have entered. I rejoice to see so many from all our Churches sitting here to-night in Christian harmony, and now I want you all to be as one man in Christian co-operation. My earnest desire is that you should all be ministers, all missionaries, in your different private spheres, for the dissemination of the Gospel of God. The Church of Christ has been compared, by the Apostle Paul, to the human frame, not only, as I understand, on account of the sympathy that pervades the members of the body, but also on account of the activity for which these members were evidently formed. As all the members of the body were formed for active exertion, so it should be among the members of the Church of Christ. If only one member of my body were full of life and power, while all the rest were in a state of paralysis, I should be a spectacle of wretchedness in your presence. And if in any of our Churches, there be only one active member, and he be even the minister of the Church, then I care not how rich, how learned, how respectable that Church may be, it is a spectacle of moral and spiritual wretchedness; it has a name to live, while it is in reality dead. It has been a prominent idea before my mind for some years, that every member of our Churches should have his hand full of some holy occupation; that, just as in one of our great factories, so in all our congregations, every man and woman, old and young, rich and poor, should be engaged in some department of labour, and then the Church will stand forth in the eyes of the world, "clear as the sun, fair as the moon, and terrible as an army with banners." It is only thus she will be enabled to spread the blessings of our religion wide and far around her, and be like a fountain of mercy opened up in this great country. One peculiar characteristic of our Presbyterianism, is UNION, and in this we differ from our brethren, the Independents. I was much delighted lately in reading the fifth chapter of Luke's Gospel. It is there stated, that two vessels were lying together in the lake of Gennesaret; Jesus directed them to launch out, and let down their nets for a draught. One of the vessels did so, and enclosed such a multitude of fishes that the net brake. And how did the men in the other ship act? Did they look on with envy, or jealousy, or secret delight, at the breaking of the net, without lending a helping hand? Oh, no. They hastened to the help of their brethren, and the consequence was, that they filled both the ships to overflowing. Now, Sir, here is a fine example for our Presbyterian Churches and for all the Churches of Christ. Let us act toward each other in the generous spirit of these seafaring men. They belonged to different vessels: the one ship may have been called "The Joppa," and the other "The Damascus :" the crews were not the same: their rigging may have been of different forms. But still they sailed on the same blue waves-were exposed to the same storms-their canvass was filled by the same favouring gale; and when their voyage was ended, and their work done, then, in the same lovely haven, they slept sweetly together, side by side. And here, brethren, we are voyaging on the same sea of life, though we belong to different Churches; and instead of standing at a distance, while fishing for the precious souls of men, oh! let us stretch out to one another the hand of cordial and mutual co-operation, and present to God, and angels, and men, the delightful spectacle of brethren dwelling together in unity. Major ANDERSON, R.A.-It has not been my privilege to be among you for some years past, and it now warms me, heart and soul, to find myself again permitted to meet with you Is it not MR. LORIMER having read the third Resolution,-"That in contemplating the extension of the Presbyterian Church in England, this meeting views the recent establishment of a College in connexion with the Synod as affording matter of much congratulation and thankfulness; and feeling deeply the important bearing which the supply of a native and well-furnished ministry must have, under God, on the future prospects of the Church, that this meeting regards that undertaking as having the strongest and most pressing claims upon the liberality of all the congregations,"proceeded to observe, that he had already, on two former occasions, spoken in that room on the principles contained in the Resolution; and that he should not now dwell upon them a third time. The minds of our London con in such circumstances. I am happy to say | town it is scowled upon, more especially where I miss scarcely any of the elders, with whom Puseyism prevails, as in some parts. I used to take sweet counsel, and though our duty to draw nearer to God? to seek a there have been changes and blanks in the high state of personal piety? to show what Presbytery of London, they have now been Presbyterianism is, not by its constitution, or more than filled up. Last Sabbath, for the the peculiarities of its worship, but by holding first time for three years, I was privileged to the Bible close to our heart, so that we may worship in a church dear to my heart; and walk according to its blessed precepts? Thus when I learned and saw what had been done ought we to seek to exhibit what Presbythere in the interval, I thanked God with terianism really is. Let us make a closer adoring gratitude. The Resolution which I search of the Bible, get more acquainted with am now to second, refers to a very deplorable the doctrines of the Bible, and show the world state of things, the destitution of a faithful that we fear the Lord by walking in his ways. Gospel ministry, and of an efficient pastoral Whilst we love the order of Presbyterianism, superintendence in this great metropolis. It we must love the Lord Jesus also, and seek to is not in my power to speak of the destitution imitate him in our lives, our spirit, our in London, from which I have been long tempers, and we will thus advance his cause. absent, but I have been lately in a Cathedral If, however, we be Christians merely in name, town, and the condition in which I found our endeavours will be of no effect whatever. matters there may enable us to judge of the Let us study from this night forward to take state of religion in that city. It is the place the Word of God as our only guide and rule. where that godly man, Matthew Henry, Let it be the man of our counsel, a light preached and laboured, and the pulpit of that to our feet, a lamp to our path, bringing all saint is now occupied by a Socinian. "Icha- our principles and actions to this test. So