صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

The sin of Egypt,

1 thy people

2 creation,
each part
in its several

8 Then was beheld a cloud

4 lice



1 Why God shewed no mercy to the Egyp tians, 5 and how wonderfully he dealt with his people. 14 The Egyptians were worse than the Sodomites. Is The wonderful agreement of the creatures to serve God's people.

AS S for the ungodly, wrath came upon them without mercy unto the end: for he knew before what they would do;


2 How that having given them leave to depart, and sent them hastily away, they would repent and pursue them.

3 For whilst they were yet mourning and making lamentation at the graves of the dead, they added another foolish device, and pursued them as fugitives, whom they had intreated to be gone.

4 For the destiny, whereof they were worthy, drew them unto this end, and made them forget the things that had already happened, that they might fulfil the punishment which was wanting to their torments:

5 And that thy people might pass a wonderful way: but they might find a strange death.

6 For the whole creature in his proper kind was fashioned again anew, serving the peculiar commandments that were given unto them, that thy children might be kept without hurt:

† 3 As namely, a cloud shadowing the camp; and where water stood before, dry land appeared; and out of the Red sea a way without impediment; and out of the violent stream a green field:

8 Wherethrough all the people went that were defended with thy hand, seeing thy marvellous strange


9 For they went at large like horses, and leaped like lambs, praising thee, O Lord, who hadst delivered them.


10 For they were yet mindful of the things that were done while they sojourned in the strange land, how the ground brought forth flies instead of cattle, and how the river cast up a multitude of frogs instead of fishes.

11 But afterwards they saw a

and its punishment.

new generation of fowls, when, being led with their appetite, they asked "delicate meats.

12 For quails came up unto them from the sea for their contentment.

13 And punishments came upon the sinners not without former signs by the force of thunders: for they suffered justly according to their own wickedness, insomuch as they used a more hard and hateful behaviour toward strangers.


5 luxurious dainties.

14 For the Sodomites did not receive those, whom they knew not the when they came: but these brought strangers friends into bondage, that had well deserved of them.

15 And not only so, but peradventure some respect shall be had of those, because they used strangers not friendly:

16 But these very grievously afflicted them, whom they had received with feastings, and were already made partakers of the same laws with them.

17 Therefore even with blindness were these stricken, as those were at the doors of the righteous man: when, being compassed about with horrible great darkness, every one sought the passage of his own doors.

18 For the elements were changed in themselves by a kind of harmony, like as in a psaltery notes change the name of the tune, and yet are always sounds; which may well be perceived by the sight of the things that have been done.


19 For earthly things turned into watery, and the things, that before swam in the water, now went upon the ground.

20 The fire had power in the water, forgetting his own virtue: and the water forgat his own quenching nature.

21 On the other side, the flames wasted not the flesh of the corruptible living things, though they walked therein; neither melted they the icy kind of heavenly meat, food, that was of nature apt to melt.

22 For in all things, O Lord, thou didst magnify thy people, and glorify them, neither didst thou lightly regard them but didst assist them in every time and place.


Introduction to the book.


All wisdom is from God.




A Prologue made by an uncertain Author.
HIS Jesus was the son of Si-
rach, and grandchild to Jesus
of the same name with him: this
man therefore lived in the latter
times, after the people had been
led away captive, and called home
again, and almost after all the
prophets. Now his grandfather
Jesus, as he himself witnesseth,
was a man of great diligence and
wisdom among the Hebrews, who
did not only gather the grave and
short sentences of wise men, that
had been before him, but himself
also uttered some of his own, full
of much understanding and wis-
dom. When as therefore the first
Jesus died, leaving this book almost
perfected, Sirach his son receiving
it after him left it to his own son
Jesus, who, having gotten it into
his hands, compiled it all orderly
into one volume, and called it Wis-
dom, intituling it both by his own
name, his father's name, and his
grandfather's; alluring the hearer
by the very name of Wisdom to
have a greater love to the study of
this book. It containeth therefore
wise sayings, dark sentences, and
parables, and certain particular
ancient godly stories of men that
pleased God; also his prayer and
song; moreover, what benefits God
had vouchsafed his people, and
what plagues he had heaped upon
their enemies. This Jesus did
imitate Solomon, and was no less
famous for wisdom and learning,
both being indeed a man of great
learning, and so reputed also.

