صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Hand, and for a MEMORIAL their CHILDREN, fhewing to the Ge

between thine Eyes; that the LORD'S LAW may be in thy Mouth: for with a ftrong Hand hath the LORD brought thee out of Egypt.

10 Thou shalt therefore keep this Ordinance in his Scafon from Year to Year.

neration to come, the Praifes of the LORD; and his Strength, and his wonderful Works that he hath done.

s For he established a Teftimony Ifrael, which he commanded our FAin Jacob, and appointed a Law in THERS that they fhould make them KNOWN to their CHILDREN.

6 That the GENERATION to come might KNOW them, even the Child en which fhould be born who should arife, and declare them to their CHILDREN:

11 And it fhall be when the LORD fhal! bring thee into the Land of the Canaanites, as he sware unto thee and to thy Fathers, and fhall give it thee.

7 That they might fet their HOPE in GoD, and not forget the Works of GOD: but KEEP his COMMANDMENTS.

14 And it fhall be when thy Son asketh thee in Time to come, faying, What is this? that thou fhalt fay unto him, By STRENGTH of HAND the LORD brought us out from Egypt, from the Houfe of BONDAGE.

b Pfal. cv. 38 Egypt was glad when they departed: for the Fear of them' fell upon them.

43 And he brought forth his People with Joy, and his Chofen with Gladness.

15 And it came to pass when Pharaoh would hardly let us go, that the LORD flew all the First-born in the Land of Egypt, both the Firft-born of Man, and the Firft-born of Beaft: therefore I facrifice to the LORD all that openeth the Matrix, being Males; but all the First-born of my Children, I redeem.

16 And it fhall be for a Token upon thine Hand, and for Frontlets between thine Eyes: for by Strength of Hand the LORD brought us forth out of Egypt.

17 And it came to pafs, when Pharaoh had let the People go, that GOD led them not through the Way of the Land of the Philiftines, although that was NEAR: for GoD faid, Left peradventure the People repent when they fee War, and they return to Egypt.

18 But God led the People about, through the Way of the Wildernefs of the Red Sea and the Children of Ifrael went up harneffed out of the Land of Egypt.

19 And Mofes took the Bones of Jofeph with him: for he had ftraitly fworn the Children of Ifrael, faying, GoD will furely VISIT you; and ye fhall carry up my Bones away hence with you.

20 And they took their Journey from Succoth, and encamped in Etham, in the Edge of the Wilderness.

21 And the LORD went before them by Day in a PILLAR of a CLOUD, to LEAD them the WAY; and by NIGHT in a PILLAR of FIRE, to give them LIGHT: to go by DAY and NIGHT.

22 And he took not away the PILLAR of the CLOUD by DAY, nor the PILLAR of FIRE by NIGHT, from before the People.


10 The Ifraelites murmur :

5 Pharaoh's Purfuit. 21 They pass through the Red Sea. 23 The Egyptians are drowned.

Ver. 1 AND & the LORD

fes, faying,

fpake unto Mo

2 Speak unto the Children of Ifrael, that they turn and encamp before Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the Sea, over-against Baal-zephon: before it fhall ye encamp by the Sea.

3 For Pharaoh will fay of the Children of Ifrael, They are entangled in the Land, the Wilderness hath fhut them in.

4 And I will harden Pharaoh's Heart, that he fhall follow after them, and I will be HONOURED upon Pharaoh, and upon all the HOST; that the Egyptians may know that I AM the LORD. And they did fo.

5 And it was told the King of Egypt, that the People fled and the Heart of Pharaoh and of his Servants was turned against the People, and they faid, Why have we done this, that we have let Ifrael go from SERVING US?

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c Pfal. cvi. 6 We have finned with our Fathers: we have committed Iniquity, we have done wickedly.

7 Our Fathers understood not thy Wonders in Egypt, they remembred but provoked him at the Sea, even not the multitude of thy Mercies, at the Red Sea.

8 Nevertheless, he SAVED them make his MIGHTY POWER to be KNOWN. for his Name's fake: that he might

9 He rebuked the Red Sea alfo, and it was dried up: fo he led them through the Depths as through the Wilderness.

Io And he SAVED them from the

Hand of him that hated them and

the Enemy. REDEEMED them from the Hand of

11 And the Waters covered their Enemies: there was not one of them


12 Then BELIEVED they his WORDS, they fang his PRAISE

the SEA by thy Strength: thou brakeft the Heads of the Dragons in the Waters.

Bfal. Ixxiv. 13 Thou didst divide

viathan in Pieces, and gaveft him to 14 Thou brakeft the Heads of Lebe Meat to the People inhabiting the Wilderness.

of Egypt, the House of Jacob from Pfal cxiv. 1 When Ifrael went out a People of ftrange Language;

2 Judah was his SANCTUARY, and Ifrael his Dominion.

3 The SEA faw it, and FLED; Jordan was driven back.

Heb. xi. 29 By FAITH they paffed through the Red Sea as by DRY Land, 6 And

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10 And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the Children of Ifrael lift up their Eyes, and behold, the Egyptians marched after them, and they were SORE AFRAID: and the Children of Ifrael CRIED out unto the LORD.

11 And they faid unto Mofes, Because there were no Graves in Egypt, haft thou taken us away to die in the Wilderness? Wherefore haft thou dealt thus with us, to carry us forth out of Egypt?

