A Slow Train Coming: God's Redemptive Plan for Israel and the ChurchOut of Zion Ministries, 12/06/2018 - 240 من الصفحات Six thousand years ago, in the Garden of Eden, sin separated man from God. Thankfully, God had a plan to redeem man back to Himself. It is a 'one track only' plan that saw God entering into a covenant with a man called Abraham. God told Abraham that he would become the father of a great nation who are now known as the Jewish people of Israel. Four hundred and thirty years later, God called another man, Moses, to deliver the people of Abraham from slavery in Egypt. Israel was given the destiny of being a 'Royal Priesthood' and a 'Holy Nation' with the calling to bless and be a 'light' to all of the other nations of the world. Many times Israel failed to fulfill that destiny and calling to lead the rest of the world back to God. Ultimately, God sent His own Son, Yeshua to be the Redeemer / King of the Jewish people and also to be the Messiah of anyone from any nation, who is prepared to make Him the Lord of their lives. However we have a diabolical enemy who has constantly strived to abort the plan of God to redeem mankind. It is a remarkable story. It is His story - a 6000 year saga that is Israel's history and is also much of the world's history. This book will take you down the track of time, looking in at the key stations along the journey, as this 'slow train' of God's plan has made its way along the track. Take a journey with me now, and you will learn about the history of Israel and the nations. You will see exactly where on the track of time the train is now, and you will see that the return of our Redeemer / King / Messiah, Yeshua, is now very, very close. |