Reincarnation in Jewish Mysticism and GnosticismEdwin Mellen Press, 2003 - 146 من الصفحات This study demonstrates that the rabbinic belief-system regarding the afterlife and the human soul was the paramount influence on the development of the doctrine of reincarnation that was crystallized in the Sefer ha-Bahir (The Book of Clarity/Illumination) a 12th-century work written in Hebrew and Aramaic. Prior research has noted the great impact Gnosticism had on early Jewish mysticism in general and the Sefer ha-Bahir in particular. The analysis of the talmudic and midrashic sources presents a broad spectrum of ideas concerning the eternity and immortality of the soul, the nature and characteristics of the soul and the notions of the resurrection of the dead and reincarnation. These ideas, brought together in the study as a systematic theology, reveal a fairly developed tradition that was probably known to the author or editor of the Sefer ha-Bahir. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 40
الصفحة 80
... Resurrection in the Nag Hammadi Literature The resurrection of Jesus plays a major role in the gnostic writings . An entire composition , the Treatise on the Resurrection , is dedicated to the notion of resur- rection . No salvation ...
... Resurrection in the Nag Hammadi Literature The resurrection of Jesus plays a major role in the gnostic writings . An entire composition , the Treatise on the Resurrection , is dedicated to the notion of resur- rection . No salvation ...
الصفحة 83
... resurrection into the believer's life , the author presents his theory on the connection between the resur- rection ... resurrection is not a fantasy ! The world [ cosmos ] is a fantasy ! " — pro- claims the author enthusiastically ...
... resurrection into the believer's life , the author presents his theory on the connection between the resur- rection ... resurrection is not a fantasy ! The world [ cosmos ] is a fantasy ! " — pro- claims the author enthusiastically ...
الصفحة 84
... resurrection illustrate how remote the Treatise was from Christianity of the time . The Synoptic Gospels describe the resurrection of Jesus as a proof of his divin- ity . After he had risen from the dead , Jesus commanded his followers ...
... resurrection illustrate how remote the Treatise was from Christianity of the time . The Synoptic Gospels describe the resurrection of Jesus as a proof of his divin- ity . After he had risen from the dead , Jesus commanded his followers ...
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Abraham Abrams aeons afterlife ancient Babylonian Talmud Bahir Bar Hiyya belief blessed body Book Bahir commentary concept of reincarnation creation dead Death and Afterlife described Deuteronomy discussion doctrine of reincarnation Early Christianity earth Ecclesiastes 1:4 edition emanation eternal Genesis Rabbah Gershom Scholem Gnosis Gnosticism Greek ha-Ganuz heaven heavenly Hebrew Bible Hellenistic Holy human soul Ibid ideas immortality Isaiah Jerusalem Jesus Jewish mysticism Judah Judaism Kabbalah kabbalistic letter Maimonides manuscripts Margaliot medieval Mekhilta Mekhilta de Rabbi Messiah midrashic midrashic literature Mishnah Moses Moshe Idel Nag Hammadi Nahmanides nefesh Nehunya Nehunya ben ha-Kanah neshamah notion origin parable passage philosophical Pleroma process of reincarnation Psalms reincarnation Religion resurrection righteous role Rudolph Saadyah Gaon Sages scholars Sefer ha-Bahir Sefer Yetzirah Shabbat soul's sources spirit symbolism talmudic and midrashic theodicy theory of reincarnation tion Torah Tosefta tradition trans University Press Vilna wicked word written yibbum York Zohar