but having failed, and seeing my standard advancing, he turned round and fled, with the intention of joining his principal; but having learned that he had also been defeated, he continued his flight towards his camp, which was at Kenbudluly. I immediately sent off Amyr Jakū and Syf Addeen, with a party to pursue him, whilst I followed them closely; I also sent another party to show themselves in the vicinity of Musa's encampment. When the enemy's general saw the dust raised by my party, he was alarmed, saddled his horses, and galloped off; I ordered Amyr Daud to pursue him, and to seize as many of his horses, and as much plunder as he could lay hands on. When this brave officer had nearly come up with the enemy, the rear guard (Chundavul) faced about, and made a charge on Amyr Daud, and a severe conflict took place; as soon as I came up, I also engaged them, but when our hands reached their collars, they could not contend with us, and took to flight; in consequence of which, a number of their led horses were seized by my people, and by my auspicious fortune the standards of the enemy's pride were overturned. During this time, the officers and chiefs of the enemy being quite discomfited, were retreating towards Khezar, and it so happened that Arzu Melk Aghā, the daughter of Amyr Jelayr, and the wife of Amyr Musa, who in the confusion of the defeat, had been left behind, having joined the runaways, was overtaken; when I saw her, I instantly sent to her my (Shadruan) canopy to conceal her from public view, and gave her in charge of Dūlet Shāh, the pay-master, who was a (Hery Maimur) eunuch, or pilgrim; and what was very extraordinary, the lady being big with child, was safely delivered of a daughter in that desert.* I pursued the enemy as far as the village of Feriltay, and spent the night in that place. As soon as the morning dawned, the whole of the enemy were driven from the vicinity of Karshy; and my Amyrs Jakū and Syf Addeen, having followed the runaways as far as the village of Jugerlyk, returned, and congratulated me on victory. As the winter was now approaching, I deemed it advisable to take up my quarters at Kārshy, during the inclement season; but some of the chiefs advised my making Bokhara my winter quarters; I said, "although Amyr Hussyn's army has been defeated, his jealousy will be roused when he hears that I have in person, taken possession of Bokharā, and will endeavour to annoy me; besides it is a ruinous place, and provisions are very scarce, it will be better to fix our winter quarters at Kārshy: I will send Mahmud Shāh to Bokharā, that he may repair and render it populous, and he may remit the amount of the collections to * The latter subsequently became his wife. my treasury; I will also invite Beg Shah, who is now an emigrant in Khurasān, and give him charge of the country; I will further write to Aly Beg Yusury, who is now a wanderer in the desert, to join his son-in-law, Mahmud Shāh, at Bokharā; but we will in the mean time remain at Kārshy, and repair the losses we have sustained, during the late campaign; my people also will collect their families, and refresh their animals." After the council was concluded, I returned towards Karshy, and encamped on the plain of victory, and there enjoyed myself. CHAPTER XXII. The arrangement that I made for renewing the war with Amyr Hussyn, was this; when the defeated generals of Amyr Hussyn presented themselves before him at Sali Seray, they threw their caps on the ground, and made some excuses; he abused them for their negligence, in the first place, for having permitted me to surprise Kārshy; and secondly, for allowing themselves with twelve thousand horse, to be defeated by three hundred and thirteen men. After having given vent to his rage, Amyr Hussyn resolved to make a vigorous attack on me before I should get settled in my quarters; he in consequence quitted Sali Seray, and gave orders for all his forces to join him. He appointed the defeated Amyr Musā to the principal command, which consisted of ten thousand select horse, with a number of his best officers. Amyr Musā having seized the sword of revenge in his teeth, advanced with his army towards Kārshy. When I was informed of the proceedings of Amyr Hussyn, and that the Amyr Musā, with ten thousand horse, had advanced as far as the fort of Kehulkeh, and had encamped near Checkichec; I resolved to make a night attack on them; I therefore marched by the road of Belghun Bāgh, which lay to the left of the enemy, and having arrived there, passed the night in that grove: I then sent one of my scouts, named Termunay, to observe the situation of their encampment, to examine the roads of ingress and egress of it, and to send me intelligence as soon as they should pass the straits of Checkichec. He went, and having seized one of the enemy's soldiers, examined him, and sent me the information that Amyr Musā, with his ten thousand horse, had passed the straits of Checkichec, and were to encamp that night at Chekdalyk. I therefore passed that day in the desert, and when night came on, I mounted my horse; but when I arrived near the enemy's camp, found I was attended only by three hundred horse; I however gave the (Tekbyr) war cry, and having entered their camp by the left, came out of it by the right: this unexpected P night attack, threw them into great confusion; but having recovered from their fright, they mounted their horses. At this time, the day began to dawn, and Amyr Musā having drawn out his army in line, stood looking at my party, but without molesting us. I therefore alighted in the plain of Chekdalyk, and having performed the morning prayers, again mounted, and retreated by the way of Kurdenk. I now resolved to return to Kārshy, and having strengthened it, to proceed to Bokharā, and on being joined by my other troops in that city, then to turn about and oppose Amyr Hussyn's army. When I reached Kārshy, having made all the requisite arrangements, I marched towards Bokhara; when I drew near the city, Mahmud Shāh, whom I had appointed governor of the place, came out some distance to meet me, accompanied by Aly Yusury, and they both professed their allegiance. When I had halted in Bokharā, Amyr Jakū, who was not on friendly terms with the governor, and had no confidence in his professions, privately requested leave of absence to go to Khurasān; I said, “I will consider of it, and do whatever shall appear advisable;" I then summoned the governor, and all the principal officers, and entered into consultation on the state of affairs; I