THE great thing in the Church is Christ,-the eternal deity of Christ, the blood of Christ, the Spirit of Christ, the presence of Christ among us. The great thing is Christ, but there is also advantage in a certain government of the Church. I am a Presbyterian, not only of situation, but of conviction and choice. Our Presbyterian way is the good middle way between Episcopacy on the one side, and Congregationalism on the other. We combine the two great principles that must be maintained in the Church-Order and Liberty; the order of government, and the liberty of the people.- MERLE D'AUBIGNE.
FROM 1ST MAY, 1845, TO 31ST DECEMBER, 1847.
Address, New Year's, to the young, 353
Advertisements, 15, 16, 31, 32, 47, 48,
64, 80, 96, 111, 112, 128, 144, 160,
176, 208, 240, 256, 272, 287, 288, 303,
304, 320, 335, 336, 359, 360, 379, 380,
400, 416, 431, 432, 448, 464, 480, 496,
512, 527, 528, 540
Afflictions, blessings in disguise, 190
Agent, the appointment of, 229
Alliance, the Sabbath, 532
Alnwick, soirée at, 202
American Baptists, 61
American correspondence, 121
America, Popery in, 259
Protestant religion in, 503
Romanism in, 244
Antiquarian and biographical notices, 57
Anxious seat, the, 174
Apostolical succession, Luther on, 272
Army, education in the, 341
Association, the Ladies', in aid of the
Presbyterian Church in England, 198
Associations versus collections, 117
Associations, remarks on, 307
Ask, and ye shall receive, 247
Assurance, faith distinct from, 238
Athens, persecution at, 301
Babylon, description of, 250
Baillie, Robert, trial and death of, 294
Baptism, the rite of, 333
Barrier Act, overture on, 214
![[blocks in formation]](,401,223,284)
rich Papist, their subscriptions,
Blackwood, Rev. W., case of the, 42
, presentation to, 125
Blake at Malaga, 287
Blind girl, lament of a, 286
Bolton, St. Andrew's Church of, 266
Bombay, Presbytery of, 334
Books, notices of, 44, 61, 78, 110, 158,
188, 207, 250, 286, 302, 318, 335, 357,
378, 399, 416, 446, 479, 526, 539
Brainerd, the communions of, 185
Brampton Missionary Society, Anni-
versary of the, 507
Meeting at, 282
Sabbath-school at, 205
Brewster, Rev. Dr., lines'on funeral of, 43 Brighton, induction services at, 410 Brougham's, Lord, his theology, 382 Brown, Dr., Address delivered by, 278 James P., appointment of, as
agent, 229
Bryson, Rev. John, ordination of, 265 Bunyan, John, in prison, 292
Burns, Rev. W. C., ordination of the, as missionary to China, 426
Canaan, longings for, 246
Canadian mission, 259
Candlish, Dr., appointment of, as Professor
of Theology, 491
-, translation speech of, 495
Canning-street Church, Liverpool, opening
of, 281
Canobie, communion Sabbath at, 259
Case, a horrible, 201
Catechism, the Shorter, 357
Catechists, native, of Calcutta, 334
Cathcart, Rev. Samuel, induction of, at
Harbottle, 315
Catholic Church, the German, 291
Chalmers, Dr., preaching to the poor, 200
the death of, 449
biographical sketch of, 450
lines on the death of, 462
extract from a sermon on
the death of, by Rev. A. Munro, 460
eloquence of, 452
Charles I., baptism of, 455
Catechisms, the two, 403
Chekib Effendi at Rome, 403
Chester, Presbyterian church at, 207
Cherubim, the, letters on, by Dr. Hutchi-
son, 368, 413
China, missions in, 73
mission to, 328, 334
, facts about, 431, 495 religion in, 468
Chinese youths, baptism of three, 525 Christianity and the Jews, 261 Christian liberality, 329 Christ, labour for, 357
Christian missions, temporal benefits of, 195, 238
Christianity, novel arguments for the truth of, 236
Christian, lines on the death of a young, 399 Christ our Shepherd, 183
-, the crown rights of, 25 -, glory of, given to his people, 165 Christianizing the mass, importance of, 527 Christianity, the power of, 153 Christian union, 171
Church associations, letter on, 267
Extension Society, London Pres-
byterian, 207, 394, 412
government, first principles of, 146
Churches in Scotland, sites for, 236
Church, the duty of our, 274
report of treasurer of the,
Committee, address of the, 81
proceedings of the, 82
collections, 97, 312, 513
library, donations to the, 63, 80,
96, 111, 143, 160, 176, 192, 208, 256, 287,
319, 359, 400, 448
-, opening of the, 313, 520
-, the, 75, 113, 280, 424
Colporteurs, training of, in Germany, 352
Commandment, the fourth, 420
Commentary, practical, Mal. iii. 3, 249 Commission of Synod, overture on consti- tution and powers of, 214
Congregational associations, 72, 92, 107,
136, 230, 307, 316, 317, 458
-report from
Presbytery of London on, 313
libraries, 104
praise, letters on, 366, 443 psalmody, letter on, 352
Constance, the tower of, 277
Conscience, power of, 108
Continent, religion on the, 202
Corfu Mission, abstract of Treasurer's
Account of, 256
address circulated in, 309
Mission, collections in aid of, 280
the mission to, 17, 107, 308, 376,
414, 429, 461, 493, 537
Cousin, the Rev. Mr., induction of, 199
Victor, on Presbytery, 365
Cowper, lines on, 508
Crisis, commercial, in 1825, 517
Cromar, Rev. Mr., ordination of, at Crook-
ham, 475
Cromwell, death-bed of, 263
letter of, to his son-in-law, 311
Cumberland, proceedings of Presbytery
of, 91, 187, 281, 297, 315, 330, 473
Curse, the priest's, 195
Czerski in London, 292 Deacons and Deacons' Courts, 232 -, general meeting of, 514
Death, on the prospect of, 445
Degrees of glory, remarks on the, 375
Dhanjibhai Nowroji, ordination of, 351
Discipleship, old and young, 352
Discourse, extract from, by Rev. Mr.
