صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

we may thus lay the foundation of a solemn claim to all needful forbearance, to cordial co-operation, and to sympathizing prayer. Viewed merely in its negative aspect, then, the management of (a monthly periodical) involves sacrifices of a very serious character. To human strength there is a limit, and that limit is soon reached. Experience has already taught us that most, if not all, our labours in connexion with Committees, public business, and public meetings, appertaining to religion and humanity, with special service of all sorts, both in town and country, must be abandoned. Nor is this all: regular courses of general study must henceforth subside into desultory excursions; and all further attempts at solid authorship be at an end.

Such is the first step in the preparation: but who shall describe the actual duties of the office? To conduct the work, even in its present imperfect measure of efficiency, requires a continuity and intensity of effort, a studied comprehensiveness of plan and forethought, an extent and a variety of observation, reading, and inquiry, of which the general public have and can have no conception. The mere correspondence of (an editor) is no slight consideration.

Of manuscript, much is read only to be rejected; and of that which is admitted much has often to be reduced, adjusted, and modified, at an expense of labour which might have served to produce it; and in all cases everything has to be read, corrected, pointed, paragraphed, and prepared for the press, while the whole must be afterwards read at least once, and not a little of it twice, in proof.

Again, a circulation such as ours involves no inconsiderable amount of private intercourse and correspondence, of which the world never hears, but which sorely adds to our hindrance and hardship.

Again, to secure order in our proceedings, attention to correspondents, and justice to publishers, every letter, article, document, pamphlet, and book is registered on its arrival, and marked off when attended to.

Next follows original editorial composition. After our host of excellent correspondents have done their part in general matters, and done it well-for much, very much of the original writing, and that the most important and arduous, an editor must chiefly rely on his own arm. There is much of that on which the interest, the character, the power, and the popularity of the work must mainly depend, which it is impossible to procure from correspondents living at a distance, and scattered over the land. To fill our columns, after the fashion of the bulk of the religious magazines, with orthodox and edifying matter-which might render it more acceptable to the pious and unlettered portion of our It would reduce our labour to one-fourth part of its present measure. But it would at no distant day reduce our circulation also within

readers would be for us a very easy matter.

the same narrow dimensions!

A foreign editor of eminence, taught by experience, with equal truth and tenderness, has thus expressed himself:-"How little does the majority of readers know of the expenditure of thought, of the labour of the head, and brain, and hands, which goes to make up that which ministers to their highest wants! and also how many truths, thought out with brain-throes, pass unnoted, unobserved, even if not received with relentless hostility! Nevertheless, the true MAN must work, and work, too, in the martyr spirit; contented even with the thought that his mere relics, when he has laid him down in

the dust, will constitute a kind of superstructure and basement upon which the glorious and eternal temple of truth shall stand." This development will, we trust, be of some service to our respected friends of the editorial brotherhood, as well as to ourselves; for apart from that which may be in some sort peculiar to one, much of what we have stated is common to all who have the conduct of monthly magazines.

When our worthy readers throw down their threepence for each successive number, they are in danger, we fear, of identifying small price with easy production. Little do they dream of the moral and intellectual expenditure bestowed upon that threepenceworth! We beg to assure them that, supported by an adequate corps of well-paid contributors, as is the universal fact with respect to editors of Quarterlies, we could produce a number of any Quarterly Review now extant with far less labour than a single Number of the CHRISTIAN WITNESS, and without a tithe of the turmoil and ferment attendant on its conduct. Then with a monthly issue there is no cessation; it is onward-onward! To conduct the Magazine as it ought to be conducted, would require the sole and undivided attention, the earnest and unbroken effort of the ablest man in the Nonconformist body—without a pastoral charge; and the sooner such a man is found, and such an arrangement made, the better will it be for the work and for the public. We shall hail his appearance with great joy, and yield him the sceptre with fervent benediction.

Men and brethren! the case is now fairly before you. Something has doubtless been achieved; but still the great work is only begun. The full accomplishment of our enterprise requires that the magazine shall be in the hands of every member of every church and congregation. But it is not now in those of one-fourth of them! The truth is, that all denominations are still comparatively dormant. Scarcely one of their organs is receiving one-third of the support to which they are severally entitled. To show this it may suffice to state, that while in Great Britain there are in all some fourteen or fifteen denominational magazines, the united circulation of full five-sixths of them do not equal that of the CHRISTIAN WITNESS alone. Ah! these are sad symptoms. This apathy, taken in connexion with other circumstances of this eventful day, is one of the most alarming signs of the times. But if all others should sleep, let us awake!

HOME MISSION DEPUTATION. AFTER all the matter of this number was in the printer's hands, we have ascertained that the deputation from the Home Mission are to be in town this week. We regret that we did not know this in time to make an appeal on behalf of that cause. All we can now, however, do is simply to press upon all our friends and members the necessity of giving a liberal welcome to Messrs. Anderson and Murdoch, and to assure all parties that a more important

cause never claimed their contributions.



THIS Presbytery met by appointment at 9, King-street, Parliament-street, on the 22d August.