said to them," although we are much inferior to the army of Amyr Hussyn, which is approaching, nevertheless, if you will all unite firmly with me, we will go and meet it, give them battle, and let the conqueror take the bride of the kingdom by the hand." My brave generals approved of this opinion; but the governor and Aly Yusury being heartless, advised that we should fortify Bokharā, and that I should, with a light army, in the Cossack manner, annoy the enemy, and that no doubt we should prove successful. Finding that Mahmud Shāh and Aly Yusury were afraid, and that Amyr Jakū was doubtful, I gave him leave to go to Khurasan; and I also sent off Abās Behader and Syf Addeen to Makhān, to levy troops along the banks of the river Amū;* I appointed the Prince Pyr Muhammed, to escort the baggage and followers, and intrusted the charge of the city to Mahmud Shāh and Aly Yusury, and advised them, if they found themselves unequal to stand a siege, to abandon the place. After this arrangement, I quitted Bokhara, with my three hundred Cossacks, and advanced towards the enemy; when we approached their encampment, we seized a number of their horses and camels that were grazing, and I gave them to my people; I then proceeded towards Khurasan, and during the night crossed the river Amu; I then passed over the desert, and having reached Makhān, joined the heavy baggage, and the remainder of my victorious troops. * In the vicinity of the city of Amu, the Sihūn is called the Amu. I amused myself for some time in hunting in the plains of Makhān, waiting for intelligence from Mahmud Shāh, and news from Bokharā; at length a letter arrived from him, representing that he had fortified the city, that Amyr Hussyn had come with his large army, and laid siege to it; that for some days he had resisted, but the inhabitants had proved treacherous, and had taken part with my enemy; that Amyr Hussyn had gone to the tomb of Shykh Syf Addeen, and there taken an oath, that the inhabitants of Bokharā had nothing to fear from him; in consequence of which, the citizens had rebelled, had taken possession of several of the bastions, and had fortified them; that although he had taken much pains to reconcile them, they had turned their backs on him; that being without remedy, he had armed his cavalry, and taken the field as Cossacks. I was much distressed by this intelligence, and sent off spies to learn whether Amyr Hussyn still remained in Bokharā, or had returned to Sali Seray. About this time, Mahmud Shāh and Aly Yusury, having made long journeys through the desert, arrived, and had the honour of kissing my carpet; as they had lost several of their horses, and much property, I recompensed them, and waited for the return of my spies. At length the spies came back, and informed me that Amyr Hussyn had left a large army under the command of Amyr Khelyl, in Bokharā, and had gone back to Sali Seray. On receipt of this intelligence, I deliberated whether I should go to Melk Hussyn, Prince of Herat, and enter into a confederacy with him against my enemies. I had formerly rescued this Prince from the hands of the officers of Amyr Kurghen, had carried him to Herat, and there placed him on the throne ; on which account, he was under great obligations to me. But as I had no great dependence on his gratitude, fearing that he might have been gained over by Amyr Hussyn, and might prove an enemy, I wavered in my opinion. I soon after received information, that Melk Hussyn had arrived at Serkhush, with the intention of visiting me; I therefore sent off Amyr Jakū as my ambassador, to meet him, and instructed the latter, that he was to discover the bottom of Melk Hussyn's heart, and to ascertain whether he was sincere, or inimical; if the former, he was to endeavour to strengthen the chain of friendship, and to return immediately. In a short time, Amyr Jakū came back, and brought me a letter from Melk Hussyn, replete with affection and friendship; as his kindness and sincerity made a great impression on me, I therefore opened my mind, and wrote him, "that as the chiefs of Bokharā, and all Maveralnaher, had entreated me to "return to them, in compliance with their request, I meant to do so, but with his permission, would leave my son Muhammed Jehangyz, and all my family, in "the vicinity of Makhān, under the protection of his kindness and friendship." CHAPTER XXIII. My plan of proceeding from my cantonment, at Makhan, towards Maveralnaher and Khurasan, was this: my spies having brought me intelligence, a second time, that all the chiefs of Maveralnaher were very negligent and inattentive to my proceedings, but that they still retained numerous followers; I therefore took a review of my troops, and found that they did not exceed one thousand horse, and in an auspicious hour sought in the Koran for an omen, this verse opened," God is all sufficient for those who place their faith on him." As I ever placed my confidence on the Almighty, I committed my son Jehangyr to to his protection, and having appointed Mubarik Sunjury to be his preceptor, left them at Makhān: I marched to the banks of the Jihun, and when all my followers had joined, I crossed the river in the night, and having left the high road on the left, I halted in the fields of canes near the river: I remained concealed there during that day, and deliberated whether I should, by a forced march, endeavour to surprise the city of Bokharā, and then proceed towards Samerkund, or whether I should first attack the different chiefs of Maveralnaher, and subdue them, before they could form a junction with each other; and having thus cleared the country of them, then take possession of one of these cities, as the seat of my government. At this time, I was informed that Amyr Musā was encamped in the neighbourhood of Karshy, I therefore consulted the Koran whether I should attack him, or Hindū Shāh first; this verse opened," the fire of Moses was like lightning;" I took this for an auspicious omen, and remained in the lanes by the side of the river the whole day in ambuscade. When night came on, I made a forced march against the army of Amyr Musā, and having taken him by surprise, I I took two of his generals prisoners, and dispersed all his soldiers. It happened that in the town of Karshy, there were some merchants from Bokharā, whom my people seized, and brought to me, with all their camels and goods; but I immediately ordered Shykh Aly Behader to escort them with all their merchandize, to a place of safety, which raised my fame through the country. |