12 Is not this the Word that we did tell thee in Egypt, faying, Let us alone, that we may ferve the Egyptians? For it had been better for us to ferve the Egyptians, than that we fhould die in the Wilderness.

13 And Mofes faid unto the People, Fear ye not, ftand ftill, and fee the Salvation of the LORD, which he will fhew to you To-day for the Egyptians whom ye have seen Today, ye fhall fee them again no more for ever.

14 The LORD fhall fight for you, and ye fhall hold your Peace.

15 And the LORD faid unto Mofes, Wherefore crieft thou unto me? Speak unto the Children of Ifrael, that they go FORWARD.

16 But LIFT THOU up thy ROD, and stretch out thine Hand over the SEA, and DIVIDE it, and the Children of Ifrael fhall go on DRY GROUND through the midst of the Sea.

17 And I, behold I, will harden the Hearts of the Egyp tians, and they fhall follow them, and I will get me Honour upon Pharaoh, and upon all his Hoft, upon his Chariots, and upon his Horfemen.

18 And

18 And the Egyptians fhall know that I AM the LORD, when I have gotten me Honour upon Pharaoh, upon his Chariots, and upon his Horfemen.

19 And the ANGEL of GOD which went before the Camp of Ifrael, removed and went behind them; and the PILLAR of the CLOUD went from before their Face, and ftood behind them.

20 And it came between the Camp of the Egyptians, and the Camp of Ifrael, and it was a CLOUD and DARKNESS to them, but it gave LIGHT by NIGHT to thefe: fo that the one came not near the other all the Night.

21 And Mofes STRETCHED out his HAND Over the SEA, and the LORD caufed the Sea to GO BACK by a strong Eastwind all that Night, and made the SEA DRY LAND, and the Waters were divided.

22 And the Children of Ifrael went into the MIDST of the SEA upon the DRY Ground: and the Waters were a Wall unto them on their Right Hand, and on their Left.

23 And the Egyptians purfued, and went in after them, to the midst of the Sea, even all Pharaoh's Horfes, his Chariots, and his Horsemen.

24 And it came to pafs, that in the Morning-watch, the LORD looked unto the Hoft of the Egyptians, through the Pillar of Fire and of the Cloud, and TROUBLED the Hoft of the Egyptians,

25 And took off their Chariot-wheels, that they DRAVE them HEAVILY: fo that the Egyptians faid, Let us FLEE from the Face of Ifrael; for the LORD FIGHTETH for them against the Egyptians.

26 And the LORD faid unto Mofes, STRETCH out thine Hand over the SEA, that the Waters may come again upon the Egyptians, upon their Chariots, and upon their Horse


27 And Mofes STRETCHED forth his Hand over the SEA, and the SEA RETURNED to his STRENGTH when the Morning appeared, and the Egyptians fled against it: and the LORD overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the Sea.

28 And the Waters returned and covered the Chariots, and the Horsemen, and all the Hoft of Pharaoh that came into the Sea after them: there remained not fo much as one of them.

29 But the Children of Ifrael walked upon dry Land in the midst of the Sea and the Waters were a Wall unto them on their Right Hand and on their Left.

30 Thus

30 Thus the LORD SAVED ISRAEL that Day out of the Hand of the Egyptians and Ifrael faw the Egyptians dead upon the Sea-fhore.

31 And Ifrael faw that GREAT WORK which the LORD did upon the Egyptians and the People FEARED the LORD, and BELIEVED the LORD, and his Servant Mofes.


1 Mofes's Song. 22 The People want Water. 23 The Waters at Marah are bitter, 25 are fweetned.

Ver. 1


HEN SANG MOSES and the Children of Ifrael this SONG unto the LORD, and fpake, faying, I will SING unto the LORD, for he hath TRIUMPHED gloriously; the Horfe and his Rider hath he thrown into the Sea.

2 The LORD is my STRENGTH and SONG, and he is become my SALVATION: he is my GOD, and I will prepare him an Habitation; my Father's GOD and I will EXALT him.

3 The LORD is a MAN of War: the LORD is his Name.

4 Pharaoh's Chariots and his Hoft hath he caft into the Sea: his chofen Captains alfo are drowned in the Red Sea.

5 The Depths have covered them they fank in the Bottom as a Stone.

6 THY RIGHT HAND, Q LORD, is become glorious in Power: THY RIGHT HAND, O LORD, hath dafhed in picees the Enemy,

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5 Sing unto the LORD; for he hath done EXCELLENT THINGS: this

is known in all the Earth.

6 CRY out and SHOUT, thou Inha

bitant of ZION, for Great is the HoLY ONE of Ifrael in the midft of thee.

Pfal. Ixxxix. 1 I will SING of the MERCIES of the LORD for ever: with

my Mouth will I make known thy FAITHFULNESS to all Generations.

2 For I have faid, MERCY fhall be built up for EVER: thy Faithfulness fhalt thou eftablish in the very Hea


s And the HEAVENS (hall praise thy WONDERS, O LORD: thy FAITHFULNESS alfo in the Congregation of the Saints.

6 For who in the HEAVEN can be COMPARED unto the LORD? who among the Sons of the Mighty can be likened unto the LORD?

7 GOD is greatly to be feared in

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