Mr. Henderson delivered the remainder of

his trials with great credit to himself, and satisfaction to the Presbytery; and he was afterwards licensed to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and exercise his gifts as a probationer for the holy ministry.

Mr. Henderson is the first licentiate of the Presbytery of London since the disruption of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, and since the Presbyterian Church in England became an independent body.

The Presbytery held its ordinary monthly meeting at 16, Exeter Hall, on the 9th September. The Rev. William Nicolson, Moderator, in the chair.

The collection in aid of the School-fund was reported to have been made by the congregation at Southwark.

Mr. Gillespie stated that the negotiations at Brighton were going on.

The draft of reasons for the translation of Mr. Ferrie was produced, read, and approved of. The Presbytery appointed the Rev. Messrs. Cairns, at Cupar, Fife, and James Ewing, at Dundee, their commissioners to prosecute the translation of Mr. Ferrie.

The Presbytery agreed that the congregation at Wolverhampton should be regularly formed and recognised as a congregation within the bounds of the Presbytery of London; and requested Mr. Wilson, of River-terrace, to act on the occasion.

The Committee appointed to meet with the congregation at Westminster, gave in their report; and another Committee was appointed to meet the same parties on the 10th of Sep


Mr. Fisher was appointed to hold a prayermeeting at Westminster on the evening of the 12th September; and Mr. Henderson was appointed to supply that station with sermons till the next ordinary meeting of Presbytery.

The Presbytery resolved that, as the Synod had enjoined upon Presbyteries to have associations organized in all their congregations, in aid of the funds of the various schemes of the Church, all ministers should be asked at next meeting what they have done towards obtempering these instructions.

The Presbytery adjourned, to meet at 16, Exeter Hall, on the second Tuesday of October, at 3 o'clock P.M.


THE Presbytery of Berwick met at Tweedmouth on the 31st July last, for the ordination of Mr. Robert M'Clelland, a probationer of the Monaghan Presbytery, Ireland, who had received a cordial call from the English Presbyterian Church at Tweedmouth. The Rev. Donald Munro, the Moderator for the day, preached an appropriate and able discourse; and, assisted by the brethren present, proceeded by prayer and imposition of hands, to set apart and ordain Mr. M'Clelland to the office and work of the holy ministry. Mr. Nicholson, of Lowick, gave minister, and Mr. Watson an address to the the charge to the newly-ordained people in feeling and forcible terms. this congregation, which has struggled and suffered for their own privileges, and the principles and integrity of the Synod, have the prospect of being consolidated and blessed under the pastoral care of a minister of their own free choice, whom God hath sent them.


The Presbytery again met at Etal on the 5th August, and being duly constituted, present, four ministers and two elders, Mr. Nicholson returned Mr. William Ryder's edict which he had duly served at Ancroft, North Moor, on Sabbath, the 3d instant. The Presbytery proceeded with the remainder of the trial discourses of Mr. George Kidd, called by the congregation at Norham, who delivered a

lecture on Matt. xv. 21-28, and a popular | Ancroft Moor, on the evening of the ordination sermon from 1 John iii. 3, which were ap- day there, in the presence of the Presbytery, proved and sustained as part of his trials. and of multitudes assembled, notwithstanding that it rained heavily all the day.

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Mr. Kidd was then examined in Latin, the Greek Testament, Hebrew, Church history and government, and in theology generally, with which trials and examinations the Presbytery expressed their unanimous and un qualified satisfaction, and sustained them all. Mr. M'Clelland was appointed to serve the edict at Norham, on Sabbath, 10th August. Thursday the 21st was appointed for Mr. Kidd's ordination. Mr. Kidd having applied | to the Presbytery to appoint two of their number to be assessors with him in the formation of a session, Messrs. Murdoch and M'Clelland were appointed accordingly.

The Presbytery having learned that Professor Lorimer, by appointment of the commission of Synod, is to visit this district to address the congregations on behalf of the Synod's schemes, made the requisite arrangements, and enjoined the ministers to give due intimation of the same from the pulpit.

ANCROFT MOOR.-On the 20th August, the Presbytery being duly met and constituted, the Rev. Professor Lorimer being present, was requested to sit and act as a member of court. Mr. M'Clelland reported that according to appointment he had served the edict of Mr. George Kidd, at Norham, on Sabbath, the 10th ultimo, which was returned attested in due form. The Presbytery then proceeded with the services connected with Mr. Kyder's ordination. Mr. M'Clelland preached from Ezek. iii. 16. The usual questions having been put by the Moderator, and a promise given by Mr. Ryder to sign the formula, he was solemnly ordained and set apart by prayer and the laying on of hands, to the work and office of the holy ministry, and received the right hand of fellowship from the brethren. Mr. Murdoch gave a suitable charge; and (in the absence of Mr. Munro, of North Sunderland, who was appointed), Professor Lorimer gave a solemn address to the young minister and the people respectively. Mr. Ryder requested a temporary session to be appointed for his congregation, until a local session shall be regularly organised, which was granted. Mr. Ryder was appointed to preach and preside at Norham on the 21st, upon the occasion of Mr. Kidd's ordination.

