صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



THE great thing in the Church is Christ,-the eternal deity of Christ, the blood of Christ, the Spirit of Christ, the presence
of Christ among us. The great thing is Christ, but there is also advantage in a certain government of the Church. I
am a Presbyterian, not only of situation, but of conviction and choice. Our Presbyterian way is the good middle way
between Episcopacy on the one side, and Congregationalism on the other. We combine the two great principles that
must be maintained in the Church-Order and Liberty; the order of government, and the liberty of the people.-


FROM 1ST MAY, 1845, TO 31ST DECEMBER, 1847.









[blocks in formation]

and Boston, 532

Burns, Rev. W. C., ordination of the, as
missionary to China, 426

anecdote of, 474

Chekib Effendi at Rome, 403

Chester, Presbyterian church at, 207

Cherubim, the, letters on, by Dr. Hutchi-

son, 368, 413

China, missions in, 73

mission to, 328, 334

, facts about, 431, 495
religion in, 468

Chinese youths, baptism of three, 525
Christianity and the Jews, 261
Christian liberality, 329
Christ, labour for, 357

Christian missions, temporal benefits of,
195, 238

Christianity, novel arguments for the
truth of, 236

Christian, lines on the death of a young, 399
Christ our Shepherd, 183

-, the crown rights of, 25
-, glory of, given to his people, 165
Christianizing the mass, importance of, 527
Christianity, the power of, 153
Christian union, 171

Church associations, letter on, 267

Extension Society, London Pres-

byterian, 207, 394, 412

government, first principles of, 146

Churches in Scotland, sites for, 236

Church, the duty of our, 274

[blocks in formation]

26, 213

report of treasurer of the,

Committee, address of the, 81

proceedings of the, 82

collections, 97, 312, 513

library, donations to the, 63, 80,

96, 111, 143, 160, 176, 192, 208, 256, 287,

319, 359, 400, 448

-, opening of the, 313, 520

-, the, 75, 113, 280, 424

Colporteurs, training of, in Germany, 352

Commandment, the fourth, 420

Commentary, practical, Mal. iii. 3, 249
Commission of Synod, overture on consti-
tution and powers of, 214

Congregational associations, 72, 92, 107,

136, 230, 307, 316, 317, 458

-report from

Presbytery of London on, 313

libraries, 104

praise, letters on, 366, 443
psalmody, letter on, 352

Constance, the tower of, 277

Conscience, power of, 108

Continent, religion on the, 202

Corfu Mission, abstract of Treasurer's

Account of, 256

address circulated in, 309

Mission, collections in aid of, 280

the mission to, 17, 107, 308, 376,

414, 429, 461, 493, 537

Cousin, the Rev. Mr., induction of, 199

Victor, on Presbytery, 365

Cowper, lines on, 508

Crisis, commercial, in 1825, 517

Cromar, Rev. Mr., ordination of, at Crook-

ham, 475

Cromwell, death-bed of, 263

letter of, to his son-in-law, 311

Cumberland, proceedings of Presbytery

of, 91, 187, 281, 297, 315, 330, 473

Curse, the priest's, 195

Czerski in London, 292
Deacons and Deacons' Courts, 232
-, general meeting of, 514

Death, on the prospect of, 445

Degrees of glory, remarks on the, 375

Dhanjibhai Nowroji, ordination of, 351

Discipleship, old and young, 352

Discourse, extract from, by Rev. Mr.

Nicolson, 118

Divinity Professorship, the, 466
Drumclog, the battle of, 446
Dudley, congregational meeting at, 394
historical sketch of the congrega-

tion at, 412

-, Presbyterian Church, laying the

foundation stone of, 395

Dumfries, established Presbytery of, 76

-, Presbytery of, 410

[blocks in formation]

of, 244

257, 283, 306

[blocks in formation]

-, the revolution in, 367

Germany, reformation in, 102, 174

-, religious movements in, 429

Glanton, meeting at, 266

Glencairn, Lady, and Miller Sampson,

[blocks in formation]

-, Reports of the,

Fund, collections in aid of,
94, 128, 143, 160, 176, 192, 208, 230, 265,
296, 312, 371, 393, 408, 424, 440, 473,
489, 504, 521, 536. 534

the Treasurer in
account with the, 217, 239

Hungary, missionary proceedings in, 335

Hunter, Mr., case of, 225, 227

Hutcheson, Rev. Dr., presentation to, 173

Jacob's Well, 357

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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