ΤΟ ALL THE NAMES, DEAR AND CHERISHED, WHICH FILIALLY GATHER, AS THEY MAY FIND OPPORTUNITY, AROUND THE HEARTHSTONE AND TABLE OF THE Old Hive. "I LEAVE YOU HERE A LITTLE BOOK FOR YOU TO LOOK UPON, THAT YOU MAY SEE YOUR FATHER'S 'FACE, PREFACE. THIS Volume I certainly should not have published, if I had not thought it worthy of the study of those whose attention it might attract. From the thoughts which it suggests, the illus. trations which it furnishes, the conclusions which it commends, I have derived strength, encouragement, refreshment and inspiration. Why may I not hope that it will produce some such effect on others, who may peruse its pages? How large a reward might not thus crown my exertions! Criticism I neither deprecate nor defy. Why should I? The reader, whoever he may be, will of course dispose of my paragraphs "according to his ability." Why should I object? I offer to address my fellows: why should I shrink from any replies, which they may be disposed to urge? How can I expect that they will weigh my words, if I refuse heedfully to listen to theirs? Some names I am able to repeat, who will very cordially welcome the appearance of this Volume. They have encouraged me to publish it; and in various ways afforded me sympathy and cooperation. May they derive from the perusal of these pages the influence, which the production of them has exerted on me! BERIAH GREEN. WHITESBORO, 1860. |