intractable, in passing from a fall to a rise, or from a rise to a fall, should commence the succeeding word in the key of the slide newly terminated. Thus, in the first example, the word shame should begin on the note in which honour terminates; the intervening and preserving the same note. Where two or three inflexions of the same kind succeed each other, the preparatory slide in the simple series must be of course on the word inflected. If the words con. sist of one syllable, and a fall is required, both words must_begin high; and it may be noticed here, that such as begin with letters which are called vocal, have the preparatory slide on the vocal letter: thus the sound v is heard to slide in vain' before touching the vowel. In words of more than one syllable, the preparatory slide, if the accent is not on the first syllable, will be on a previous syl lable. Thus, if the word dependence' form a member of a simple series with the falling inflexion, the syllable de takes the rising inflexion; and if the word pronunciation were similarly placed, the syllable nun has the preparatory rise, in order to slide down on a, the accented syllable. When the accent is on the first syllable, that syllable is pronounced in the same way as a word of one syllable, the preparatory slide and inflexion being on that syllable, the other syllables following in the same key. In a succession of falling inflexions, or of rising ones, it is material to notice, that although at the commencement of the student's practice, the inflexions may all come from the same height or depth, it would be ridiculous in the more advanced student to treat them in this way; there must be a variety in the key, from which many words are taken, suitable to the nature of the subject. This variety is necessary to please the ear and gain the attention, even in enumerations in which the particulars are considered of nearly equal importance. This, however, is seldom the case. There are few enumerations in which one par. ticular is not considered of more importance by the speaker than another, and a change of key is necessary to call the attention of the audience to that particular: the relative importance of the particulars is to be noted by the shifts of the voice. But to intimate the common relation of members in a series, it is necessary that the different inflexions in succession should have the same intervals. SIMPLE COMMENCING SERIES. 2 Members, 1'2'. Honour' and shame' from no condition rise. 3 Members, 1'2'3'. To the man who resigns himself to feeling without any judgment, poetry, music', and painting, are mere pastime. 4 Members, 1' 23' 4'. The busy', the ambitious, the inconstant, and the adventurous', may be said to throw themselves by design into the hands of fortune, and voluntarily to quit the power of governing themselves. 5 Members, 1'2' 3' 4' 5'. In our health', life', possessions, connections', pleasures', there are causes of decay imperceptibly working. 6 Members, 1' 2' 3 4 5 6'. The Goth', the Christian', time', war', flood', and fire', have dealt upon the pride of Rome. 7 Members, 1'2'3' 45'6' 7'. The names of Shakspeare', Bacon', Spenser', Sydney', Hooker', Taylor', and Barrow', are found in the period betwixt Elizabeth's reign and the Reformation. 8 Members, 1'2' 3' 4' 5'6' 7'8'. Supplication', entreaty', applause', despair', adoration', threatening', impatience', and exultation', are all expressed by the posture and movements of the hands. RULE. If the last word in the enumeration is emphatic, the falling inflexion is used. Taste-nor gems', nor stores of gold', Nor purple state', nor culture', can bestow. You will not believe how much we consider your dress as expressive of your character. Vanity', levity', slovenliness', folly, appear through it. SIMPLE CONCLUDING SERIES. 2 Members, 1'2'. Improvidence is the parent of poverty' and dependence'. 3 Members, 1' 2' 3', Follow your spirit, and upon this charge, Cry-Heaven for Harry', England', and St George'. 4 Members, 1'2′ 3′ 4', Remember that virtue alone is honour', glory', wealth', and happiness'. 5 Members, 1'2' 3' 4' 5'. It is only in rural life that a man can enjoy the treasures of the heart', himself', his wife', his children', and his friends'. 6 Members, 1'2' 3′ 4′ 5′ 6'. But thou, O man of God, flee these things, and follow after righteousness', godliness', faith', love', patience', meekness'. 7 Members, 1'2 3'4' 5' 6' 7. Thou hast fully known. my doctrine', manner of life', purpose', faith', long* suffering', charity', patience'. * An article, a preposition, a conjunction, or an adjective, occasionally may be in the members of a simple series. 8 Members, 1' 23' 45' 6' 7' 8. Neither anger, nor selflove, nor the desire of fame, can be so powerful or so deficient, as to render a virtuous man envious', morose, covetous, luxurious', cowardly', self-neglectful', mean-spirited', or slothful'. 