From Soldiers to Citizens: Demilitarization of Conflict and SocietyAshgate Publishing, Ltd., 2007 - 192 من الصفحات Demilitarization of conflict and society is crucial to building sustainable peace in countries emerging from the scourge of civil war. At the heart of the exercise is the necessity of transforming the culture and the instruments of war. Using UNITA ex-combatants in Angola as a case example, this book looks at this issue. |
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الصفحة 4
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الصفحة 5
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الصفحة 7
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الصفحة 21
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الصفحة 27
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عذرًا، محتوى هذه الصفحة مقيَّد.
Demilitarization DDR and War to Peace Transitions | 7 |
Demilitarization in the Angolan Context | 33 |
1 Angola areas open for humanitarian activities | 35 |
3 Excombatant socioeconomic profile Lusaka Process | 47 |
1 Sources of income in Bié by returned and resident | 63 |
5 Time spent with UNITA | 83 |
8 House ownership | 89 |
14 Social interaction | 95 |
19 Will you vote in the next elections? | 103 |
Variables Trends Correlations | 109 |
1 Right to trainingjobs in urban and rural areas | 113 |
Reconceptualizing Reintegration | 137 |
177 | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
activities administration agricultural Andulo Angola assistance Bailundo Bicesse Bié Bié province Chipindo Chitembo civilian Colletta consider themselves reintegrated context critical Cuemba Data missing DDR processes DDR programs demilitarization demobilisation demobilization and reintegration demobilized soldiers disarmament displaced economic elections ex-combatants fact focus group focus group discussions former combatants Frequency Percent Huambo Province Huíla Province humanitarian IDPs implementation important Indica infrastructure International interviews Kuito land long term Luanda Lubango Luena Lusaka Protocol majority membership military MPLA municipality networks NGOs noted organizations participation peace transitions peacebuilding political parties population post-conflict provincial capital quartering areas rank reconciliation reinsertion reintegration of former reintegration process reintegration programs resettlement and return respondents role rural areas Sambo sector significant Soba social capital socio-economic strategies structures survey sustainable Table Total Yes traditional authorities UNAVEM UNAVEM III UNDPKO UNITA United Nations urban areas vulnerable groups