More Precious Than Silver: 366 Daily Devotional ReadingsHarperChristian + ORM, 11/05/2010 - 420 من الصفحات Has Your Heart Been Touched by Silver? Joni Eareckson Tada peers into the treasury of Scripture -- pure as refined silver, cleansing what it touches. More Precious Than Silver reveals surpassing wealth in the subtle things we overlook as we chase life's golden glitter. This year's worth of wise, insightful devotions will show you why nothing can compare to the riches of a heart that's known the silver touch of God's Word. Includes photos and illustrations by Joni. |
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The Nations Conscience | 7 |
Thinking the Best | 8 |
Selling Everything | 9 |
Better and Better | 10 |
My Fathers Crutches | 11 |
Altogether Lovely | 12 |
Love Displayed | 13 |
The Lover of Your Soul | 13 |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
answer April asked August beautiful believe Bible blessed Christ Christian Christmas Christopher Reeve church Corinthians cross December December 23 delight disciples earth Ephesians eternal everything eyes face faith Father February February 16 feel gift give glory God’s godly gospel grace hands happened happy hear heart heaven heavenly Hebrews holy hurt Isaiah January Jeremiah John Joni Joni book Joni Eareckson Tada July June keep kingdom light live look Lord Jesus Luke March Matthew mind never November November 27 October October 20 October 9 Oswald Chambers pain peace person Peter praise pray prayer promise Psalm Puritan Passion quadriplegic remember remind rest revealed righteousness sacrifice Savior Scripture September September 23 sing sins smile someone soul Spirit suffering tell Thank things thought Timothy today's verse truth turn walk watch wheelchair wonder worship