INSUFFICIENCY and Contrariety of various modern Systems on the Formation and Structure of the Earth.-Coincidence of ancient Traditions with the Scriptural Account of the Creation and Deluge.-Attempt to prove from these, and from the Infancy of Population in Times not very remote, the Reality of a general Deluge, and its Antiquity not far re- Analysis and Refutation of Mr. Bailly's first System of the Origin of Na- tions, and all Population derived from the Poles, deduced from ancient Examination of Teftimonies adduced from ancient Aftronomy, to prove the Antiquity of the World; and particularly of Mr. Bailly's fecond Syftem, founded on an Indian Era pretended to be fixed on real Aftronomical Obfer- of of the Earth.-Reflections on the Syftem of Mr. de Buffon, and of divers other modern Philofophers. Notes and Illustrations to Letter IV. I. ETTER V. Various Opinions on the Nature of Light, Heat, and Fire.. Notes and Illuftrations to Letter V. LETTER VI. 281 379-420 421 451-454 Abstract of the Syftem of Profeffor Wallerius on the Formation and Structure of the Earth. Note and Illuftration to Letter VI. 455 471-472 LETTER VII. Further Attempt to explain the Mofaical Account of the first Formation of the Universe by the fucceffive Application of the Fundamental Laws of Nature. Notes and Illuftrations to Letter VII. 473 517-522 LETTER VIII. State and Aspect of the Antediluvian World, and Changes operated by the Notes and Illuftrations to Letter VIII. LFTTER IX. Conclufions Notes and Illuftrations to Letter IX. 523 565-580 581 599-602 THOUGHTS ON THE STRUCTURE OF THIS GLOBE. LETTER I. Infufficiency and Contrariety of various modern Systems on the Formation and Structure of the Earth.-Coincidence of antient Traditions with the Scriptural Account of the Creation and Deluge.—Attempt to prove from these, and from the Infancy of Population in Times not very remote, the Reality of a general Deluge, and its Antiquity not far removed beyond the Date ufually affigned to it. SIR, IN the agreeable tour we made together in Switzerland, the aspect of its mountains ftretching on all fides range behind range, pile over pile, in vast and rude magnificence; the various and often fingular difpofition of their strata; the frequent marks of ruin and diflocation visible on their fhattered flanks; the correspondent angles of the rocks bordering their vallies, apparently excavated by torrents which could bear no proportion to their prefent fcanty rills, gave occafion to. ruminate on their original formation, and the convulfions which they must have fince experienced. Our reflections on thefe objects frequently led us to converfe on the formation and revolutions of the earth itfelf. As we failed along the frequent fakes of this wonderful country, the undoubted marks of waveworn rocks on their oppofite fides, many toifes above the prefent level of their waters and much above their poffible reach, fhewed us plainly that thofe immenfe cavities had once been filled with them to a much greater height. This circumftance ftrongly connected the changes wrought in these high regions with those which must have consequently happened on the lower furface of adjacent countries. The multiplicity of these objects, whilft it afforded constant materials for new reflections, gave us little time for discussion ; and we then mutually promised each other to communicate our ideas more at leisure on these interesting and difficult fubjects, on which are daily built fo many different fyftems. I am far, I own, from poffeffing all the various parts of fcience which would be requifite to treat this subject as it deserves; but from the perufal of antient history, from the writings of others, and the reflections which their various fyftems have fuggefted, as well as from my own obfervations, I have framed to myself fome ideas, which in confequence of my promise I shall venture to communicate, in hopes at at least that it may engage you at fome time to comply with yours. I must confess that I have yet met with no fyftem amongst the vaunted philosophers of your nation which appears to me satisfactory. Their several authors labour to account for the whole order and disorder which appear in our planet (for both are strongly marked) by one fingle elementary cause operating during an infinity of ages. In confequence of this predilection for a single agent, whether fire or water, they frequently fee their systems exposed to embarraffing dilemmas, or overturned by contradictory facts. I should rather think that it is by admitting feveral co-operating or fucceffive causes, that we may at length form fome plausible idea of the original formation of the prefent ftructure of our globe, and of the revolutions which must have occafioned its actual diflocated ftate. I fay plaufible, because I think natural philosophy, whatever progrefs it has made, yet too far from that perfection of which it may be capable, to afford any thing very decifive on the fubject. That it ever will be able to attain any thing like certainty, is much to be doubted. Almoft all the authors of these new fyftems, to conduct the works of Nature to their present state, require an almost infinite feries of ages. Great alterations operated by a general deluge are induf B 2 |