streets manfully when every moment you are expecting a dun, or tip from a marshals catchpole. Another thing I must advise you, is not to be countrified, nor bigotted to religion: I was once fo filly as to be fonder of my countrymen than of others, and enjoyed a fecret pleasure when I had an opportunity of serving them; but though I had it not in my power to grant favours so freely, as Timon in the play had, my friends often in the end behaved as ungrateful to me as his did to him; I could mention many instances of their base ingratitude, but it is folly to repeat grievances. Ingratitude is a most heinous sin; if you wish to lible or to stigmatize your enemy, you cannot fay worse than that he is ungrateful. Gratitude, offspring of the generous merciful heart, shews itself in a thousand varied forms: the confolation a good man feels at doing a generous action or returning a favour is great. When you do a charitable or generous action, conceal it from every person as private as possible; let it be done freely, not as if extorted, or ostentatiously, for thereby the value will be enhanced: and do not, for a triffe, quarrel with an old friend, to forget all the good turns he did you, which is often the cafe amongst men, for that is ungrateful. "On adament our wrongs we all engrave, I would : I would wish you to write letters frequently, in order to make letter-writing familiar to you: if you have no particular friend to whom you can unbosom your mind, you may suppose one, an imaginary friend, it will answer the fame, and you will thereby improve yourself: let the stile be plain and easy, free from affectation and ill-connected phrases; when writing, always suppose the perfon present, as if you was speaking to him, thereby your fancy and paffions will be more strongly excited; it is a great recommendation to a young man to write a letter well, to speak smooth and harmonious upon paper, (for there is a harmony in prose as well as in verse).-As Pope says, "Speed the foft intercourse from foul to foul, I would wish you to have a small collection of well chosen books; you never can be alone while you have a good book about you. " Books are fair virtues, advocates and friends." And though religion is practised very little in the British colonies, I beg, for God's fake, you will take some thought of your poor foul; commit as little fin as possible: I know it is impoffible for us to avoid finning, but if we be always on our guard, and beg fervently for God's grace to give us resolution to follow good example, we need not be too wicked finners. God is gracious and good, and all merciful; he formed us of a frail nature." He knoweth whereof "Safe in thy breast close lock up thy intents, Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide; keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bofom. Micah vii. 5. 1 FINIS. |