passeth away; and we all do fade as a leaf. The grass withereth, and the flower fadeth; and all flesh is as grass, and all the goodliness thereof as the flower of the field. May these waning scenes lead me to seek that inheritance in light, where no sorrow shall wither, and no sin shall blast the fruit of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God! Lord, instruct me that he who soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and that he who soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Let my Christian experience be like the fruit of the earth, which bringeth forth first the blade, then the ear, and after that, the full corn in the ear: and then, O Lord, when thy harvest is come, put in thy sickle, and gather me, as a shock of corn cometh in his season, into thy heavenly garner. And the praise of my salvation shall be unto the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost forever. BACKSLIDING. O thou, who through Christ, art rich in mercy to all who call upon thee, preserve me, I pray thee, against backsliding from the ways of grace. Let not my infirmities and corruptions lead me back to the love of the world. Suffer not the temptations by which I am surrounded to draw me away from my love and allegiance to thee. Teach me to avoid the appearance of evil, and to watch against the earliest and least encroachments of sin, both in the heart and in the life. Let me not fall into the occasional nor habitual neglect of public or private duties. Permit me not to substitute formality for the spirit of devotion; nor insincerity for truth of heart; nor vain glory for good will to man; nor error for . the truth of God. Keep me, O Lord, from open transgression, and from degrading thy cause in the eyes of a gainsaying world, by an unholy walk and conversation. And show me that if any man draw back, thy soul has no pleasure in him. Grant, merciful Father, that when my feet fall into snares, and slide in the way of evil, thy grace may be sufficient for that hour of need. Bring me back from all my wanderings, and may the memory of them make me humble and watchful. Forgive my backslidings, restore me to thy favour, set my feet upon the rock, establish my goings in thy strength, and dispose me to press on towards the mark, for the prize of my high calling. Lord, let me not be of those that draw back unto perdition, but of them that believe, unto the saving of the soul. BENEVOLENCE. Father of Mercies, fill my heart with ever-living sympathies for the wants and woes of all my fellowcreatures. Make me merciful even as thou, Heavenly Father, art merciful. May I desire more the blessing of them that are ready to perish, than the favour of the wise, and rich, and mighty. Make me the steward of thy bounty; for with such sacrifices thou art well pleased. Incline me to practice that economy which will enable me to give to him that needeth. May I remember that whoso hath this world's goods, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, the love of God dwelleth not in him. Gracious God, sanctify my motives in all the exercises of charity. Let them not be done to be seen of men, nor as acts of self-righteousness. I would do good, that I may enjoy the testimony of an approving conscience, and find it more blessed to give than to receive. May I regard benevolence as the means of improving the heart, and making the character like that of Jesus. I would remember, too, that thou lovest a cheerful giver. Help me, O God, to make thy glory the end of all my benevolence. Dispose me to do good, as I have opportunity, in all my spheres of life. May I be eyes to the blind, feet to the lame, health to the sick, strength to the feeble, help to the needy, and comfört to the mourner. But above all, may my desires and zeal go forth for the spiritual wants of mankind. Let not indolence, selfishness, nor unbelief steel my heart against the claims of those who live regardless of thy will, and of those who are perishing for lack of knowledge. Lord, make me an humble yet honoured instrument in thy hand, of spreading the knowledge of thy truth, and of turning sinners from the error of their ways, unto the wisdom of the just. BIBLE.-See Scriptures. BIRTH DAY. O thou Giver and Preserver of Being, I would lift up my thanksgivings to thee for having continued and blessed my life through another year. Here 1 would raise my Ebenezer, and say, "Hitherto hath the Lord helped me." I would look back with mingled feelings of wonder and love on the way in which thou hast led me, ever since the dawn of my existence. If thou hadst measured unto me according to my deserts, my days of probation would long ago have been ended, and I should now be reaping the fruits of sin in the world of despair. But, thanks be unto thee, thy mercy rejoiced against judgment; and I, who might have been a monument of thy justice, am a witness that thou art long-suffering and abundant in goodness. Lord, accept my gratitude for the many tokens of thy favour which I have enjoyed since my last birthday. I thank thee for my food and raiment, my home and friends, my health and my countless comforts. I praise thee that the means of gracethe institution of prayer, the worship of thy sanctuary, the oracles of truth, the fellowship of saints, have all been continued unto me. And to all these thou hast added the teaching, and sanctifying, and rejoicing influences of thy Holy Spirit. Lord, thou hast crowned my year with thy goodness, and thy paths in it have dropped fatness. O God, help me to ponder and fulfil the duties of heart and action which lie before me in the untravelled and uncertain, but important period of time, on which I am now entering. I may have numbered the last year of my existence; and ere the present one shall have finished its brief circle, time may be to me no more, and the state of my soul be unalterably fixed. Make me thoughtful of death and eternity; and yet suffer me not to forget, that while it is still day, and before the night cometh, in which no man can work, thou hast appointed unto me spheres of duty, which thou requirest me to occupy until thy coming. Give me, I beseech thee, in Christ Jesus, an eye of wisdom to discern, and a heart of love to do, all the requirements of thy blessed will. And if it be thy pleasure to prolong my years, may I look back on them as spent in thy service, and say, "For me to live is Christ!" But if thou wilt bring my season of trial to an end, O grant that I may be able to say, with exulting joy, "For me to die is gain!" BIGOTRY. God of Truth, preserve my understanding and heart from the influence of bigotry. While I am not permitted to tolerate dangerous error, nor connive at heresy, keep me from ignorant perversity and blind obstinacy in defending my own opinions; and from unkindness and intolerance towards those from whom I differ in sentiment. Suffer me not to mistake prejudice for the love of truth, nor malice for true zeal. Lord, if this root of bitterness be in my spirit, (and who among the children of men is free from it?) O, do thou take it utterly away: and in its place implant a vine whose branches will cling in love, and whose fruits will hang in plenty, on every object in its reach. May I sincerely desire the success of all who labour for the glory of God and the welfare of souls. Restore, O Lord, the spirit of harmony in all the divisions of the household of faith; so that thy watchmen may see eye to eye, and thy saints, of every name, dwell in the unity of the Spirit. BLESSING OF GOD. Great God, I desire to feel that without thy blessing, which maketh rich, and addeth no sorrow with it, all that I now possess, and all I hope to enjoy, will be barren and worthless. Thou only canst make my possessions and pursuits answer the purposes of wisdom and goodness. Lord, bless thou my waking and sleeping hours; my seasons of retirement and intercourse; my daily food and daily duties; my joys and sorrows; my prosperity and |