صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

of Ohio, to unite in a public procession and ceremonies tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, which was accepted.

The General Grand Chapter was then adjourned to 8 o'clock Wednesday morning.


Was called to order at half-past 4 o'clock, P. M., and the record of the morning session was read and approved.

On motion of Sir J. G. Candee, all Knights Templars in the city, of regular standing, were invited to take seats in the G. G. Encampment during the session.

The committee on credentials reported the following representatives as present and entitled to seats:

Massachusetts and Rhode Island-M. E. Sir John B. Hammatt, Sirs Ruel Baker, Wm. Field, Ammi B. Young, Charles Robbins.

New York-Sirs Ezra S. Barnum, R. R. Boyd.

Ohio-Sirs B. Latham, I. L. Vattier, J. N. Burr, J. C. Copelen.

Connecticut-Sir Wm. E. Sanford.

Georgia-Sir Wm. T. Gould.

Kentucky-Sirs W. S. Shipley, Boone Baily.

Virginia-Encampment at Wheeling, by its Commander, Sir W. B. Wilson. The report was accepted and the Committee allowed further time.

The following standing committees were appointed:

On Doings of Grand Officers-Sirs Albert Case, of Massachusetts, Wm. Field, of Rhode Island, and Wm. E. Sanford, of Connecticut.

On Finance-Sirs Wm. H. Ellis, of Connecticut, J. G. Candee, of New York, and Wm. B. Hubbard, of Ohio.

On Warrants-Sirs B. Latham, of Ohio, E. A. Raymond, of Mass., and Wm. T. Gould, of Georgia.

On next Place of Meeting-Sirs E. S. Barnum, of New York, C. W. Moore, of Massachusetts, and W. T. Gould, of Georgia.

A communication was received from the Grand Encampment and Grand Chapter of Ohio, inviting the General Grand Encampment to unite with them in a public procession and other suitable services, to take place tomorrow morning, which invitation was accepted.

Sir Joseph K. Stapleton, as D. G. Grand Master, presented a report of his official doings for the three years past; from which it appeared that he had granted Dispensations for five new Encampments, and issued his commission for the consecration of two.

The G. G. Generalissimo, Sir Wm. H. Ellis, and Sir Wm. B. Hubbard, G. G. C. G., respectively submitted reports of their doings since the last triennial meeting. From the report of the latter officer, we learn that in the discharge of the duty committed to him in 1844, he has effected a settlement with the Encampments in Ohio; and that he has also granted a Dispensation for the establishment of an Encampment at Pittsburg, Pa. ; for which a Charter was subsequently ordered to be issued. He further

reports that the Order in the West is generally prosperous and increasing in numbers.

All the above reports were referred to the committee on the Doings of the Grand Officers.

Sir N. B. Haswell presented a communication in relation to the Encampments in Vermont, which was referred to the committee on Warrants. A petition, presented by Sir Kt. Mitchell, praying for a Dispensation for an Encampment at St. Louis, Mo., was referred to the same committee.

The General Grand Encampment was then adjourned to 9 o'clock, Wednesday morning.


Wednesday, Sept. 15.

Assembled at 8 o'clock in the morning, as by adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. The record of the proceedings of yesterday afternoon was read and approved.

Comp. Moore, of Mass., from the committee to whom was referred the communication of the G. G. Secretary, submitted a report, which was adopted; and, in accordance with the recommendations therein contained, the Gen. Grand High Priest appointed the following committees:

On Royal Arch Masonry in Louisiana-Comps. C. W. Moore, Barnum, Hammatt, Raymond and Crawford.

On the Grand Chapter of Florida-Comps. Bradford, Wood and Sayre. On the Grand Chapter of Georgia.-Comps. Ellis, Carroll and Field. On the Grand Chapter of North Carolina-Comps. Boyd, Lewis and Swigert. On the Grand Chapter of Missouri-Comps. Boyd, Hodges and Perkins. On Conferring Unauthorised Degrees-Comps. Sanford, Stewart and C. Moore. On the Seventh Section First Article G. G. Constitutions-Comps. Candee, Hine and Pearl.