1' 2 1'2' 3' 12′ 3′ 4 12'3'4' 5' 1'2'3'4'5' 6' 1'2'3'4' 5' 6' 7 1'2 3 4 5'6'7' 8' 1'2'3'4'5'6' 7'8' 9' 10 1'2 3'4'5' 6′ 7`8`9' 10' 10 1'2' 3' 4'5'6'7' 8' 9' 10' COMPOUND COMMENCING SERIES. RULE. The falling inflexion takes place on every member but the last. 2 Members. To dread no eye', and to suspect no tongue', are exemptions granted only to invariable virtue. 3 Members. No station is so high', no power so great', no character so unblemished', as to exempt men from being attacked by rashness, malice, or envy. 4 Members. Our disordered hearts', our guilty passions', our violent prejudices', and misplaced desires', are the instruments of the trouble which we endure. 5 Members. The brightness of the sky', the lengthening of the days', the increasing verdure of the spring', the arrival of any piece of good news', or whatever carries with it the most distant glimpse of joy', is frequently the parent of a social and happy conversation. 6 Members. The blameless life', the artless tenderness', the native simplicity', the modest resignation', the patient sickness', and the quiet death', are remembered only to add value to the loss of our friends, to aggravate regret for what cannot be amended, to deepen sorrow for what cannot be recalled. Note. A few elocutionists place the rising inflexion at the termi nation of each member of a commencing series, on the ground that the ear is thus prepared for the coming sense; but unless the clauses are suppositive, the falling inflexion is preferable. In a suppositive or conditional sentence, however, or where the language is plaintive, the clauses may take the rising inflexion. When ambition pulls one' way, interest another', inclination a third', and perhaps reason contrary to all', a man is likely to pass his time but ill who has so many different parties to please. Were the miser's repentance upon the neglect of a good bargain', his sorrow for being overreached', his hope of improving a sum', and his fear of falling into want, directed to their proper objects, they would make so many Christian graces and virtues. If, says Mr Burke, I have had my share in any measure giving quiet to private property and private conscience'; if by my vote I have aided in securing to families the best possession, peace'; if I have joined in reconciling kings to their subjects, and subjects to their prince'; if I have assisted to loosen the foreign holdings of the citizen, and taught him to look for his protection to the laws of his country, and for his comfort to the good will of his countrymen'; if I have thus taken my part with the best of men in the best of their actions', I can shut the book; I might wish to read a page or two more-but this is enough for my measure: I have not lived in vain. Thy nightly visits to my chamber made, That thou mightst know me safe and warmly laid'; The biscuit or confectionary plum'; The fragrant waters on my cheeks bestowed By thy own hand, till fresh they shone and glowed'; COMPOUND CONCLUDING SERIES. The falling inflexion takes place on every member except the one before the last. 2 Members. The similitude and derivation of languages afford the most indubitable proof of the traduction of nations', and the genealogy of mankind. 3 Members. By uniting different ranks in the same elegant pleasures, the fine arts promote benevolence'; by cherishing love of order, they enforce submission to government'; and by inspiring delicacy of feeling, they make regular government a double blessing'. 4 Members. Chaucer most frequently describes things as they are'; Spenser, as we wish them to be; Shakspeare as they would' be; and Milton as they ought to be. 5 Members. No sooner are notions reduced to practice, than tranquillity and confidence forsake the breast; every day brings its task, and often without bringing abilities to perform it: difficulties embarrass', uncertainty perplexes', opposition retards', censure exasperates', or neglect depresses'. 6 Members. I have known an old lady make an unhappy marriage the subject of a month's conversation. She blamed the bride in one place; pitied her in another'; laughed at her in a third`; wondered at her in a fourth`; was angry with her in a fifth'; and, in short, wore out a pair of coach-horses in expressing her concern for her. SERIES OF SERIESES. A compound series may include in one of its members a simple one: the inflexions in the simple series are in this case regulated by those of the compound. Vice is the cruel enemy which renders men destructive to men'; which racks the body with pain', and the mind with remorse; which produces strife, faction, revenge', oppression', and sedition'; which embroils society', kindles the flames of war', and erects inquisitions'; which takes away peace from life and hope from death'; which brought forth death at first, and has ever since clothed it with all its terrors; which arms nature and the God of nature against' us; and against which it has been the business of all ages to find out provisions and securities, by various institutions, laws, and forms of government. In the third member of this compound series, there is a simple series which must be treated as a simple concluding, since there must be a fall at sedition." |