
الغلاف الأمامي
Thomson/Wadsworth, 01‏/03‏/2004 - 504 من الصفحات
This market-leading text is continually praised by reviewers for its clear, practical, and successful method of training students to master the skills of human communication. This introductory human communication text covers interpersonal communication, small group communication, and public speaking. With a consistent model of theoretical explanation followed by numerous practical examples, activities, sample visual scenarios and speeches, self-assessment, and review, students cannot help but to become ethical, competent communicators in our mediated world.

طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات

نبذة عن المؤلف (2004)

Rudolph (Rudy) F. Verderber (PhD, University of Missouri) is the Distinguished Teaching Professor of Communication Emeritus at the University of Cincinnati and one of the nation's leading authors of communication textbooks. During his tenure at the University of Cincinnati, where he was head of the university's Communication Department, Dr. Verderber taught more than 25 different courses, 10 of which he originated. Considered one of the university's finest teachers, he received the Dolly Cohen Award for Outstanding Teaching (two such awards are given at the university each year), and in 1994, he was named Distinguished Teaching Professor, an honor held by only four faculty members across the university. In 1996, he received the National Speakers Association Outstanding Professor Award. His primary areas of expertise include rhetoric, public address, argumentation, and interpersonal communication.

Kathleen S. Verderber (PhD, University of Cincinnati) is Associate Professor of Management Emeritus at Northern Kentucky University. She holds an MA in Speech Communication as well as an MBA and a PhD in organizational behavior from the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Verderber has consulted with various civic, professional, and business organizations. She has published numerous articles in several journals and has presented papers at communication and management conferences. She is a coauthor of COMMUNICATE! THE CHALLENGE OF EFFECTIVE SPEAKING IN A DIGITAL AGE, COMM, and SPEAK all with Cengage Learning, and author of INTER-ACT: INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION, CONCEPTS, SKILLS, AND CONTEXTS with Oxford University Press.

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