Lord, extend and bless their circulation in our own land. Grant thy rich favour to the monthly distribution, wherever it is sustained; and do thou cause it to be established in every community in our country. May all who have undertaken that plan of benevolence, connect with it personal efforts for the conversion of souls. While they supply the temporal wants of the poor, and give the Bible to the destitute, and gather neglected children into Sundayschools, and seek to stay the desolations of intemperance, O may they realize that their great work, in connexion with their tract distribution, is to labour personally and faithfully, for the salvation of those with whom they are thus brought in contact. Sanction abundantly, all such efforts, by the enlightening, convincing, and converting power of the Holy Spirit. TRAVELLING. O thou that directest the steps of men, preserve me from accident, sickness, and death, when I am absent from home; and restore me to its comforts and privileges, refreshed and strengthened for all its various duties. I beseech thee especially, that thou wouldst warn me against the spiritual dangers to which I am exposed in such seasons; and do thou enable me to escape them, and gather profit to myself, and do good to others, in all my journeyings. Suffer me not to neglect secret prayer, nor the reading of thy word, nor the study of my heart. Let not my mind be dissipated by idleness, nor my soul be corrupted by pleasure. Permit not my character to take its colour from every object it meets. If I must mingle with the wicked, allow me to have no fellowship with their works of darkness, but rather to reprove them. Let me not profane thy holy Sabbath by continuing to travel on it; nor refrain from its services, when I rest through its sacred hours. And suffer me not to do any thing which I would avoid amid the restraints of the family, or among those that know me. May I make the Bible my companion, and the throne of grace my home, in all my travels. Give me courage and grace to defend the truth, and to do good, as I have opportunity. Make me realize that wherever I go, thine eye is upon me; and let this impression make the state of my heart, and the tenor of my life, such as become a profession of godliness.-O may I say, at the outset of every journey, with thy servant of old, "Lord, if thy presence go not with me, carry me not up hence." TRINITY. Great God, cause my understanding to acknowledge, and my heart to adore, the mystery of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, who are the same in substance, equal in power and glory, and who constitute the infinite, eternal, and unchangeable Godhead. Lord, let not my feeble and erring judgment stagger at nor exalt itself against the testimony of thy word: but what thou hast revealed, that may I receive with a willing mind. O do thou enable me to receive the Father, in all the fulness of his love-the Son, in all the riches of his atonement -and the Spirit, in all the sanctifying power of his grace. God of Truth, banish that heresy, which, in the pride of human reason, would vainly seek to pervert the doctrine of the Unity of the Godhead, so as to destroy the belief of the glorious Trinity. May all men learn that there are three that bear record in heaven, and that these three are one. May they honour the Son, even as they honour the Father; and worship that Spirit, whose ministrations are life because of righteousness ' TRUST.-See Confidence. TRUTH. Heavenly Father, dispel every form of error, by the power of uncorrupted truth. Lord, thy word is truth. Give it, therefore, free course, that it may be glorified in redeeming the corrupt and wandering minds of men, from the deceptions of prejudice and error. Bring all mankind to a knowledge of it, and especially of the truth as it is in Jesus, which only is able to make them wise unto salvation. Instruct them in that mystery, which was hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to the saints; which is Christ, in them, the hope of glory. Lord, assist me to love thy truth, and to seek its promotion, even though it may cover me with rebuke and shame. May it turn me from every refuge of lies, and bring me to trust in thee with all my heart. May sincerity dwell in my soul, and truth have its image in my heart, and verity be found on my lips. Teach me to abhor deceit in every possible form. May I remember that nothing can enter the holy city that maketh or loveth a lie; and that the lip of truth shall be established forever.-[See FALSEHOOD.] Great God, thou art the fountain of untarnished truth, and with thee there is no variableness, nor shadow of turning. No form of deceit has ever cast a stain on the purity of thy purposes and dealings. Though the mountains depart, and the hills be removed, thy kindness doth not depart from thee; neither is the covenant of thy peace removed. Thy word is the counsels of faithfulness; thy promises are all Yea and Amen; and thy threatenings, though they be not speedily executed, shall be fulfilled in righteousness. O Lord, give me such a persuasion of thy faithfulness, as shall encourage and strengthen my heart in every endurance of trial, and in every performance of duty. Help me to commit the keeping of my soul unto thee, in welldoing, as unto a faithful Creator. UNBELIEF. Adorable Jehovah, I beseech thee, let there not be in me an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God. May I ever regard it as the parent of all iniquity: for if faith were perfect, there would be no transgression. Assist me to know and feel that this sin dishonours thy glorious name, thy precious word, and thy righteous providence. Make me feel that it shuts out the light of thy countenance, and brings the darkness of spiritual ignorance and death over my soul. O may I reflect on the doom of him that believeth not, and is condemned already. Enable me to watch unto prayer, against this destroying evil. Protect me from the influences which lead to it from Satan, from ignorance, from pride, and from sensuality. Lord, redeem me from its power, by the teachings of thy word and Spirit. Rebuke it by the example of thine ancient saints, who all died in faith, not having received the promises; but having seen them afar off, were persuaded of them, and embraced them. Give my judgment a clear perception of truth, and bring my affections into submission to thy will: and then, thanks be to thy name, I shall believe with my heart unto righteousness, and praise thee in the obedience of faith, Lord, I would believe; help thou mine unbelief.-[See FAITH.] UNDERSTANDING, Omniscient Jehovah, I thank thee for the gift of my understanding, by which I may acquire knowledge, and without which I should be ignorant of thy law, and should live as the brutes that perish, I pray thee, in the name of the Heavenly Advocate, that thou wouldst make me feel the solemn responsibilities which belong to the noble faculty of reason. Let not ignorance, nor prejudice, nor depravity control its exercises, Preserve it from error, and guide it into the knowledge of truth. Make it a storehouse of useful knowledge, Direct its energies chiefly towards that wisdom which is from above. Grant me enlarged and discriminating views of thy character, works, and will. Dispose me, great God, to submit my judgment to the tokens of thy mind, in all things; for thine understanding is infinite, UNION. Shepherd of Israel, teach thy people how good and pleasant a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. It is as the dew that descended on the mountains of Zion; there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore. May they mourn over the unkindness and strife that so often prevail among those who bear the same party name, May they lament over the sectional feelings which |