32 And they fent the Coat of many Colours, and they brought it to their Father; and faid, This have we found: know now whether it be thy Son's Coat or no. 33 And he knew it, and faid, It is my Son's Coat; an evil Beast hath devoured him: Jofeph is without doubt rent in Pieces. 34 And Jacob rent his Clothes, and put Sackcloth upon his Loyns, and mourned for his Son many Days. 35 And all his Sons, and all his Daughters rose up to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted; and he faid, For I will go down into the Grave unto my Son, mourning: Thus his Father wept for him. 36 And the Midianites fold him into Egypt unto Potiphar, an Officer of Pharaoh's, and Captain of the Guard. 1 Judah begetteth Er, Onan, and Shelah. 6 Er marrieth Tamar. 8 The Trefpafs of Onan. 11 Tamar ftayeth for Shelah: 13 She deceiveth Judah: 27 She beareth Twins, Pharez and Zarah. CHA P. XXXIX. 1 Jofeph advanced in Potiphar's Houfe: 7 Refifleth his MiStress's Temptation: 13 He is falfly accufed: 19 He is caft into Prifon: 21 GOD is with him there. Ver. 1 AND Jofeph was brought down to Egypt: and Potiphar an Officer of Pharaoh, Captain of the Guard, an Egyptian, bought him of the Hands of the Ifhmeelites, which had brought him down thither. 2 And the LORD was with Jofeph, and he was a prospe rous Man and he was in the House of his Master the Egyptian. 3 And his Mafter faw that the LORD was with him, and that the LORD made all that he did to profper in his Hand. 4 And Jofeph found Grace in his Sight, and he served him and he made him Overfeer over his House, and all that he had he put into his Hand. 5 And it came to pass from the Time that he had made him Overfeer in his Houfe, and over all that he had, that the LORD bleffed the Egyptian's House for Jofeph's Sake and and the Bleffing of the LORD was upon all that he had, in the House and in the Field. 6 And he left all that he had in Jofeph's Hand; and he knew not ought he had, fave the Bread which he did eat; and Jofeph was a goodly Perfon, and well-favoured. 7 And it came to pafs after thefe Things, that his Master's WIFE caft her Eyes upon Jofeph; and fhe faid, Lie with me. 8 But he REFUSED, and faid unto his Master's WIFE, Behold, my MASTER Wotteth not what is with me in the House, and he hath committed all that he hath to my Hand. 9 THERE IS no one greater in the Houfe than I; neither hath he kept back any thing from me, but THEE, because thou art his WIFE: how then can I Do this GREAT WICKEDNESS, and SIN against GOD? 10 f And it came to pafs as fhe fpake to Jofeph Day by Day, that he HEARKNED not unto her, to LIE by her, or to BE with her. 11 And it came to pafs about this Time, that Jofeph went into the Houfe to do his Bufinefs; and there was none of the Men of the Houfe there within. 12 And the CAUGHT him by his Garment, faying, Lie with me and he LEFT his Garment in her Hand, and FLED, and got him out. 13 And it came to pafs, when she saw that he had left his Garment in her Hand, and was fled forth. 14 That he called to the Men of her Houfe, and fpake unto them, faying, See, he hath brought in an Hebrew unto us to mock us: he came to lie with me, and I cried with a loud Voice. 15 And it came to pafs, when he heard that I lifted f Ecclef. vii. 25 I applied my Heart to feek and to fearch out WISDOM, and the Reafon of Things, and to know the WICKEDNESS of FOLLY, and of Foolishness and Madness: 26 And I find more bitter than Death, the WOMAN whofe Heart is SNARES and NETS, and her Hands aş TICE thee, CONSENT thou not. Prov. V. 1 My Son, attend unto my Wifdom, and bow thine Ear to my Understanding. 2 That thou mayeft regard Difcretion. and that thy Lips may keep Knowledge. 3 For the Lips of a STRANGE WOMAN drop as an Honey-comb, and her Mouth is fmoother than Oyl. wood, tharp as a two edged Sword. 4 But her END is BITTER as Worm 5 Her Feet go down to DEATH: her Steps take hold on HELL. Path of LIFE, her Ways are move6 Left thou fhouldft ponder the able, that thou canst not know them. 7 Hear me now therefore. O ye words of my Mouth. CHILDREN, and depart not from the 8 Remove thy Way far from her, and come not nigh the Door of her Houfe. Left thou give thine Honour unto others, and thy Years unto the Cinel. up up my Voice and cried, that he left his Garment with me, and fled and got him out. 16 And the laid up his Garment by her, until his Lord came home. 17 And she spake unto him according to thefe Words, faying, The Hebrew Servant which thou haft brought unto us, came in unto me to mock me. 18 And it came to pafs, as I lift up my Voice and cried, that he left his Garment with me, and fled out. 19 And it came to pafs, when his Mafter heard the Words of his Wife, which The fpake unto him, faying, After this Manner did thy Servant to me; that his Wrath was kindled. 20 And Jofeph's Mafter took him, and put him into the Prifon, in a Place where the King's Prisoners were bound and he was there in the Prifon. 21 But the LORD was with Jofeph, and fhewed him Mercy, and gave him Favour in the Sight of the Keeper of the Prifon. 22 And the Keeper of the Prison committed to Joseph's Hand all the Prifoners that were in the Prifon; and whatsoever they did there, he was the Doer of it. 23 The Keeper of the Prifon looked not to any thing that was under his II And thou MOURN at the laft when thy Flesh and thy BODY are CONSUMED. 12 And fay, How have I hated INSTRUCTION, and my Heart despised REPROOF. 