NORHAM.-On the 21st August, 1845, the Presbytery of Berwick met, and the Rev. Professor Lorimer, of London, and Mr. Wright, of the Free Church, Swinton, being present, were invited to sit as members. Professor Lorimer kindly consented, being solicited, to give the address to the people, which Mr. Nicholson was to have done. The Presbytery proceeded to the New Church (which has been built by this active and zealous congregation, and is rapidly making progress towards being finished), where the solemn services of the day were gone through with all the usual order and reverence, in the presence of a very numerous and deeplyinterested congregation. Mr. Ryder preached and presided at the ordination. Mr. Watson and Professor Lorimer addressed the minister and people respectively. On this occasion, as also at Ancroft Moor, Professor Lorimer took the opportunity of large numbers being assembled, and in the presence and at the wish of the Presbytery, to give a very able and effective address to the congregation on the Synod's important schemes, which were listened to with profound and marked attention.


The Presbytery of Berwick have now been supplemented by three young, zealous, and promising ministers, and may, with God's blessing, be expected to carry on the work of the Lord with new vigour and effect.


The much

FELTON.-Soiree.-The Annual Soiree was
held here on Tuesday, the 2d instant. Tea was
served up by the ladies of the congregation in
a very elegant style, and the judgment and
taste displayed in the entire arrangements
commanded unqualified praise.
esteemed pastor of the congregation, the Rev.
Alexander Hoy, was in the chair, and must
have been highly gratified by the very marked
testimony which was tendered of the affection
of his flock, and of the respect of the neigh-
bourhood. The church was crowded to over-
flowing by a most respectable assemblage.
The Chairman was followed in his address by
the Rev. Mr. Thompson, of Alnwick, on "Fe-
male Education and its accessaries;" the Rev.
Mr. Blythe, of Branton, on "Missionary Efforts
at Home and Abroad;" the Rev. Mr. Grundy,
of Alnwick, on "the Tendency of such Meet-
ings to promote Christian Concord and For-
bearance;" the Rev. Mr. Lennie, of Glanton,
on "the Intellectual Improvement of a Rural
Population;" the Rev. Mr. Edwards, of Wid-
drington, on "the Moral Improvement of the
Peasantry;" the Rev. Mr. Anderson, on
"Scriptural Education;" and the Rev. Mr.
Gillespie, of Framlington, on "The In-
fluence of Chapel Debts on the Prosperity of
Congregations." The entertainment was indeed
"a feast of reason and a flow of soul;" and
the refreshing influence of this scene of cor-
diality, concord, and Christian sympathy, will,
it is hoped, long outlast the occasion.

After the whole of this number was in type,
we received intelligence that Mr. Anderson
was inducted at Morpeth, but particulars must
be delayed till next month. We cannot,
however, but express our gratification at this
event, and our hope that Mr. A. may long be
spared, and greatly blessed in his most impor-
labours not only in Morpeth, but
throughout Northumberland.



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We are happy to learn that, at a recent meeting of the Presbytery of the bounds, Major Anderson, of the Royal Artillery, presently on duty at Manchester, requested leave to address the court on the prospects of establishing a Presbyterian Church in Chester. He read certain statistical details, and communicated information obtained personally, of the numbers of Scotchmen residing in Chester, the desire entertained by many of them that a Presbyterian congregation should be formed there, and the interest that the erection of a MATTHEW HENRY's Church would be sure to awaken in the hearts of all who held that venerable man's principles. Major Anderson announced that a commodious place of worship was already secured, and that were the Presbytery to countenance the movement, and the services of Dr. Candlish, or any of the other eminent Free Church ministers, who were about to visit Liverpool, on the occasion of the meeting for promoting Christian union, were secured for opening the station, an impulse would be from the first given to the movement. The Presbytery at once appointed a Committee to gather information, and to report speedily; expressing their intention of doing all that was possible for the furtherance of such an object. One of the most interesting features of the reviving religion of the present day is, that the quickenings are taking place in localities honoured of old by faithful preaching. The Spirit of God seems returning to his former abode.

How much reason would there be for praise, if, after a long blighting winter of Socinianism, the Presbyterian principles of Matthew Henry were seen reviving in our days in Chester !

We are delighted to hear that the Free Presbytery of Edinburgh have agreed to loose Mr. Corrie from Portobello, and that he has accepted the call to St. Andrew's Church, Manchester. This intelligence has arrived too ON Tuesday, the 19th of August, the Pres-late to permit our doing more than simply exbytery of Cumberland held its first meeting pressing our gratification. at Carlisle, the Rev. Dr. Brown, of Brampton, Moderator. The Rev. M. Harvey was elected Presbytery Clerk. There was not any business of public interest before them, but the proceedings were characterized by the utmost harmony and brotherly feeling. The next ordinary meeting was appointed to be held at Maryport, on Monday, the 2d of February next.

