The dreamer sat watching His embers gleam, While his heart was floating Down Hope's bright stream; So he wove her wailing Into his dream. The worker toiled on, For his time was brief; But fiercer the tempest A weary woman, Pale, worn and thin, With the brand upon her Of want and sin, Heard the child angel And took her in : Took her in gently To dry her pinions And make her rest, With tender pity, Upon her breast. When the eastern morning Up the first sunbeam The angel fled, Having kissed the woman And left her-dead! MY HEROINE.-A True Story. MRS. CRAIK. I knew a little maid-as sweet However charming they be; Till then how constant she at school! As little scholars may be.. Her absence questioned, with cheek red "Ma'am, I could not be spared," she said; "I had to mind my baby." Her baby; oft along the lane She'd carry it with such sweet pain On summer holidays-full fain To let both work and play be. But, at the school hour told to start, 'Twixt scholar's wish and mother's part "I cannot leave my baby!" One day at school came rumors dire "Lizzie has fallen in the fire!" And off in haste I went to inquire, With anxious fear o'erflowing. For yester afternoon at prayer The look-how comes it, whence or where ?- And almost as if bound for flight Her active hands now helpless bound, Or slept, and moaned in dreaming. Her mother gave the piteous tale : Slipped-threw him from her-safe from harm, Lizzie shrieked, "Take him !" and uptossed As sweet as angels' may be. "Yes, ma'am," she said, in feeble tone, ANN'S ANSWER. Said the teacher to Ann, "I wish if you can, But why should I try-do, please, tell me why? WEBSTER'S Practical Letter Writer The most complete Manual of its kind yet published, uniting the good qualities of all others with additional Together with Bible Quotations, Choice Prose Sentiments, Select Poetical Quotations; also, a Copious Dictionary of Synonyms, all the Latin, French, Spanish, and Italian Words and phrases usually met with; a full list of Abbreviations, Mottoes of the States, and a Model of Printers' Proof Corrections. This book contains 200 pages, bound in boards, with a brilliant illuminated cover. Price 50 Cents. Copies of the above book sent to any address, post-paid, on receipt of price. Address DE WITT, Publisher, 33 Rose Street, New York. WEBSTER'S READY-MADE LOVE-LETTERS. COMPRISING Every Style and Fashion of Note and Letter incident to Love, Courtship and Marriage, which should pass between Ladies and Gentlemen, from First Acquaintance to Final Union. This Book teaches plainly-so plainly that the most simple can understand and make use of the lessons taught-How to write your first letter to a lady-How the lady should reply-How a gentleman is to tell he loves-What the lady should write in reply-How a gentleman should write to a lady under all and any circumstance-What the lady's replies should be-Shows how widowers as well as bachelors should woo widows, whether young or middle-aged. It tells a lady how to meet a gentleman's advances-When to seem a little forward; when to seem a little shy-How a lady should meet, and how part from a lover-Shows ladies and gentlemen how to act to each other, and in company, in all the parts of bride, bridegroor, bridesmaid, and groomsman-How to act at the altar and at the wedding feast-How to behave during the honeymoon, and how and whom to receive and visit. In brief, it teaches everything that lovers should know about courtship -its attendant joys and troubles; of the marriage ceremony, its customs, and the thousand duties, cares, and pleasures that attend and follow. It is a perfect vade mecum. Study it and you can act easy, natural, and genteel in all the above positions, and pass with success through all these most trying and difficult scenes-equally well with any lady or gentleman born to wealth and brought up in fashionable society. In short, there is not an occasion of any kind calling for a corespondence on the subject of Love and Matrimony that is not here treated of, and plainly and fully explained. It contains Specimen Love-Letters, written by persons in real life, in every possible contingency that can occur; together with the famous letters of ABELARD and ELOISE, and other celebrated lovers. Also, A Complete Dictionary of Poetical Quotations, AND THE WONDERFUL ART OF SECRET WRITINGS, which no one but those in the secret ca read. This book contains 200 pages, is handsomely printed, making an ornamental and useful manual for lovers of both sexes, and should be their inseparable companion. Bound in boards, with a splendidly illuminated Price 50 Cents. cover. Copies of the above book sent, post-paid, to any address in the world on receipt of price. Address DE WITT, Publisher, 33 Rose Street, New York. |