assist in bringing out into this service, some who, having been intimidated by its difficulties, are now relying supinely on the gifts of their more favoured brethren. It should be a prominent object with every church to have a numerous band, who are able intelligently and fervently to lead its devotions: but the great body of church-members will not be able to discharge this important duty without diligent attention to the gifts and graces of supplication. It should not be understood that the author regards the machinery of prayer as possessing more value than its spirit. Far, very far otherwise. It would be infinitely better to employ the broken and disjointed sentences of untutored but craving religious want, than to use with heartless formality the most finished liturgy. Still it is true, on the whole, that the excellency and efficacy of prayer will depend very much on our knowing, definitely and thoroughly, what we want, and how to express our desires THE AUTHOR. October, 1837 Gaming.......... Gentleness.......... .... .. .. 100 Immutability of God.... 143 ib. Incomprehensibleness of 102 God.... 144 Independency of God... ib. 145 103 Inquirers.............. 146 Glory of God.......... 104 Intemperance. God. See Adoration, Existence, Omnipre sence, &c. Godliness..... Good Works.... .. 147 ......... Intercession............ 149 Jews........ 150 106 .... 107 156 Goodness of God... 108 Joy........................... Gospel.... Government.. Grace..... Gratitude. Grave. Grief. 116 Knowledge............ 161 Law of God........... 162 Happiness. ............ 119 Levity.. ib. Infidelity... 164 Lord's Supper......... 166 Parents. See Fathers, Forbearance. Pardon................ 204 Love of God........... 169 Mothers. Love to God........... 170 Passions....... Love to Man... Lunatics ....... 171 Patience.... Lukewarmness......... 172 Peace... Malice.. ..... .......... Piety. Marriage........... ib. Popery. Means of Grace........ ib. Praise. Mediator. .............. ............... 212 .............. 213 178 Prayer................ 215 Meditation....... 179 Press. ..... Meekness.............. 181 Memory ........ Pride.. ib. Prisons. Millennium............ 184 Grace. .... .. 218 ...... Mercy... ....... 182 Privileges. See Means of Ministry... 185 Procrastination... Profanity.............. 223 Promises. 224 Missions. See Heathen, Idolatry, Home Mis- Mohammedans ......... 188 Providence Morning... Mothers............... 189 Motives....... Nature................ New Year........... Obedience..... .. 191 Regeneration.-See Con- version. Omnipotence......... 199 Revivals.. Omniscience. .... ... 201 Righteousness.......... 236 Old Age.. Omnipresence.......200 Riches. See Prosperity. |