In consequence of the simultaneous removal of all the ministers of this Presbytery (formerly known as the Presbytery of the North-West of England), after the disruption of the Church of Scotland, it became defunct; and the ministers, who were afterwards settled in the vacant charges, could not hold Presbyterian meetings till the Synod, at its last meeting, restored their power as a Presbytery, nominated their Moderator, and fixed the time and place of their first meeting.

The clerical members of this Presbytery

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His visit and addresses will not soon be forgotten, having been deeply and gratefully. impressed on their hearts. Professor Lorimer, James Stevenson, Haltwhistle . 1811 it should have been stated, laid the foundation | George, Brown, LL.D., Brampstone of the church which is being built at




THE following is one of the most sensible and business-like letters we have ever received. Short, pithy, pointed, it tells its tale in a word, although that tale might bear to have its gold expanded infinitely farther than some of the tinsel we are doomed occasionally to encoun




But it is not only with the letter we are enamoured. Its contents, in more senses than were exceedingly to our one, readers can judge for themselves whether our admiration was causeless, when we inform them, the letter contained 1l., which, we may add,

we have transmitted to the treasurer of the

Home Mission Society. The letter was private, but from the instant we received it, we deter

mined to lay it before our readers, and wrote the author accordingly. An editor, we may apprise our readers, is a dangerous confidant. He is a constant correspondent of his dear 1811 friend, the public, and like other correspondents he sometimes tells his friend a secret. 1814 | Besides, he has little regard for personal feel


"Souls are perishing. The cry for help is pressing. The cause of Christ is glorious. The question now to be answered, is notWhat have I said?-but-What have I done? Have I done real, substantial, solid good-un- | deniable good? Fruits are demanded. Can I point to these fruits?


Accept of the enclosed as a Donation to that Scheme of our Church, which, as you may consider, calls loudest for present aid.

"I remain, my dear Sir, your's faithfully,




I am, Sir, your most obedient servant, ALEX. MURDOCH. Grove House, near Berwick-upon-Tweed, August 8th, 1845. CONGREGATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS.

