One was a grumbler; the other went For labor was his element. "Buzz, buzz," quoth one, "it doesn't pay To toil so hard from day to day; Leisure is best; I'd rather play. "Of what use is it, after all? "We never share in what we hive; "Buzz, buzz, good neighbor, would you then Be idle just because of men? Up! up! and to your toil again. "Must he who labors, foolish elf, Think but to benefit himself, To heap with gain his narrow shelf? "What makes our striving doubly dear Is that some others it may cheer, Known or unknown, afar or near. "Such labor bringeth sweetest ease, And maketh, too—the world agrees— The best of men, the best of bees !" ONE BY ONE. ADELAIDE A. PROCTER. One by one the sands are flowing, One by one thy duties wait thee Let thy whole strength go to each, Let no future dreams elate thee, Learn thou first what these can teach. One by one thy griefs shall meet thee, Do not look at life's long sorrow; See how small each moment's pain; Every hour that fleets so slowly Do not linger with regretting, Hours are golden links, God's token, CENTENNIAL HYMN. WHITTIER. Our fathers' God, from out whose hand The centuries fall, like grains of sand, We meet to-day, united, free, And loyal to our land and Thee, To thank Thee for the era done, Here, where of old, by Thy design, Be with us while the new world greets Thou who hast here in concord furled For art and labor met in truce, Oh, make Thou us, thro' centuries long, BALLAD OF THE OYSTERMAN. 0. W. HOLMES. It was a tail young oysterman lived by the river-side, It was the pensive oysterman that saw a lovely maid, He saw her wave her handkerchief, as much as if to say, Then up arose the oysterman, and to himself said he, "I guess I'll leave the skiff at home, for fear the folks should see: I read it in the story book that, for to kiss his dear, Leander swam the Hellespont, and I will swim this here." And he has leaped into the waves, and crossed the shining stream, Out spoke the ancient fisherman, "Oh, what was that, my daughter ?" ''Twas nothing but a pebble, sir, I threw into the water." "And what is that, pray tell me, love, that paddles off so fast?" "It's nothing but a porpoise, sir, that's been a swimming past." Out spoke the ancient fisherman, "Now bring me my harpoon! Her hair dropped round her pallid cheeks, like seaweed on a clam. Alas for those two loving ones! she waked not from her swoon, And he was taken with the cramp, and in the waves was drowned; But Fate has metamorphosed them, in pity of their woe, And now they keep an oyster shop for mermaids down below. THE COOKNEY. J. G. SAXE. It was in my foreign travel, And his hair was something sandy, And was done in knotty curls, He was clad in checkered trousers, I addressed the man in English, Tho' he spoke it in a fashion That I thought a little lame; For the aspirate was missing Where the letter should have been, And where'er it wasn't wanted, He was sure to put it in ! |