bod" may be written on that church, once so will there be a higher standard of family and distinguished for the fulness of Gospel truth personal religion, and many more to assist in there set forth to the people of God. In that the good work in which you are engaged. city, too, within the last two months, some pious men endeavoured to establish a City Mission, by means of which they hoped to check the abounding iniquity, and to awaken some to a concern about their immortal souls. They encountered great difficulties, and met with great opposition, but the measure was at last so blessed of God, that Christian men of all denominations united to support it. A public meeting was held, and many good men advocated the cause. One, in order to soften hostility, and with a view of showing the necessity of something being done, gave a calculation that, from the number of churches in the city, and estimating each to be sufficient for a congregation of about 500, there was church accommodation for 10,000 to 12,000. Even, however, if these churches had been all full, there was, they showed, still a destitution, the accommodation being inadequate to the population. The public press joined keenly in the opposition to the measure, and harshly and unjustly vituperated its projectors, asserting that there was no necessity for any such scheme. It occurred to two of the Committee to count the entire numbers attending all the places of worship, including even the Quakers, on a Sunday, and they chose Easter-Sunday, on which, as a day peculiarly observed in the Episcopal Church of England, the attendance there was likely to be larger than the average; and yet, instead of even 10,000, there were only in all the churches about 4,600. This disclosure startled the people exceedingly. And, though I cannot speak with certainty as to the state of London, yet, how many are there here also, who never enter a church, and who are living without God or hope in the world, with no one caring for their souls! The Resolution mentions Presbyterianism as possessing peculiar aptitude for such a work; and in that county it is often said, that if a Free Church minister would go there his church would soon be full. Such an event would be felt as one of the greatest blessings that could befall them: it is the hearts' desire of the people, inspired by some specimens they know of old Scotch divinity, and disliking that surface preaching which does not go to the heart. I love Presbyterianism much, but one thing still more, I trust, the Lord Jesus Christ; and my humble desire is to promote his glory. In these eventful days the poorest individual may promote the cause of Presbyterianism, and in London it is easy to pass muster; but in a cathedral Like gregations were now pretty well indoctrinated in these views. The vital connexion between our College and the extension of our Church was so self-evident as not to require a single remark; and as to the importance of our ministry in England being a native ministry, that also was now very generally admitted. Instead, therefore, of dwelling upon these general views, he would proceed to give the meeting some information regarding the present state of the Institution, and of the success which had attended its first campaign. all winter campaigns, it had been a hard one, both for the teachers and the taught; but he was happy to be able to tell them, that it had been an eminently successful one. In some things, indeed, the Lord had disappointed the desires of our hearts; but in others he had been better to us than our most sanguine hopes; and at the conclusion of our very first session, had filled our hearts with gratitude and praise. Mr. Lorimer then proceeded to give an account of the number of the students, which he stated to be twenty-three, double the number that even the most sanguine had ventured to anticipate; also of their literary attainments, their ecclesiastical connexions, their daily engagements; laying special stress upon two points, viz:-that they were all self-supporters, and that no fewer than nine of them were engaged in the work of congregational and city missionaries, which he spoke of as being an admirable training for the work of the ministry. But as all these details are to be found in the Report which Mr. L. afterwards submitted to the Synod, and as that Report is printed in the present number, it is unnecessary to do more than refer to it in its Ano own place. The Rev. Gentleman concluded | tribute his personal share to the efforts of the | be adopted without much delay, by all the by referring to the great importance and Church collective." I need hardly say, Sir, that Churches which follow our form of polity: necessity of establishing day-schools in con- I take a warm interest in the cause of Presby- and I cannot help thinking that we are warnexion with the College. These, he remarked, terianism, and in whatever contributes to its ranted in anticipating from this revival of our were required as feeders for the Institution; prosperity, both here and elsewhere. I cannot principles the happiest and the most valuable pipes of supply to replenish the reservoir as forget that whatever moral, religious, mental, results. Another excellence of Presbyterianism its waters were drawn off; for the proportion of and social advantages I enjoy, I owe them all is, that it admits so largely of the representaour Presbyterian youths in London who were to Presbyterianism, and that, the Presby- tive principle. Leaving such ample and comunder the instruction of Presbyterian teachers terianism of my native land. I trust that you plete powers to each congregation, and to the during the week, was extremely small, only will give me credit when I say, that I have aggregate of congregations in each locality, it one in seventeen; and that was a state of ever felt myself under the strongest obligations combines with the utmost freedom, the closest things which ought not to be allowed to con- to render whatever services may be in my co-operation, and employs so constantly a tinue. We ought to have a school scheme, as power to that cause, and that my only fear is, lest principle, which was unknown in the governwell as a College scheme, and a home mission; I be unable to discharge even a small part of ments of antiquity, and which has been extolled otherwise the youth of our Churches would be the debts under which I lie. It is one happy as the peculiar discovery of modern times, that drained off by the zeal of other denominations. result of having been bred and nurtured in of uniting all the