ings when public interests may be promoted. | incompatibility with ecclesiastical order, I had of a spoiler? Would it not be wise, for her Accordingly, we publish the letter just by way to attend the Presbytery at Berwick, under own sake, to leave them and their pastors of hint to the rest of our friends to go and do whose jurisdiction I am, on the very day the under their proper spiritual superiors, and the likewise. With some of our clerical correspond- alleged citation called me to appear before the Lord Jesus Christ, their only Head, Lord, and ents we are willing to compound the matter Dumfries Presbytery, and that at our ordinary King?-and that free spiritual jurisdiction which thus. Instead of a personal contribution, let meeting. And here I would animadvert upon he hath established in every independent branch them send us a congregational collection, and one thing connected with the said citation. It of his pure Scriptural Church? In the words we pledge ourselves to apply it to as good a bears date June 10th; it was presented on the of one of the fathers of the Dumfries Presbypurpose as we have done on this occasion. 25th July, and demanded appearance on tery, once animated with other sentiments, I But we must give the letter, and let it speak | August 5th!-kept up for weeks!!-and only would respectfully but firmly say, "Show us for itself.-ED. a few days left to do anything in reference to our respective spheres of labour in the vine"Lowick, September 5th, 1845. it!!! Was this fair-manly, to steal a march? yard, and let us keep to them respectively; "MY DEAR SIR,I hate flattery, and I But to details: all that the Dumfries Presby- for if you come upon the sphere I am cultiwill not give it. I love brevity, and I will tery have informed me of is, that certain vating, our implements will clash together and observe it. nameless parties complained to the Presbytery strike fire. Confusion and clamour will ensue of various overt acts (also nameless), from-charity will bleed-and the religion of the which they inferred that I had seceded from meek and blessed Jesus will suffer before the the Established Church of Scotland; and I infidel and the world." I have only to add, am asked whether I signed the Protest laid that, for the Dumfries Presbytery to have proupon the General Assembly's table in 1843- ceeded, in the face of a legally-tendered proor have given any declaration or indication test against their illegal procedure, declaring whatever of having seceded, &c. Now my that they would pay no regard to it, is as unanswer, were I to give one, might do no ser- constitutional as it makes evident that might, vice to opponents. But I rather ask, has any not right, is their rule. But that protest will one answered the Protest? Until that be yet avail, under God, elsewhere. done, any one has a right to move the previous question. As to giving " any declaration or indication whatever," that part of the question savours of the odious old proceedings Commission and Star-Chamber Courts-if not in cases of constructive treason-of the High of the Inquisition. But can a minister of the Church of Scotland be deprived without being THERE is no part of our financial machinery put in possession of the names of his adver- that we deem of such essential importance as WILLIAM BROUN, Esq., Clerk to Dumfries Presbytery. saries, or of the grounds of their accusations? the Congregational Associations, and just in SIR, I have received various official comThen farewell equity, order, law, liberty? proportion to our sense of their importance, munications from you in the name of the Would a British subject be thus dealt by in a is our anxiety that they be universally Presbytery of Dumfries, to which, now that civil court? Is not this to tread with the formed, judiciously organized, and efficiently that the Presbytery have got through a form dark heel of despotism on the subject's liberty, worked. The congregation that wants such of illegally and unconstitutionally "finding and on the law of the land? In this case, the an engine, is comparatively valueless to the and declaring" certain things concerning me, Presbytery of Dumfries has been at the mercy Church. It may now and then dole out a I feel called upon to advert. I have not done of parties at a distance, who, whether inten- dribblet of a collection, or it may even through so hitherto, because of my obligations to the tionally or not is not for me to say, have taken the aid of a few wealthy large-hearted, openPresbyterian Church in England, which pre- advantage of the Presbytery's ignorance of handed members, send us sums which, in our vent me from recognising the intrusion of any facts. Ist. The memorial bears to be from a present condition of little contributions, may other into its jurisdiction. Moreover, the Estab-majority of trustees. It is not. The trustees, look large, and be quoted as very respectable; lished Church of Scotland, in General Assembly as a body, were ignorant of it. 2d. It pur- but without an association, a congregation convened, solemnly declared, in the year of our ports to be from parties who have long does not and cannot know its own resources; Lord 1834-that, being an Established Church, been "conscientiously attached to the Estab- it has no conception of the liberality of its she neither did possess legally, nor could con- lished Church of Scotland." That has not members; it has no machinery for stimulating stitutionally exercise, ecclesiastical jurisdiction been shown by frequenting her ordinances, or to increased exertions: it wants, in short, the in England. Farther, the General Assembly contributing to her missionary or educational prime agent in forming, stimulating, and susin 1839 recognised, not conferred, the entire schemes. These very parties, all of them, intaining the liberality of a people. and exclusive jurisdiction over her own mi 1838, opposed the formation of a Presbytery nisters, and affairs, of the Synod of the Pres- in connexion with the Church of Scotland, byterian Church in England, as co-ordinate, i. e. holding her standards, and maintaining independent Church. Which Acts remain the same form of worship and government. unrepealed, and by them the Presbyteries of The very notary now employed by them to the Scottish Establishment are legally and serve the illegal citations of the Dumfries constitutionally bound. The Presbyteries in Presbytery opposed it publicly. Some of Scotland who seek to assume jurisdiction over them, one at least is an Episcopalian. By ministers in England, therefore, over-ride the such memorialists the Dumfries Presbytery solemn acts of their own Church. Is this an has been prompted, in ignorance of facts, example to teach others (if they were at against a united congregation and their mi liberty) to respect their authority? The Treaty nister. By acting on such a memorial have of the Union also precludes them from having the credit and character of the Established any legal, as do their own constitutional Church of Scotland been risked. While she councils, from having any ecclesiastical juris- has countenanced and taken under her wing diction south of the Tweed. Wherefore it is those who have abandoned their principles, illegal, incompetent, and inept, for a Scotch she seeks to crush ministers whose religious Presbytery to issue its citations in England; character and moral conduct are unimpeached. and to do so by an English notary must ren- Is it for her honour, or Christ's, to support the der the citations null and void, as he can have former, and strike at Christ's faithful servants, his authority only from an English Court, and true to the principles of the Church of Scotcan act only according to English law. I have land, which the Established Church of Scotnot therefore been, nor can be, legally cited by land has abandoned? Has she not done havoc the Dumfries Presbytery. To show the prac- enough among the families of 500 ministers in tical legal incompatibility of this: about the Scotland, without coming upon those in Engtime I was served with what purported to be land? Was it not enough to desolate the Scottish the third and last citation to appear personally Extension Churches? Must the Presbyterian before the Dumfries Presbytery, I was under congregations in England, so long unheeded by a subpoena to appear as a witness in a civil her, be now visited, not with the fostering case before an English court. To show its | hand of a parent, but with the ruthless hand

Nor is this the only loss a congregation sustains by lacking an association. There is a vast amount of ability, energy, and zeal, lying dormant in all our congregations-useless to the Church, and perhaps injurious to their possessor. Why not avail ourselves of these elements thus lying ready for use, and needing only an opportunity for development, to go forth on a mission of mercy to benefit the Church? Men and women too are fond of activity, if you can but get them a sphere for the exercise of their talents. There is pleasure in exercise-as much so in the exercise of the faculties and affections as of the limbs. And why not avail ourselves of this provision of the God of nature, and make all the means placed at our disposal available for his glory and the good of his Church?

