HAMILTON, ADAMS, AND CO., PATERNOSTER ROW; AND TO BE HAD OF ALL BOOKSELLERS. THE ENGLISH PRESBYTERIAN MESSENGER. A LECTURE TO SABBATH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. MY DEAR FRIENDS AND FELLOW- 1. It seems hardly needful to name it as the first requisite in a Sabbathschool teacher, a sincere and paramount love to the Saviour. A common teacher may be animated by many considerations. He may be an enthusiast for the classics, or for some branch of learning. He may have a strong affinity for the youthful mind, or be a zealot in the mere art of teaching; or he may be strongly impressed with the evils of popular ignorance, and from philanthropic impulses may do his best for the diffusion of useful knowledge. But however much you may share such feelings, the mainspring of your action is a more sacred and lofty motive. You believe that the knowledge most comprehensive of present happiness and essential to future blessedness is the knowledge of Christ crucified. You believe that the event in our earth's No. 1.-New Series. history by far the most amazing and the most momentous was the visit of the Saviour, the incarnation, death, and resurrection of the Son of God; and you believe that the most significant and surprising facts which can be taught are those included in the story of redemption. And just as you believe that the most important hour in the history of an immortal spirit is the hour when it is brought to the saving knowledge of Christ; so you further believe that the truest joy is brought to Immanuel, and the highest glory to God, when a soul is turned from sin to the Saviour. And believing these things, you magnify your office. You see how solemn are the verities with which you deal, and how sublime are the results at which you aim. But all the security and comfort with which you ply your work will depend on how far these verities are vivid to your own convictions, and these results dear to your own desires. If your own soul be filled with the grace and the grandeur of the Gospel, you will contrive ways to expound it; and if your heart be burning with a Saviour's love, it will be a joy and a relief to commend Him to others. Catechetical instruction is good, and Bible exercises are good; but after all, the end and essence of Sabbath teaching is to explain the Gospel and endear the Lord Jesus Christ. And this can be best accomplished by the glad eye and glowing tongue of one who exults in God his Saviour. In that genial moment when the faithful saying is sounding joyful to your inmost ear-when you see into the soul of Immanuel capacious, compassionate, and piteously yearning B VOL. I. |