صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

thyself, a peculiar people, who are zealous of good works. Though thy righteous claims of creation, preservation, and benefaction, have been disregarded, thou hast overcome the rebellion of many of thy creatures, by the controlling influence of a Saviour's love; so that they no longer live unto themselves, but unto him who died for them.

Lord, enable me to present myself to thee, a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable, which is my most reasonable service. Aid me to do thy will in the things which thou hast commanded, and in those which thou hast forbidden. May I fulfil thy commandment out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned. Teach me that whoso keepeth thy word, in him verily is the love of God perfected. Olet me not confer with flesh and blood, in reference to the claims of duty. Give me courage to hold forth the word of life in evil report, and in good report. O let my obedience have that symmetry and that fulness, which are found in adding to faith virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly-kindness and charity. Give me patient continuance in well-doing; and cheer me by the hope, that in due season, if I faint not, I shall reap eternal blessedness.

Blessed Sovereign, may thy chosen generation adorn the doctrine of God, their Saviour, in all things. Enable them, by a holy walk, to be the light of the world, and to put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. Make their consciences void of offence toward God and man. May they find that thy yoke is easy and thy burden light. Make them fruitful of every good work; for thou hast ordained them, that they should go and bring forth fruit; and herein is our Father glorified, that they should bear much fruit. Grant that they may walk worthy of thee, in holiness and righteousness before thee, all the days of their lives. Make them willing, if needs be, to lose life for thy sake and the gospel's; for then they shall find it in life everlasting. And the praise of their service, sanctified by Christ's merits, and accepted through his pleadings, shall be thine forever.


Eternal Jehovah, the days of our years are threescore and ten; and if by reason of strength, they be fourscore, yet is their strength labour and sorrow ! Lord, regard, in great mercy, those whose age warns them that thou wilt come quickly, and bring thy reward with thee. Especially let thy compassions be kindled towards those who are bowed down under the weight of years and guilt-to whom gray hairs have brought no true wisdom, and to whom length of days has given no experience of eternal life. Do thou show them the accumulated wrath which they have treasured up by their long delay. Teach them that there is but a step between them and death. Arouse them to a knowledge of the fearful crisis in which they stand. Let them know that the destinies of heaven and hell hang on every fleeting breath, and every moving muscle. And if consistent with thy will, give them repentance unto life. But O how little ground of hope is there, indeed, when we reflect on their enfeebled judgment, and decreasing affections, their rigid habits, and aggravated sins! In the multitude of thy promises, there is none to the aged sinner. Alas, how few are brought into thy vineyard at the eleventh hour! But because there are some, we would not despair of thy mercy. Lord, glorify thyself in plucking many as brands from the burning.

Gracious God, let thy precious favour rest on those whose hoary head is a crown of glory, because it is found in the ways of righteousness. Make them the objects of the respect, affection, and care, of all around them. Let their example be a blessing on all that witness it. Temper thy providence to their declining strength, and suit thy grace to their approaching death. And when thou bringest them to the grave, as a shock of corn cometh in his season, fully ripe, soothe their pains, allay their fears, strengthen their hopes, and bid them welcome to thy courts of glory.

Lord, let me not be anxious for long life. May I learn that honourable age is not that which standeth in length of time, nor that which is measured by number of years: for wisdom is the gray hair unto men; and unspotted life is old age.


Lord, thou art God Almighty. The thunder of thy power, who can understand? Thou hast made, and controlled, and sustained the mighty fabric of nature, by the strength of thy word. The firmament, with all its shining garniture of countless worlds, showeth thy handiwork; the earth, with all its furniture of hills and valleys, rivers and seas, proclaims thy greatness: and in thee all creatures live, and move, and have their being.

O Lord, give me a realizing sense of the greatness of thy power. Show it to me in the rich and varied works of nature; and unfold it to me in that creation in the soul of man, in which old things are passed away, and all things are become new. I would adore thee for the strength of thy grace, which breaks the stony heart, and bends the stubborn will, and quickens those that were dead in trespasses and sins, into newness of life. Thy gospel is the power of God unto salvation, to every one that believeth. O God, I would bless thee that thou hast pledged thy might for the increase of thy kingdom in the world, and hast promised that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. O help me to cry, "Alleluia; for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth?"

Most High and Mighty, incline me to fear thee, who art able to destroy both body and soul in hell forever. Induce me to put my trust in thee; for if thou art with me, who can be against me? May I experience in my heart that working whereby thou art able to subdue all things unto thyself. Grant me the succour of him, who is mighty to save, unto the uttermost, those who come unto thee by him. Keep me by thy power, through faith, unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time.


O God, whither shall I go from thy Spirit; or where shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, thou art there: if I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me! Thou fillest and exceedest the vast amplitude of the universe.

Lord, help me to understand the purposes of thy universal presence. Thou art bestowing the blessings of thy providence, and exerting the righteousness of thy government, over all thy creatures.

Thou art comforting, protecting, and sanctifying the hearts of thy saints, and bestowing mingled mercy and justice on the earthly probation of the wicked. Thou art pervading heaven with the bliss of eternal life, and filling hell with the anguish of everlasting death.

O Lord, assist me to profit by the truth, that thou art everywhere present, at all times. Teach me by it, that in the infinite contrast with thee, I am but a grain of dust, a point, an atom, or as nothing! O that it might lead me to be vigilant in doing thy will, and in trusting to thy protecting providence, and redeeming goodness. Lord, grant me here, I beseech thee, a foretaste of that fulness of joy, which is in thy heavenly presence for evermore.


Great Fountain of Knowledge, thine understanding is infinite. Thou knowest all things; even the end from the beginning. There is no creature that is not manifest in thy sight. Thou rememberest every thing that has occurred in the history of the wide universe: thou knowest all the open and secret workings of matter and mind, throughout thine unmeasured dominion: even a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without thy notice, and the very hairs of our heads are all numbered: and there is nothing in the countless revolutions of eternity, that is not as visible to thine eye as the light of day!

Lord, thou knowest my down-sitting and mine up-rising; thou art acquainted with all my ways; and thou understandest even my thoughts afar off. If I say, "Surely the darkness shall cover me"even the night shall be light about me. O grant me the solemn influence of the truth, that thou knowest

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