Men are fond of responsibility: they love an office involving trust; they delight in a sphere that confers a little power-that makes them feel that they are felt and acknowledged to be of some weight in the community; in short, that elevates them above the dead mass, and gives themselves something to do-something that confers some little distinction. And why not seize hold of these agencies? Is there a system on earth that can so direct them to the general good, and restrain their prejudicial excesses or misdirections, as our

own scriptural and apostolic Presbyterianism? | are, the elders should lend an active hand in And yet, is it not a melancholy fact, that we the work. Our elders hitherto have not suffihave lost some of our very best and most ciently realized the responsibility of their office, active members, just because we assigned nor performed the work the Church expects at them no office-gave them nothing to do their hands. Their labours in the Session and which could keep their superfluous energies in in visitation from house to house, are most imhealthful active recreation? Search for the portant, and cannot be overvalued. But there cause of some secessions-look at what they is something more that they can do. Who so have become in their new connexions, and proper as they to superintend congregational you will find they just went off in search of societies, to search out agents for the Church's employment; and thus men who might be of varied work, and take an active oversight of all the institutions in which the Church is engaged? The elders have been always our mainstay in our troubles and labours. Our success under God we owe very much to them. Let them lay the Church under deeper obligations still, by taking an active oversight of our associations, yea, and taking a share of the

the most essential service to our cause, had we but the wisdom to employ them, have carried their energy and skill into an alien, perhaps a hostile camp.*

Our Church ought to seize hold of all the talents God has placed within its reach. Let us adapt the infant-school motto to our present purposes. A man for every office and an office for every man. This is the way to keep the members we have and to get more.

But let no man imagine that the only use of these associations, the only purpose to which they should be applied, is the collecting of money. No mistake can be more gross. Our people know too little of one another. They do not come into a close enough contact to adhere, to sympathize, to form a real living unity. Place them then together as members of an association. Our people, too, are not sufficiently attached to our Church. They come, it may be, regularly enough to church on the Lord 's-day, and are fond enough of their minister. But that is not sufficient. They may be fond enough of the minister and care very little for the Church. They may be regular enough in attendance on public worship, and yet take very little interest in the proceedings or prosperity of our own communion. But make them members of our associations, then they feel a personal interest in our prosperity. It is then their own concern. A living tie connects them with us a living principle interests them in our behalf, and their prayers, substance, labours, are cheerfully, joyously bestowed in advancing our


Can it be wondered at then that we are so urgent for the formation of such associations in all our churches? But after they are formed, they must be counselled and kept in busy activity. And how is this to be done? The Synod has devolved that duty on Presbyters, and perhaps that was the best course the Synod could pursue. But there are other parties also that must take an active oversight of these associations. Where there are deacons, they ought to be the leading members in such societies; we say the leading, not the only members; for every active man-yea, and woman, too, and women generally in preference to men, ought to be enrolled as members of such associations. But it may and ought to be expected that deacons, where they exist, should be the leading parties; and where there are no deacons, and even where there

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work too.

There is a morbid pietetic spiritualism in some quarters that has often taxed our patience. "Oh, I do not like to be always dunning my people for money, it secularizes the clerical office." The Apostle Paul had no such morbid spiritualism. He experienced no such secularization. From Church to Church he went about in person begging for money, and thought it no degradation to convey it with his own apostolic hands to Jerusalem. Nay, he did more, he commanded, although in the language of request, that collections should be made every Lord's-day, not at one diet, but at | all the services of the sanctuary. Oh, how different the sound, masculine spirituality of the apostle from the mawkish sentimentalism of modern days!


Secularization! Nothing is secular that tains to the Church. Whatever the Church touches she consecrates. The altar sanctified the victim, the temple consecrated the gold, and the Church sanctifies all the gifts, offerings, and talents employed in her service. Were men more spiritually-minded, they would experience no secularity even in mundane em|ployments. An angel from heaven lost none | of his heavenly-mindedness when engaged on an earthly mission. The Saviour's life is another instance in point, and so is that of the apostles.

But ministers, moreover, ought to remember that they are not to consult mere emotions, or be deterred by mere sensibilities. They are the servants of the Church for the Lord's sake; and even if ungrateful to their feelings, no act should be omitted that can benefit the body of Christ. Besides, Church members must not be defrauded of their privilege of giving to the cause of their Lord. But how can they give, if the storekeepers of the Lord's treasury refuse to open the doors or receive the gift?

But if ministers neglect this duty, let associations supply their lack of service. Let every member of the Church consider what he owes my Lord," and let him take his pen quickly, and instead of following the counsel of the unjust steward, let him, if that can be, double the amount. Our claims at present are urgent. That is our reason for so frequently recurring to this topic. And, God willing, we shall return to it again and again, until the Church shall rouse her to a consciousness of her privileges and a conviction of her duty.


We are anxious not so much to please as to benefit our readers, although, in order to accomplish the latter, we are aware that some attention must be paid to the former. Some of our kind correspondents, with many flattering commendations of

what has been done, inform us, that in some rural parts our readers are too ignorant to benefit by much that we have written. It is, therefore, our intention for the future to pay greater attention to the wants and desires of this class. If by so doing we should introduce into our columns matter which others of our readers have seen elsewhere, such parties will just bear in mind (to use an illustration which our lady readers will fully understand) that, as a periodical is like a great feast, so an editor, in order to please some tastes, is necessitated to prepare some viands that may be insipid or even disagreeable to others.


