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النشر الإلكتروني

cution, and to perform so great and laudable a revolution, to make the wilds of Africa rejoice, "the wilderness become a fruitful field," and her fons and daughters which are yet unborn to laugh and fing, it would be necessary for all the Christian nations in Europe and America to enter into a treaty prohibiting the slave trade; next, to keep strong bodies of troops in their new settlements; to offer premiums and other encouragements to clergymen and school-masters of good morals to fettle there; each to be paid according to the number of proselytes he made and instructed in the Christian religion and language peculiar to each nation under whose government they were. Also, to encourage West India planters and overseers to take their slaves which had been humanized in the West Indies with them, and to fettle the first fugar works; and to give good encouragement to artists and mechanics to adventure and settle amongst them. Is it not reasonable to think that as Africa flourished and undersold the West India products, that the West Indies would decline, and flavery also, till totally, in process of time, emancipated. This is very evident; for in China, where sugar is made by free Indians, it is fold cheaper than that made in the West Indies by slaves.

As I have blended the preceding observations with a few concise remarks on the nature of Creole, white, Mongrel, and black women, with

with fome necessary precautions to steer you clear of their syrenean allurements, rocks on which too many are cast away, permit me next to say something of two other cardinal vices, -drinking and gaming, and then I shall conclude with a page or two of found advise.

As every man, from his cradle, is prone to some darling vice or folly, we should be always guarded to check or controul the first sign or appearance of inordinate desire; to regulate our passions, and restrain them in proper bounds. Alas! so weak is our nature, that if we once get involved in the vortex of dissipation of any kind, we may never be inspired with grace to think seriously on our follies, or to liften with attention to the wholesome admonition of a friend; so irresistibly we may be drawn away, 'till irretrievably funk in the quicksands of iniquity, or shattered on the rocks of misery and defpair! Bad customs are easily learned, but painfully relinquished: pamper not your body; nourish it as your slave, and revere it not as your master!

It is amazing to think, how many fine young men ruin themselves by drinking to excess: bad company, and bad examples, have destroyed millions. I have known many who, at the age of twenty-one years, would as foon take a vomit or a purge, as a pint of wine or a glass of ftrong grog; and yet those sober men were imperceptibly

perceptibly corrupted, and in time seldom went to bed sober.

You will find that white people of all ranks and denominations, in Jamaica and the other British colonies, in general drink to excess, wines, spirituous and malt liquors; and wreck and strain their constitutions, till they break at last; notwithstanding, the climate is censured for the murder of every man who poisons himself. It is wonderful, indeed, what strange and unaccountable notions actuate the minds of men to be hard drinkers; those who have not fufficient fortitude to bear patiently the dispensations of all-wife Providence, lull their reflection with flow poison. " Drinking is the drowning of cares, but not the curing of them."

Some good-natured men, for the fake of company, are urged to their ruin; and though fick and squeamish every morning, they commonly return like dogs to their vomits nightly: it is an ill-bred, vulgar, and pernicious custom of those who think they cannot make much of their friends without pressing them to fwallow more than they defire. Weak, ignorant, idle men, often unite with the number of Bacchus's swine; and yet, I knew many young men of bright abilities, who drowned their noble faculties almost nightly in bowls of insanity, or drowsy oblivion.

Grog drinking, and smoaking segars, is a baneful and obnoxious practice all over the WeftWest-Indies. It has been remarked, that if a man makes grog his favourite drink, and mixes it ever so weak at the beginning, he will make it stronger and stronger by degrees, 'till in time his throat becomes so callous, that he will swallow strong spirits as easy as new-milk.

Wine and strong liquors taken to excess corrupt and inflame the blood-emaciate the whole frame, and dry up the course of nature: wine deprives a man of reason, strength and manhood; and inspires him with wrong notions and false passions, which induces him to commit crimes and offences which, when sober, he would shudder at. "O! that man should put a devil into his belly to steal away his brains!" No man can attend his business attentively or feriously, who is fond of tippling ;-" Every inordinate cup is unblessed, and the ingredient is a devil."

A bacchanalian should never be intrusted with any property: for he who is not fit to protect his own carcafe, is not worthy of trust. All sober men, and good women, abhor drunkards; for they are, most certainly, very unworthy members of any community, and dangerous companions in private or public life. How often have towns and cities been destroyed-how often have ships been burnt, or run down on the deep and pathless ocean, through the carelessnefs or stupidity of drunkards; the fixing of a candle

a candle in an improper place-neglecting a watch are often attended with dreadful and fatal consequences.

What an odious and ridiculous figure would the West India factor or fupercargo appear, when staggering in a Tavern or Coffee-house, or reeling through the streets, was he surprized by his guarantee;-but how would the European merchant exclaim, was he to find him in this condition ratling at dice, " in or out," sporting away his property at a hazard-table.


What a pernicious enemy must that be, which transforms man, God's own image, to a level with the brute creation? If a man could but fee his own stupid picture properly, when intoxicated, he would hate himself : drunkard reels and staggers through the streets, and is the scorn of every fober man. Children and drunken men resemble each other in point of fecrecy; they commonly speak their mind. The drunkard, like the jackdaw in the fable, blabbers every nonfenfe, and betrays himself and friends.

"Drunkenness reveals what foberness conceals."

Wine and strong liquors affect men amazingly: some attempt difficulties, hazards and enter. prizes, which when sober they could not encounter: wine makes the trembling coward valliant, the stuttering fool loquacious, the man of fense an ideot, the impotent dotard forget


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