Promoting Well-Being: Linking Personal, Organizational, and Community ChangeWiley, 13/10/2006 - 416 من الصفحات The only book that links psychological wellness with organizational and community health, Promoting Well-Being provides you with important insight into how these domains interact as well as strategies for helping clients harness the benefits of these interactions. It is an essential tool for psychologists, counselors, social workers, human service professionals, public health professionals, and students in these fields. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 84
الصفحة 5
... community . Sister Margaret's story says a great deal about the three main topics of this book : personal , organizational , and community change for well - being . Her story shows the interdependence of these three facets of life . Her ...
... community . Sister Margaret's story says a great deal about the three main topics of this book : personal , organizational , and community change for well - being . Her story shows the interdependence of these three facets of life . Her ...
الصفحة 10
... well - being , and participatory structures , clear roles , and efficient practices bring about organizational wellness . Community well - being , in turn , derives from multiple sources , such as a sense of cohesion , belonging ...
... well - being , and participatory structures , clear roles , and efficient practices bring about organizational wellness . Community well - being , in turn , derives from multiple sources , such as a sense of cohesion , belonging ...
الصفحة 257
... community's well - being Weaknesses that diminish my community's well - being Strengths that enhance my community's well - being Form 11.2 Wellness Readiness Check 11 : Assessing Your Community What Is It ? Signs of Community Well - Being ...
... community's well - being Weaknesses that diminish my community's well - being Strengths that enhance my community's well - being Form 11.2 Wellness Readiness Check 11 : Assessing Your Community What Is It ? Signs of Community Well - Being ...
The Sites of WellBeing | 3 |
The SPEC of WellBeing | 31 |
The Morals of WellBeing | 52 |
حقوق النشر | |
17 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
ability abuse African American Asset seeker behavior challenges Chapter cheese child child abuse clients collective community members Community Psychology community well-being countries create critical action critical consciousness critical experiences culture Dartmouth Review disability economic effective efforts emotional emotional intelligence empowerment engage environment evaluation explore factors feel Grameen Bank human services Implementer inclusive host individuals injustice interests interventions Kerala lives Marmot Matan ment mental health Nelson nity opportunities oppression organization Organizational Community organizational well-being outcomes parents participation personal well-being physical political poor positive psychology poverty prevention Prilleltensky problems programs promote well-being psychological question Readiness Check reflective relationships risk role Rosa Parks ROWS Exercise self-determination self-efficacy sense maker share signs skills social capital social justice society sources SPEC strategies strengths structures TennCare tion values VIPs voice and choice workers