parts of an extensive empire, It was our duty to take care that they should the principles of Presbyterianism, that we need by means of the representative system. be trained up from their tenderest years in our entertain no apprehension of any one question- ther excellency, which we ought never to own principles, and then they would succeeding our ardent and devoted attachment to it, forget, is that Presbytery, first and last, has their fathers in the work of maintaining and although we look with the kindest sentiments been the most strenuous and devoted supporter promoting them in the land. of Christian regard upon ministers and of the cause of popular education. Whatever The Motion was seconded by W. STEVENSON, members of other denominations who shew distinction Scotland, as a nation, has acquired; Esq. that they love their common Saviour, and whatever she has contributed to the prosperity witness with delight their labours of love, and and power, to the wealth and renown of the the tokens of Divine blessing with which they British empire at large, may be traced very are favoured. It is to my mind a peculiar mainly to this distinguishing characteristic of recommendation to Presbyterianism, that its the form of Church government which has preforms are so simple, its principles so much invailed in our native land. Nothing has more accordance with the spirit of Christianity, that it awakened my admiration and my delight, amid admits of an easy adaptation to every change all the movements of the Free Church, than in the state of society, and especially that it their stupendous effort to erect 300 schools admits and invites a transference into itself, in connexion with their places of worship. It of all the improvements, and praiseworthy is a blessed work and is sure to make them a methods in supporting and propagating the blessing. We cannot in England pay too Gospel, which the experience of any other much attention to this subject, where there body of Christians may suggest. Our Con- is such a grievous lack of the means of a good gregationalist brethren lay considerable stress education for the children of poor Scottish upon the method which they adopt of re- parents in London. There is nothing like ceiving candidates into the communion of the the change for them that there is in Scotland. Church. They do it by the votes of all the I wish from the bottom of my heart that some members present at the Church meeting. If remedy could be devised. No good can come it were thought desirable in any of our con- of any religious body in which this is not gregations, nothing could be easier than to made an object of principal and supreme attransplant this practice into our own system, tention. On this, as well as on other accounts, and to give all the members of our Church a I voice in the admission of others into their communion. It has been thought an excellence of Episcopacy, that it does not leave every minister and congregation to pursue their own course, without any check or restraint; but there is a system of wise and regular superintendence exercised, and an unity imparted to all the movements of the machine. Now, without inquiring how far these advantages have been secured in prac-ference has been made by my brother, Mr. tice, I maintain that the superintendence Wilson, to my predecessor, whose character exercised by our Synods, Presbyteries, and was adorned by so many high and distinguished Sessions, has been quite as salutary and Christian excellences. I feel, Sir, that I have efficient, and admits of being conducted on had every inducement to feel the liveliest principles the most Christian, enlightened, and sympathy with all that is great and good in tolerant; and directed chiefly to the mutual help my fellow-Christians of other communions. and encouragement of the Churches in their do- From the admirable minister under whom I mestic and foreign operations. Again, are our was educated, and with whom I was for Wesleyan brethren remarkable for the admi- several years in almost daily intercourse, I never rable organization which they have introduced heard a word but what was fitted to make me into their Churches, and for the energy and en- dislike and despise the meanness and littleness thusiasm which they have infused into all the of thinking that God had confined all the comparts of their most efficient body, the Free munications of his grace, and all the tokens Church of Scotland have shewn how all that of his favour, to the party to which we may is best in the Wesleyan organization, can be happen to belong; and the example of my prefilled in most successfully, and work, as I decessor teaches me, at every turn, that large think, an immense improvement in our old and warm-hearted affection to my fellowPresbyterian forms. I allude to the plan of Christians is my highest privilege and most having a self-supporting Church instead of solemn duty. I am glad to have had an merely self-supporting congregations. This opportunity of appearing among my countryscheme admits of several modifications. It men, who have been making such noble, might be limited to districts or Presbyteries, disinterested, and generous sacrifices in the as well as extended, as in Scotland, to a whole cause of our common Christianity, and of kingdom. But the Free Church of Scotland saying a word in favour of those Institutions has set an example which I believe has infused to which we are indebted so much, and which fresh life into Presbyterianism both in the old are destined, I believe, to perform so important world and in the new: an example which I a part in diffusing the blessings of Christianity trust will, in one or other of its modifications, through all the nations of the earth. The CHAIRMAN (who is one of the Treasurers of the College Funds) here rose and said With respect to the funds of the College, I may state that my fellow-Treasurer and myself have just made up the accounts for the past year, in order that they may be laid before the Synod at its meeting next week. At the outset of our undertaking, we received many most handsome donations, but these must be regarded as drawn forth under extraordinary circumstances, and we cannot depend on their being continued hereafter to anything like the same extent. The other funds, arising from annual subscriptions and congregational collections, if not increased, will be inadequate to the due support of the Institution, and we must therefore urge on our friends to send us more liberal contributions, that the success and stability of the College may be