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" And so the apostolic preaching, which is expressed in a special way in the inspired books, was to be preserved by a continuous succession of preachers until the end of time. "
Introducing the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Traditional Themes and ... - الصفحة 37
المحررون: - 1994 - عدد الصفحات: 182
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Creeds of the Churches: A Reader in Christian Doctrine, from the Bible to ...

John H. Leith - 1982 - عدد الصفحات: 760
...everything, until she is brought finally to see Him as He is, face to face (cf. 1 Jn. 3:2). 8. And so the apostolic preaching, which is expressed in a special way in the inspired books, was to be preserved by a continuous succession of preachers until the end of time. Therefore the apostles, handing on what...
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Preaching: The Art and the Craft

Walter J. Burghardt - 1987 - عدد الصفحات: 260
..."Scripture within the Church." Here 1 recommend two instructive paragraphs from Vatican II: And so the apostolic preaching, which is expressed in a special way in the inspired books, was to be preserved by a continuous succession of preachers until the end of time. Therefore the apostles, handing on what...
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A Guide to the Bible

Antonio Fuentes - 1987 - عدد الصفحات: 278
...received. The Second Vatican Council confirmed this in these words: "And so the apostolic teaching, which is expressed in a special way in the inspired books, was to be preserved by a continuous succession of preachers until the end of time. Therefore, the apostles, handing on...
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The Church We Believe in: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic

Francis A. Sullivan, Francis Aloysius Sullivan - 1988 - عدد الصفحات: 260
...would abide perpetually in its full integrity and be handed on to all generations" (DY 7). "And so the apostolic preaching, which is expressed in a special way in the inspired books, was to be preserved by a continuous succession of preachers until the end of time" (DV 8). Why the Church Cannot Fail To...
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Foundations of Theological Study: A Sourcebook

Richard Viladesau, Mark Stephen Massa - 1991 - عدد الصفحات: 348
...everything, until she is brought finally to see Him as He is, face to face (cf. 1 Jn. 3:2). 8. And so the apostolic preaching, which is expressed in a special way in the inspired books, was to be preserved by a continuous succession of preachers until the end of time. Therefore the apostles, handing on what...
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From Christ to the World: Introductory Readings in Christian Ethics

Wayne G. Boulton, Thomas D. Kennedy, Allen Verhey - 1994 - عدد الصفحات: 576
...everything, until she is brought finally to see him as he is, face to face (cf. l lohn 3:2). And so the apostolic preaching, which is expressed in a special way in the inspired books, was to be preserved by a continuous succession of preachers until the end of time. Therefore the apostles, handing on what...
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A Shepherd Speaks

Fabian Bruskewitz, Fabian W. Bruskewitz - 1997 - عدد الصفحات: 438
...successors. They gave them "their own position of teaching authority" [Dei Verbum, no. 7].' Indeed, 'the apostolic preaching, which is expressed in a...continuous line of succession until the end of time' [Dei Verbum, no. 8 §i]" (CCC 77). Neither Sacred Scripture nor Sacred Tradition is self-interpreting....
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Understanding the Bible: A Basic Introduction to Biblical Interpretation

George T. Montague - 1997 - عدد الصفحات: 260
...everything, until she is brought finally to see Him as He is, face to face (see 1 John 3:2).* 8. And so the apostolic preaching, which is expressed in a special way in the inspired books, was to be preserved by an unending succession of preachers until the end of time.11 Therefore the Apostles, handing on...
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Deepening Communion: International Ecumenical Documents with Roman Catholic ...

Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Bishops' Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs - 1998 - عدد الصفحات: 660
...commission to "preach to all men the gospel" as "the source of all saving truth and moral teaching."31 Hence "apostolic preaching, which is expressed in a special way in the inspired books" must be "preserved by a continuous succession of preachers until the end of time."32 Though Lutherans...
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Catechism Of The Catholic Church Revised PB

David Bordwell, The Vatican - 2002 - عدد الصفحات: 824
...bishops as their successors. They gave them "their own position of teaching authority".'35 Indeed, 'the apostolic preaching, which is expressed in a...in a continuous line of succession until the end of time.'36 78 This living transmission, accomplished in the Holy Spirit, is 174 called Tradition, since...
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