A JOURNAL OR HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THE LIFE, TRAVELS, SUFFERINGS, CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCES, AND LABOUR OF LOVE IN THE WORK OF THE MINISTRY, OF THAT ANCIENT, EMINENT AND FAITHFUL SERVANT OF JESUS CHRIST, GEORGE FOX; Who Departed this Life in great Peace with the Lord, the 13th IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. DAN. xii. 3. And they that turn many to Righteousness, shall shine as VERSE 4. Many shall rnn to and fro; and Knowledge shall be encreased. London: PRINTED BY W. PHILLIPS, GEORGE YARD, LOMBARD STREET, 1827, PRINTED FOR THOMAS NORTHCOTT, IN GEORGE YARD, IN LOMBARD STREET, 1694. A JOURNAL, OR HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THE LIFE, TRAVELS, SUFFERINGS, AND CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCES, &c. OF GEORGE FOX. NOW there being very many friends in prison in the nation, Richard Hubberthorn and I drew up a paper concerning them, and got it delivered to the king, that he might understand how we were dealt with by his officers; it was directed thus: For the King. Friend, who art the chief ruler of these dominions, here is a list of some of the sufferings of the people of God, in scorn called Quakers, that have suffered under the changeable powers before thee, by whom there have been imprisoned, and under whom there have suffered for good conscience-sake, and for bearing testimony to the truth as it is in Jesus, three thousand one hundred and seventy-three persons; and there lie yet in prison in the name of the Commonwealth, seventy-three persons, that we know of. And there have died in prison in the time of the Commonwealth, and of Oliver and Richard, the protectors, through cruel and hard imprisonments, upon nasty straw and in dungeons, thirty-two persons. There have been also imprisoned in thy name, since thy arrival, by such as thought to ingratiate themselves thereby to thee, VOL. II. A |