Democracy 2500?: Questions and ChallengesIan Morris, Kurt A. Raaflaub Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1998 - 281 من الصفحات |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 40
الصفحة 25
... tyranny is provided by Solon himself , who warned the demos about him . Solon writes : " from great men a city is destroyed , and into the slavery of a single ruler [ monarchos ] by ignorance the demos falls " [ or " has fallen ...
... tyranny is provided by Solon himself , who warned the demos about him . Solon writes : " from great men a city is destroyed , and into the slavery of a single ruler [ monarchos ] by ignorance the demos falls " [ or " has fallen ...
الصفحة 133
... tyranny . It may be dangerous to make general statements on the political impact of tyranny in Greece , but in the case of Athens , the polis that concerns us here primarily , we are on fairly solid ground . There , the significance of ...
... tyranny . It may be dangerous to make general statements on the political impact of tyranny in Greece , but in the case of Athens , the polis that concerns us here primarily , we are on fairly solid ground . There , the significance of ...
الصفحة 135
... tyranny of the Pisistratids destroyed this monopoly so completely that it could not be restored in its old forms after the expulsion of the tyrants . Tyranny itself gave rise to other elements that proved decisive for the later ...
... tyranny of the Pisistratids destroyed this monopoly so completely that it could not be restored in its old forms after the expulsion of the tyrants . Tyranny itself gave rise to other elements that proved decisive for the later ...
PART 1 | 28 |
Decentering Tragedy | 155 |
Religion in the Athenian Democracy | 171 |
حقوق النشر | |
3 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Acropolis Agora ancient ancient Greece Antenor's anthropological archaeology Archaic Areopagus argued argument aristocratic Aristotle Aristotle Constitution Assembly Athe Athenian democracy Athens Athens's Attica Bleicken boule changes Cimon civic classes Classical Cleisthenes Cleomenes context Council critics Critius and Nesiotes cult cultural debate decision deme democ Democracy 2500 democratic demokratia demos economic egalitarian elite empire Ephialtes equality evidence fifth century fourth century Greece Greek Harmodius and Aristogiton Herodotus historians hoplite ideology IG I³ important institutions Isagoras issues leaders litical M.H. Hansen ment metics mocracy modern Morris nian Oligarch ostracism Ostwald participation perhaps Pericles period Persian Persian Wars Plutarch poleis polis political popular question Raaflaub racy reforms religion revolution Rhodes ritual role sacrifice scholars slaves social society Solon Spartan status structure suggests thetes Thucydides tion traditional tragedy tury tution Tyrannicides tyranny Tyrant Slayers women