The following paper gives a condensed very graphic account of the labours of the Evengelical Societies of France and Geneva. It is an extract from a speech of M. F. Monod, which some of our readers may have seen elsewhere, but which, if they are like-minded with us, they must rejoice to read again. Many of our readers have not yet seen it, and it is for this class it is specially designed. Who that knows the state of the Continent, but must rejoice that God has at length heard the prayers of the souls beneath the altar"-the martyrs who suffered in the St. Bartholomew massacre, and during the dragonnades of Louis XIV.?


The Society at Geneva was founded fifteen years ago. It has several departments of labour. First, The founders felt it their duty to establish an Evangelical School of Theology in opposition to the old Unitarian School of Geneva. This institution now counts four professors, of which Dr. D'Aubigne is one; and among the students are several who receive aid from the Society, and several who come from the valleys of the Waldenses. Next there is the Home Department. This embraces two objects-the opening of the Evangelical Chapel at Geneva, where the Gospel is now preached every Sunday to a numerous and attentive congregation, and the work among the Roman Catholics in the canton of Geneva, where there are two ministers and two or three evangelists continually occupied and powerfully blessed. The third department is that of the colporteurs. A colporteur is a hawker, a simple peasant, who goes about with a bundle of Bibles, Testaments, and tracts, upon his back, selling them at reduced prices, and occasionally giving them for nothing. The Society had last year sixty-three of these simple and holy men in its employment; and a remarkable fact is, that while a few years ago all the colporteurs were native Protestant Swiss, the most of them at present are French

men, and born Roman Catholics. The fourth department has for its object the evangelization of France. In connexion with this the Society has established fourteen preaching stations with ministers or evangelists. Then as to the Evangelical Society of France. The agency of the Society is of different orders. They had last year 29 ordained ministers, 18 evangelists and colporteurs, 27 schools and teachers, and two persons studying at Geneva, who are now ordained and at work. They have founded in Paris two Normal schools, one for schoolmasters, and an. other for schoolmistresses, and they have 34 at the former and 21 at the latter, in all 55 pupils. Altogether the Society had on its pay


year persons.
were £5,500, and their expenditure £5,900-
that is, £400 more than they had received.
During the eleven first years of their existence,
they were very much blessed-but particularly
has this been the case during the last two
years and especially in their labours among
the Roman Catholics. Their success is evi-
denced by the fact of several priests having
come out from the Roman Church. But it is
especially among the people that a growing
disgust is manifested with Popery. From
12,000 to 15,000 Roman Catholics are at this
moment listening to the preaching of the pure
word of God in different parts of France. The
movement is not confined to any part of the
country. It has manifested itself in the South
in the Department de Var; in the West, in
Charente Inferieure ; in the Centre, in La
Haute Vienne; in the East, in Les Vosges;
in the North, in La Manche. In the large
town of Angers, containing 32,000 souls, and
where until of late, there were no Protestants,
one of the priests had been giving lectures
and slandering the religion and persons of
Protestants. A friend of mine, who was tra-
velling in that quarter, when he heard of this
went to the town and delivered a course of
lectures against Popery. He had a crowded
audience, not only of simple people, but also of
magistrates, advocates, medical men, and some
of the first society of the place; and the result
has been that now there is a flourishing Pro-
testant Church, and a pastor statedly labouring
in that town, sent and supported by the Evan-
gelical Society. In La Haute Vienne, where
one year ago there was not one place of Pro-
testant worship, there are now six churches
and six ministers regularly preaching the gos-
pel. There are some interesting facts con-
nected with the movement in La Haute Vi-
enne, particularly with regard to Ville Favard.
This is a large village of 600 souls. The
people had been long disgusted with Popery,
and about eighteen months ago they entreated
the Evangelical Society to send a minister
among them. M. Roussel was sent to visit
them. While he was there not one would go
to listen to the Roman Catholics. Here is a
single instance:-One summer morning, when
M. Roussel was going to preach, a priest came
from a neighbouring village, with a horse car-
rying his candles and other implements for
saying mass-for it is not enough with them
to have a heart and faith for prayer, they need
implements also. Well, this man came with
his horse-load of implements. He went to the
village to obtain the loan of a barn, but none
of the peasants would give him one. At last
he offered 100 francs (47.) for two hours' use
of a barn, what he would have got for 6d. for
any other purpose. Not one peasant would
take it, and he was obliged to put up his altar
under a tree, and say his mass before his boy
and his horse, while at the same time 400
people were listening to M. Roussel. Now there
is not a single Roman Catholic in the whole
place, except a priest whom the bishop sent
when he heard what was going on; and the two
Protestant schools are attended by 130 pupils.
At Balledent, a village of 500 or 600 people,
about 200 have renounced Popery, and they
are now engaged in building a church and
school. The town of St. Jean d'Angely is
well known in this country as the place where
the renowned John Welch laboured for four-
teen years.
Here two hundred years ago, the
light of the Gospel was quenched in blood.
But the seed which was then sown has not Maryport
perished-the prayers of God's people are now
being answered. In that place, and through-