made sure. I would call on all to consider their duty in this matter, and urge them to contribute liberally, as God may enable them, to the support of an Institution which we may confidently say is fitted to be a fountain of benefits and blessings to thousands in our land. Another most important matter is the need of day-schools, in connexion with the College. The founders of the Colleges in Scotland saw the necessity of this adjunct, and established parochial and borough schools, from which a large annual supply of students proceed to the Universities. In England also, the same system is very generally followed; and, in London, King's College did not, in any measure, realize the benefits its projectors had calculated on, until they had opened a number of affiliated schools. We are not to look at once for great success, but the due preparation of the young in schools, conducted on good principles and under good teachers, will certainly soon increase the number of the College students. I would conclude by recommending to our friends to follow, as far as they can, the generous example of Mr. Hamilton. Some of them, I doubt not, may have books which they have not much use for; and the best thing they can do is to send to the College all that are suitable for its library, with their names as donors, that all due gratitude to them may be drawn forth by such useful and acceptable gifts. The Rev. ROBERT REDPATH moved the fourth Resolution,--"That Presbyterianism embodying the converse principles, that the strong should help the weak,' and that in promoting the cause of Christ, each member has his own office, and ought to do what he can, it is on the one hand the duty of the larger and wealthier congregations to aid the feebler; and on the other hand, the duty of every member in each congregation to con rejoice in listening to that part of your Report which narrates the progress and success of your College. I know well how much the prospects of Presbyterianism in England depend upon its success, and earnestly hope that it may furnish a common ground, on which the body of Presbyterians, with which I am connected, may unite with you, and that some measures may be soon devised to combine the two bodies in its support. Re The Rev. JAMES FERGUSON, in seconding | whole was thereby completed. Each had a tell him also that we have a Committee of the motion, said,-I was lately at a meeting separate part assigned to him, and yet there Synod appointed for the very purpose of conwhere a gentleman, in moving a Resolution, was no separate interest. Some repaired in sidering and furthering such Christian union, congratulated himself that his motion had this one place, and some in another place, but it of which I have the honour to be the Conspecial advantage, viz., that it was capable of was all to construct one wall; and that wall vener; and I shall be most happy, after this moving, and seconding, and carrying itself. to defend one city; and that city to be the meeting shall have separated, to hold comAnd I have no doubt whatever, that without habitation of one people; where they might munication with Mr. Redpath on this subject any mover, and without any seconder, the all live in peace and security in the fear of this very evening. Having read the ResoMotion, which has been put into my hands, the Lord. And, then, matters were solution, Mr. Campbell proceeded,―This Resowould commend itself entirely to your Chris- arranged that each man, and body of men, lution, I understand, will be seconded by the tian regards for the cause which it advocates had their work allotted for them, as nearly as worthy Chairman of the London Lay Union, is the cause of CHRIST; the principles which possible, over against their own dwellings. They Mr. Hamilton, a gentleman so intimately acit maintains are those of Presbytery, and not were thus combining private and public good quainted with its workings, and so well of Presbytery merely, but also of the New together in the service of the Lord. And great qualified to bring before you its history, and the Testament; and, if carried out in all its length things may still be done by unity, public spirit, nature and extent of its operations, that I and breadth and spirit, the whole duty which largeness of heart, and a disposition to do what need say only a word or two on this subject. it inculcates would just amount to this, viz., we can. Next to the salvation of our own souls, There is nothing valuable, I believe, in that as members of a Christian Church,-as we should watch and pray for the salvation Church government which may not be carried engaged in one great Christian work,-as of others. Next to the success of the work of on under Presbyterianism. It is a field for united in the bonds of one Christian fellow- the Lord in our own hands, should we desire the people to labour in. All cannot be ship, and as, being all willing to do what the success of that work in the hands of our ministers or office-bearers, but still, let every we can, we should set ourselves to bear one brethren. And, when we see the threatening man be in his place, and it finds a place for another's burdens, and so to fulfil the law of aspect of the times, when we see the powers every man. We can give them all a place to Christ. This, beyond all question, is the sum of darkness concentrating their forces, when occupy, in which to employ their time and and substance and spirit of my motion; and, we see the Man of Sin rearing his head on talents for the advancement of the Church's as we are met in ominous and threatening high, and when we think of the countenance cause, and one of the most important of these times, expressly with a view to advance the that is given him, compared with that which is to be found in a Lay Union; not merely interests of Presbyterianism, the question will we ourselves received at the hands of our from the money with which it swells the funds very naturally arise, What are the circum-legislators, then, if ever there was a time for of our College, and of our other schemes, but stances in which we are at present placed? Christian union, watchfulness, and prayer, more for its dissemination of principles, high About a year ago, Sir, I cannot help thinking that time is now. Who could have thought and holy, embracing in every instance, means that our circumstances bore a very striking that, in this Protestant country, and in the and endeavours to promote the best interests resemblance to those in which Nehemiah and nineteenth century, the First Minister of the of immortal souls, and