Nicolson, 118
Divinity Professorship, the, 466 Drumclog, the battle of, 446 Dudley, congregational meeting at, 394 historical sketch of the congrega-
tion at, 412
-, Presbyterian Church, laying the
foundation stone of, 395
Dumfries, established Presbytery of, 76
-, Presbytery of, 410
conference of, 97 doctrinal basis of, 298
-, meeting of, at Edin-
-, meetings of the, 169,
prefatory resolutions
what ought it to do?
remarks on the, 434
slave-holding resolu-
what good has it
tion of the, 460
done? 531
Faith and sight, 431
Faith, distinct from assurance, 238
Family worship, objections to, ansd., 344
Fergusson, Rev. D., address by, 384
testimonal to the, 229
Ferguson, Rev. James, speech of, in
Irish Assembly, 268
First-born, general assembly of the,
Foreign and Jewish Mission Fund, collec-
tions for the, 47, 96, 109, 127, 256, 264,
280, 296, 313, 348, 371, 521, 537, 534
Foreign and Jewish Missions, report of
Committee on, 227
Free Church Assembly, speech of Professor
Lorimer in, 242
-, deputation from the, 217
finances of, 88
letter from Moderator of, 141
-, manse building scheme of, 67
missionaries, 348
missions, 22, 73
-, a word to the, 466
foreign missions of, 458
commission of, 282
Funchal, the gaol of, 379
Gap-men, 185
Geneva, Anniversary
Society of, 269
-, the revolution in, 367
Germany, reformation in, 102, 174
-, religious movements in, 429
Glanton, meeting at, 266
Glencairn, Lady, and Miller Sampson,
Greek Church, an account of the, 356
Greig, Miss, arrival of, at Corfu, 296
Miss, death of, 537
Guy Fawkes again, 367
Habit, the power, &c., of, 496
Hamilton, Rev. James, sketch of the, 515
Rev. J., parables by, 340
Hampstead Church, meeting at, 350
Church, call from, 535
Hanley congregation, meeting of the, 374
-, pastoral address to,
dispensation of Sacrament at, 331
induction services at, 491
Harbottle, church meeting at, 475
Sabbath school at, 536
Hard texts, explanation of, 341, 365, 383,
404, 420, 443
Health of towns, 513
Henderson, Rev. Dr., breakfast to, 157
Hewley's, Lady, Charities, 369, 400, 407
Hewley, Lady, extracts from affidavit on
her Charities, 436, 463
foundation deed of her
Charities, 407, 423
Hexham, social meeting at, 375
High-bridge Church, Newcastle, meeting
of the congregation of, 331
-, Reports of the,
Fund, collections in aid of, 94, 128, 143, 160, 176, 192, 208, 230, 265, 296, 312, 371, 393, 408, 424, 440, 473, 489, 504, 521, 536. 534
the Treasurer in account with the, 217, 239
Hungary, missionary proceedings in, 335
Hunter, Mr., case of, 225, 227
Hutcheson, Rev. Dr., presentation to, 173
Jacob's Well, 357
![[blocks in formation]](,391,226,263)
Johnstone, Rev. W., appointment of, to
Townsend-street Church, Belfast, 507
Ireland, evil condition of, 444
General Assembly of the Presby-
terian Church in, 54, 70
Presbyterian Church in, deputa-
tion from, 226
-, Presbyterian Church in, 282, 298
the famine in, 306, 382
Irish Church, O'Connell's opinion of, 263 Presbyterian Church Assembly,
speech of the Rev. J. Ferguson in, 268
bequest to, 271
General As-
sembly of the, 469, 508
Irving, the late Rev. Edward, 18
Islington Church, Liverpool, soirée at,
new congregation at, 504, 524
Isle of Dogs, meeting at, 297
Israel, the land of,
Italy, state of religion in, 242
Juvenile Missionary Association, address
to, 107
![[blocks in formation]](,902,197,65)
meeting, 165
societies, 73, 125, 265
Keith, Dr., and Mr. Elliot, 436
Knapdale, opening of church at, 204
the awakening in, 40
Knox, John, and Walter Scott, 289
in 1572, 358
Ladies' Missionary Association, Report of
the, 164
Lancashire, Presbytery of, 77, 91, 125,
169, 186, 229, 254, 265, 281, 297, 314,
330, 349, 373, 409, 456, 504, 522, 534
Lecture, introductory, at the opening of
the College, by Professor Campbell, 113
Professor Lorimer, 129
Legh Richmond, anecdote of, 154
Leicester-square district, claims of, 472
Liberality the duty and privilege of every
Christian, 123
Library, the Red Cross-street, 197
Life in Earnest, 357
Liverpool, meetings of Presbyterians in, 375
-, St. George's Church at, 297
Local intelligence, 28, 43, 59
Lockerby, Presbytery of, 393
London during the Plague, 286
London Lay Union, 25
-, meeting of the, 231
London, proceedings of Presbytery of, 58, 76, 90, 109, 124, 141, 157, 168, 185, 206, 253, 265, 281, 296, 329, 372, 393, 409, 424, 440, 473, 489, 504, 521, 534
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