The Prologue of the Wisdom of Jesus the Son
of Sirach.

W have been delivered unto us by the law and the prophets; and by others that have followed their steps, for the which things Israel ought to be commended for 1 instruction learning and wisdom; and whereof not only the readers must needs become skilful themselves, but also they that desire to learn be able to profit them which are without, both by speaking and writing: my grandfather Jesus, when he had much given himself to the reading

HEREAS many and great


of the law, and the prophets, and
other books of our fathers, and had
gotten therein good judgment, was
drawn on also himself to write
something pertaining to 'learning 1 instruction
and wisdom; to the intent that
those which are desirous to learn,
and are addicted to these things,
might profit much more in living 2 make
according to the law. Wherefore much more
let me intreat you to read it with progress
favour and attention, and to par-
don us, wherein we may seem to
come short of some words, which
we have laboured to interpret. For
the same things uttered in Hebrew,
and translated into another tongue,
have not the same force in them:
and not only these things, but the
law itself, and the prophets, and
the rest of the books, have no small
difference, when they are spoken in
their own language. For in the
eight and thirtieth year coming
into Egypt, when Euergetes was
king, and continuing there some
time, I found a book of no small copy
learning: therefore I thought it affording
most necessary for me to bestow
some diligence and travail to in-
terpret it: using great watchful-this book ;
ness and skill in that space to 5 space of
bring the book to an end, and set time
it forth for them also, which in a
strange country are willing to learn,
being prepared before in manners fashioning
to live after the law.



to them that love him.

1 All wisdom is from God. 10 He giveth it
12 The fear of God
is full of many blessings. 23 To fear God
without hypocrisy.

ALL wisdom cometh from the


Lord, and is with him for

the sea, and the drops of rain, and
2 Who can number the sand of
the days of eternity?

heaven, and the breadth of the
3 Who can find out the height of
earth, and the deep, and wisdom?

4 Wisdom hath been created be-
fore all things, and the understand-
ing of prudence from everlasting.

5 The word of God most high is the fountain of wisdom; and her

* That is, translate into Greek.

no small instruction:

beforehand their manners

The fear of the Lord.

1 shrewd


ways are everlasting commandments.

6 To whom hath the root of wisdom been revealed? or who hath known her wise counsels?

7 [Unto whom hath the knowledge of wisdom been made manifest! and who hath understood her great experience?]

8 There is one wise and greatly to be feared, the Lord sitting upon his throne.

9 He created her, and saw her, and numbered her, and poured her out upon all his works.

10 She is with all flesh according to his gift, and he hath given her to them that love him.

11 The fear of the Lord is honour, and glory, and gladness, and a crown of rejoicing.

12 The fear of the Lord maketh a merry heart, and giveth joy, and gladness, and a long life.

13 Whoso feareth the Lord, it shall go well with him at the last, and he shall find favour in the day of his death.

14 To fear the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and it was created with the faithful in the womb.

15 She hath built an everlasting foundation with men, and she shall continue with their seed.

16 To fear the Lord is fulness of wisdom, and filleth men with her fruits.

17 She filleth all their house with things desirable, and the garners with her increase.

18 The fear of the Lord is a crown of wisdom, making peace and perfect health to flourish; both which are the gifts of God: and it enlargeth their rejoicing that love

19 Wisdom raineth down skill and knowledge of understanding, and exalteth them to honour that hold her fast.

20 The root of wisdom is to fear the Lord, and the branches thereof are long life.

21 The fear of the Lord driveth away sins: and where it is present, it turneth away wrath.

22 A furious man cannot be justified; for the sway of his fury shall be his destruction.

23 A patient man will bear for a time, and afterward joy shall spring up unto him.

24 He will hide his words for a time, and the lips of many shall declare his wisdom.

Endurance in trial.