the true welfare of the his associates were placed when they set them- Crown in England would have proposed to world at large. They can give reasons for selves, heart in hand, to rebuild the walls of endow the Popish College of Maynooth? collecting money-they do not ask any to Jerusalem. These walls were broken down; Who could have thought that, while he rejected give it without a reason-they bring to bear, and, when you compare our present condition the claims of the Church of Scotland, without in support of their solicitations, every Chriswith the picture which Mr. Hamilton has inquiry, he would grant the claims of the tian motive, and address to those to whom drawn of what Presbyterianism was in Eng-Church of Rome without inquiry? Who could they apply every high principle of Christian land 200 years ago, it will be but too evident have supposed that he would have denied that charity, and show them how their money will that the walls of our Jerusalem are broken justice to Protestantism, which he is so willing be the means of conferring most important down also. The builders of the walls of to extend unsolicited to Popery? Who could benefits on the Church and on the world. Jerusalem had a grievous and determined and have supposed that he would, or could, have The effect on the agents of a Lay Union enunworthy opposition to encounter. There done this in contravention of his own professed gaged in this work, is also most beneficial and was Sanballat, the Horonite, Tobiah, the ser- creed, the constitution of his country, and blessed. Every man who is in truth a misvant, and Geshem, the Arabian, who had com- the coronation oath of his Royal mistress? sionary of the Gospel of salvation to his bined together to resist and annoy and laugh Who could have thought this, or anything like brethren, must have been washed and purified them to scorn. These were most inveterate this? But, yet, so it is; and, when it is so, in his own soul. It would be an ungrateful adversaries to the men of Judah; and while then how loud the call to testify together, as task to press on others what he has no love we have had abundant obloquy to bear at the "witnesses" for truth, to testify with one for himself, and no Lay Union agent will hands of many enemies, it is obvious enough, heart and mind and spirit, to raise the standard continue to engage in such labours unless his that in spirit at least, Sanballat, the Horonite, of the light against the powers of darkness, to own heart has felt the power of Divine grace. and Tobiah, the servant, and Geshem, the exhibit a pattern of Christian unity and zeal Thus, convinced of the great benefits of these Arabian, are still not without their successors and charity, and thus to compel an unbelieving Institutions, I hope there are many who will in the midst of us. But, then, the builders of world to exclaim, as an unbelieving world enrol their names, and that there may not the walls of Jerusalem were resolute, prayer- once exclaimed before, "Behold these Chris-only be gentlemen, but ladies also who will ful, persevering. They opposed a bold front tians, how they love one another." to their opponents. They protested that they had "no portion, nor right, nor memorial in Jerusalem." They trusted in the God of heaven that he would aid and prosper them. And, while they acted vigorously in a humble dependence on his grace, the result was, that they ultimately succeeded. This was the case with them, and our circumstances are very similar. We have now cut the connexion with all Erastians and other Horonites. We have protested that they have no portion nor right, nor memorial, in our Jerusalem. We have much reason to bless the Lord for the mercies that have already been vouchsafed to us; and if we should only be enabled, in the strength of Divine grace, to follow the example of the builders of the walls of Jerusalem, we have good ground to hope we shall ultimately prosper also. And what was the manner in which the walls of Jerusalem were repaired? Why, the builders were thoroughly united together. They had one heart and soul and spirit. They were willing to do, each what he could. The work was portioned out among them; and, while each cheerfully did his own proper share, the The REV. H. CAMPBELL moved the fifth Resolution :-"That in order to uphold these efforts for the extension of the Church at home, and to enable her to maintain her Evangelistic character by aiding in the Christianization of other countries, a vigorous and systematic scheme of finance is indispensably requisite-and that as an important means of working such a scheme, as well as of bringing more effectually together our Presbyterian population, this meeting hails with satisfaction the formation of Lay Unions, which it earnestly recommends to congregations in which they do not already exist."I came here this evening in the hope of sitting quietly to be edified and instructed, without the hope of being called on to take any part in the proceedings, in which, however, although unprepared, I am happy to take my share. Before reading the Resolution, I would make this one remark: Mr. Redpath said in his excellent address, that he saw no reason why his body and ours should not be united. Now I see ten thousand reasons why we should, and I know no ground that should keep us disunited. I may devote themselves to such a good work. In America I believe they calculate that in such affairs one lady is equal to thirteen and threequarters gentlemen, estimating them by the relative service they render to the cause in which they are engaged. You, however, have a variety of bodies by whom your purposes can be carried out,-Sessions, Deacons' Courts, and others; and, certainly amongst the most efficient, Lay Unions, respecting the usefulness of which I fully concur in the sentiments expressed in the Resolution, which I now have the honour to move. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Esq., Chairman of the London Lay Union, seconded the Resolution. At this late period of the evening, and after the admirable and spirit-stirring addresses to which we have been listening, it would ill become me to detain you long; but, as I have taken a deep interest in the proceedings of the London Lay Union since its institution, I may be allowed to refer shortly to the many and various advantages which have already been derived from it. When it began its operations, we were comparatively unknown to each other; there were no united efforts in progress for the prosperity and ex impart spiritual consolation, they should have it in their power to contribute to the temporal necessities of the sick and destitute. My heart is much in the matters to which I have alluded, and I have given my words utterance as my feelings prompted them, trusting that no one would take offence at the frankness with which I have expressed myself.Mr. Hamilton concluded by urging all present to exert themselves in procuring a wide circulation for this periodical. Dr. FREUND, seconded by GEORGE RAINY, Esq., moved the thanks of the meeting to the Chairman; a motion which, like all the Resolutions of the evening, was unanimously and most cordially carried; and the proceedings were concluded with praise and prayer. