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النشر الإلكتروني

hope, that though after my skin, worms destroy my body, yet in my flesh, I shall see God, and be forever with the Lord. O grant that when the earth shall cast forth her dead, this corruptible may put on incorruption, and this mortality put on immortality, and be fashioned like unto Christ's glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself.


Lord, dispose and enable me to cultivate and enjoy the blessings of Christian retirement. Grant me many of those precious hours of peaceful seclusion, in which I shall find rest from the cares and corruptions of the world, and reflect on my past conduct, my present character, and my future purposes. O may they be seasons when I shall fill with heavenly oil, and kindle with holy fire, the lamp of my profession; and when I shall hold sweet communion with thee at thy mercy-seat. Vouchsafe that when I thus retire from the world, it may be in order to replenish my soul, and return again to the duties of life, strengthened by thy grace, and richly laden with gospel blessings. O thou who didst seek the lonely desert, the solitary mountain, and the covert of night, make my withdrawings from the busy scenes of earth, such as thine own were-hours full of holy love to God, and fraught with good-will

to man.


Heavenly Father, convince my judgment of the folly, and my heart of the sin, of revenge. Persuade me that it can neither preserve me from harm, nor procure me any good; while it stirs up wrath and retaliation, and arrays against it the anger of a holy God. I pray thee, for the sake of Jesus, let me not render evil for evil to any man. Give me patience under provocation, meekness under injury, and good-will under revenge. Suffer me not, in any case, to avenge myself: for vengeance is thine, and thou wilt repay.


Blessed God, revive thy work; in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy. Let not thy heritage be in bondage to sin and slothfulness; nor the ungodly go down to death, without the strong, and special, and redeeming influences of thy Holy Spirit. Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children: and let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us. Make the wilderness like Eden; and the desert like the garden of the Lord: let joy and gladness be found therein, with thanksgiving and the voice of melody.

Great God, may all thy ministers be indeed preachers of righteousness, and ambassadors for Christ. Sanctify their motives, and inflame their zeal. Give them wisdom to devise, and faithfulness to execute, such efforts as shall promote thy glory, in the work of saving souls. Let them not heal the hurt of the daughter of thy people slightly; saying, "Peace, peace," when there is no peace. May they search Jerusalem, as with lighted candles; and apply thy truth to all their hearers, with plainness, fulness, and pungency. Bless the word of their mouth, and accompany it with the demonstration of thy Spirit.

O Lord, let judgment begin at the house of God. Take away the hopes of those who have the form of

godliness, without its power. Convince thy people of sin against thee, against each other, and against the souls of the ungodly. Bring them to repentance that needeth not to be repented of. Break from them the fetters with which the world, the flesh, and the devil, have encompassed them. Give them that clearness and strength of faith, by which they shall learn the value of their own souls, and the worth of the souls of perishing sinners around them.

Heavenly Father, burden the hearts of thy people with earnest desires for the revival of pure and undefiled religion. May they present fervent, importunate, and believing prayer, at the throne of thy grace, for the prosperity of Zion, and the salvation of the ungodly. O fill them with thy Spirit, and cause them to abound in love, zeal, and holiness. May they love the places where supplication is wont to be made, and where souls have been born to God. Give them grace to uphold, by prayer, the hands of thy ministers, whilst thou art using such to carry forward the triumphs of the gospel. Make thy saints willing to adopt and sustain those measures which are agreeable to thy will, and which receive the abiding sanction of thy Spirit. Lord, cast up and remove every stumblingblock out of the ways of Zion. Give thy servants unity of feeling and action; and lead them to act in the faith of thy word, wherein thou hast said, that if two shall agree on earth, as touching any thing they shall ask, it shall be done for them of our Father in heaven. Let the blessing of the Lord our God be upon them; and establish the work of their hands upon them: yea, the work of their hands, establish thou it.

O Most High, visit with convincing and converting power, the consciences of sinners. Bring them within the reach of the preached gospel, and the hearing of effectual prayer. May thy Spirit set home to their hearts the truth, which is able to make them wise unto salvation. Make them feel deeply, that they are guilty before thee; and that instead of having the offer of salvation, thy righteous retribution would blast them in everlasting death. O, may they cherish the workings of the Holy Ghost within them, and fear lest that Divine Agent give them up to blindness of mind, and hardness of heart. Let that godly sorrow, which worketh life, possess every feeling of their souls. Show them that now is the accepted time, and this the day of salvation. Give them clear, and convincing, and persuading views of Christ, as the only, and allsufficient, and infinitely willing Saviour. O God, grant, for the honour of Jesus, that now, whilst thou art waiting to be gracious, they may renounce their iniquities, receive Christ, as he is freely offered in the gospel, and give themselves to thee, in a covenant never to be forgotten.

Lord of Hosts, make the fruits of revivals glorious in the history of thy church. May their converts to righteousness be for inultitude, as the drops of the dew in the morning. May they be distinguished for consistent piety and holy zeal, and be honoured instruments in multiplying the trophies of redeeming grace, until the Lord shall have made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall have seen the salvation of our God. And to God, the Father, Son, and Spirit, shall be all the praise in earth and heaven, now and forever. Amen.

RICHES. See Prosperity.


O thou who art righteous in all thy thoughts, purposes, and ways, give me, I pray thee, the character and blessings of righteousness. Make me just to thee, to myself, and to my fellow-creatures.i But, O keep me from trusting to my own fancied merits. Rebuke and dispel every thing like selfconfidence, and lead me humbly to the foot of the cross, there to find both the mercy of acceptance, and the grace of obedience. Behold, O God, my Shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. May he be for me the end of the law for righteousness. May I desire to be found only in him, not having on mine own righteousness, which is of the law; but that which is through the faith of Christ, and which is of God, by faith. O, may the accepted works which flow from that atoning union with him, be found in all my walk and conversation. Cleanse me from dead works to serve the living God. Make me diligent in working out my own salvation, knowing that thou workest in me both to will and to do, of thine own good pleasure. May I love mercy and do justice towards all men; and whatsoever I would that they should do to me, in temporal or spiritual things, may I do even so to them. Blessed Source of all good, fill me with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God.


O thou that hearest and answerest prayer for the merits of Jesus, the Heavenly Advocate, give me

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