26 If thou desire wisdom, keep the commandments, and the Lord shall give her 2 unto thee.

2 unto thee freely.

27 For the fear of the Lord is wisdom and instruction: and faith and meekness are his delight. 28 Distrust not the fear of the Disobey Lord when thou art poor and come not unto him with a double heart.

29 Be not an hypocrite ** in the after the what thou speakest.. sight of men, and take good heed custom

30 Exalt not thyself, lest thou soul, and fall, and bring dishonour upon thy secrets, and cast thee down in the so God discover thy thou camest not in truth to the midst of the congregation, because fear of the Lord, but thy heart is full of deceit.

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7 Ye that fear the Lord, wait for his mercy; and go not aside, lest 6 turn ye fall.

8 Ye that fear the Lord, believe him; and your reward shall not fail.

9 Ye that fear the Lord, hope for good, and for everlasting joy and mercy.

10 Look at the generations of old, and see; did ever any trust in the Lord, and was confounded? or did any abide in his fear, and was forsaken? or whom did he ever despise, that called upon him?

11 For the Lord is full of compassion and mercy, longsuffering, and very pitiful, and forgiveth sins, and saveth in time of afflic

25 The parables of knowledge | tion. are in the treasures of wisdom: but 12 Woe be to fearful hearts, and godliness is an abomination to a


*Gr. in the mouths.

The authority of parents.


|faint hands, and the sinner that goeth two ways!

13 Woe unto him that is fainthearted for he believeth not; therefore shall he not be defended. 14 Woe unto you that have lost patience! and what will ye do when the Lord shall visit you?

15 They that fear the Lord will not disobey his word; and they that love him will keep his ways.

16 They that fear the Lord will seek that which is wellpleasing unto him; and they that love him shall be filled with the law.

17 They that fear the Lord will prepare their hearts, and humble their souls in his sight,

18 Saying, We will fall into the hands of the Lord, and not into the hands of men; for as his majesty is, so is his mercy.


2 Children must honour and help both their parents. 21 We may not desire to know all things. 26 The incorrigible must needs perish. 30 Alms are rewarded.

Mysteries revealed to the meek. 13 And if his understanding fail, have patience with him; and despise him not when thou art in thy full strength.

14 For the relieving of thy father shall not be forgotten: and instead of sins it shall be added to build thee up.

15 In the day of thine affliction it shall be remembered; thy sins also shall melt away, as the ice in the fair warm weather.

16 He that forsaketh his father is as a blasphemer; and he that angereth his mother is cursed of God.

17 2 My son, go on with thy busi-2* My son, ness in meekness; so shalt thou be in thy

beloved of him that is approved.

18 The greater thou art, the more humble thyself, and thou shalt find favour before the Lord. 19 Many are in high place, and of renown: but mysteries are revealed unto the meek.

20 For the power of the Lord is

HEAR me your fatreafter, that EAR me your father, O child-great, and he is honoured of the lowly.

ye may be safe.

2 For the Lord hath given the father honour over the children, and hath confirmed the authority of the mother over the sons.

3 Whoso honoureth his father maketh an atonement for his sins:

4 And he that honoureth his mother is as one that layeth up treasure.

5 Whoso honoureth his father shall have joy of his own children; 1 in the day and when he maketh his prayer, he shall be heard.


6 He that honoureth his father shall have a long life; and he that is obedient unto the Lord shall be a comfort to his mother.

7 He that feareth the Lord will honour his father, and will do service unto his parents, as to his masters.

8 Honour thy father and mother both in word and deed, that a blessing may come upon thee from them.

9 For the blessing of the father establisheth the houses of children; but the curse of the mother rooteth out foundations.

