SWEARING.-See Profanity. TALENTS. Giver of Mercies, thou hast been pleased to commit to me various talents, which thou requirest me to occupy until thy coming. Thou hast given me time, property, influence, knowledge, and feeling, wherewith to advance thy glory, and to promote human welfare. Lord, let me not be as the wicked and slothful servant, who hid his talent in the earth, and vainly sought to avert the doom of his guilty indolence. Alas, how have the faculties and opportunities thou hast in mercy given me, been neglected, perverted, and abused. Too often I have sought my own corrupt pleasures, instead of fulfilling the exalted and ennobling duties thou hast set before me. O give me an everpresent conviction, that the means with which thou hast invested me, are only gifts in trust, which thou wilt require from me again, with usury. Help me, I beseech thee, so to understand and employ them, that in the great day of reckoning, I may receive the plaudit"Well done, thou good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." TEACHERS. Lord, bless all those who, in their various spheres, have taken charge of the important business of instruction. Dispose and enable them to guide the untutored and inquiring into the acquisition of knowledge; and fit them to guard from evil, and to mould for good, the characters of those who are committed to their care. O preserve our youth from the corrupting and destroying evils of ignorant and immoral instructers. Inform the minds, and sanctify the hearts of teachers. Give them that wisdom from above, which will prepare them to train their pupils in the highest and noblest knowledge that can adorn human nature. Multiply the facilities of education; put them within the reach of all classes; and dispose all men to seek the intellectual, moral, and religious culture of the rising generation. O Lord, vouchsafe, for the sake of thy dear Son, thy choicest blessings on the Teachers of Sabbathschools. Give unto all of them the character and efficiency which are needful for their sacred duties. Let them not make these holy efforts, the pastime of the Sabbath, an opiate of conscience, or a service to be seen of men. But let all their impulses in them, spring from love to God and love to man. Imbue all their thoughts and labours in this work, with a supreme regard for thy glory and human welfare. While they take pleasure in every lesser degree of success, O make the conversion of souls their steadfast and absorbing aim! Impress on their minds, the priceless value, the high dignity, the solemn obligations, and the glorious reward of their office. Show them that it relates to the worth of the soul; that it is kindred in its sympathies with the love of Jesus; that its responsibilities take hold of eternal issues; and that its faithful discharge will make them as the brightness of the firmament, and as the stars, forever and ever! Great God, give them an experimental knowledge of that salvation which is the great and final object of the system. May all their duties in it be begun, continued, and ended in earnest prayer, and with entire dependence and unwavering reliance on the ministrations of the Holy Spirit. Give them those preparations of the heart, and that answer of the tongue, which are from thee; and grant them a mouth and wisdom, by which they may persuade their youthful charge in the things concerning the kingdom of God. Make them able ministers of the New Testament; and let thy word dwell in them richly, in all wisdom, that they may be thoroughly furnished in their good work. Make them fervent in spirit, that they may teach diligently, the things of the Lord. Cause their example to adorn the doctrine of God, their Saviour, and to allure those whom they teach, into the same path of obedience. Lord, dispose them to avail themselves of the various helps which the wise and good have furnished for their cause; and let them not grudge the time, and toil, and cost which are necessary to prepare them to meet and instruct their classes. Let the spirit of affection manifest itself in all their measures; and may they seek to draw their pupils with the cords of love, and the bands of a man.Make them patient in every trial which they may encounter, through failure, or ignorance, or vice, or enmity. May that intention to succeed which stimulates their efforts, and secures their objects, in worldly pursuits, animate them with the purpose of success in this calling; but, Lord, let this spirit ever be pervaded by a sense of dependence on thee. Let them be punctual in all the appointments of the school; redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Let them not be satisfied with filling up the brief hours allotted to instruction in the schoolroom; but may it be their pleasure (as it it is their duty) to visit the homes of their scholars; and, while they minister a word in season, secure and strengthen the good-will of both parents and children. Make them wise to know, and skilful to use, the influences which mould human character and conduct. - Let all the mutual relations of teachers be governed by the fellowship of saints. --Suffer none to draw back in weariness or discouragement from these precious duties; but do thou make them always abound in this work of the Lord. O Lord, grant that the eye of their faith may ever be fixed on that promise" In due season ye shall reap, if ye faint not:" and that the ear of their hope may ever listen to that verdict" Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Gracious God, give them abundant success in their labours. Make them leading instruments in spreading divine knowledge, enlarging missionary efforts, sanctifying thy church, promoting revivals of religion, and regenerating the world. TEMPER. Lord, sanctify my temper. Preserve me from peevishness, envy, anger, revenge, and malice. Enable me to maintain an unruffled spirit amid the vexations of circumstances, and the provocations of my fellow-creatures. May that wisdom from above, which is peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, be the governing influence of my life, and lead me to seek the fruit of righteousness, which is sown in peace, of them that make peace. Enable me to imitate the quiet meekness of him who lived as our Example, as well as died as our Redeemer. Lord, keep me from those occasional or habitual excitements of temper, which rob my mind of comfort, dishonour my profession of thy name, and turn away thy precious favour. Vouchsafe unto me, O God, the continual presence of that ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which in thy sight is of great price. TEMPERANCE.-See Intemperance. TEMPTΑΤΙΟΝ. Great God, make me realize that I live in constant danger of temptations from foes without and enemies within. Satan, with his countless wiles -my own heart, with its self-deceit and sensuality -the world, with its many lures-each seeks to draw me from the paths of duty, and to lead me in the ways of unrighteousness. Lord, thou hast, indeed, purposes of wisdom, in suffering me to be thus subject to temptation. Thou canst overrule it for my conformity to Christ, who was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. It is in such seasons, O Most High, that thy strength is made perfect in our weakness; and that we are enabled to glory in our infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest on us. And thou often givest us, in mercy, the messengers of Satan, to buffet us, lest we be exalted above measure. They that are tried, and found faithful, shall receive a crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. Heavenly Father, make thy grace sufficient for me in every season of trial-in the hour of adversity-in the day of prosperity-in the period when exemption from temptation has left me open to se |