thou hast fed them to the full, then they committed adultery, and assembled themselves by troops in the harlots' houses. Multitudes have loved the cup of drunkenness; until our name has been a reproach among the nations. Our transgressions, O Lord, are multiplied before thee; and our sins testify against us: and thou hast a controversy with this nation. Yet, Gracious One, take not the weapons of thine indignation, to destroy us. Make us not as Admah: set us not as Zeboim. For the sake of its righteous, let thy repentings be kindled together; for there is a remnant who have not bowed the knee to Baal; and who sigh and cry for the abominations that are done in the midst of us. May thy Church be our safety. Thou hast said, that if the wicked repent, and turn themselves from all their transgressions, iniquity shall not be their ruin. O may we loose all our bands of wickedness; and then shall our light break forth as the morning; and our health spring forth speedily: our righteousness shall go before us; and the glory of the Lord shall be our rere-ward. Lord, bless this country. Cover it with plenty. Secure to all its inhabitants just and equal laws. Let them that rule over us, rule in the fear of the Lord; justifying the righteous and condemning the wicked. Let peace dwell in all our borders. Put the keys of knowledge into every hand. Sanctify all our prosperity. Let the blessings of religion reach every household and every heart. Honour this people by employing them as chief instruments in giving to every nation the grace that bringeth salvation. Be thou our God, and we will be thy people! COURAGE. Lord, enable me to add to faith, Christian fortitude. May I endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. Give me grace to encounter and subdue the corruptions of my own heart; and in that conflict between the flesh and the spirit, may I come off more than conqueror through him that hath loved me. Strengthen me that I may resist the allurements of a world lying in iniquity, and that I may strive against the fear of man; remembering that whosoever will deny Jesus before men, shall be denied by him before the Father in heaven. May I always be ready to answer every man that asketh me, a reason of the hope that is in me. Make me strong in the power of thy might; for I am not called to wrestle against flesh and blood, merely; but against principalities and powers; against spiritual wickedness in high places. Great Captain of Salvation, give me the girdle of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit; and having thus the whole armour of God, may I be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Grant that when the time of my departure is at hand, I may have the consoling confidence, that I have fought a good fight, and that death shall be swallowed up in victory! COVENANT. Adorable Jehovah, I would praise thee that, in thy sovereign mercy, thou didst from eternity enter into a covenant of grace, to deliver men out of their estate of sin and misery, and to bring them into an estate of salvation by a Redeemer. Lord, make with me this everlasting covenant, even the sure mercies of David. Call me with a holy calling; not according to works, but according to thy pur. pose, which was given in Christ Jesus before the world began; but has now been made manifest by his appearing, who hath brought life and immortality to light through thy gospel: and in whom we have redemption, through his blood. O bind me to thee in the adoption of thy children, wherein thou makest them accepted in the Beloved. Lord, assist me to remember and keep all my engagements to thee. In the silence of retirement and communion with thee in the acts of social and public prayer in the hearing of thy word and the singing of thy praise and in the solemn sacrament, where thy saints subscribe with the hand unto the Lord-I have again and again pledged myself unto thee. My vows are written in my conscience, and in the book of thy remembrance. Help me, I beseech thee, to shun all that I promised to forsake: help me, I pray thee, to perform all that I promised to do. Put thy law into my mind, and write it in my heart; and be my God, that I may be of thy people, chosen according to thy covenant of grace. Make my heart and life abundant in the fruits of that holy relation. Let me not forsake thy love, nor turn from thy ways, but press on towards the mark for the prize of that high calling which is in Christ Jesus. Merciful God, regard with compassion those who are aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise. Make them feel the deep and radical depravity of their hearts. Convince them of sin, as committed against a holy God. Show them the danger to which they are exposed while they refuse to forsake their transgressions. Exhibit to them Christ crucified, as him by whom alone they can escape from the dominion, the guilt, and the retribution of their sins. O may thy Spirit give them grace to receive and rest upon him for pardon and acceptance. And grant that they may enjoy a union with him as close and fruitful as the branch which abideth in the vine. COVETOUSNESS. Preserve me, Great Helper, from the vice of covetousness, which is idolatry. O let me not worship filthy lucre, instead of the living God. May I remember the judgment of the valley of Achor, on him who coveted forbidden spoil; and the swift destruction of them that kept back part of the price, and agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord. Let me not dishonour my faith in thee, nor blight my spiritual comfort, nor bring disgrace on thy cause, in the eyes of the world, by indulging in this wickedness. Give me full contentment with my own condition, and a right and charitable frame of spirit towards my neighbour and all that is his. Banish from my mind all discontentment with my own estate; all envying and grieving at the good of my neighbour, and all inordinate emotions and affections to any thing that is his. Help me, O Lord, to overcome the love of the world. May I seek thy favour as the chief good of life, and say in my heart "there is none on earth I desire beside thee." Lead me to look with the eye of benevolence on the wants of my fellowcreatures; and in supplying them, as thou hast prospered me, to find that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Let me not seek to lay up treasures on earth, but in heaven; where moth and rust do not corrupt, and where thieves cannot break through and steal. Lord, redeem thy church from this vice, which has spotted her garments, and tainted her blood, and crippled her energies. How long, Blessed Saviour, shall they, who have covenanted to be thine, bow the knee at the golden shrine of mammon? Show them that covetousness degrades their immortal nature, breaks thy holy law, and is the fruitful source of manifold iniquity. Keep them from those graspings of avarice, those daring speculations and greedy monopolies, which are the offspring of pride, and the fountains of misery. May they thus judge, that if Christ has bought them by his own precious blood, they should not live for themselves, but for him. Excite thy people, O Lord, to active and unwearying benevolence. As thou hast made them the stewards of thy multiplied mercies, let none forget to do good, and to communicate; for with such sacrifices thou art well pleased, May they cease to do evil and learn to do well; and labour not for the meat that perisheth, but for that which endureth unto everlasting life. CREATION, Great Builder of the Universe, in the beginning thou didst make the heaven and the earth; and by thee were all things created, that are in heaven and earth, whether they be thrones or dominions, or principalities, or powers. Thou didst speak, and it was done: thou didst command, and it stood fast.Lord, thou didst make man in thine own image, in knowledge, righteousness and holiness, with dominion over the creatures. But man being in honour abode not. He fell from that holy and happy estate, |