(Cont. from page 4) Lawrence Keane, 98 Matthew Cusack, 95 Dennis Curran, 93 Philip Lynch, 91 Francis McQuade, 89 John Caulfield, 88 William Casey, 88 Richard Webb, 88 James Fearis, 87 Francis McCue, 87 Warren Reardon, 87 John McCormick, 86 Frank Healy, 85 William McKenna, 85 Andrew Burns, 83 James Murray, 83 Daniel Dugan, 82 John Donnelly, 81 Peter Murphy, 81 Edward Donohue, 80 Ambrose Hayes, 80 James McQuade, 80 Edmund Walsh, 80 Grade 4 A Arthur Clark, 93% Thomas O'Brien, 84 John McCormick, 81 Edward O'Dair, 80 Thomas Sullivan, 80 Grale 3 B Joseph Dillon, 96% William Dennin, 95 William Hicks, 86 Daniel O'Connor, 83 Henry Lamour, 95% 93 Philip Dugan, 93 Daniel Buckley, 91 Patrick Halton, 91 James Shine, 91 James Donohue, 91 William Heaphy, 90 John Walsh, 88 James Doyle Joseph Harrington Grade 1 A Frank Mullins Thomas O'Rourke Thomas Carty Dr. William Francis Garner, Jr. DENTIST 140 EAST 92d STREET, cor. Lexington Ave. "The Mildred." 'PHONE, 3492-79th Hours, 9 to 7.30. Sundays, 9 to 2. Open Tuesday and Friday even.ngs till 9 My NATURAL METHOD of inserting teeth has been an "EYE OPENER" in the Dental Profession and a "Joy and Blessing" to all wearing the work. Ask them. I have now perfected a method whereby your OLD, LOOSE plates may be re-fitted and made absolutely tight at a trifling cost. Do not be discouraged if your plate does not work, bring it to me and have it TREATED. ORDER OF SERVICES IN CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF GOOD Masses-On Sunday: At 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, On Holy Days: Masses at 5:30, 6, 7, 8, a. m. Vespers and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament-Every Sunday at 4 o'clock p. m. Confessions are heard every morning after each mass; on Saturdays from 4 to 10 o'clock p. m., on the Vigils of Holy Days and on the eve of the first Friday of each month, from 7 o'clock p. m. The members of St. Joseph's Sodality and of the Holy Angel's Sodality go to confession on Friday afternoons hereafter. Baptisms-On Sundays from 4 to 6, and from 7 to 8:30 p. m.; on week days at any hour previously arranged. The father should be present at the baptism of his child, and there should be two sponsors, whom the Church requires to be Catholics. Marriages and Funerals should take place in the morning, with mass. Timely notice of marriages should be given to the priest. Sick Calls-All sick calls are to be left at the Rectory, 230 East 90th street, by someone who can give an intelligent account of the case. They should be sent early in the day, if possible, and they will receive immediate attention. Blessing of Religious Articles-On the third Sunday of the month after the meeting of the Rosary Society. If the article be small, the priest will bless it at any time. Churching of Women-On Sundays or week days, after any of the low masses. Women coming to the church are requested to procue a wax candle, as other kinds may not be used in the Church services. Pew Rents payable quarterly, in advance, January 1, April 1, July 1, and October I. Sunday School-Every Sunday afternoon, at 2:30 in the lower church. Prayer Classes (for the little ones) every Sunday morning after the children's mass. Instruction Class every Tuesday after. noon, at 3:30 in the Chapel, for all the public school children. THE SOCIETIES OF THE CHURCH The Rosary Society receives Holy Communion on the third Sunday of every month at the 8 o'clock mass, and meets after Vespers the same day. The Sodality of the Immaculate Heart of Mary meets on the second Tuesday of every month, at 8 p. m., and receives Holy Communion on the third Sunday at the 8 o'clock mass. The Holy Name Society receives Holy Communion on the second Sunday of every month, at the 7 o'clock mass, and meets at 7:30 p. m. the same day. The Conference of St. Vincent de Paul meets every Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock. The League of the Sacred Heart and Apostleship of Prayer meets on the first Friday of every month, at 8 p. m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every first Friday all day. Promoters meet on the Tuesda yafter the third Sunday of every month at 8 p. m. The St. Joseph Sodality receives Holy Communion on the Saturday of preceding the First Sunday the month, and meets on the following day, at 3:45 p. m., in the Chapel. The Holy