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE COMMIT- Ir is with the liveliest satisfaction that the tension of our Churches, nor any common field Union may be the means of securing. I of operation to bring us into contact and friendly should also wish the Meeting not to forget intercourse. But, by means of the Lay Union, or overlook the necessity of a stated and the various congregations were brought into regularly organized system of periodical conintercourse with each other-feelings of Christ- tributions to objects of Christian charity and ian kindness and sympathy were awakened, benevolence, such as the Lay Union has and many plans of usefulness were devised. It devised, and by which the amount of our is to it that we are indebted for this meeting; collections may be greatly increased. All indeed, it was mainly through its instrumen- present have heard, no doubt, of the magtality also that the previous meetings already nificent sums collected in Scotland for the referred to were held. These meetings may services of the Free Church, and the mainbe regarded as affording in themselves an evi- tenance of the various schemes in which she dence of what has already been done in is engaged; and must honour the strenuous uniting the members of the various Churches and continued exertions of her people for in the prosecution of many good works; but her welfare and prosperity, in proportion to still I think it may be said that we are but which I must say, that we have given, beginning, and that there is ample room for hitherto, but a fraction of our time, and a small farther concert and co-operation. Our success portion of our means. Let us individually in the services we seek to render to the meditate on this point, and we shall be conChurch's cause, must depend chiefly on our vinced that we ought to devote more of what uniting heartily in carrying forward in earnest a gracious God has given us to the promotion whatever we undertake with a view to her of his cause on earth, remembering that we benefit. And amongst the most important of are but the stewards of his bounty, and that we these services, is one to which the London shall ere long have to render an account of Lay Union gives special attention; viz., the the purposes to which we have applied it. bringing together into our society and our For this end a proper system of periodical Churches, young men from Scotland and the contributions, regularly worked, must be rural districts of England, by which they are every where set about, not depending on a saved from the fearful snares and temptations few large subscriptions of 5l., 10., or 100., to which they are exposed, on their first arrival but beginning with the weekly rate of 1d., in this great city, thus doing the individuals and travelling up the scale to whatever height themselves an important good, and thereby the generosity of any of our brethren may also benefiting the various congregations. reach. and in this way we shall learn the mighty Why is it, I may ask, that our Church here produce of many littles, and find our treasury is yet so uninfluential? Chiefly, I believe, enriched to an extent never before experienced. from the neglect of young men coming to Let collectors be appointed in every congregaLondon, who have generally been allowed to tion, and let them go round regularly each wander where they pleased, no one caring for week; and making their number as large as their spiritual welfare. Amongst Scotchmen possible, with but a moderate space for each to and their descendants in London, there is an go over, the labour will not be great, and they amount of wealth and influence second to will find an ample and blessed reward in the those of no other interest or class; but in all, increasing aids they will thus be the means of or nearly all, that concerns the Church, it procuring for the Church's cause. In general is lost to us. Let us now, therefore, watch they may depend on being received in a with a greater and more kindly anxiety kindly spirit, and their visits might be the for our young countrymen, as they arrive means of exciting in the parties visited, a in this vast city, let us seek access to greater interest in the many objects of the their hearts at a time when they are most Church's solicitude, so that, besides contribueasily influenced; engaging them, if posting themselves, they might be induced to use sible, in some good work, through such in- their influence, for the same good purpose, the proceedings of the Committee during the strumentality as that of the Lay Union, and with their friends and neighbours. Our past year. Their first care was to adopt the endeavouring so to interest their feelings and ministers are all united in mutual love and necessary steps for awakening an interest affections in the cause of Presbyterianism, that affection, so much so, that they are in the among our people in the object contemplated, they will be glad and thankful to embrace habit of meeting together for mutual improve- and for procuring the requisite funds. every opportunity to promote it. Thus may we ment, and to consult and advise each other, as this purpose a statement was drawn up and enjoy the satisfaction of pointing out how brethren, the many duties of their extensively circulated through the Church, they may most advantageously spend their responsible office. Let the elders follow and numerous congregational meetings were leisure hours, of preserving them in those their example, and deliberate together held, and Associations formed, in the course of paths in which most of them have been in what way they may best fulfil the last summer. These preliminary labours were trained in their native land, and from duties which specially devolve on them commenced in London, and were afterwards those dangers to which, more peculiarly, idle in aiding the ministers, and in watching continued by the