Comp. R. R. Boyd, of New York, submitted a communication in relation to San Felipe de Austin Chapter, and also the Grand Chapter of Texas, which was committed.

At this stage of the proceedings, a resolution was offered, directing that the third section of the charge given to a High Priest at his installation, in relation to the number to be exalted at one time, should be literally construed. After some debate, the resolution was withdrawn. The object in moving it was to abolish substitutes; and the effect of it, if adopted and enforced, would be to shut up half the Chapters in the country.

Com. Mellen, of Miss., offered a resolution to the effect that a Chapter, until its officers have been duly elected and installed, under its charter, is not entitled to be represented in the Grand Chapter. The resolution was laid on the table, and subsequently called up and withdrawn, as not coming within the province of the General Grand Chapter. The principle

embodied in the resolution is correct. We shall probably refer to it hereafter.

Invitations were given by Comp. Wm. B. Hubbard, to the officers and members of the G. G. Chapter, to attend a levee at his residence, in the evening, whereupon, (and that the members might unite in the public ceremonies as proposed by the Grand Chapter and Encampment of Ohio,) the Gen. Grand Chapter was adjourned to 9 o'clock, Thursday morning.


Was called to order at half-past 9 o'clock, A. M. Prayer by the G. G. Prelate. The record of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. The committee on Credentials made a further report, which was accepted.

A petition for permission to organize a Grand Encampment in the State of Kentucky, was presented in behalf of the three Encampments in that State, and referred to the committee on Warrants.

Sir W. B. Hubbard invited the members of the G. G. Encampment to meet him at his residence in the evening. The invitation was accepted. After the discussion of some incidental and unimportant matters, the Gen. Grand Encampment was adjourned to Thursday morning, at 11 o'clock, in order that the members might unite in the public procession to which they had been invited by the Grand Encampment of Ohio.

Thursday, September 16.


Assembled by adjournment at 9 o'clock, in the morning, and proceeded to business.

Comp. Candee submitted a report on the 7th section of the 1st article of the Gen. Grand Constitutions, which was adopted. We were not quite attentive enough when this report was read, and are consequently in some doubt as to its tenor. We think, however, it recommended a deduction of the fee for a Charter for a new Chapter to fifty dollars, instead of ninety dollars, the sum now charged.

The General Grand Secretary offered a second report, which was committed-so much of it as related to finances, to the committee on that subject, and the balance to the committee on the Doings of the Grand Officers.

Comp. Ellis, from the committee on the Grand Chapter of Georgia, offered a report recognising the regularity of that Grand body, which, after proper explanations from the representative from Georgia, was unanimously adopted.

Comp. C. W. Moore, from the committee on R. A. Masonry in Louisiana, submitted a report, which was unanimously adopted. We had not

time to make a copy of the whole of this report; and cannot therefore, at present, lay it entire before our readers. In our next number we may do so. The report concludes with the following preamble and resolutions:

Whereas, at its triennial communication in 1844, this General Grand Chapter, after a patient and careful examination of all the facts in the premises, did unanimously declare that the body formerly known as the Grand Chapter of Louisiana, had become extinct; and that authority over the territory thus vacated, could be legally exercised only by this General Grand Body: And whereas, the irregular association of individuals, then as now, styling themselves the "Sov. Grand Royal Arch Chapter" of Louisiana, in defiance of the authority of this Gen. Grand Chapter, continue to hold their sessions and keep up their organization, and for purposes of deception, assume not to understand the action of this Grand Body, had at its triennial communication aforesaid, as impeaching their legality as a Grand Royal Arch Chapter; but insist on the regularity of their organization, and contemptuously denounce the doings of the responsible officers of this Grand body as arbitrary and "without warrant or authority": Therefore, that there may not hereafter be any room for misunderstanding in the case, it is hereby unanimously Resolved, That there is not at this time, any constitutional and legally authorised Grand Royal Arch Chapter in the State of Louisiana.