Angel's Sodality receives Holy Communion on the fourth Saturday of every month at the 8 o'clock mass, and meets in the School Hall at 3:30 p.m. the following Sunday. The Altar Boys' Society meets every Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock in the Chapel. The Collectors of the School Fund As sociation meet every Monday evening. The Junior Holy Name Society receives Holy Communion on the First Sunday of the month, at the 8 o'clock Mass, and meets in the lower church on the following Monday evening at 7:30 HOME FURNISHERS. The furnishing of Homes-that's our business. We know how to put style and solidity into a piece of Furniture-without extravagance. Just so with Carpets, Oil Cloths, Refrigerators, Baby Carriages, etc. Everything has got to have good wear in it as well as good looks-or it won't be handled here. That is why our goods please folks. They give service and satisfaction. Our methods are modern. Extreme economy in the Prices-broad gauge liberality in the terms. We are glad to give CREDIT not merely to the rich, who don't need it, but to deserving people in every walk of life to whom it is an accommodation. OUR RUG AND CARPET DEPARTMENT Was never in better shape. We have an immense stock of all grades and colorings to select from at the lowest possible prices. We are showing new and exclusive designs in parlor work. We will make your parlor suit to order; you select the frames, the coverings, etc., and we will do the rest. Write for Illustrated Booklet. Jas, R. Keane & Co. East side of the Avenue, between 77th 1351-1353-1355-1357 THIRD AVENUE 78th Sts., one block above L Station & Third Avenue ears pass the door. Broadway and Lenox Avenue cars one block west Furniture Upholstering in All Branches. We make a specialty of Cabinet Making, Revarnishing, Regilding and Re-upholstering, also Interior Decorating. C. B. L. Open Evenings K. of C. THE PARISH MONTHLY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL, A sincere and cordial welcome to our friends, who are gathered here this even ing. Their generosity and hearty cooperation have made possible this occasion, and to all we extend our heartfelt thanks, and the assurance of our deep appreciation. We are assembled to do honor to our beloved Pastor, Father Connolly, and his zealous assistant, Father Talbot; to present them a testimonial of our affection and good will, and to wish them God-speed on the eve of their departure for the Eternal City, there to meet in glad re-union the friends and companions of student days, and celebrate with them the Golden Jubilee of their glorious "Alma Mater." It is indeed a joyous occasion for them, made doubly so by this out-pouring of the members of the congregation of Our Lady of Good Counsel, this splendid manifestation of the love and kindness of a loyal and devoted people. The memory of this night will abide with them while life shall last, and be for them, and all who are participants, an occasion to which memory will revert in future years with feelings of genuine and unalloyed pleasure. Our thoughts and prayers, our hearts' best wishes accompany our departing guests; may God have them in His Holy keeping, bless and prosper their journey, and bring them safely home again to a loyal people who will await with joy their coming. We tender our sincere thanks to the ladies and gentlemen, as well as to all the "little folks," of the parish who have worked so earnestly and enthusiastically for the success of this occasion. Our earnest thanks are also justly due to all who have so kindly volunteered their services and talents for this evening, who entertained us with such a superior and enjoyable programme. They have given abundant evidence that they deemed the occasion worthy of their best efforts. That these have been most heartily appreciated, the generous applause which has greeted them is, we trust, ample and satisfying testimony. Rev. Vincent de Paul McGean, 1. Selections, "Band of the Immaculate 2. Welcome..... Rev. John J. A. Murphy Molloy 3. Solo, "Because". Miss Anna G. Murphy 4. Solo, "To the End of the World With You" Thomas E. Sheilds, M.D. 5. Solo, "A May Morning". Mrs. Mary A. Weed ... Denza 6. Schreiner & Wills, Singing Artists Original Compositions 7. J. Schreiner, G. Wills Arthur Voos Thomas Kelly 8. Selections, "Band of the Immaculate Virgin" |