Their receipts last year | localities where the people in numbers are
turning from Popery, and seek to get Pro-
testant ministers. As yet the Society has been
able to send only six ministers among them,
and these are obliged to supply in the best
manner possible the surrounding districts.
The town of Sens is a pretty large place, and
an archiepiscopal see, on the high road from
Paris to Lyons. Only two months ago, in the
beginning of April, a colporteur visited it with
his load of Bibles and Testaments, and a short
time after a minister was sent to see how mat-
ters stood. On the first day he preached to
about 30; again on the second day to 100.
In a few days more, the congregation increased
to 300. From time to time he continued to
preach there, and the result was, that now
there is a congregation of 1200 to 1500, where,
two months ago, there was no Protestant wor-
ship, and no Protestant person known. At
these proceedings the archbishop was very
wroth. And to make matters worse, our
brethren were guilty of the incivility of es-
tablishing their place of worship hard by his
palace; so that when he pleased to open his
windows, he could hear the voice of their
psalms. He complained to the civil authori-
ties, who sent a police-officer to make a proces
verbal against their minister, that is to take a
note of what he said, and give the authorities
a handle by which to attack him. The officer
caine, accompanied by his man; but, in listen-
ing to the Gospel, he completely forgot his
commission. After sermon, he came to the
minister, and asked him to dictate the proces
verbal against himself, as he could find no-
thing to say. This was actually done; and
the minister, in dictating the proces, took care
to do it in such a way as to furnish no pre-
tence for an attack. The officer turned from
Popery, and the man who accompanied him
was actually seen, at the close of the second
sermon, distributing tracts to those who came
out of the church. The mayor of Sens was in-
clined to grant the use of the city hall for
Protestant worship, but the archbishop con-
trived to prevent this, and so the Society were
compelled to purchase a large house for this
purpose. They have also commenced two
schools in the town; and one friend has given
them 600l. at once to aid them in this business.
One word regarding the means by which this
movement has been originated. It can be
traced to no other agency than the diffusion of
Bibles and New Testaments. During the last
twenty years three millions of copies of the
Word of God have been circulated in France,
and 190,000 during the last year. Thus the
seed has been sown, and it is now beautifully
whitening unto harvest; they have cast their
bread upon the waters, and they are
finding it after many days.



Mr. Welsh's Congregation, Liverpool 15 0 0
Mr. A. C. Dunlop, ditto


Regent-square-Collection, per Mr. J.
Monthly Subscription
Ditto, for Morpeth....



25 6 6
1 0 0

0 12 8
0 8 4

Sunderland, per Rev. Dr. Paterson
Birmingham, per Mr. Wm. Hamilton
Manchester, Trinity Church, per Mr. G. Long-
mire ...
John Knox, London
London Wall, London


out the Department de Charente Inferieure, [In our last number, when the above was an

in which it is situated, there are forty or fifty

nounced, the Sunderland Collection was by
mistake stated to be 117. Os. 4d.]



[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

We have given above, all the collections that have been received in aid of the funds of the School scheme. In last number, in announcing part of the above, we said we were grievously disappointed. And had we not cause, valid cause, for our disappointment? Still we buoyed ourselves up with the hope that collections had been merely delayed by local circumstances, but would all be forward for this month. We were well aware, indeed, that difficulties are never removed by delay, that, on the contrary, they increase, and that, if it is difficult to make a collection this month, it will be doubly difficult to make it next month. Still we hoped against hope, and since our congregations are only getting into working order, we fancied that general and established rules might not here be applicable. But hope has now deserted us. The above is all we can expect to receive this year, and we ask, is it enough? If we cared little for the cause, we would regard the matter with greater philosophy, but being heart and soul bound up with the prosperity of our Church, and feeling a personal interest in all its affairs, we cannot conceal our disappointment.

Superficial emotions, it is proverbially said, are garrulous, while the more profound are mute: and we feel the truth of the saying. Had our concern been less, we would say more, but our pen is paralyzed, and for the present we are silent.

But amid our reasons for sorrow, we are not without causes of joy and hope. Look at the collection from River-terrace Church, London. Reader, look up to it. It amounts to about a fourth of the whole sum collected. That congregation, a few Sabbaths before, made a contribution amounting to some 401. for a Mission in Ireland. They are collecting money, and have contributed themselves upwards of 1,000l. within the last three months to enlarge their own Church, and must contribute many hundreds besides. And yet they have now contributed to the School Sustentation Fund, 491. 8s. 1d.! And does not that congregation then deserve to be singled out and held up to the admiration and emulation of all the congregations in the Church?

But really all the collections enjoined by the Synod must be made by all the Churches, and on the very day too specified by the Synod. No congregation can be excused, and no excuse need be attempted, for none will be sustained. We mean to make up a list of all the 12 0 4 congregational collections, submit the same to the Synod, and then publish it in the "Mes6 6 3 senger," leaving the Synod to deal with delinquents, as to its wisdom may seem proper.

27 7 6

10 13 6


0 0



4 0

88 12 11

Some parties seem to have made collec tions, and retained them for their own local purposes. This cannot be sanctioned. The orders of Synod must be obeyed. Parties who do not contribute need not apply for aid. We

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