CENSORIOUSNESS. Lord, preserve me from the spirit of censoriousness. Guard me against an intermeddling, rash, or uncharitable judgment on the conduct of my fellowcreatures. May I do unto others in this matter, as I would they should do unto me. May I remember that with what measure I mete, it shall be measured to me again. Let me not judge according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment. Whenever I am tempted to behold the mote that is in my brother's eye, may I consider the beam that is in mine own eye. Show me my own weakness and sinfulness. Dispose me to think no evil of any, and to maintain a good opinion of all, until I have proved all things. Incline me always to pray for the forgiveness of the offence, and for the welfare of the offender. And when it becomes my duty to censure others, may I do it, not in anger nor pride of heart, but in sorrow, and with a desire to do good. CHARITY. Giver of all Good, grant me that fruit of the Spirit which is love. May this be the element where my soul will live, and move, and have its being. O, may I feel that if I could speak with the tongues of men and angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal: though I should bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Lord, grant that thy holy commandment, and the countless examples of thy good-will, and the various wants of my fellow-creatures, may be heart-stirring motives to this law of kindness. And especially may the love of Christ constrain me to love my neighbour as myself. Make it a bond of perfectness, and the end of the commandment; springing out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned. May this grace preserve me from envy, censoriousness, and ill-will, and so mould my temper and character, that I shall be meek and forbearing, disinterested and self-denying, and steadfast and kind in all my intercourse with mankind. Blessed God, let it not be bounded by narrow limits, but be as expansive as the length and breadth of the world, and take into the bosom of its sympathies the whole family of man. O thou, Sovereign of Destinies, hasten that time when charity shall fill the hearts and control the conduct of all men; when anger, and malice, and revenge shall have fled away forever; when nations shall learn war no more, and Jesus, the Prince of Peace, shall reign over an undisturbed empire of love. CHASTITY. Preserve me, O Holy One, from impurity in thought, in word, and in action. Grant that a sense of thy holiness and thine omniscience may so rest upon me, that I may walk in the Spirit, and not fulfil the lusts of the flesh. May I set a watch upon my lips, that no double meaning nor corrupt communication may proceed out of my mouth; and suffer me not to take pleasure in, but to abhor and turn away from, the language of indelicacy and lasciviousness on the tongues of others. Help me to make a covenant with my eyes, that they may not dwell on unlawful objects, nor pamper forbidden wishes. Throw a guard round my heart, that it may not devise wicked imaginations. Teach me to loathe and flee from these beginnings of evil, which debase the spirit, enfeeble the mind, and drown the soul in perdition. Enable me to put away uncleanness, and to glorify thee in my body and spirit, which are thine. God of Justice, enter not into judgment with our land for the foul impurity which covers it. If thou wert strict to mark its iniquity, thou wouldst bring over it the besom of desolation, and make it a monument of reproach. O lead us, in thy mercy, to the use of such measures as shall subvert the dominion of licentiousness, and establish purity of heart, speech, and conduct. Lord, thou knowest whether the means which have been employed, by social and open action, for the suppression of that destroying vice, are according to thy holy will. If they are, O give them abundant success. But if they are not, cause them to be laid aside, and teach thy people what they may do that will secure thy blessing. Correct, elevate, and inform public opinion in relation to the destroying evils of lewdness. Put under the ban of universal condemnation the unchaste word, the licentious song, the impure page, the lascivious dance, and the dissolute play-house. Make the libertine a scorn and reproach in every society. O preserve those who are still pure; and let them not go down the pathways of disgrace and destruction. Convince and alarm those whose name is clean in the eyes of the world, but whose thoughts cherish unholy emotions, and whose hearts work uncleanness greedily. Recover those who have listened to the song of the syren, and who go as a bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for his life: who think not that many strong men have been slain by her, and that her house is the chambers of death, and that her guests are in the depths of hell. Cleanse our land and the world from this vile leprosy which destroys health, and happiness, and virtue: and bring over it a reformation that shall be total abstinence from impurity of every name. CHEERFULNESS. Lord, make cheerfulness the habit of my temper. Enable me to pursue the happy mean between that mirth, the end of which is heaviness, and that sullenness, which is a canker upon personal comfort, a reproach upon social character, and a libel on divine goodness. Let not my spirit be soured by disappointment; nor be dejected by misfortune; nor be made morose by hostility. May I regard these as light afflictions, compared with a peevish and gloomy temper: which will corrupt my own pleasures, shed mildew on all my associations in life, and disparage thy grace. Show me that a cheerful mind will diffuse gladness over my pathways, scatter pleasure around those who journey with me, and glorify the mercy of God. Gracious Parent, speak to me-"Son, be of good cheer: thy sins are forgiven thee." O how light would the crosses, and afflictions, and disasters of earth weigh on me, if I were conscious of guilt forgiven, and peace with heaven! Lord, grant that whilst I drink gladness from all the lawful sources of comfort around me, I may draw from the wells of salvation a living water, which the world can neither give nor take away. CHILDREN. Lord, I thank thee that thou dost suffer little children to come unto thee, and that thou dost ordain praise out of the mouths of babes and sucklings. I would praise thee that thy saving truth, while it is fitted to fill the minds of angels with the most exalted knowledge, can be learned, and understood, and felt by children; and that many such have known its power, and have spoken in their feeble accents of its excellence, both in their life and death, and are now enjoying the fruits of its redemption in the courts above. Lord, for the sake of the compassionate and prevailing Redeemer, increase that cloud of witnesses. May many remember their Creator in the days of their youth, and increase in wisdom and in favour with God. Be thou the guide of their youth, and satisfy them early with thy mercies, that they may rejoice and be glad all the days of their lives. God of Grace, I would praise thee for what thou hast done and art doing, through the labours of thy people, for the rising generation. Multiply the number and increase the efficacy of these efforts. Enable parents to make an unreserved dedication of their offspring to the Lord, and train them up in the way they should go, that when they are old, they shall not depart from it. May all who have any influence over youth, devote their most zealous labours that they may be made wise unto salvation, through the faith which is in Christ Jesus. And grant, I pray thee, that thy Church may regard them as the hope of the world, and bend all her energies of faith, and love, and zeal, that the rising generation may be brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. |