Leadership: Succeeding in the Private, Public, and Not-for-profit SectorsRoutledge, 28/01/2015 - 445 من الصفحات The contributors to this wide-ranging volume seek to define exactly what leadership is or should be, and how to effectively develop it. Guided by an unusual framework that looks at leadership across different sectors and functions, they examine what they view as the major leadership challenges in highly visible for-profit, not-for-profit, and government organizations throughout the world. Their insights will prove equally useful as a general survey of leadership problems for executive policy makers, and for undergraduate and graduate students in the specific fields examined in the text. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 40
الصفحة 1915
... spiritual plurality within religious nonprofit organizations. Osten then offers his own model for effective leadership (outlining several keys to success, including hiring compatible yet complementary co-leaders and embracing necessary ...
... spiritual plurality within religious nonprofit organizations. Osten then offers his own model for effective leadership (outlining several keys to success, including hiring compatible yet complementary co-leaders and embracing necessary ...
الصفحة 1919
... spiritual/moral, environmental, governmental, and social capital. These seven forms of capital constitute a “development wheel” that, when rounded out, enables ongoing constructive economic development in a country. In Chapter 18, “What ...
... spiritual/moral, environmental, governmental, and social capital. These seven forms of capital constitute a “development wheel” that, when rounded out, enables ongoing constructive economic development in a country. In Chapter 18, “What ...
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لقد وصلت إلى حد العرض المسموح لهذا الكتاب.
لقد وصلت إلى حد العرض المسموح لهذا الكتاب.
لقد وصلت إلى حد العرض المسموح لهذا الكتاب.
1912 | |
1948 | |
1971 | |
Knowledge Management Leadership Challenges Coping with Mental Models | 1993 |
Leadership in a NotForProfit World A Mixed Toolbox | |
The Challenges of Interpersonal Relationships Employee Discipline | |
What the New Nonprofit Leaders Should Learn About Finance Beyond Fund | |
List of Tables and Figures | |
Leadership Challenges in Local Government Economic Development Financial | |
DevelopmentalServant Leadership for Human Resource Professionals | |
Engaging Peoples Passion Leadership for the New Century | |
HRMinded Leadership Five Critical Areas of Focus for Contemporary | |
Leaders Speak Success and Failure in Their Own Words | |
Worldview and Global Leadership | |
What Good Is This to Me? Managerial Implications of Global Leadership | |
New Rules for a New Century Help for Management and Leadership in This | |
TeamBased Leadership and Change in the Christian Church | |
Notes from the Belly of the Beast Leadership Challenges in the Federal | |
The Achievements and Challenges of Military Leadership | |
Leadership Challenges in Education Improving Administrative Decision | |
Restoring Ethics Consciousness to Organizations and the Workplace Every | |
About the Authors | |
Figures | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
ability accountability achieve actions agencies balanced scorecard behavior beliefs budget capital challenges chapter church civil society clients clusters commitment competence competitive core corporate create culture decision Demopolis developmental-servant economic educational Emotional Intelligence employees Enron environment example executive expectations federal firm focus global goals Harvard Business Review HR professionals HR-minded human resources implement important improvement individual industry integrity issues Johnson & Johnson knowledge knowledge management leadership learning Marine measures mental models military ministry mission moral Nonprofit Management one’s operations organization organization’s organizational organizational culture organizational learning percent performance political positive power distance practices problems programs relationships requires responsibility revenue role skills social social capital spiritual stakeholders strategic success U.S. Marine Corps understand utility values vision workplace worldview