Ugaritic and Hebrew Poetic Parallelism: A Trial Cut ('nt and Proverbs 2.)BRILL, 03/09/2014 - 226 من الصفحات Preliminary material -- Chapter One: The Parallelistic Structure of 'nt I3 -- Chapter Two: The Parallelistic Structure of Proverbs 2 -- Chapter Three: A Comparison of Ugaritic and Hebrew Parallelism -- Appendix I: Ugaritic and Hebrew Poetry: Parallelism -- Appendix II: Types and Distributions of Parallelism in Ugaritic and Hebrew Poetry -- Index of Biblical Passages. |
1 The Parallelistic Structure of nt I | 1 |
2 The Parallelistic Structure of Proverbs 2 | 68 |
3 A Comparison of Ugaritic and Hebrew Parallelism | 155 |
Appendix I | 168 |
Appendix II | 193 |
203 | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
adverbial preposition alliteration analysis analyzed antonymic Biblical bicola bicolon bmskh chart chiasmus chiastic clause clause/2 clause/3 constituents/3 units Collins compensation consonants deletion deletion-compensation direct object distant parallelism enjambment Formula Geller's system grammatical parallelism grammatical structure half-line parallelism Hebrew poetry hkmh krpn lhsylk line-type major mdbr metrical minor elements mpyw mšpt notation of grammatical noun O'Connor's parallelistic Patrt phonetic parallelism poetic unit Pontifical Biblical Institute positional parallelism Prhwt proclitic pronominal suffix pronoun Proverbs ptcl qdš qšym quantitative Reconstructed sentence regular relationship relative clause repetitive parallelism sample text second half-line semantic and grammatical semantic dissimilarity semantic parallelism sequence syllable count synonymous syntactic tbwnh tbyn thpkwt transitive verb tricolon tšmr twbym types of parallelism Ugaritic and Hebrew verbal verse VIII vocable vowels words wspn wyšqynh yhwh ymsk yšlhmnh yšr yšrym ytmr