Astrology and Popular Religion in the Modern West: Prophecy, Cosmology and the New Age MovementAshgate Publishing, Ltd., 01/09/2012 - 224 من الصفحات This book explores an area of contemporary religion, spirituality and popular culture which has not so far been investigated in depth, the phenomenon of astrology in the modern west. Locating modern astrology historically and sociologically in its religious, New Age and millenarian contexts, Nicholas Campion considers astrology's relation to modernity and draws on extensive fieldwork and interviews with leading modern astrologers to present an invaluable contribution to our understanding of the origins and nature of New Age ideology. This book challenges the notion that astrology is either 'marginal' or a feature of postmodernism. Concluding that astrology is more popular than the usual figures suggest, Campion argues that modern astrology is largely shaped by New Age thought, influenced by the European Millenarian tradition, that it can be seen as an heir to classical Gnosticism and is part of the vernacular religion of the modern west. |
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النتائج 1-5 من 93
... argued , ' by looking at the way that society reacts to new religious movements and the controversy they generate ... argue that astrology is a religion in order to make 20 the point that an understanding of the cultural milieu.
... : removing the word ' valid ' still enables astrology to function as a form of self - understanding , even if one that is scientifically invalid . Geoffrey Dean argued 24 that astrology is useful, if lacking any scientific basis, while.
... argued that astrology is indeed 'useful in an everyday way', as people deal with the mundane reality of their lives.25 Judy Pugh, writing on modern Indian astrology, refers to it as a system of 'situation construction' in which therapy ...
... argument is that the quest for meaning is a universal human attribute and that in most , if not all , cultures , there is a predisposition to find meaning in the sky . To cite the French philosopher Bruno Latour , ' No one has ever ...
... argued that Astrology is in fact a bizarre survival from pre - scientific times . Its theories were worked out when ... argued that human culture was subject to an inevitable progression in which primitive magic was succeeded in ...
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19 | |
The New Age and the Age of Aquarius | |
New Age Astrology | |
SunSign Astrology | |
The Survival of Belief in Astrology | |
Astrology Religion and Belief | |
The Extent of Belief in Astrology | |
A Public Survey | |
percentages | |
The Astrologers Universe of Discourse | |
compared with Moore 1960 | |
Interviews with Astrologers | |
Modernity and Normality | |