DANGERS OF LIFE One of the chief dangers of life is trusting occasions. We think that conspicuous events, striking experiences, exalted moments, have most to do with our character and capacity. We are wrong. Common day, monotorous hours, wearisome paths, plain old tools, and everyday clothes, tell the real story. Good habits are not made on birthdays, nor Christian character at the New Year. The vision may dawn, the dream may waken, the heart may leap with a new inspiration on some mountain-top; but the test, the triumph, is at the foot of the mountain, on the level plain. DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS On England, Ireland and Scotland, as well as on European Cities PASSAGE TICKETS TRAVELERS' CHECKS Irish Emigrant Society 51 Chambers St. NEW YORK CITY The WILL & BAUMER COMPANY The Candle Manufacturers SYRACUSE, NEW YORK 18 Murray Street, New York City BRANCHES 199 E. Madison Street, Chicago, Ill. 71-73 Broad Street, Boston, Mass. OUR UNSEEN FRIENDS. In our lives as devout Catholics we never work or pray alone. We are part of an immense family, some in heaven, some on earth, some in the realm of the patient dead; and all are bound by the sacred tie of our Baptism to the Heart of Jesus Christ, and we live by the same life-pulse, the same vital breath. In the "Our Father," it is indeed our Father to Whom we pray; we do not say, "My Father," nor do we say, "Give me this day daily bread." In the "Hail Mary," we say; "Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death." In the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the priest includes the entire Church, even while he has a special intention for some special soul. Of course we can pray, we do pray, for ourselves singly; no child is forbidden to come by himself and for himself to the Father who loves him. But the temper and practice of our Catholic life clearly shows how very close is the brotherly tie, the family tie, among us, and how we need never be alone. AN AMICABLE SETTLEMENT Apropos of the sum of $120,000 recently paid by the United States Government to the Catholic Church in Porto Rico in settlement of claims for properties now in possession of the Federal Government in the island, Borinquen, the new monthly published at San Juan, says: While a considerable sacrifice has been made in order to arrive at an amicable settlement outside the courts of justice, we can not be unmindful of the fact that the Church feels compensated for the monetary loss in the well-nigh universal sense of satisfaction manifested in Porto Rico for the happy termination of this protracted contention. Nor can the Catholics of this island fail to appreciate the zealous and intelligent labors of our beloved Apostolic Delegate, Archbishop Aversa, who has devoted his untiring efforts to obtain a peaceful and honor_ able settlement of this claim of the Church against the Government of the United States and the people of Porto Rico. Intending purchasers of a STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS Piano, or Piano and Self-Player combined, should not fail to examine the merits of the worldrenowned PIANOS SOHMER PIANOS and the "SOHMER-CECILIAN" Inside Players, which surpass all others. Catalogue mailed on application. Warerooms, Cor. 5th Ave. 22d St. THERE IS ONLY ONE SOHMER & COMPANY, New York. SOAPINE Does Twice as Much Work as any Cheaper Washing Powder SAVE THE BEAUTIFUL FRAMED PICTURES WHALES FOR Art Gallery: 134 W. 18th St., near Sixth Ave., N. Y. Jersey City Agency, 623 Ocean Avenue THE TAILOR BIRD. Everyone has heard of the tailor or cobbler bird of India, so called because it sews leaves together to form its nest. An ornithologist, who had the good fortune to see the hen at work, thus describes the interesting operation: A suitable plant having been selected, she began operations on one of its leaves so curved that its terminal half was parallel with the ground. The first thing she did was to make with her sharp little beak a number of punctures along each edge of the leaf. In this case the punctures took the form of longitudinal slits, owing to the fact that the veins of the dracæna leaf run longitudinally. In leaves of different texture, the punctures take other shapes. Having thus prepared the leaf, she disappeared for a little, and returned with a strand of cobweb. One end of this she wound round the narrow part of the leaf that separated one of the punctures from the edge; having done this, she carried the loose end of the strand across the under surface of the leaf to a puncture on the opposite side, where she attached it to the leaf, and thus drew the edges a little way together. Similarly she treated the other punctures, and the leaf assumed the shape of a section of a cone; the smaller end was filled with cotton, elaborate lining was introduced, and the little bird worked hard enough "to disqualify her for membership in any trade union." Wire May to Wire Everything M. 17 St. Paschal Baylon, C. F. 21 St. Felix of Cantalice, C. The Testimony of the Holy Ghost. F. 28 St. Augustine, B. C. Gospel, St. John xiv. 23-31: Descent of S. 30 St. M. 31 St. 37TH ST AT 6THAVENE.COR.PHONE 24-3815 Electrical Repaired 1602 THIRD AVENUE, NEAR 90th STREET We are open evenings until 10 p. m. We give S & H Green Trading Stamps Dr. L.J. Du Brul SURGEON DENTIST 201 EAST 87th ST., COR. 3d AVE. Examination and Consultation Free Reasonable Terms Office Hours, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays, 9 a.m to 1 p.m. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. THE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD OF OFFICIAL ATHLETIC SUPPLIES The Official Ball of the Catholic Athletic League, and Must Be Used at All Games Played Baseball Books SPALDING'S Baseball Books for boys No. 1. Spalding's Official Baseball Guide for boys No. la. Spalding's Official Baseball Record Something new. All the past season's records and many never previously collated. Plenty of action pictures. 10 cents. No. 202. How to Play Base Ball. No. 223. How to Bat. How to Organize a Base Ball League. No. How to Train a Base Ball Team. 231 Technical Base Ball Terms. No. 319. Minor League Base Ball Guide. No. 219. Ready Reckoner of Base Ball Percentages No. 322. Official Handbook National League of Professional Base Ball Clubs. PRICE 10 CENTS EACH Every boy should send for Spalding's new Base Ball Catalogue, which contains prices and pictures of everything used in the game. SPALDING Mailed free. & BROS. A. G. 126 Nassau St. New York City 29-33 West 42d St New York City |