a Mission to the Jews. From Mr. M'FIE. Ta Tsing Leu Lee; or, Penal Code of China. From Dr. WILSON, Bombay. Wilson on the Parsi Religion. From CHARLES COWAN, Esq. The North British Review. Nos. 1-4. From JAMES NISBET, Esq. The Calvin Translation Society. Four vols. Moor's Greek Grammar. Burns' Scottish Poor-laws. Report of Commissioners on the English Poor-laws. Pike's Essay on Preaching. Hope's Triune God. Saurin's Abrigeé de la Theologie. Abbodie's Traite de la Divinité de Notre Seigneur Jesus Christ. From Rev. JAMES HAMILTO Lady Hewley's Charities. From Rev. JAMES HAMILTON Life of Isaac Le Febre. Dr. Mackay on Matt. v. 1-10. Two vols. Brewster on the Acts. Two vols. Bentley's Sermons. Alexander on Internal Evidence. IN Advertisements. APPEAL FOR RAISING FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS FOR DR. DUFF'S MISSION LIBRARY AT CALCUTTA. N consequence of the whole of the Established Church of Scotland Missionaries in India having joined the Free Church | of Scotland, they have been obliged to relin- | quish the Buildings which had been planned and erected expressly with a view to their operations, and had been rendered so interesting by their labours. They have also been compelled to leave behind them an extensive Library, and a most valuable assortment of Apparatus, procured mainly by the personal exertions of Dr. Duff, and by funds placed exclusively at his disposal. bestirring themselves in this great and good | parent from the fact, that at Ist March, 1841, The WHOLE of the DONATIONS will be placed at the sole disposal of Dr. Duff, for the purchase of Books and Apparatus, and will be gratefully and duly acknowledged.-The List of Books wanted by Dr. Duff is expected by the next mail.-Contributions of Books will be | most acceptable. The Missionaries have, however, in the good providence of God, obtained on lease for five years the possession of a house amply sufficient for their accommodation, where they have opened the institution of the FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND, which consists of a COLLEGE and NORMAL and PREPARATORY SCHOOL. The number of pupils, including | Letter from the Rev. Dr. Gordon, Convener of the WHOLE of those who attended the former or General Assembly's Institution, now enrolled in the monthly corrected registers, is upwards of a thousand; and there are nearly four hundred others in the branch schools at Barangar, Gaspara, and Culna. | | "The Foreign Mission Committee of the "Edinbro', 14th February, 1845. "With every kind and Christian wish, I Dr. Duff writes, “One thing we do sorely miss, and that is, a Library and Philosophical Apparatus, but we formerly began without any, laboured for several years with only a scanty supply, but ended with a rich abundance, and may it not be so again? Doubtless it may; and we believe it shall. The same God who put it into the hearts of his people before, liberally to provide for our wants in this respect, can put it into the hearts of his people again. We live in faith, and wait in hope, to see it so, and that too within a shorter period than before." ، While we feel truly grateful to those kind friends amongst us here, who have begun to repair our losses, it must not be forgotten, that we must look mainly to our friends at home for a full and complete replenishment." In another communication he says, "As to our immediate loss, I am much mistaken if there is not a spirit of life and liberality abroad among the Christian people of India, England, Scotland, and Ireland, that shall very soon repair it, yea, perhaps repair it so thoroughly, that our latter end, like that of the patient sufferer in the land of Uz, shall be SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LIFE better than the beginning." A writer in a popular Calcutta paper states that "The Institution is the only Christian Establishment which is fully adequate to the wants of the present times. It offers to those whose minds have become emancipated from superstition, and who would otherwise take refuge in scepticism, the elevating truths of the Gospel, and the evidence on which those truths claim the homage of men. At a period of transition like the present, the value of such an Institution can scarcely be exaggerated;" and Evangelical Christians "may rest assured that they cannot more effectually do their duty to India than by the most strenuous support of these Institutions." To assist Dr. Duff and his brother Missionaries in the formation of another Library, an appeal is now made to all who desire the Spread of the Redeemer's Kingdom, more especially to the members and friends of the Presbyterian Churches in England and Ireland. Our brethren in Scotland are already "To Mr. John Ferguson." Vested addition at 1st March, Further additions, viz.— On surviving 31st August, On surviving 31st August, On surviving 31st August, 200 0 0 1,200 0 0 Donations will be received by Mr. JOHN number. large paper, cloth boards, 8s. [After publication, the prices will be 66. and 10s.] DISCOURS BRIEFF A OFF THE TROUBLES BEGONNE AT FRANCKFORD IN GERMANY, Anno Domine 1554, Abowte the Booke off Common Prayer and Ceremonies, and continued by the Englishe men theyre, to thende of Q. Maries Raigne, in the which discours the gentle reader shall see the originall and the beginninge off all the contention that hathe byn, and what was the cause off the M.D.LXXV. John Petheram, 71, Chancery Lane. same. Printed by ALEXANDER MACINTOSH, of No. 20, Great New - Stamped (to go post-free).... Four Shillings. |