13 And have not obeyed the Voice of my TEACHERS, nor inclined mine Ear to them that INSRUCTED ME? and rejoyce in the WIFE of thy Youth 18 Let thy Fountain be blessed: 19 Let her be as the loving Hind and pleafant Roe, let her Breafts fatisfy thee at all Times, and be thou ravished always with her Love. 20 And why wilt thou, my Son, be ravifht with a STRANGE WOMAN, and embrace the Bofom of a Stranger. 21 For the WAYS of MAN are before the EYES of the LORD, and he PONDERETH ALL HIS GOINGS. 22 His own INIQUITIES fhall take the Wicked himself, and he fhall be holden with the Cords of his SINS. 23 He fhall die without Inftru&ion, and in the Greatness of his Folly he fhall go aftray. Prov. vii. I My Son, keep my Words, and lay up my COMMANDMENTS with thee. 7 For I difcerned among the YOUTHS, a young Man void of Understanding, the Paling through the Streets in Evening: To And there met him a Woman with the Attire of an HARLOT, and fubtil of Heart. 13 She caught him, and kiffed him, and with an impudent Face faid unto him, 17 I have perfumed my Bed, let us folace ourselves with Loves. home, he is gone a long Journey. 19 For the Good-man is not at 21 With her much fair Speech the caused him to yield, with the FLATTERING of her LIPS fhe forced him. 22 He goeth after her as an Ox to the SLAUGHTER, or as a Fool to the CORRECTION of the STOCKS: LIVER as a Bird hafteth to the Snare, 23 Till a DART ftrike through his and knoweth not that it is for his LIFE. 24 Hearken unto me now therefore, O YE CHILDREN, and attend unto the Words of my Mouth. Hand, Hand, because the LORD was with him and that which he did, the LORD made it to prosper. 25 Let not thine Heart decline to her Ways, go not aftray in her Paths. 26 For the hath caft down many woUNDED: yea, many trong Men have been SLAIN by her. going down to the CHAMBERS of Death. 27 HER HOUSE is the Way to HELL, Heb. xiii. 4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the Bed undefiled; but WHOREMONGERS and ADULTERERS GOD will JUDGE. Matth. v. 28 Whofoever looketh on a Woman to LUST after her, hath com mitted ADULTERY with her already in his HEART. CHAP. XL. The Butler and Baker of Pharaoh in Prifon : 4 Joseph hath Charge of them: 5 He interpreteth their Dreams: 20 They came to pass according to his Interpretation. 23 The Ingratitude of the Butler. Ver. I ND it came to pafs after thefe Things, that the Butler of the King of Egypt, and his Baker had offended their Lord the King of Egypt. 2 And Pharaoh was wroth againft two of his Officers, against the chief of the Butlers, and against the chief of the Bakers. 3 And he put them in Ward in the Houfe of the Captain. of the Guard, into the Prifon, the Place where Jofeph was bound. 4 And the Captain of the Guard charged Jofeph with them, and he ferved them; and they continued a Seafon in Ward. 5 And they dreamed a Dream, both of them, each Man his Dream in one Night, each Man according to the Interpretation of his Dream; the Butler and the Baker of the King of Egypt, which were bound in the Prifon. 6 And Jofeph came in unto them in the Morning, and looked upon them, and behold they were fad. 7 And he asked Pharaoh's Officers that were with him in the Ward of his Lord's House, saying, Wherefore look ye fo fadly To-day? 8 And they faid unto him, We have dreamed a Dream, and there is no Interpeter of it. And Jofeph faid unto them, Do not Interpretations belong to GOD? tell me them, I pray you. 9 And the chief Butler told his Dream to Jofeph, and faid unto him, In my Dream, behold, a Vine was before me. 10 And in the Vine were three Branches: and it was as though it budded, and her Bloffoms fhot forth; and the Clufters thereof brought forth ripe Grapes. II And Pharaoh's Cup was in my Hand and I took the Grapes, and preffed them into Pharaoh's Cup, and I gave the Cup into Pharaoh's Hand. 12 And Jofeph faid unto him, This is the Interpretation of it: The three Branches are three Days. 13 Yet within three Days fhall Pharaoh lift up thine Head, and restore thee unto thy Place: and thou fhalt deliver Pharaoh's Cup into his Hand, after the former manner when thou waft his Butler. 14 But think on me when it shall be well with thee, and fhew Kindness, I pray thee, unto me; and make mention of me unto Pharaoh, and bring me out of this House. 15 For indeed I was ftolen away out of the Land of the Hebrews and here alfo have I done nothing that they should put me into the Dungeon. 16 When the chief Baker faw that the Interpretation was good; he faid unto Jofeph, I also was in my Dream, and behold, I had three white Baskets on my Head. 17 And in the uppermoft Basket there was of all manner of Bake-meats for Pharaoh; and the Birds did eat them out of the Basket upon my Head. 18 And Jofeph answered and faid, This is the Interpretation thereof: The three Baskets are three Days. 19 Yet within three Days fhall Pharaoh lift up thy Head from off thee, and fhall hang thee on a Tree; and the Birds fhall eat thy Flefh from off thee. 20 And it came to pass the third Day, which was Pharaoh's Birth-day, that he made a Feaft unto all his Servants: and he lifted up the Head of the chief Butler, and of the Baker among his Servants. 21 And he restored the chief Butler to his Butlership; and he gave the Cup into Pharaoh's Hand: 22 But he hanged the chief Baker as Jofeph had interpreted to them. 23 Yet did not the chief Butler remember Jofeph, but forgat him, CHAP. |