صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

they shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and as the stars forever and ever.

Blessed Lord, convince the worldly-minded and sinful, of the depraving and perishing nature of temporal things; and of the exalted and eternal treasures thou hast laid up in the home of the righteous. Induce them, by thy Spirit, to renounce the world, the flesh, and the devil; and to seek that faith in Christ, that purity of heart, and that compliance with thy will, by which they shall be made meet for the inheritance of the saints in light. And to thy name, Father, Son, and Spirit, shall be the glory of their salvation forever.


O Lord, give me a deep conviction of the awful truth, that thou hast ordained and fixed a place of torment for all the finally impenitent a bottomless pit, where there is the blackness of darkness-a prison, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth-a lake of fire, where the smoke of their torment ascendeth forever. There they will remember their ungodly deeds; their multiplied mercies; the riches of thy long-suffering which they despised; the instruction they hated; and their hardness and impenitence of heart, whereby they treasured unto themselves wrath against the day of wrath. There they shall have cruel fellowship with the devil and his angels: hatred and malice, and every evil passion, shall vex their souls; while around, and above, and beneath them, will be indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish !

Lord, let not my heart ever rebel against the wisdom and righteousness of thy punitive justice. Just and true are all thy ways, thou King of Saints. Teach me, O God, by the deep damnation of the wicked, that thou hatest sin and lovest holiness; and that thou art thus promoting the obedience and welfare of the universe, and sustaining thy character as the moral Governor of creation.

Assist me, God of Grace, to flee from the wrath to come, and to lay hold of eternal life, through the Saviour. But O, let me not be satisfied with my own safety. May I seek the salvation of those that are in the broad way of ruin. Impel me by keen sympathy for their danger, and love for their happiness, to put forth such efforts of prayer and labour, as shall be the means of saving some that are ready to perish.

O do thou arouse the church to a conviction of her duty to a perishing world. Let none of thy people dishonour their calling, by carelessness about the eternal welfare of the impenitent. May each one feel the powers of the world to come; and by earnest supplication, and by fervent action, strive for the blessedness of converting sinners from their dangerous ways, and of saving souls from the second death.

Lord, I beseech thee, give the wicked such views of the everlasting destruction awaiting the unrepenting sinner, as shall lead them to consider the mercy that has provided a way of escape from perdition. Persuade them, by thy terrors, to be reconciled to thee by the blood of the everlasting covenant. O make many, who now seem to be vessels of wrath, fitting for destruction, to be vessels of mercy, preparing for glory; who shall be kept by thy power, through faith, unto final salvation: where the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, which are begun on earth, shall be perfected forever.


Heavenly Father, grant me the spirit of holiness. O restore me to thy blessed image, and transform me by the renewing of my mind, that I may know thy will, and present myself a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable, which is my reasonable service. Mould my character by thy word, and lead me to obey that form of doctrine which thou hast delivered to me. Make me spiritually-minded, which is life and peace. O enable me to say, "Behold, old things are passed away; all things are become new."

Lord, make me a partaker of thy holiness, and lead me in the paths of righteousness, for thy name's sake. But let me not forget that this great work is not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. My heart is by nature desperately wicked; and unless thou give me the sanctifying power of thy Spirit, I shall remain dead in trespasses and sins. Renew me, I beseech thee, in the spirit of my mind, turn me from darkness unto light, and put on me the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

Blessed Lord, let me not regard iniquity in my heart, nor roll sin as a sweet morsel under my tongue. Make me feel all the motives that should deter me from transgression. -Teach me to be holy, because thou art holy.-Grant me such views of the cross of Christ, as shall lead me to hate and forsake sin. Thou didst choose thy saints in Christ, before the foundation of the world, that they should be holy and without blame before thee in love: and he gave himself for them that he might redeem them from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people. O may the hope of his salvation, prompt me to purify myself, even as he is pure. Make me feel the guilt, misery, and danger of sin.-Assist me to mortify the flesh with the affections and lusts thereof, that I may live in thy favour.-May I remember that the eyes of men are upon me: let me not cause thy name to be blasphemed through my transgression.-Instruct me that thy glory requires me to hate evil; for thou hast made thy people a holy nation, to show forth the praises of him who has called them from darkness into light. O God, make me pure in heart; for without holiness no man shall see the Lord; and there shall in no wise enter into heaven, any thing that defileth.

Lord, assist me, I beseech thee, in this great duty of personal sanctification. Let thy grace be in me as a perpetual fountain of godliness. May I go from strength to strength, and may my path be as the shining light, which shineth more and more, unto the perfect day. O fill me with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God.


Lord, thou art glorious in holiness. There is no stain on thy will, and no spot on thy character : the righteous Lord loveth righteousness. Just, and true, and pure are all thy thoughts, purposes, and doings. Thou art of purer eyes than to countenance evil in others; and thou canst not look on sin without abhorrence. Thou art angry with the wicked every day, and thou wilt cast them, unless they repent, into everlasting destruction. Even the heavens are not clean in thy sight; and thou chargest thine angels with folly.

Blessed God, teach me the beauty of thy holiness. O, it is the life and perfection of thy character. Thou hast shown it in all thy ways in the works of creation, which were all very good-in thy providence, by which thou hast sought to make us partakers of thy holiness-in thy grace, which teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts in the gift of Jesus, who came to save us from the guilt and dominion of sin-in thy truth, by which we are sanctified-in the work of thy Spirit, whereby we are baptized unto righteousness:-and thou wilt show it in the awful decisions of the last day, when the wicked shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal.

O Lord, may a sense of thy holiness awe and control my spirit. May it dispose me to walk humbly in thy sight: for if the holy ones of heaven veil their faces before thee, it becomes me to lie in the dust, and to cry, "Guilty; unclean: God be merciful to me a sinner." Teach me that there is no communion between God and unholy spirits; and that none but the pure in heart can enjoy thy favour, or see thy face in righteousness. May I learn more and more the excellence of the Saviour whom thou hast provided for sinners: for if we were not accepted in the Beloved, none could be justified in thy sight. Cause a conviction of thy sinless perfection to fill me with reverence in all my approaches to thee; and suffer me not to forget

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