Convener of the Committee, young men are exposed in such a city as this. over the spiritual welfare of the flock. Let in the other Presbyteries of the Church, assisted And here it may not be out of place to notice, the deacons also meet and consult respecting by the brethren in the different localities. that hitherto, perhaps, we have been too sec- the matters of their peculiar sphere, adopting The Committee refer, with much satisfaction, tarian, having confined our attention almost plans for effectually promoting the various to this first attempt at something like a general exclusively to Scotchmen. Let us now re- schemes of the Church, such as are described visitation of our congregations, with the view member that we are an English Presbyterian and recommended in the address recently of interesting them in an object peculiarly our Church, and let not our exertions be limited issued by the London Lay Union, and for this own. In addition to the congregational meetmerely to the endeavour of bringing our purpose calling forth still more fully the ings held in London and its neighbourhood, brethren into the fold of Christ, but let us energies of the many noble-minded young there were similar meetings convened in Birseek out the many, living around us, who are men, already in our Churches, who desire to mingham, Dudley, Manchester, Liverpool, yet altogether uncared for, and perishing for devote themselves to this and all other Woodside, Bolton, Wigan, Whitehaven, Worklack of knowledge. This is a new period in good works. Should there be any indolent ington, Maryport, Newcastle, Sunderland, the history of the English Presbyterian Church, elders amongst us, let the example of North Shields, South Shields, Berwick, Belford, affording an evidence of the goodness of God, these young men stir them up and stimu- Right, and Morpeth. In all these places our which ought to excite our deepest gratitude. late them to activity and zeal. And lastly, people listened with the greatest interest to And if each individual now present, and others let the people be brought together, that the exposition which was given of the plans of our number, will exert their influence to the their sympathies may be called forth and en- and objects of the Synod in connexion with utmost for the highest and best interests of gaged in support of these various and important the College, and manifested their hearty conthose around them, they will confer an im- objects. And here I may remark that more currence in them; and the results of this first mense benefit on the objects of their care, and ample provision should be made, not only for attempt to rally their interest and their affecprove the reality of those great advantages the more comfortable support of our ministers, tions around the undertakings of the Church, which such institutions as the London Lay but that, in the course of their visitations to may well encourage the Synod to appoint on A brief narrative will be sufficient to record For similar deputations from time to time to visit our congregations still more extensively, and to plead in their hearing for the various schemes of Christian usefulness in which the Church may engage. The only regret of the Committee, in regard to the visitation of last summer, was, that, owing to the limited time at the command of the Convener, it was not extensive enough to reach to other more remote congregations. These, however, it is hoped, will not be forgotten on a future occasion. It was, whilst engaged in these efforts to procure the combined support of our people on behalf of the projected Institution, that the Committee received a communication from Dr. Buchanan, of Edinburgh, declining, on account of the state of his health, the offer which the Synod had made to him of the Primarius Professorship. This declinature, which was received with deep regret, made it necessary to convene the Commission of Synod, to which body had been intrusted the power of nominating another individual to that office, in the event of the application to Dr. Buchanan proving unsuccessful. The Commission met accordingly in London, on the 21st day of August, and unanimously adopted the following Resolutions: 1. That it is desirable to make a commencement of the College this winter. Committee, was in reference to a supply of| students; but their anxiety upon this point soon began to be relieved. From the time that it became known that the classes were to commence in the following November, applications for admission began and continued to be received; and when the opening actually took place, on the 5th of that month, the number of these applications had risen to fifteen, which was considerably more than the Committee had ventured to anticipate. This success contributed much to heighten the gratulation and thankfulness which were felt on that interesting occasion; and the Committee believe, that it was the unanimous feeling of the numerous friends who were then assembled, that the Institution had commenced its career under the most favourable auspices. The Introductory Lectures which were delivered in succession by the Interim Professors, have since been printed in a cheap form, by desire of the Committee, and extensively circulated among the subscribers to the College funds. The number of students has increased since the opening to twenty-three; and several intimations have been received of additional names that may be expected next session. The whole of these twenty-three have been contributed by London alone; not one of them has come from the bounds of the other Presbyteries; a circumstance to which the Committee beg to call the attention of the Synod, for it not only shows that nothing effectual has yet been done in the provinces to supply the College with students; but that, even if the supply were to be confined to London alone, the Synod need not despair of an ample harvest of candidates from the vast 4. That the Rev. Peter Lorimer, the Rev. population of the metropolis. Still the ComHugh Campbell, and the Rev. James Hamil-mittee earnestly desire and expect, that all ton, be requested to render their services in this capacity. 2. That the Primarius Professorship should be offered to Dr. Cunningham, of Edinburgh. 