10 Glory not in the dishonour of thy father; for thy father's dishonour is no glory unto thee.

11 For the glory of a man is from the honour of his father; and a mother in dishonour is a reproach to the children.

12 My son, help thy father in his age, and grieve him not as long as he liveth.

21 Seek not out the things that the things that are above thy are too hard for thee, neither search strength.

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riches shew thyself

modest: so shalt thou be more beloved than one that giveth


think thereupon; hast no need of the things that are

for thou


4* rebellious because

kept from much is thee; 5* the assuming of knowledge

28 In the punishment of the proud there is no remedy; for 6 healing; the plant of wickedness hath taken root in him.

29 The heart of the prudent will tentive ear is the desire of a wise understand a parable; and an at


30 Water will quench a flaming fire; and alms maketh an atonement for sins.


Consideration for the

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True and false shame.

17For at the first she will

31 And he that requiteth good |
turns is mindful of that which walk with him by crooked ways,
may come hereafter; and when and bring fear and dread upon
he falleth, he shall find a stay. him, and torment him with her
discipline, until she may trust his
soul, and try him by her laws.
18 Then will she return the
straight way unto him, and com-
fort him, and shew him her secrets,
19 But if he go wrong, she will
his own ruin.

1 We may not despise the poor or fatherless, 11 but seek for wisdom, 20 and not be ashamed of some things, nor gainsay the truth, 30 nor be as lions in our houses. Y poor of

Then without herself to revealing him, will she walk with him, and will first test him with her trials, and if his heart be

My son, defraud not the Pot the forsake him, and give him over to full of her,

needy eyes to wait long.

2 Make not an hungry soul sorrowful; neither provoke a man in his distress.

3 Add not more trouble to an heart that is vexed; and defer not to give to him that is in need.

4 Reject not the supplication of the afflicted; neither turn away thy face from a poor man.

5 Turn not away thine eye from the needy, and give him none occasion to curse thee:

6 For if he curse thee in the bitterness of his soul, his prayer shall be heard of him that made him.

7 Get thyself the love of the congregation, and bow thy head to a great man.

8 Let it not grieve thee to bow down thine ear to the poor, and 3 give him a friendly answer with meekness.

9 Deliver him that suffereth wrong from the hand of the oppressor; and be not fainthearted when thou sittest in judgment.

10 Be as a father unto the fatherless, and instead of an husband unto their mother: so shalt thou be as the son of the most High, and he shall love thee more than thy mother doth.

20 Observe the opportunity, and beware of evil; and be not ashamed when it concerneth thy soul.

21 For there is a shame that bringeth sin; and there is a shame which is glory and grace.

22 Accept no person against thy soul, and let not the reverence of any man cause thee to fall.

23 And refrain not to speak, when there is occasion to do good, and hide not thy wisdom in her beauty.

24 For by speech wisdom shall be known and learning by the word of the tongue.

25 In no wise speak against the truth; but be abashed of the error of thine ignorance.

26 Be not ashamed to confess thy sins; and 9 force not the course of the river.

27 Make not thyself an underling to a foolish man; neither accept the person of the mighty.

28 Strive for the truth unto death, and the Lord shall fight for thee.

29 Be not hasty in thy tongue,
and in thy deeds slack and remiss.
30 Be not as a lion in thy house,
nor frantick among thy servants.
31 Let not thine hand be
11 Wisdom exalteth her child-stretched out to receive, and shut
ren, and layeth hold of them when thou shouldest 10 repay.
that seek her.


12 He that loveth her loveth
life; and they that seek to her 1 We must not presume of our wealth and
early shall be filled with joy.

13 He that holdeth her fast shall

inherit glory; and wheresoever she entereth, the Lord bless.

14 They that serve her shall minister to the Holy One: and them that love her the Lord doth


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strength, 6 nor of the mercy of God, to sin. 9 We must not be double tongued, 12 nor answer without knowledge.

SET not thy heart upon thy

goods; and say not, I have enough for my life.

2 Follow not thine own mind and thy strength, to walk in the ways of thy heart:

8* forsake

9 strive not against

10 give.

3 And say not, Who shall controul me for my works? for the Lord will surely revenge thy 11 pride.


4 Say not, I have sinned, and what harm hath happened unto me? for the Lord is longsuffering, he will in no wise let thee go. * Or,

avenge the persecuted.

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