Moral Catechesis and Catholic Social Teaching: A Latin American ApproachUniversity Press of America, 2003 - 223 من الصفحات The purpose of this book is twofold: first, to examine whether and to what extent three representative catechisms, widely used in Latin America, have incorporated official Catholic social teaching; and second, to suggest ways in which Catholic social teaching can be further integrated into catechetical approaches. In the same way, this approach tries to grasp and give some contributions to the call of Pope John Paul II to the Church in the American continents, Ecclesia in America, for developing a catechesis for social justice and peace. Thus, this book addresses and proposes some lines of development to integrate social ethics into moral catechesis. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 20
الصفحة 26
... living by prayer , meditation , and reading the Bible . Hence , one of the important issues in catechesis would be the living experience of the community ( parish ) . Cate- chesis would develop Christian faith in the dynamic of the ...
... living by prayer , meditation , and reading the Bible . Hence , one of the important issues in catechesis would be the living experience of the community ( parish ) . Cate- chesis would develop Christian faith in the dynamic of the ...
الصفحة 189
... Living Light , 36 ( 2000 ) : 37-44 ; Berard Marthaler , " Ecclesia in America Revisited , " Living Light 36 ( 2000 ) : 4-5 ; José Oscar Beozzo , " Algumas Sugestões Para Uma Doutrina Social da Igreja no Continente Americano , " in ...
... Living Light , 36 ( 2000 ) : 37-44 ; Berard Marthaler , " Ecclesia in America Revisited , " Living Light 36 ( 2000 ) : 4-5 ; José Oscar Beozzo , " Algumas Sugestões Para Uma Doutrina Social da Igreja no Continente Americano , " in ...
الصفحة 221
... Living Light 17 , no . 2 ( 1980 ) : 108-120 . Lazareth , William H. Christians in Society : Luther , the Bible , and Social Ethics . Minneapolis : Fortress Pres , 2001 . Lima , Luiz Alves . A Face Brasileira da Catequese . Rome ...
... Living Light 17 , no . 2 ( 1980 ) : 108-120 . Lazareth , William H. Christians in Society : Luther , the Bible , and Social Ethics . Minneapolis : Fortress Pres , 2001 . Lima , Luiz Alves . A Face Brasileira da Catequese . Rome ...
From Medellín to Ecclesia in America | 31 |
Catholic Social Teaching | 65 |
Catechetical Teaching | 107 |
حقوق النشر | |
4 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Biblical Brazil Brazilian catechisms Caminhos de Libertação catechesis in Brazil catechetical approach catechetical text Catechism Yesterday Catequese nas Comunidades Catequese no Brasil Catequese Renovada Catholic Church Catholic social teaching Catholic Social Thought CELAM Centesimus Annus Christ Church in Brazil Church in Latin common Conference of Medellín Council culture Directory for Catechesis document of Medellín document of Puebla Dussel Ecclesia in America emphasized Encontros de Catequese evangelization faith final document Gaudium et Spes Gospel human dignity human person human rights Ibid important inculturated Jesuits Jesus justice and peace Laborem Exercens Latin America liberation theology moral catechesis Movimento Catequético Octogesima Adveniens oppressed Orbis Books papal social teaching pastoral Paulo Petrópolis political poor Pope Paul Populorum Progressio poverty preferential option present Puebla Rerum Novarum sacraments Santo Domingo São Paulo social catechesis social justice society solidarity Sollicitudo Rei Socialis Synod themes theologians theology of liberation Vatican Vatican II Vida da Igreja Vozes York