3. That, in the event of Dr. Cunningham not accepting the office, or to aid him, in the event of his coming, two or more members of Synod be requested to take the over-sight and theological training of such students as may offer themselves this winter. In addition to these Resolutions, the Commission adopted ad interim a body of rules, which had been prepared by the Committee for the conduct of the Institution, reserving the final determination of the whole constitution and order of the College in the hands of the Synod; and, further, the Commission appointed four Local Boards of Examination in different districts of the Church, to examine such candidates for admission as might present themselves; it being understood that this also was only an interim arrangement, until the Synod itself should have made permanent provision for conducting these examinations. These important proceedings of the Commission were immediately communicated to the ministers of the Church, and may be found, at length, in the appendix to the printed minutes of the last meeting of Synod. The Committee now waited with anxiety for Dr. Cunningham's answer to the application which they were thus authorized to make to him. To their great regret, the answer was again unfavourable. The state of Dr. Chalmers' health would not allow Dr. Cunningham to think of leaving his important position in the College of the Free Church. So that no course was left to the Committee, under this second disappointment, save to begin and carry on the College for the first winter, according to those interim arrangements which had been sanctioned by the Commission. The brethren named in the last Resolution of the Commission, had already intimated their willingness to accept the charge intrusted to them; and they had now to prepare themselves, on very short notice, for the important work before them. In the prospect of so soon opening the Institution, the principal solicitude felt by the the Presbyteries will send up, by and bye, their contributions of men, as well as of money; and that our ministers and elders will everywhere be diligent in looking out for young men of promise for piety and talent, and in encouraging them to devote themselves to the ministry of the Gospel in this land. The students, on admission, were divided into two classes, a preparatory class for the study of Latin and Greek, consisting of seven students; and a Divinity class for the study of the proper branches of theology, including the other sixteen students. None of these were admitted without satisfactory certificates, in regard to their Christian character, from the pastors with whom they had been connected; and the candidates for admission into the higher class were, in addition, subjected to an examination in Greek and Latin. Of these last-named students, the greater number have either completed, or are now passing through, a regular course of University education, and several of them are graduates of the Scottish Universities. The Committee did not think it necessary or desirable to lay down a rule that none but members of our own Church, or of the Churches in Scotland and Ireland, with which the Synod is in intimate fellowship, should be admitted to the benefits of the Institution. They thought it wiser and better to open the door to all who could produce the requisite certificates. And, in consequence, it is an interesting feature of the attendance of the first session, that many of the students have, till recently, belonged, or still belong, to other branches of the Christian Church. It may be interesting to arrange the whole number under several heads, in order to exhibit this fact more clearly. Of the twenty-three students, then, who have been admitted, there belong Perhaps it may seem from this statement, that only a few of the whole number can be expected to become available for the future service of our Church. But this would be far from a correct impression. There are only three, in fact, from whom we may not at present hope for such future service; viz.-one adhering to the Church of England; another to the Welsh Calvinistic Methodists; and a third to the Irish Covenanters. The rest have either for some time been members of our Church, or are now connecting themselves with it, and interesting themselves in its plans, and looking forward to its ministry; and in proportion as the field of usefulness occupied by the Synod enlarges, and presents increasing openings for ministerial and missionary exertion, the Committee are persuaded that the desire of the present and of future students to devote themselves to the work of the Lord, in connexion with our Church, will become more and more decided. It There are several other circumstances connected with our present supply of students, which the Committee are sure the Synod will regard with much satisfaction. They are all self-supporting. They do not put the Committee to the smallest expense for board or lodging; and they have all contributed, in the shape of fees, to the funds of the Institution. This is a most gratifying fact; and, without laying down any rule to prevent the granting of pecuniary assistance to students in very special cases, it is certainly much to be desired that this state of things may long continue, both for the sake of our funds, and for the sake of our students themselves. is another gratifying circumstance that, while several of these students are placed in such circumstances as to be able to devote themselves exclusively to study; and while a good many more of them are employed as teachers, and are thus improving and extending their own knowledge and scholarship, no fewer than nine of them are daily engaged in the work of home missionaries, either in connexion with congregations of our own, or as the agents of public Societies. The Committee advert to this fact with peculiar satisfaction, and they are persuaded that the Synod will feel along with them; for there cannot, surely, be a better training for the office of the ministry, than the practical experience, and the habits of Christian assiduity, acquired in such a missionary work. Such training superadds the knowledge of human nature in its depravity and spiritual wants to the knowledge of books, and keeps the expectant of the ministry in that close and solemn contact with perishing souls and with saving truths, which is so needful to prevent his study of Divine things from degenerating into a mere intellectual exercise, and to add the spiritual education of his heart and conscience to the theological culture of his understanding. The external arrangements made for the teaching of the classes during the past winter were the following, which the Committee think proper to mention, as everything relating to the early progress of this undertaking must be deeply interesting to the Synod. The place chosen for the meeting of the classes was a |