been the snare that has corrupted and debased our souls, and left them increasingly open to temptation and guilt. O make us feel that all the sickness, misery, remorse, and death, in the world, are the fruits of transgression; and that if sin had not entered into the world, this earth would have been, in all its generations, a paradise of happy and holy obedience. Lord, increase our sense of the exceeding sinfulness of sin, by heartfelt views of the humiliation, agony, and death of thy Son; and by the revelation thou hast given of that blackness of darkness, and anguish of despair, which it has brought on the finally impenitent, the smoke of whose torment ascendeth forever and ever. Great God, it becomes me to take shame and confusion of face upon myself; to cry, “Guilty, and unclean ;" and to implore thee to be merciful to me, a sinner. Thou art spotless holiness; and thou canst not look upon sin but with abhorrence. If thou shouldst lay judgment to the line, and righteousness to the plummet; or if even thou shouldst deal with me for one of a thousand of my transgressions, I would be driven from thy presence, in utter despair. But, thanks be to thy name, the blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin. Though I should be condemned without hope, if I dared to stand before thee in my own strength, yet in the righteousness of my Surety, I may approach thee, and receive remission of sins. Lord, preserve me from the dominion of unholiness, whether it spring from the world, the flesh, or the devil. May the grace that bringeth salvation, so teach me to deny ungodliness, and to fear and loathe iniquity, that I shall constantly die unto sin and live unto right eousness. SINNERS. Great God, affect my heart powerfully, by right views of the condition of sinners. O let not my soul be at ease in her possessions, while the earth is full of the workers of iniquity. Let not selfishness, nor unbelief, nor despondency, stupify my compassions for those who everywhere crowd the ways of destruction. May I look on them as rebels against thy law, over whom hang thy judgments, which may soon overwhelm them in remediless ruin. Give me deep yearnings over their awful guilt and danger. Dispose me to pray, in earnestness and faith, for their deliverance from sin; and lead me to strive to pluck them as brands from the burning. Lord, direct me in the choice and use of such measures as will promote the salvation of souls. O wilt thou give me the blessed privilege of turning some that were ready to perish, into the covert of redemption? Compassionate Jehovah, kindle the love of souls in the breasts of all thy people. May deep concern for the spiritual wants of men, pervade their thoughts, direct their desires, and govern their conduct. O that all who call upon thy name for their own salvation, would earnestly ask what thou wilt have them to do, in saving the ungodly. Arm them, I pray thee, with those weapons of love which are mighty, through God, to the pulling down of strongholds. May they use the power of holy example, the wisdom of right knowledge, and the fervour of persevering zeal, to convince, and persuade, and win the unrighteous from their transgressions. Cause the remembrance of their own former impenitency and exposure to wrath, together with their gratitude for thy distinguishing grace, to excite their strong cryings to God, and their deep compassions and earnest efforts, for those who are living without hope and God in the world. Lord, set before the minds of believers, the weight of guilt and retribution which hangs over the impenitent; and cause them to feel and act upon the strong conviction, that in fulfilling their duty to such, they will enjoy peace of conscience, the joyful reward of faithful servants, and be the happy instruments of saving souls. Lord, I would implore thy mercy on sinners themselves. Convince them of their deep-rooted depravity, and of the wrath they are treasuring up against the day of wrath. Let none deceive themselves with a vain admiration of their natural virtues; for these, instead of abating the enormity of their guilt, only stamp upon it the additional reproach, that they have ungratefully refused to consecrate these virtues to the Lord that bestowed them. O that thy love to them, in the mercies of thy providence, in the pleadings of thy word, in the gift of thy Son, and in the strivings of thy grace, might fill them with that repentance which is unto life. Persuade them that thou hast no pleasure in their death; but that thou art waiting to be gracious. Though they have destroyed themselves, in thee is their help whosoever will, may take of the waters of life freely. Let them not neglect so great salvation, lest they sin away the day of their merciful visitation; and then a great ransom will not deliver them. Lead them, I pray thee, to the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. May they look to him and be saved. And thy name, Father, Son, and Spirit, shall have the glory of their redemption, through time and eternity. Amen. SLANDER. Lord, suffer me not to be guilty of the vice of slander. Let me not through either mistake or prejudice, rashness or ill-will, charge evil falsely on my fellows. Make me tender of the reputation of all men; and especially of the household of faith. O how has this sin impaired or destroyed individual comfort and usefulness, domestic and social bliss, and public peace! How has even the character of piety been soiled, and its means of doing good frustrated, by the words of suspicion, and talebearing and falsehood! Let the lying lips be put to silence, which speak grievous things proudly and contemptuously, against the righteous. O that all evil speaking would cease out of the world, and that all men would judge the motives, and state the conduct of others, in righteousness and truth. Lord, keep my mouth from slander, and my lips from speaking guile. Incline me to take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue. May my speech be always with grace; for if any man offend not in word, the same is perfect, and is able also to bridle the whole body. SLAVERY. God of Truth and Love, direct aright the feelings and judgments of all men in relation to slavery. May they learn that it is a sin against the laws of God and the rights of man, which must, if not forsaken, avert thy blessed favour, and bring down thy sore displeasure. Thou hast said that love is the fulfilling of thy law; and that whatsoever we would that men should do to us, we must do even so unto them. Thou hast told us that the cries of them that reap without hire, enter into thine ears: and thou hast denounced heavy wo against him that buildeth his house by unrighteousness, and his chambers by wrong-that useth his neighbour's service without wages, and giveth him not for his work.-How long, O Lord, shall the selfishness of man appropriate to itself the time and the toil of the weak and needy, and degrade the immortal mind with ignorance and sin? Lord, let our land soon cease to be an astonishment and a reproach among the nations of the earth. May we cease to do evil, and learn to do well. Show us that righteousness exalteth a nation; but that sin is a reproach to any people. Shepherd of Israel, take away the guilt of thy people in this matter, whether it be incurred by silence, approval, or fellowship. Bring them out from unrighteousness, that they may be separate, and touch not the unclean thing. Teach them that the righteous considereth the cause of the poor. Enable them to discern the signs of the times, and to adopt such measures as heavenly wisdom will own and bless. Make them realize that all men have one Father, and that they are verily guilty concerning their brother. May they remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them. May they open their mouth for the dumb, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.-O God of Zion, do thou take up the stumbling-block out of their way. Let them have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. Yea, thou hast said that open rebuke is better than secret love; and that faithful are the wounds of a friend. |