Then came old January, wrapped well In many weeds to keep the cold away; Yet did he quake and quiver, like to quell, And blowe his nayles to warme them if he may; For they were numbd with holding all the day An hatchet keene, with which he felled wood... Spenser's Faerie Queene - الصفحة 319بواسطة Edmund Spenser - 1758عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب
| Edmund Spenser - 1596 - عدد الصفحات: 738
...Ianuary, wrapped well In many weeds * to keep the cold away ; Yet did he quake and quiver like to quell, 2 And blowe his nayles to warme them if he may ; For...which he felled wood And from the trees did lop the needlesse spray *: Upon an huge great earth-pot steane * he stood, From whose wide mouth there flowed... | |
| Edmund Spenser - 1758 - عدد الصفحات: 518
...weeds to keep the cold away ; Yet did he quake and quiver like to quell, And blow his nails to warm them if he may : For they were numb'd with holding all the day An hatchet keen, with which he felled wood, And from the trees did lop the rieedlefs fpray : Upon an huge great... | |
| 1788 - عدد الصفحات: 538
...wrapped well In many weed?, to keep the cold away, Yet did he quake and quiver like to quell, And blows his nayles to warme them if he may, For they were...which he felled wood, And from the trees did lop the needlesse spray ; Upon an huge great Earth-pot steane he stood, From whose wide mouth there flowed... | |
| Edmund Spenser - 1805 - عدد الصفحات: 578
...probably an errour of the prefsfoi " Idean Mayd." UPTON. hight. In many weeds to keep the cold away ; Yet did he quake and quiver like to quell, And blowe...which he felled wood And from the trees did lop the needlefle fpray t Upon an huge great Earth-pot Steane he ftood, From whofe wide mouth there flowed... | |
| Edmund Spenser - 1805 - عدد الصفحات: 598
...Cretaea nobilis Ida, " Dicitur in filvis occuluifle Jovem." yeares, In many weeds to keep the cold away ; Yet did he quake and quiver like to quell, And blowe...which he felled wood And from the trees did lop the needlefle fpray : Upon an huge great Earth-pot Steane he ftood, From whofe wide mouth there flowed... | |
| Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - عدد الصفحات: 600
...wrapped well In many weeds to keep the cold away ; Yet did he quake and quiver like to quell, And hlowe o #Ɔ0% %r :cKC D] J 2 ! ̎' | m cЗm i E E z0 & 9qZ $DYjY . 3f02 Fd -2h49J TW { < 4- ͵ ;R 2 7 needlesse spray : Upon an huge great Garth-pot Steane he stood. From whose wide mouth there flowed... | |
| Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - عدد الصفحات: 614
...wrapped well , In many weeds to keep the cold away ; Yet did he quake and quiver like to quell, And hlowe his nayles to warme them if he may; For they were numbd with holding all the day An hatchet kcene, with, which he felled wood And from the trees did lop the needlesse spray : Upon an huge grout... | |
| William Oxberry - 1821 - عدد الصفحات: 448
...CALENDAR OF NATURE. JANUARY. Then came old Jauuary, wrapped well In many weeds to keep the cold away ; Yet did he quake and quiver like to quell ; And blowe...which he felled wood, And from the trees did lop the needlesse spray ; Upon a huge great earth-pot steane he stood, From whose wide mouth there flowed forth... | |
| William Oxberry - 1824 - عدد الصفحات: 380
...CALENDAR OF NATURE. JANUARY. Then came old January, wrapped well In many weeds to keep the cold away ; Yet did he quake and quiver like to quell ; And blowe...which he felled wood, And from the trees did lop the needlesse spray ; Upon a huge great earth-pot steane he stood, From whose wide mouth there flowed forth... | |
| J. R - 1824 - عدد الصفحات: 350
...did he quake and quiver like to quell ; • And hlowe his nayles to warme them if he may ; For Jbey were numb'd with holding all the day An hatchet keene,...which he felled wood, And from the trees did lop the needlesse spray.' You see, mamma, that under his left arm he holds a billet ; near him is Aquarius,... | |
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