AN ATTEMPT TO ANALYZE THESE BOOKS, BY EXHIBIT BY THE LATE JAMES MORISON. PERTH: PRINTED BY R. MORISON, AND SOLD BY D. MORISON, BOOKSELLER, PERTH; J. & J. ROBERTSON, SELLERS IN BRITAIN. M,DCCC,. 101. e. 172 PERTH, 12th Feb. 1810. THE following Work needs no Introduction to the Public, the greatest part of the Impression having been sold in Nos.; on the Covers of which, the Author intimated that his design was, to attempt AN OPENING UP OF THE SACRED VOLUME. To his great satisfaction, it found its way into the various corners of the United Kingdom; and to his still greater surprise, it was received with almost universal approbation. Such a reception leaves no room for panegyric here; and it can now only be regretted that the Writer did not live to complete his design. He died on the 20th Feb. 1809, (aged 46,) having gone through the Books of GENESIS, EXODUs, and LEVITICUS, and leaving M. S. for eleven pages on the Book of NUMBERS. His observations on these Books, (those on the camp of Israel, Numb. ii. being as striking as any,) prove his extensive knowledge in SACRED LITERATURE, and will be found not only a KEY to them, but a general guide to the whole Book OF GOD. The most urgent requests coming from almost every quarter, induced the printing of what M. S. was left by MR MORISON ; to which a few Notes en the remaining chapters of Numbers have been added by another hand. |