Resolved, That the association holding its meetings in the city of New Orleans, and assuming to exercise the functions and authority of a Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, is an irregular and unauthorised Masonic body; and it is hereby disowned and repudiated, as spurious, clandestine and illegal.

Resolved, "That Masonic intercourse, as well public as private, is hereby interdicted and forbidden" between Royal Arch Masons and Grand and Subordinate Chapters, owning allegiance to, and in correspondence with, this General Grand Chapter, and the aforesaid spurious association, its adjuncts, and all Royal Arch Masons acknowledging the authority of the same.

Resolved, That the General Grand Secretary be instructed to forward an attested copy of the preceding preamble and resolutions to Mr. F. Verrier, the acting Secretary of the aforesaid illegal association of Masons, at New Orleans.

Comp. C. W. Moore also submitted the following report, which was unanimously adopted:


The committee on so much of the report of the General Grand Secretary as relates to Holland Chapter, in the city of New Orleans, find, from the documents in their possession, that the Charter of said Chapter has been either lost or stolen, and that the Dispensation under which it has been working for the past year, expires by the terms of its own limitation, with the present session of this General Grand Chapter. They therefore respectfully recommend, that the General Grand Secretary be authorised to execute a new Charter, to take the place of that which has been lost, and that he nake no other charge for the same than the usual fee of his office.

The committee on Warrants submitted their report, a portion of which was adopted and the balance recommitted, with instructions. The report recommended the granting of charters in all cases where dispensations had been previously issued. In considering the report, a debate arose on the true construction of the 7th section of the 1st article of the Constitution, which we may hereafter notice.

Comp. Sanford offered a report on the subject of conferring irregular degrees, contrary to the prohibitions of the 9th sec. of the 1st art. of the

Gen. Grand Constitution. Read and laid on the table. The report was subsequently taken up and adopted. It prohibits R. A. Masons, as such, conferring unconstitutional degrees. We shall give the report in our next.

Comp. Boyd, from the committee on the Grand Chapter of Missouri, offered a report, recommending that whatever informalities may have occurred in the organization of that Grand body, be passed over, and that it be recognised as regular and legal. Comp. Mitchell, of Missouri, was heard in behalf of the report; which, after debate, was adopted, as we believe, without a dissenting vote.

Comp. Boyd also offered a report recognising the Grand Chapter of North Carolina, and requiring an amendment of its Constitution, the nature of which we do not now recollect; but will give the report hereafter. The report was adopted.

Tomorrow morning, at 9 o'clock, was fixed for the election of officers. The Gen. Grand Chapter was then adjourned till the afternoon.


The committee on the Grand Chapter of Florida reported, recommending that the G. Grand Officers recognise that Grand body, whenever it shall furnish evidence to the Gen. Grand Secretary of its regularity. The report was adopted.

Comp. Mellen, from the committee on the Grand Chapter of Texas, reported against the legality of that body, and against its being recognised by the Gen. Grand Chapter. Report adopted.

The committee on next place of meeting, reported in favor of Boston. The report, after debate, was adopted.

The G. G. Chapter was then adjourned till tomorrow.


Assembled after the adjournment of the Gen. Grand Chapter, and proceeded to business.

Sir Kt. Case, from the committee on the Doings of the Grand Officers, offered a report, which was laid upon the table. [This report was subsequently taken up and adopted. It will be noticed hereafter.]

Sir Kt. Gould offered the report of the committee on Warrants, which was adopted. The report authorised Charters to be issued to the Encampments that had been working under Dispensations.

On motion of Sir Kt. Sanford, the G. G. Encampment voted to go into the election of officers, as the first business tomorrow.

The 5th section of the 3d article of the Gen. Grand Constitution was amended so as to require the approbation and consent of the Encampment nearest his residence, before a candidate can be received in any foreign Encampment.

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