American Catholic Social Teaching, المجلد 2Thomas Massaro, Thomas Anthony Shannon Liturgical Press, 2002 - 203 من الصفحات Whenever a homily about justice and charity is preached, whenever a union leader or politician inspired by papal pronouncements about just wages stands up to help poorly paid workers, whenever a diocesan newspaper publishes an article advocating creative ways to battle injustices of any sort--these are the ways Catholic social teachings are realized in the everyday world. Catholic social teaching is usually applied to approximately a dozen documents from Vatican sources--popes, councils, and synods of bishops. These social documents deal primarily with issues of life in modern society, including economic and political realities facing all people. A more expansive understanding of Catholic social teaching would extend the conventional definition of the phrase in three ways: first, to consider how Church leaders and theologians addressed social realities in eras prior to the advent of modern social teaching; second, to include developments on the local level, including statements by individual bishops in their dioceses and regional groupings of bishops such as national episcopal conferences; third, to include various types of applied Catholic social teaching. In American Catholic Social Teaching, a CD-ROM and book, Massaro and Shannon focus on the second definition listed above--efforts at the local level--and address the role of the laity and the concrete application of social teachings on the part of the laity. The documents and resources in American Catholic Social Teaching present the core of the social teaching of the American Catholic Church. Volume I: The Documents, is a CD-ROM containing twenty-three documents of social teaching from bishops of the Catholic Church in theUnited States written between 1829 and 1999. Volume II: Analysis of the Tradition, is a book containing twenty essays on the same social issues addressed by the bishops' statements in Volume I. System requirements: - Windows 95/98/NT i486 or Pentium processor-based personal computer - Microsoft Windows 95 or 98 or NT (with Service pack 3 or later) - 8MB of RAM on Windows 95 and Windows 98 (16MB recommended) This application is designed to be completely self-contained. Nothing will be loaded onto your computer system; everything needed to run the application software is on the CD-ROM. The CD is an autoload CD. Insert the CD into your CD reader and Adobe Acrobat Reader will start and display a catalog of images. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 29
الصفحة v
... Catholic Worker 94 13. Lay Movements in the United States Before Vatican II 98 Gary MacEoin 14. Feminism and Sharing the Faith : A Catholic Dilemma 107 Elizabeth A. Johnson , C.S.J. 15. Under the Cross and the Flag : Reflections on ...
... Catholic Worker 94 13. Lay Movements in the United States Before Vatican II 98 Gary MacEoin 14. Feminism and Sharing the Faith : A Catholic Dilemma 107 Elizabeth A. Johnson , C.S.J. 15. Under the Cross and the Flag : Reflections on ...
الصفحة viii
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الصفحة xi
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الصفحة xii
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الصفحة xvii
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The ChurchThe Strong Safeguard of the Republic | 3 |
Is Catholic Education a Waste of Time and Money? | 16 |
Catholicism and Americanism | 25 |
The Needy Family and Institutions | 41 |
A Living Wage | 49 |
What Is Social Justice? | 60 |
This Matter of Religious Freedom | 66 |
Is John A Ryan Typical? | 74 |
Statement on Church and Social Order 7 February 1940 | 78 |
Aims and Means of the Catholic Worker | 94 |
A Catholic Dilemma | 107 |
QQ8S5X8YCRC | 134 |
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
American Catholic basic bishops called Catholic Church Catholic social teaching Catholic Worker Catholicism Christ Christian feminism citizens citizenship civic civil society community organizing congregations conscience Council culture Declaration democracy dignity discipleship divine doctrine documents Dorothy Day earth eight-hour eight-hour day employer encyclical episcopal conferences faith and morals feminist force God's Gospel groups human person infallibility institutions issues Jesus John labor laity living wage logical Lumen Gentium mandatum docendi matters means ment movement nation natural law norms papal paradenominational participation pastoral letter Pax Christi peace political Pope principles problems Quadragesimo anno question racism reasonable comfort religion religious freedom Rerum novarum responsibility role Ryan secular sexism social capital social justice soul spiritual statements subsidiarity Sullivan taught teaching authority theologians Theology theory things tion tradition truth union United Vatican Vatican II welfare women